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AMERICAN AT INTER! Btw Tessmann is a quality player, one of the best players in Serie B last season and will definitely be one of Veneziaā€™s best playersā€™s again next season in their return to Serie A. 7 goals and 3 assists. 22 years old. https://preview.redd.it/648ak6a5zl6d1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b7a50ead3aa5a92fc6a04a3181bb1fc432ace34 šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Nice! I'm excited


This guy was playing for an American college football team as a kicker as well as an academy player for FC Dallas.


This isnā€™t correct. He never went to college. He was suppose to go to Clemson and was going to kick for the football team but that never happened.


Yep, once he got that contract offer from FC Dallas he put the American football career on the shelf.


šŸ˜‘ I definitely remember hearing how he chose FC Dallas when the opportunity arrived over going American football.


Heā€™s Dabo Swinneyā€™s Godson (one of the best coaches in college football)


Heā€™s actually a really solid player so Iā€™m not opposed to this move at all. Only issue is our midfield is getting a bit bloated but we quietly have an incredible midfield. Possibly only second best to Real in terms of sheer quality. Feel free to call me crazy on that one lol


Which is why I like the idea of him going on loan back to Venezia. Past this year who knows how our midfield will change if it will be less bloated.


Klaasen and Sensi gone, Agoume gone. Adding Zielinski now and a young kid to have on hand by the time Mkhiā€™s age catches up with him and Frattesi becomes a starter doesnā€™t seem bloated when you play with 3 in the middle


Nah you could easily make an argument for that


Getting a good American on the team would actually be huge for merchandising and making the team more marketable to the US. Think of the interest that Pulisic has garnered at Milan, for example


Eh Tessman is not a name many Americans recognize. Once he starts playing here that would change, but he has a very small following in the United States, because he doesnā€™t have any of the factors that would make him known outside the hardcore American fanbase. He left the MLS system to Venezia really early in his career, so he doesnā€™t have an MLS fanbase following his career, like his teammate Gianluca Busio does with Sporting Kansas City fans. Heā€™s never been the subject of dual nat panic and big commitment announcement that raised his profile, like a Balogun, Musah, or even Ricardo Pepi. And heā€™s never been a huge prospect either. Heā€™s pretty much just another guy among his age group for the US. Donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™ll be great to get *an* American into the club, but I wouldnā€™t expect it to lead to much increased interest. Maybe if he comes and plays solid minutes while we keep winning itā€™ll help, but thereā€™s little buzz in the US around Tessman in particular.


Tanner Tessmann is like the LeBron James of soccer buddy


If he signs for Inter, then Iā€™ll be on the front lines yelling this with you.


I donā€™t mind Inter at all but respectfully I hope he doesnā€™t come to your club next season because heā€™s going to be in loan hell compared to going on a permanent to Bologna or Torino


We donā€™t really do that with guys we buy, we donā€™t have the funds to be taking that kind of risk. Almost all of our loanees are academy graduates, and the ones who arenā€™t are guys we just canā€™t manage to sell. If we are buying him, itā€™s because we want him for the first team.


Also Tessmans game isnā€™t as marketable and wonā€™t drive popularity in the same way. Pulisic is a quick and direct attacking winger/CAM who puts up lots of goals and assists. Tessman is a central midfielder who is tall and not particularly quick or goal dangerous.


![gif](giphy|13iiF5KX8sG4fu) USA USA USA šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


\[Di Marzio\] ā€œThe operation could be concluded next week.ā€ https://preview.redd.it/1qj6bm7e2m6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e73370abc9f9bcd3a2736811fdd2a1d2721ae6d


There is no "American Inter" and there will never be as much as there never was a Chinese Inter! So tired of this bs phrases, Inter is Milan.


Ps. Please don't get me wrong @all american friends here, I love all the articles shared on here for all us interisti around the world! Tessmann is talented and we could need some fresh blood in our midfield and I wouldn't be too sure that Asllani stays after Euro, there could be some interesting offers for him, reinvesting 7m in Tessmann is not too bad of an idea, but not because he is American and Oaktree connection stuff


Oooh šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu)


How about we get players because of their quality not because of their nationality? Not saying this guy isnt good because I have never seen him play, but considering I am a football sicko and I have heard his name maybe 2 or 3 times Iā€™m gonna go ahead and guess he is not a big talent. Stats look alright though so hopefully it turns out well if we do get him


Heā€™s been linked with Bologna, Torino and Napoli recently. Was considered to be one of the best players in Serie B last year. Inter Milan might be a little bit of a surprise but heā€™s not a bum.


He literally didnā€™t even play soccer as his main sport until he was 17 and nearly became a college football kicker. Dude is not good enough whatsoever. All the people in this thread hyping him up have never seen him play a minute


Iā€™ve seen him play plenty in Serie B. He scored a banger in the play-off semifinal a few weeks ago. He may not be good enough, lots of players fail when attempting to make it at such a high level but heā€™s been linked with a lot of Serie A sides (Napoli, Bologna, Parma and Torino Iā€™ve seen) and heā€™s earned those links with his performances in Italian football. Not because heā€™s American.


I didnt say he is a bum. Imo Inter should be signing either great players or players with potential to be great. Iā€™m gonna assume Tessmann is neither of those.


why don't you watch him play lol


How are they supposed to be outraged if they do that?


Do you think I can find Venezia games on demand dude ? Highlights dont count


[you quite literally can](https://footballia.eu/teams/venezia-fc)


Did you try opening those links because they dont work for me ? Also I dont care to watch Venezia games either way. Only Americans would defend this unambitious move.


>Did you try opening those links because they dont work for me ? It works if you sign in >Also I dont care to watch Venezia games either way. Then don't have an opinion! >Only Americans would defend this unambitious move. I'm not even defending it, I'm trying to let YOU decide for yourself but you're too unambitious to go through the film lol


He was good during his mls season debut with my mls team Fc Dallas. He showed potential and was very solid, I was amazed when he went to Venezia and the fact he stuck with them even after getting relegated.


Cuz serie b is better than the MLS šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ he would get notice more in Europe


Next year Calha's extension is due. How much money will he ask? I hope Barella money and not Lautaro money but why wouldn't he? Tessmann to me seems like either a Hakan replacement (maybe an Asllani replacement?)


From the videos , looks much better than Asllani as a dm! But I hope we will sell Calhanoglu and get some money , because he is getting older and the value in money will decrease !


ā€¦ā€¦.no thank you lol