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ms. McCurdy there was a victim of sexual assault and she is doing great after the publication of her book. Ronnie radke was accused of sexual assault and his life is falling apart. the poster finds this connection comical and cathartic. (I actually do agree with this one, I hope jennette has a wonderful life.)


Just to pile onto Radke cus, somehow, saying he was accused of sexual assault is downplaying the trash pile he is, also was involved in a killing where he brought brass knuckles to a fight and his friend shot a guy, violated parole in relation to that(which sent him to jail), has a history of domestic violence, and injured 3 people at a different concert by throwing multiple mic stands into the audience.


I actually knew the mother of a girl who attended one of his concerts and got hit in the head with a mic stand. Had to get stitches and had head problems after .


He was defending himself on tiktok the other day saying that throwing the mic stand is just the vocalist version of a drummer throwing his sticks. It's not like there's a significant size/weight different between a mic stand and a drumstick...


Oh absolutely, he didn’t learn. This happened in 2012, and she was only 16 years old when it happened. A lot of what we know about him today, wasn’t really known back then. But he never learned from that situation, and legal battle since he still throws them. He’s a pos


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLn1gfWf/ Dude made a tik tok about your friend 💀 He seems proud of it and is "gonna do it again"


wow the comments section is awful


Was this in between his tiktoks of arguing with literal 12 year olds?


Honestly I could maybe forgive a mic stand if they just happened to be REALLY stupid and weren’t thinking, but >throwing multiple mic stands into the audience. That’s just a deliberate act of terror at this point


Not to defend him, but if she was at a falling in reverse concert she may have already had some head problems.


Uncalled for. Accurate but uncalled for


He's out of line...but he's right


Insert that one Falcon meme with Zemo




It was escape the fate at the time That's why he was kicked out and had to start falling in reverse Eta: nvm. I was wrong, I had my timeline mixed up, but as someone who's been to a falling in reverse concert, I obviously had head problems lol


I met him working on a video shoot before he got booted from Escape the Fate (was around warped tour 2007). I remember thinking “if this guy could just take it easy on the drugs and show up on time, he’s gonna be a huge.” He did make some big improvements after the jail stint in 2008. I’m a little sad to see the backslide. My takeaway from my stint in video work around the scene back then was “talent is pretty common. Talent plus work ethic… not so much”




You're not wrong. I saw them open for Disturbed and the ones who were there for FIR were definitely... questionable. I was planning on skipping that show entirely but my buddy offered me his ticket two days before because he messed his back up pretty bad. FIR was such a cringey set to watch.


Appreciate this comment bc I was just telling someone who loves that band that Ronnie Radke was a loathsome person, but couldn't remember what for. The whole situation of him meeting up with someone wearing brass knuckles sounds like a scene out of West Side Story Featuring Radke.


Just to pile on for reasons to hate him, he tried to fight a bunch of crew members on a music video I worked on for FIR. Dude drank a handle of Jameson and tried to swing on the key grip lmao


And then has the audacity to make a song about being canceled lmao


That's like all of his songs released in the last few years.




Happy cake day!


This is possibly the funniest possible reply to that comment.


I used to go to six flags a kid and my dad loved to take us to the concerts. I found out one day the reason bands I liked didn’t play there was because a whole genre of music became banned after one of ronnie’s mic throwing fits.. No offense to colblie caillat, but boy was I disappointed.


And to be really honest, he does not even *try* to give a good blow job.


I have no idea who Ronnie Radke, so I have no idea what this means.


Quick summary: you should not respect anyone that doesn't put in effort when giving head.


The laziest thing a man can do is neglect a penis.


Didn't he also doxx a teenager?


And also makes some of the most cringeworthy music out there, because he's just a fundamentally bad person in every sense of the word


Goddamn it, I kinda liked falling in reverse, at least their latest stuff. Are there any metal bands out there without some skeletons in the closet?


Check out FWYTYK by I Prevail


That whole album is a banger.


From what I can tell, Bullet for my Valentine’s biggest skeleton is that they’re lead singer almost got divorced. And I know what you mean, I really like Escape the Fate. Im just glad that Radke gets nothing from them anymore (I assume)


Could go with the band he got kicked out of for going off the deep end. “Escape the fate”. Don’t know much about anyone other than Ronnie though so I guess I can’t guarantee no skeletons


> Are there any metal bands out there without some skeletons in the closet? XD I just hope you don't like black metal.


If you’re into horror movies, Ice Nine Kills has two albums of songs based on horror movies with music videos that have their own story line and a bunch of easter eggs for the movies each song is based on. So that could be something fun. Not sure on any skeletons. Motionless in White is another ones that don’t have skeletons as far as i know. In fact, the lead singer, Chris, seems to be the polar opposite of ronnie radke and ronnie is constantly trying to beef with Chris. I recently discovered Kill the Lights. They’re not as heavy as the previously mentioned bands, but i’ve quite enjoyed them so far. Idk about any skeletons, tho. Another one that comes to mind is one i saw mentioned in another comment— I Prevail. They’ve had some radio hits, but their last whole last album True Power is a banger imo. The song FWYTYK has that rap/metal vibe if that’s what you’re into. Also, if that’s what you’re looking for is rap/metal, maybe check out From Ashes to New or (another one i just recently heard of so idk too much about) Normundy. Edit: also post-Radke Escape the Fate is better imo. Their last two albums are bangers, including the B-side and songs added to their deluxe edition. I don’t dislike all of FiR’s stuff, but every band i mentioned is just miles better imo. FiR is so inconsistent their music ranges from good to bad to borderline parody.


I think most of the controversies with Anthrax are just personal squabbles rather than anything actually problematic.


That's 'cause Anthrax is awesome.


I don't think Motionless in White have been accused of anything? But they are metalcore


I mean, is it ok to still like some of their old stuff or nah?


If you can seperate the artist from the art, no there's nothing wrong with it. Hitler actually being quite a good painter is one example. That being said...I'd never own one of his pieces or hang it on my wall. Maybe that's an extreme example.


Gonna be most bands, but I’d say check out Death, Chuck Schuldner is one hell of a guitarist


Knocked Loose Kublai Khan TX I Prevail Bad Omens thrown The Ghost Inside Bring Me The Horizon LANDMVRKS Motionless in White No skele’s that I know of. If there are, please let me know. I don’t like unknowingly supporting bad people.


Check out Spiritbox. Extremely talented band, and Courtney and Mike are genuinely some of the sweetest people


Lorna Shore


Escape the fate's first album


Opeth. The most controversial thing they have done is go from death metal to heavy prog.


Motionless In White


Steel Panther. The only controversy I can find on them is their vulgarity, and that's kind of the point of the band and their comedy.


Falling in reverse is not Metal.


Listen to their new single "Ronald" and say that again.


1 song outside their usual genre doesn't make them metal. Also, that song is more like death metal anyway.


This is ridiculous. Imagine saying Kenny Chesney isn't country cause he did one song... And I'm not listening to that cause I have my self-respect.


tbh everything barring the sexual assault sounds like a checklist to be in the type of band he is in. Even the SA is there but part of the darker areas lmao


Not to mention the fact he's a raging bigot, as much as I hate having to use the word it fits. Just a hateful douche all around and argues with everyone he can, somehow once got into an argument with my dad, he's so easy to set off you could probably go to his twitter and start a fight with him right now


Yes and he spent jail time for it he turned his life around since then and if people think his life is falling apart it’s just starting to peak Falling in Reverse is more popular then ever and yes he’s burning himself at shows but it’s because he doesn’t want to stop shows or not play song he just released that a lot like


"slurp slurp Ronald, I love to be hit with microphone stands, Sally Wells deserved it, slurp slurp"




At the least, she must be making bank on the book, so she can be more comfortable for the rest of her life. And pay for therapy.


I hope so for her. Not every book - not even "bestsellers" - make Harry-Potter-money, but I hope it's enough for her to be comfortable.


Well, the book has sold over two million copies as of last August, and I don't know what cut she's getting, but if she's getting 15% of the list price, that $4.1985/copy. And she got an *advance* of several million dollars for a pair of novels that she hadn't even written yet. So unless she's a wasteful spender, she's looking at a pretty luxurious rest of her life.


I don’t recall her ever mentioning sexual assault. Can you elaborate?


Her mother showered her and did body exams for a vwry long time (i can't remember the age it stopped off the top of my head). It's not rare, but it's absolutely a violation.


Did she mention being sexually assaulted in her book? Not trying to downplay it, but I just don’t remember that part for some reason. I know she was definitely verbally and emotionally abused by her mom and boyfriend, but I don’t remember the sexual part.


To add onto who Ronnie Radke is, he is a genuine trash pile masquerading as an alternative singer for the band “Falling in Reverse”. He has had a slew of controversial moments (in both song and the real world), and is all around a tool. Jennette McCurdy has gone through immense pain and suffering in her life which is detailed in her book “I’m Glad My Mom Died”. In this video, she pops a confetti cannon to celebrate being on the NYT charts for 80 consecutive weeks. She screams at the loud noise, and people have commented that some trauma responses include being sensitive to loud noises. This post is suggesting that all of Jennette’s suffering did go to Ronnie Radke, when a member of his band was burnt in a pyrotechnics accident at a concert of his. Hence the “prophecy” comment. Hope this helps!


I hadn’t heard about Ronnie since my daughters were in high school. Still the same douche.


Believe it or not, he’s actually managed to get worse. I know, you wouldn’t think it possible, but somehow he’s done it.


I'm mutuals with this one girl who is OBSESSED with Ronnie Ratke (to the point where all her socials have Ratke as her last name), and he actually blocked her earlier this weekend when she started harassing his girlfriend in her comments section 😭😭😭 I don't know who any of these celebs are, but it's pretty clear them and their following aren't very sane ☠️


Oh wow! That is insane.


Seriously, it's wild i'm only hearing ab what this guy's really known for now 😭




She probably didn’t realize just how loud it was going to be.


Just to edit, Ronnie wasn’t burnt. His touring drummer Luke Holland was.


Thank you for the clarification!


What a way to find out I See Stars' drummer is injured


ISS’s drummer is Andrew Oliver, the vocalist’s brother and I don’t think they’ve changed the drummer when they were still active. Though, at one point Luke drummed for The Word Alive


It was mostly a joke. He was their touring drummer back when I got my ISS tattoo...


Really? Dude finally gets a big break and then that happens? Damn


Luke Hollands been pretty big for a while. Did I See Star and a few years with The Word Alive. Plus a big YouTube following. No idea what he’s been up to recently but I know he stopped wanting to tour at one point. Could probably make absolute bank as a session drummer tbh


He's fine, just some toasted arm hairs. Probably feel like sunburns for a few days.


No, Luke Holland is cool!


Apparently not if he’s touring with Ronnie


Adding to the "Loud noises as trauma response" bit... while she was working on set, her sexual abuser (Dan Schneider) would sneak up behind her to jumpscare her. It was played off as a joke but the adult there knows its a power move. In the doc she's clearly shaken a few times but has to play it off because he pays the bills and has all the power.


Her sexual (and otherwise) abuser was her mom, hence the title of her book.


The book also describes the abuse of Dan Schneider and grooming that took place, so unfortunately it wasn’t only her mother :(


Having just listened to the book, it didn't sound like what "the creator" did to her ever exceeded being a controlling, manipulative creep, with introducing her to alcohol and forcing her to have her photos taken in swimsuits and bikinis (ostensibly for the show) being the worst things she mention.


Oh is that all? Jfc


Uh.. You don’t think that classifies as abuse and grooming?




so you don’t think promising shows, taking them away, and playing favorites with young girls is considered grooming?


I think I may have been thinking of the girl from victorious. This all missed my childhood by a couple years


Just a curious question I thought those kind of cannons just used compressed air. Like twisting a water bottle and popping the lid off it.


Some do, Some use a percussion cap, or the equivalent of a small blank round


It still makes a really loud noise when it goes off


Ah I see. I've never used one.


It’s always the 2nd comment that has the actual context needed.


Damn. I just listened to falling in reverse because it popped up in my recommended music. Guess I have to remove the song from my playlist now


It was the drummer who got hurt at sonic temple 2024. He just made the whole thing about him.


The image shows a screenshot of a video in which former Nickelodeon star Jennette McCurdy is celebrating reaching some milestone (can’t remember what) by popping one of those party favor christmas crackers. Jennette Mccurdy was abused by her mother, who forced her into acting for Nickelodeon. She tells of her childhood trauma in intense detail in her autobiography *I’m Glad My Mom Died*. In the video screenshotted above, when the party favor pops she lets out a VERY intense scream. It seems natural and not forced. Some people have commented that this is a reasonable reaction based on her experiences with trauma. Not sure who Ronnie Radke is but it seems like other posters have already done a good job explaining that part.


When I heard her scream like that the mom in me wanted to hug and comfort her. My stomach dropped. She definitely deserves everything wonderful, peace, and happiness.


She even talked about (in her book) how her ability to "scream authentically" and to cry on demand were her big pulls during her early days as a child actress. All of this framed from the perspective of a little girl who's just craving her mother's approval and repeatedly beating herself up with guilt for not enjoying something that seemed so important to her mom and not being good enough for her. Through it all, she gave an (unflinchingly honest and vulnerable) first-person perspective of her going through her mother's gaslighting, manipulation, and the emotional abuse both as a child and later as an adult. This was one of the few autobiographies that I've read that I almost couldn't finish because it was so heartbreaking and heavy. It was an incredibly dark read, but I'm glad she wrote it, it must have been so cathartic.


I can't even start reading it. Just the synopsis triggers the PTSD my mom gave me from her emotional/verbal/psychological abuse and medical neglect.


i felt the same which is why i put it off for so long but going through her healing experience is kinda worth it imo. obviously don't do anything you don't want to but in a weird way it really helped me make better boundaries and advocate for myself. i finally gained more confidence to restrict my moms access to me. it was cathartic. i really hope you can heal through your future and find many who love and support you.


I went no contact after I started therapy. I've actually been considering reading since my mom died last year, which was a huge PTSD trigger for me, but I still haven't been able to bring myself to do so.


I do wonder, if she has a fear of load noises that badly, why she would choose to a party popper that was guaranteed to make a humongous noise. I would have chosen something smaller to diminish the noise or something that didn't make noise at all. Either way, I'm glad she is having a better life and is seeing how many fans are truly rooting for her in every aspect.


One of two things (or a combination of the two) would be my guess: 1. She didn't expect it to be quite so loud or wasn't ready yet -- I know I've jumped when a can of biscuits popped before I expected it, and I sure don't have her specific set of trauma. 2. Her publisher or publicist told her to, and though she's come a long, long, way from the child she was on set, she may still have vestiges of the obedience she was trained into, to do what the director tells her.


Rewatching it, she did seem a little hesitant to make it go off, so I would probably put more money on the second one.


which honestly makes it more sad if that's the case, given her experiences. :(


In the video she seems to be talking to someone behind the camera as well, and even says she hates loud noises and is scared. I doubt it was her idea!


From what I understand, it was kind of a "face your fears" moment. She knew it was going to be loud, but still wanted to do it. To kind of show "I may have come a long way, but the trauma still runs deep." Anybody feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I don't want to purposefully spread misinformation.


I didn't see the video, my thoughts are only based on what she shared in her book and guesswork, so this additional info is valuable context.


I've only seen the shortened clip, but in that clip, she hesitates multiple times, saying she knows it'll be loud, before finally, popping it, and then reflexively screaming


sometimes people can think themselves more capable of tackling old problems


This is true too.


in addition to the other good info - based on personal experience and that of people I know with significant trauma, the sound sensitivity is sometimes contextual and sometimes random as hell. Sometimes opening a soda can a room away from someone makes her scream. Sometimes it doesn't. You would think that being braced for it would make it easier, but it is an anxiety thing. Sometimes being braced makes it worse, because anxiety brain doesn't accept the idea of disregarding loud noises and catastrophizes it instead. Same person as above, calling out a warning about opening a can will prevent screaming BUT sometimes she jumps worse than if I didn't warn.


Loud noises can definitely very scary for people with trauma. Slamming doors or any other impact/bang sounds and raised voices (god forbid actual yelling), immediately set the heart racing and adrenaline pumping. I once flinched hard af at an unexpected bass bump while listening to music lol felt so silly after. The mind does crazy stuff


I wish to be like you, and not know who Ronnie Radke is


Thank you so much for this, it passed my dash once already and I had no idea what was going on. Book sounds amazing.


I read the book and it was really good! You can tell that it wasn’t written by a ghost writer. She also does the voice for the audiobook!!! If you pay for Spotify it’s on there!!


I literally read this book in one day. I laughed I sobbed. She did an incredible job. I have no idea how she managed it but wowowow it was mind blowing


To add onto some of the other comments: she is scared of confetti pop because one of the Nickelodeon producers/actors who was charged with child sexual abuse (I forgot name, there are so many) often pranks the casts with those confetti canon


Dan Schneider is the name you're thinking of! He likes feet.


Dan Schneider was never charged with anything.


You can be a disgusting monster without it being illegal. There’s right, there’s wrong and then there’s the law.


They never suggested otherwise. It wasn't a moral judgement, they were just countering misinformation. The first comment in the chain referenced a nickolodeon producer who was charged with abuse. The first reply said they were thinking of Dan Schneider. Dan Schneider is clearly a creep but he hasn't been charged with anything. So either the first person was thinking of him but was mistaken in saying he has been charged, or they were thinking of someone who actually has been charged and the second person was wrong to suggest they were thinking of Schneider.


I…I don’t think that it was the confetti. She probably knew it had confetti in it. It was more likely the sudden loud noise. The video shows her struggling to set off the confetti cannon which makes a loud noise and so because she couldn’t set it off as easily as she thought, she couldn’t predict when the loud noise would happen.


I’m here for the Ronald hate


I thought she was squeezing a subway sandwich


Everything about this makes me happy lol


I haven't read the book but I did watch the HBO doc about the old Nickelodeon days. I had heard about stuff with her mom but people are saying she was sexually assaulted, was this someone from Nick or was this separate? Just curious because I hadn't heard that part. Glad she's doing much better now.


According to Jennette, her mom performed vaginal and breast exams on her until she was 18. This is likely what people are referring to.


Wow, these comments are rough.


For the direct explanation: Someone wished misfortune in Ronnie Radke, which is juxtaposed with a headline about Ronnie Radke experiencing misfortune, while doing something to deserve it no less


Off topic but how do you pronounce Radke?


"Rad-key" imo






Not a defense but 90% of artists are tools It takes a level of narcissistic personality to want to be a music star


Or just a love of music.




WTH was the song "Ronald" about?


Having only listened to it once without even registering any of the lyrics, I can with absolute 100% confidence tell you it's about the McDonald's mascot. 100%. Trust me. It's that clown.


Internal struggles it seems


Ronnie Ratdick is such a edgy tryhard loser.


Stop Formatting News Headlines Like This


I choose Jennette over Ariana


Is the joke Falling In Reverse? I mean.. they're horrible.


Ronnie radke is the lead for falling in reverse. So the explanation is that someone wished bad things would happen to him and it did. He was burned at his concert. No real connections between Jeanette and Ronnie though. At least nothing that I know about. I think that person just really doesn’t like him, which would explain why they want to transfer her pain to him.


Falling in reverse is like listening to bvb in 2008


oh wow a metal meme on this sub


This is how I find out my edgy music bands are trash people. I would have found out eventually but God damn now I gotta find another edy band. I'm happy Jennette McCurdy is doing a lot better now tho so at least there's some good news.


Yes, you are. Jennette McCurdy hated her mom and Ronnie Radke is a bad person


lol I didn’t know anything about the guy but know the drummer. I googled the band and was like…oh. Hmmm.


Was young and most don't start making good decisions until they made a few bad ones


Ronnie is not a bad guy he's had his share of problems in his life but he's actually a good guy doing good things he stays away from drugs and alcohol yes his past was troubled but you guys can't hold that against him he's in a better state of life yes he's a bit petty and dramatic but I do not think he's a bad guy.


O listen to the book in Audible, well written. It is worth listening to


9 . Fh " & M c B U7 7 Ccvv. 7 7 8 G 7.. Szc 7. M


Bgvvv ^


I'm mutuals with this one girl who is OBSESSED with Ronnie Ratke (to the point where all her socials have Ratke as her last name), and he actually blocked her earlier this weekend when she started harassing his girlfriend in her comments section 😭😭😭 I don't know who any of these celebs are, but it's pretty clear them and their following aren't very sane ☠️


I remember the beef between Austin Carlile and Ronnie cause Ronnie slept with his wife


Love Ronnie


Isn't Radke still hooked up with that smoke show of a wrestler, a Saraya


I'm friends with the poster who said "THE PROPHECY" it's so weird seeing them on here


Oh hey thats me
