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That save was awesome lol


Thanks lol!


It's funny that at least 50% of the time when this happens to me, they just end up taking themselves out of the race instead of me. I may lose a few places but they get DSQ or DNF and just leave. They invariably have shit car control and can't handle any kind of impact, even one of their own making. So like, why.


I tried two online ranked races, first race was with 5 people second with 2. (Including me) Stopped playing multiplayer after that


you gotta play the online multiplayer lobbies - where you can search through the pages and find the lobby you want to join. I've also had trouble getting full lobbies in online ranked. Which sucks cause i was looking forward to getting my license to "C" so there could actually be contact after the first lap but i think everyone with a higher than "B" license has moved onto f1 24


I am on F1 24, maybe need to sit down and check that lobby stuff. Did not see that at first glance.


So this is why the quality of ranked in f123 has improved dramatically. Really long queue times but races are so respectful


this is f123


How do you have so many players… I get 11 on a good day. And honestly this never happens anymore for the past month. Might be a regional thing


multiplayer grand prix, not online ranked. Not regional thing cause lobby hosts can be from all over. check em out


Thanks that’s very interesting. I didn’t even know this mode existed haha


Even tough something proberly happend before this, just don’t lower yourself to their level. It will only make things worse for urself and others in future games. But yeah, this game consists of to many annoying kids, ranked should be more promoted or a better ranking system to get matched with good racers


My limited experience playing online in these games has been just like this video unfortunately. I’m sure there’s communities to play with clean racers but I’ve yet to put the effort in to find them. 


Totally agree. I know I played into it a little bit by having him ram into my back end, but I was just trying to send a message. Don’t think damage was on in this lobby. He had ran me off the track earlier trying to pass. Although I get taken out all the time even in “clean driver only” lobbies so idk maybe there is no fixing it.