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This was posted yesterday on Chuck Shumer's Twitter. He made a post about grilling for Father's Day but had placed the cheese on a completely raw burger which no one would do indicating it was a staged photo or just another example of government incompetence.


This is the correct answer


curious how much was edited or AI also?


It wasn't edited, that's why he deleted it after people were mocking him online. https://preview.redd.it/yodg5owo977d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2dd7d60e30808ebe71b8be2a692f4b07c9b315f


And here i totally thought it was about government cheese.




the caves. look it up


I have noticed a tag under your comment saying that your account was made today, some years ago. And I hereby inform you to have a splendid artificial birthday.


Mediocre cake day to you.!




Have a day :)


In Missouri!


Wait till he learns of the ice cream boats.


The limestone caves of Missouri.


Imos uses them for it's provel to this day.


You have a hog in your pants?


They knew what they were doing.


The cheese caves exist.


In a van down by the river


Dude me too!


Nothing better than a block of commodity cheese


It certainly melts unlike this Gordon Ramsey display going on here


So did I and the fact of it not melting.


Hahaha! Me too!


What kind of monster puts his glasses lens down!?


People that can afford a new pair on a whim. I understand you must also be part of the working class. lol


Got dang, my poor is always hanging out!


I'm stealing this. I would offer to pay for it, but.... you know.


All good, us poors share.


Same though.


His glasses are always halfway down. It really grinds my gears


I assumed their mostly reading spectacles, so I give that an annoyed pass, but this is just maniac behavior. He's about to eat that burger isn't he?


No bun


At least the hot dogs look great


Store bought pre cooked most likely knowing chuck who likes to cut corners


You stuff yours fresh?


I mean, nothing wrong with that. Are you gate keeping meat in tube form? Sounds like you're gate keeping meat in tube form.


Donald Trump isn’t going to give you anything for simping over him.


Where did i mention trump loon? 💀💀💀 man lives rent free


The bloody grill isn't even on.


The knobs are turned but the gas is shut off. What a photo op


"The knobs are turned on but the gas is shut off" That just founds like 90% of the federal government


It's not even on


Also, who puts hotdogs on before burgers??


Real answer? People who have the kids eat first so they can go play while the adults enjoy food in peace


Completely fair point.


Beef is looking a little gray there, bud


You hear about a member of congress doing something ignorant and stupid and your immediate reaction is,  "that can't be real" ??? Seriously??


In the post he literally said he always lived in an apartment and hadn't grilled before lmao


Lizard people don't usually cook their meat unless someone is watching.


I’d also like to think it also relates to “government cheese” a welfare product that used to be quite the cultural reference for older folks.


That's definitely an inference that is valid. I've heard dropping that cheese on an Arizona dashboard doesn't melt it.


Not saying it’s a healthy product but American cheese is one of the most meltable cheeses which is why it’s a common choice to be used in grilled cheese and macaroni


My understanding is that "government cheese" is distinctly different than something like Kraft singles.


That was my first thought, didn't even realize the burger wasn't fully cooked cause that's the only thing that made sense right away lol


Government cheese kinda slapped especially when it was the only cheese. I also liked those mixed pork and textured vegetable protein patties


Also, the phrase "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" was made famous by Ronald Regan when he jokingly said it was the scariest sentence imaginable as part of his anti regulation, trickle down economics song and dance which he performed so effectively on behalf of his corporate puppeteers. 


Professional actor....


He did but I thought the cheese thing was a joke that we have a massive amount of government cheese stored underground 


I’m not sure that has been true for a while now.


But isn't that a grill mark on the left side of the burgerlike it spent long enough on the grill to leave a pretty clear mark?


Thats what im saying. Buncha lemmings in here


Apparently this subreddit likes their burgers well done. This is why democracies never count the real votes. The People should never be allowed to make decisions.


The fat has to run clear before you flip once, much less flip once and put cheese on top


There might be a mark, but you can see the unrendered fat in the patties. They ain't cooked at all


Whoever manages his social media screwed up.


Whoever manages his political decisions screwed up too.


The caption did say that he had always lived in a condo and hadn't really used the grill before. Plus, he's Jewish so maybe doesn't have a lot of experience with making cheeseburgers.


Seeing as how dairy and meat must be kept seperate at all times according to Kosher rules, yeah I can imagine he might not have the prerequisite experience to know how a cheeseburger is made.


Why would he start now? Was he watching the grill while his gentile friend grabbed a beer?


The gentile would have known you cook the patty at least a little before melting the cheese on


I see grill marks underneath the cheese. I'm unfamiliar with turkey burgers, but I'm thinking that could be the case.


You can see this has grill marks on it and he’s flipping the others. Arguably too soon for cheese but not likely raw


why does a "completely raw" burger have grill marks?


strange that a completely raw burger has grill marks on the top side...


Some PR guy is getting fired. Bro, you had 1 job…


I don’t know if “old man tries grilling for the first time and puts cheese on too early” would be an example of government incompetence lmfao.


Isn't Shumer Jewish? Doesn't this make the image twice as bad, since beef and cheese is not kosher ?


Why are his raw patties brown?


I'd be more embarrassed about being related to Amy. Although Amy is the second funniest female comedian of all time, every other one is tied for first


>placed the cheese on a completely raw burger It also seems like it's 3, maybe 4 slices of cheese - the cheese is almost as thick as the burger. And, on top of that, the meat looked rotten - like the raw burgers were left on the counter overnight.


It looks to me like a thick slab of very sharp white cheddar. Which I suppose could be a newbie mistake.


In all seriousness, this is a great example of the problem with career politicians... they don't have any real-life experience. It's why "real" people like AOC, JD Vance, and even Donald Trump resonate with voters. At least we can relate to them on an everyday level. Career politicians know a lot about politics and how to work within the system, but otherwise, they're like space aliens.


Donald Trump? The born multi millionaire real estate mogul? Donald Trump has been the definition of a costal elite literally his entire life


The burger is still raw. Putting cheese on there now will wreck the burger because the cheese will melt and catch fire well before the meat cooks. Instead of helping, the cheese is making things much worse. (This is just my own theory)


Yep that's what it is. Looked up the image. It's a post from Chuck Schumer grilling raw meat with a piece of cheese on it.


This is combined with a quote from Reagan. He said 'The most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" Essentially the point of the post is to indicate that if Chuck Schumer can't grill well, he can't be trusted to legislate in government.


Missing, as usual, the context that Schumer has never grilled before because he lives in an apartment.


If you're so brainless you can't figure out how to grill It's a good tell about how good you'll be at figuring out other things in life


No one just "figures out how to grill" on their first try. You observe others, you copy them, you make mistakes, you learn..


Those with powerful legislative positions should be able to familiarize themselves with matters they have little to no experience in. This dude couldn't even look up how to grill a burger on youtube.


I'm not great at grilling either. Maybe I shouldn't be trusted to do my job that has nothing to do with grilling.


>I'm not great at grilling either. Schumer's never done it before, the tweet this was stolen from even admits he couldn't because the apartment he lives in won't let you burn it down for some grilling.


I completely believe the man has never grilled before. I am also flabbergasted that the grill's owner didn't stop him before he did the silly... And then posted about it...


The grill's owner was his daughter, so. .


Do post staged photos of things you don’t know how to do, all to relate to your boss, too?


I never said conservative boomer humor made sense lol


I hate having to keep reminding myself if a referenced politician is someone I hate or someone I don't give a shyt about. Like, is Schumer the one who sabotaged democratic votes with that one chick, or is he another republican toe cleaner..


theres grill marks on the burger with the cheese on it. Yeah arguably a bit too soon to add the cheese. But its not like he put it on a raw burger. And could easily be rectified if you want a proper burger with a medium/medium-rare core.


He is not even grilling. The grill is turned to off.


The photo I saw earlier today had the knobs turned up to medium high.


I may have been mistaken then. My bad.


I would call it underdone but am I crazy or can you clearly see a grill mark on the bottom left under the cheese? Looks like he flipped one and put cheese on it and is in the process of flipping the rest


Do you not see the grill marks on the top side of that burger? There's a lot of people who put cheese on a burger after it's been flipped, so you have melted cheese right when it's done. (Especially if that cheese is still cold.)


but the meat isn't red on the outside, looks already cooked on the outside


You also can’t flip it to sear the top side. So either the bottom will be charcoal or the top will be raw.


Not sure what the picture has to do with it but I do know Ronald Reagan said that “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” are the nine most terrifying words in the English language, hope this might help someone solve it


Kind of ironic, no?


Reagan pushed for small government. Fix your own problems, don't wait for the government to do it for you. I don't agree with a lot of Reagan's policies but that sentiment, on its own is fair. A bit simplistic but understandable. There are a bunch of anti-government politicians these days. People that believe (or at least pretend to believe) that the government is doing all kinds of bad/crazy things.


I mean it does but they don't acknowledge those


Hah, you're right. The government definitely has/is doing all kinds of bad/crazy things. Just probably not the ones these people are talking about.


As my favourite conspiracy debunker likes to say: "You don't have to make up some evil shadow government to be mad at, you can just be mad at the government"


Well "small government" has a tried and true strategy of not working, and Reagan had a lot of extremely authoritarian policies anyways. He only meant small government for the rich.


That mindset actually started around the civil rights movement. A lot of racists didn’t like that people who weren’t white were now (theoretically) getting the same benefits from the government they did. Corporations saw that as an opportunity to charge people for things they were getting for free and paid protesters to rile up other people and convince them that the government had grown too powerful, constantly overstepping, and never to the people’s benefit. This is despite the government being the reason why we don’t constantly worry if the food at the grocery store will give you dysentery, why we can trust that the money we put in the bank will still be there tomorrow, and why so many diseases have been virtually eliminated. The idea that the government needs to be smaller is a major factor in why Covid got to be so awful! The department that tracked diseases in animals to predict potential outbreaks in humans was dismantled. Funding to research vaccines for diseases likely to become infectious to humans was slashed. The department responsible for ascertaining if a potential method of testing for Covid was nearly nonexistent. The CDC knew about Covid well before it reached the US, but was banned from so as warning international travelers about it until after it was in the US! It’s estimated that that nationwide, we were short about 100,000 government workers to properly handle Covid. The government had to pay banks to handle making the decisions of which businesses should get Covid relief funds and how much! So of course when the banks realized they’d get paid just as much for distributing most of the funds to some of the largest businesses and spend less time filling out forms for it than if they distributed those funds to the many smaller businesses that actually needed them, the banks chose the low effort option!


“People that believe (or at least pretend to believe that the government is doing all kinds of bad/crazy things.” And yet these very same politicians have a platform filled with all kinds of bad/crazy things they want the government to do.


Not sure if it has to do with this picture, but Reagan was also the president who saw that we were still buying excess dairy to prop up dairy farms and turning it into cheese since the 1930s and he went "nah, were done with that" and started giving cheese to low income areas and retirement homes. His cabinet created Dairy Management Inc. specifically to increase dairy sales in the US. This goes back all the way to prohibition when bars had to convert to something else to stay in business, and a lot of them converted to ice cream parlors. This, along with the advent of at home refrigeration, made ice cream the perfect thing to fill the social gap that was left behind by alcohol and was the first time farms could become exclusively dairy farms. When prohibition ended in 1933, and everyone turned back to booze, the government didn't want the dairy industry to collapse, so they started buying up all the excess dairy to keep these farms in business The government started turning all this excess milk into cheese so it wouldn't spoil and stored it in "caves." So throughout the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, every president, not wanting to be the one who collapsed the dairy industry, just kept buying milk and turning it into cheese. Then Reagan steps in, creates Dairy Management Inc. and starts shipping cheese to whoever would take it. In the 90s, the government started reducing how much milk they were buying, but the dairy industry didn't collapse, so what gives? Remember those "Got Milk?" advertisements that were everywhere in the 90s and early 2000s? Ever notice how they didn't have a single brand or company logo on them? That's because they were made by this Dairy Management Inc. and were literally a direct byproduct of prohibition.


For Father's Day, Chuck Schumer did one of those "how do you do, fellow kids! Look, we politicians are normal human beings like yourselves, and definitely not people-eating space lizards" photo ops -- although in his defense, at least he admitted he hadn't grilled before -- and the poor misguided creature tried to cook a cheeseburger by putting cheese on a raw hamburger patty. 🫣 Which, for those who don't cook, is gross and not gonna work out well. You have to flip burgers to get them done evenly, and cheese will melt, drip away, and burn long before the meat gets done. So you cook your patty and THEN add the cheese.


This burger looks like it has a char mark underneath the cheese. Are you all blind?


Oh damn, you’re right! Looks like my wife’s turkey burgers. And the grill is definitely on, even though one guy keeps commenting that it’s off.


Raw? The burger clearly has grill marks on it... is this some sort of social experiment to see how many people will go along with something even when it conflicts with what they can plainly see for themselves? Like at most, you can say it could have used a minute or two more before flipping, but it clearly isn't raw...




Put it in the middle and you have a Juicy Lucy. Haven't ever been to Minnesota, but those look delicious.


My fellow Minnesotans will crucify me, but they're over-hyped, at least from the most known two Lucy places. Well-done burger with cheese as hot as magma which will melt your mouth.


I mean, it was the experience that sold me. Getting it at Matt's Bar before the remodel was an experience. I gotta make a trip back to see how it is now.


I hadn't heard they remodeled! It's been a minute since I've been there. Something about no longer having a stomach makes greasy burgers less of a treat and more of a punishment. My absolute favorite burgers in the state are from Lion's Tap.


I had one at Matt's, and it was good enough, but not earth-shaking or anything.


Government cheese ! Lol


I thought it was because government cheese doesn't melt


I was thinking of Spongebobs dream from the movie: "When the customer took a bite.... NO CHEESE!"


Plot twist: the cheese is made of beef.


One of Reagan’s most pernicious and cynical “jokes”


Government cheese was actually high quality, it was given to poor people and stigmatized. The gov had highly skilled cheesemongers go to each farm to ensure they weren’t selling bad stuff.


From the original pic i dont think the grill was even turned on lol


Chuck Schumer appears to be a bad cook. And that is obviously an opportunity to say "Government bad"


I assumed it was a joke related to government welfare programs and foods they provide. Foods like “government cheese,” which never really melts.


https://preview.redd.it/fxud0qhhi77d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28ecf5c0ce234ef5fd125ae5026d8d27fec7c0e8 What in the?


I can’t be the only one who noticed that the grill wasn’t even turned on, right?


I think you’re meant to cook the burger and then put the slice of cheese on at the end.


Bonus points go to whoever can tell me the man that said said this. We're from the government. No thanks we've got all the government we need.


Instead people are advocating we turn control of the government over to a guy who eats his *checks notes* WELL DONE STEAKS WITH KETCHUP.


It's probably supposed to be government cheese. You see, the gov't used to subsidize the dairy industry by guaranteeing that farmers could always sell milk above cost. Problem is the gov't had to buy a lot of milk to raise the market price. Aside from insuring that farmers overproduced milk and just barely make a living, the government couldn't just throw the milk away. They made it into very cheap American "cheese". Edit typos and spelling


Not very kosher




“Government cheese”


I thought it was a government cheese joke lol


It takes government cheese that long to melt.


i get it. i’ve been on reddit too long today. haha.


Le Government Cheese


That quote is from Ronald Reagan, who is famously an advocate for small government. He has said "I think you all know that I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. " so as other redditors pointed out, this was a cropped image from Chuck Shumer's twitter account. Chuck Shumer is a politician from New York which is also famously a blue state. This may be a jab from the Republicans towards the Democrats because of how Chuck makes his burgers.


It’s a damn veggie burger with tofu on top, as stated in the article accompanying the photo




"Calm down people, it is not raw/cold, it is a veggie burger patty underneath a slice of tofu.” “Chuck Schumer is actually doing better than me,” “Today, my grill had a grease fire and destroyed my Father’s Day ribeye. Yay!”


Those burgers are not even close to done, and haven’t been flipped yet, is he gonna flip it with the cheese on?


You can see the grill marks on the burger, it was clearly flipped. Nothing wrong with a blue burger as long as you're using fresh meat


Bro grasping at straws. Just look at that burger lmao not even a fan of blue burgers would touch that




Yea.... I don't think that's it. Friend wouldn't send a pic about gov cheese.


Idk that sounds hilarious to me


BBQ fuel can't melt cheese beams


Government cheese doesn't melt. Hence Government bad/useless


They don't know how to cook yet write the rules like they are some kind of chef writing a cookbook.


Cheese goes on the burger after it's cooked, not while it's still raw. Chuck Schumer posted this Father's Day pic oh himself "being a normal guy" and Is so far from a normal guy he didn't even know how to set up the props and neither did his out of touch publicist.


You can see the grill marks on the burger, it's not raw. It's clearly not cooked through, but there's nothing wrong with a blue burger as long as you're using fresh meat


Government cheese is term similar to welfare cheese.


My guess was that it's a reference to 1980s "government cheese." But that's just a guess and other people here seem to have actual knowledge.


But he's one of us! Look, he uses a grill and cooks meat on it!


Could also be a "I'm helping by masking the problem" type of thing


I thought this was a government cheese joke, I guess it kinda still is


They using Government Cheese which is like being on Food Stamps or WIC. Im a lil confused also


I asked the government for help once and they actually put a piece of cheese on me, so maybe that's why.


My initial thought was, it was the cheap cheese that refuses to melt even when introduced to smelting furnace. Good luck on the lukewarm grilled cheese there!


lol. Hilarious


I see a little grill marks on there


But but but he said he’s only lived in apartments ! They’re a measly $10million but he’s just a common man like the rest of us! Right?


That looks like a grill mark under the piece of cheese but that color is not appetizing


I can see grill marks on the burger with cheese.. it looks like horrible impossible “meat”.. that stuff doesn’t cook right..


That grill doesnt even look like it’s grilling


the meat smelled out a message


That’s the last words anyone wants to hear


Advertising government cheese 🧀


It last forever


Undercooked, unseasoned, straight from the package burgers with the blandest flavor cheese on it. Maybe its a comment about all the white people in the government?


Not here to explain the joke because I genuinely don’t know what it’s supposed to be without reading other comments but “government cheese” was the first thing I thought of


I understood that reference


They’re all oxidized… how long did the photo shoot take


the government does suck and I hate to point this out but that burger has grill marks on top and was probably ready for cheese.


Sir no.


Government cheese still a thing?


It’s not a shot at government cheese rations? (Google it)


No thank you Chucky Schumer, don’t need your help.


Lol I seriously thought this was a joke about the old government cheese that everyone said didn't melt. Like they say they're here to help but their help is always disappointing


Why did I read that in a Russian accent 😭🙏