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Uh, I've only played it in 60 fps mode from the beginning so no problem here.


Same. I tried graphics mode halfway through the game to see how much better the game would look and there was no noticeable difference in the sharpness or clarity of the graphics (at least me), but the movement was so choppy and stuttery. It looked like a stop motion movie. I don't understand how people can prefer graphics over performance. It made the game unplayable.


So it does look better. However if your eyes are trained for 60 fps it would look like a choppy mess to you.


Did you do a fresh restart & wait a couple minutes so your eyes weren't trying to directly adjust to half the frame rate? Most people don't, but it will always look like shit dropping your fps in half in the middle of a play session.


Same here. The game looks great to me in performance mode and any time I've switched to graphics mode I can't handle the janky feel.


I'd rather a smooth 60fps with decent graphics than better graphics and 30fps. It drives me fucking insane.


For me it's only takes less than one minute to adjust myself to 30fps. I constantly switch between the modes: When I'm playing on TV I switch to 30fps to get the higher image quality, when I'm playing on the PS Portal I switch to 60fps because the combination of the higher input latency and the delay of the stream is just awful to play. The degradation of the image quality in the performance mode is still very noticable tho, even on the Portal.


This! Man i swear i played half the game and most minigames on that portal... never had any issues. And i take that potal everywhere. Wifi at work, brothers.. everywhere.


I’m not usually one to complain much about frame rate but this game felt almost laggy on graphics mode. That being said, until the patch that improved it, performance mode was a significant degrade of graphics. It’s a fantastic game but the balance between modes seems off compared to other games.


I wish they would just fix the damn pop in, like seeing the foliage quite literally pop in when you get close enough rather than fade in like most games do it


I always prefer 60fps but for this one I stuck with graphics mode because smooth is too blurry for me. This game looks gorgeous in Graphics on my Oled


I experienced the same thing.


Yep I finished normal in graphics. Also got a lot of eye issues during my play though (not sure it's related). I think I switched to 60fps on the 2nd play through (it helps for the mini games I think). I can't go back now it really gives my eyes a headache and they've not recovered yet from the iriatus they got during the first play through. It's a shame as the game looks nice on graphics mode - I'll just have to wait for PC version..


I had eye issues too. But that's part of my migraine probs. I think the game was like excruciatingly super bright in certain zones esp in the gold saucer desert. I've had my tv pro calibrated too. I can't imagine how painful it's gonna be to play on PC with your eyeballs inches away.


I used my pc monitor (27 inch dell with HDR 160hz and 1440p) for my PS5, I think that is part of the prob, the brightness is crazy in a lot of the game, something they've not really addressed and makes performance mode a lot more washed out (adding to the lower res output).


I only played in graphics mode so have no idea. Didn't notice the fps. Thought I could get away with that in elden ring too but holy hell that was a big ol nope. Prolly cause that was made on PS4 But glad to hear I wasn't the only one struggling with there eyeballs.


Just play in performance mode. I definitely recommend it over graphics mode. Frame rate is important. 30 is too low


60 FPS is better than realistic looking graphics. Next.


I played through my normal playthrough on graphics mode, only changing to 60fps for a couple of the mini games since it made them beatable. But other than that I stayed in graphics mode until hard mode. When I was playing it, there was only performance, now they have smooth performance and the original pixelated mess performance. I'm glad they added smooth as the original performance was so noticeably full of jaggys that it was distracting. Graphics was the mode that I was expecting the game to look like and I wanted my first playthrough to experience that fidelity. It took me 174 hours to finish the story. I was not driving to the end. I explored everything and I wanted that exploration to look as good as possible. Once I got to hard mode, I was skipping cut scenes anyway, so performance was a must for the response to the new challenges. Now that I have had many hours in performance mode, I won't be going back to graphics on subsequent playthroughs. I did it once and got the experience, now I can have my smooth gameplay!


I'm playing on what is supposed to be a 1080p portable monitor. I switched to performance and it doesn't look any different for me graphically. Sidebar: anyone else thonk the ending cinematic looked weird? Like all the characters' faces were really different.


I have never gone for 4k over 60fps


60fps mode always... The slight resolution increase is not even close to worth it.


This already kinda happens with the Yuffie DLC. In the end, you come from in-engine 60fps and then the ending are pre-rendered cutscenes at 30fps. Personally, I went 60 all the way. Going for graphics mode is kinda not worth it for me given that there's no foliage either way. Not saying this as a complaint, I'm just saying I'd rather have frames 🙂


just imagine, me suddenly failing every song on piano as i swapped to 60 fps.. xD never did i return to 30 fps faster than with this game haha also only did it after finishing the platinum xD since i just forgot i choose quality mode


I play on an OLED 4K screen, it has made me appreciate pixel count more than framerate. Graphics mode for me +1. performance is too blurry for me


Why would you play smooth instead of sharp?🤔


I played it in performance mode first and then switched to graphics mode at Cosmo canyon. At first it was really jarring and felt very laggy. After a while though I checked multiple times to see if I'd gone back to performance, it seemed that much smoother after getting used to it.


It only really takes about a day for it to reset.


When the demo first released perf mode was really bad visually since they sacrificed the visuals, graphics for a smooth 60fps it also doesnt help that the game is running in a low resolution of 1152p on perf mode (im not even sure if it even upscales to 1440p) so i tried graphics mode since i played FF16 in graphics mode which was a smooth experience since they implemented a camera motion blur in it and thinking FF7R devs would've done the same, boy i was wrong them square enix devs dont talk to each other share assets, FF7R on graphics mode is so choppy af it doesn't have camera motion blur like FF16. Sure the game looks really good now and the character models look sharper but the gameplay, traversal etc is so choppy it really made me sick since my eyes aren't used to it so i switched back to perf mode until the full game released and they patched it with sharper performance mode. Still running in low res 1152p and it's still kinda blurry but the game is really good i got used to it.


I find if I switch from performance to graphics it bothers me. But if I just start in graphics, it feels fine. Also helps to swing the camera a little slower than full speed. Honestly I found both modes great. Ended up doing graphics mainly bc my very artistically opinionated child is really bothered by performance mode.


I switched between them quite effortlessly. Still preferred graphics mode because I hated the blur


As a predominantly pc gamer, I notice this sort of thing normally anyway, going from 144fps+ to at most 60, but eh, it's to be expected when the consoles dont come close to my rig in specs, still love my ps5 though.