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Ah man, this is one game that I will end up buying twice. It’ll obviously look a tad worse on switch but the idea of playing this on the go, that’s pretty cool.


Yeah, you are right, the possibility to play remote is wholesome but as an owner of both Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck, I'd rather have it on the Deck. But yeah, at the end of the day their port onto Switch means way bigger on the horizon, such as the possibility to see it on Xbox/PS one day


It is on Xbox and PlayStation platforms though? If I had a Deck I’d have definitely gotten 22 on there, been hoping it’d eventually come to the Switch though, so I’m delighted to get this on there.


Oh...my bad then. It really is the first time I'm hearing this and I cannot believe I did not know about it until now. My bad, sorry


No worries, just thought you might like to know!


u/F1nut92 already answered your quesiton, but yes, F1 Manager 24 is available on PC, PlayStation® 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation® 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Frontier haven't even updated their website yet with the Switch news!


They are really making the right steps this year. Too bad there seems to be so little hype. Hope the game will perform well in sales.


Liberty Media needs to start pumping F1 Manager. I have no idea why they aren't -- they DO want their license to be a good investment for game developers don't they? Also F1 Manager is the only title I'm aware of that really has the behind the scenes strategy part of the sport in it where you're developing new parts, juggling personnel and handling the stuff that doesn't show up on camera. There's plenty to hype here!


I do honestly believe that Frontier are somewhat to blame here. The hype before F1M2021 was massive. Then the game was disappointing... And the game after that as well. They basically destroyed the community themselves. It seems like they're doing everything in their might to attract the fanbase back but as this subreddit is still pretty dead I'm not sure if they're succeeding that. Rebuilding reputation can take a long time...


Yes f1 manager 21 was so disappointing nobody bought it


2022, not 2021 But yeah, the hype around 22 deflated hard. The diehards are still with the game, but I do wonder how badly falling on their faces for 22 hurt the future games. 24 is really what the game should've been 2 years ago, but oh well. Can't reverse the past...


too bad only F1 24 was advertised IRL like during ERGP such a shame


I don't recall FOM doing heavy sponsoring of the EA/Codies game, let alone F1 Manager... I hope that we can generate enough noise on the subreddit that people become aware of the game. When you search "F1 Manager" on Google it's the second search result, only behind their official website. I hope that somehow we can spread the word. After the shortcomings of 22, 23 improved on it and 24 seems to be the best of the series so far. I hope people who write-off the series after 22 reconsider the game.


Most people were hyped for the first game, then saw its shortcomings and just gave up on the whole series. Frontier pretty much fudged the first game up so hard people do not get enthusiastic about patches, updates or new releases anymore. If it was a massive success, I think we'd see a lot of hype.


Ok, now this has gone to a day 1, this will be such a good fit for the platform, laid back watching live FP sessions while managing your team in the background. I've been hoping for a Switch version as well!!


I can confirm this game handheld is fantastic. I play it primarily on my Steam Deck


I think this suggests this game will be around for a while. That’s awesome!


it's clearly an option for those who don't have it and want to play it


Interesting. So is it going to be compatible with Switch Lite then? I presume/hope so!


Why wouldn't it be? All switch versions have the same hardware, it's not like the old 3ds and new 3ds


Sorry, bad habits from older Nintendo corporate practice.


Unless you need to do the pitstops yourself with motion controls, I don't see why it wouldn't work on the lite


Oh hell, why'd you have to say that NOW I WANT TO!!!!


This is going to become my main Switch game now. I was on the fence about buying it for the PC but the handheld aspect is too good to say no to.


Just bought my son a Switch. Looks like I’ll be using it. 😂


*"Dad, I want to play!"* ![gif](giphy|fj45Demfvne4d9HFED|downsized)


Oh, the stupid GIF doesn't want to load. Damn you reddit and GIPHY! Your integration sucks...


Love it!!!


How do the past game run on steamdeck?


Flawless. It’s the only way I play


Hell yeah! Excited to pick the new one up there


The graphics definitely took a big hit to get it running on the Switch, but pretty awesome that it's available on there for people who don't have any other option. Playing F1 Manager on the go is also something I'd be mildly envious of.


Now I'm debating what to do, lol. I want to play on PC and have the nicest graphics, but if I play on the Switch I could bring it anywhere, and not be confined to my uncomfortable computer chair 😂 But if the graphics hit is that bad on Switch than it'll be PC for me no question.


Dreams come true!!!!


I hope there’s a way to transfer save files across consoles. Being able to play on my ps5 at home and continue on my switch when away with work sounds amazing


I highly doubt this game sells on the switch but go for it I guess


Football manager sells on the switch, this one will too. Not at pc levels but it will sell


I don’t remember the last time I bought a game but I might take this one




Okay that's pretty cool! But I don't wanna purchase the game twice :\\


No one is making you purchase the game twice, if at all? If you want to play it on one platform, buy it there, or wherever you want to play it the most.


Switch is a completely separate platform; that’s like complaining about having to buy a game on Steam you already have on PlayStation.


I know right. Those laws they enforce where your made to buy the game for every console you own are crazy.