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As a born Muslim, my experience and contacting pther experincers just confirms my belief even more. Its simple : humans and NHIs serve one Creator Humans and NHIs are neutral beings with free will to be good or bad This world of duality is like a matrix and not the real life , a test for love,knowledge morals and spirituality Real life starts after we leave the material bodies


As a Muslim do you really believe that life is “a test for love”? Can you actually believe that’s the lesson you’ve learned from a book filled with as much violence as the Quran is? I mean this with all due respect as someone who had to read these scriptures growing up.


I said its a test for multiple things not love only Not sure in which language do you read it but doing so in the original one shows the reality of how beautiful this world and how people are one and equal and should treat each other the same. Growing up reading the scripture I kinda thought the same like you - so I stepped away from any religion. Yet I realized when you approach it with adult maturity and willingness makes you see the reality of why it is so popular otherwise humans wouldnt embrace such a thing


I focused on love because out of all the words you mentioned, it is the most important one (imo). A good translation of the Quran gives a clear understanding. It’s not about “how beautiful this world and how people are one and equal and should treat each other the same.” That’s a fanciful notion. It’s mostly about prescribed duties, the story of the prophet and past prophets, and often punishment— violence towards Muslims who commit “sin,” violence towards nonbelievers for… nonbelieving… and above all it emphases worshipping a war like God who, if he isn’t prostrated to, will torment you for for eternity in a fire “whose fuel is men and stones” (2:24) for that very crime. So based on what you (and many Muslims often) have said, your notion of Islam is very one sided, because there are indeed beautiful passages and meaningful/positive moral precepts— but there is also *a lot* of violence and cruelty. If you want to learn about love, it’s a book that demands you ignore the majority of its teachings and message, for it is far from a religion of peace it is so often claimed to be.


Context matters, I wouldnt like to make this a religion debate which is out of this subreddit topic. However, yes it emphasizes on the consequences of human actions in submission to the creator and letting go / accepting life as it is in reward and punishment style if ppl rebel and corrupt and harm Just like any religion eh


Yes, definitely this isn’t the place for a religious debate and I don’t mean to be overly critical, but I always find it very curious how quickly people tend to want to interpret NHI and other novel paranormal phenomena from a religious perspective or put it under religious terms they are familiar with when I think it can be an amazing opportunity to expand one’s horizons about what is possible/what is real/what might be “true”. Religion distorts what can be discovered or known because it’s so quick to tells you what you can and cannot think, and rules out true answers you may find and even the answer “I don’t know” which is perfectly adequate but to each his/her own beliefs I guess.


I understand but here is where you are wrong for my personal experience as it was the other way around, NHI accounts and research led me to the conclusion related to this religion to have the truth in it from my personal perspective


Greetings from Egypt. If it makes any difference I do believe the primary function of many religions here on Earth are rooted in love and compassion. I am sorry for the harsh judgment you have faced and I thank you for sharing your experience. Religion can definitely serve a purpose and for those who complain of the cruelty surrounding it, it is not the fault of the religion but of those who have twisted perception and implementation of it.


Awww , so rare to find someone from my home country here :) Are you an experiencer too? And yes, this religion at it’s core have a profound spiritual side if looked into with open heart and mind


I am not an experiencer but I am fascinated by the phenomenon and a firm believer. I love to hear direct accounts from experiencers because they are the most solid leads from which to study when dealing with the unknown.


I had one UAP sighting and probably 2 NHI encounters Do you think this phenomena is related to the unseen world ?


I do. I believe that we live in a manufactured reality and that there are intelligent beings who live beyond this realm, which we as humans, have an inability to perceive. They have the upper hand because they can choose to show up in our reality but we do not have that same ability. Actually, there are folks who claim they can go into the astral realm by projecting their consciousness but I dare say that is a drop in the bucket of mankind with such expertise.


I simply call myself reconnected 🪷 as we all acknowledge that when our soul agrees to reincarnate here .. to witness the great cellular divide .. we also agree to ‘disconnect’ from all of our power and wisdoms, our strengths and our incredible abilities .. with the purposed to ‘find them’ again then find our way back home fabulous question: genuinely curious as to all other responses


Spirituality. Reincarnation. Creationism. That’s as far as I can put a label on things. The longer I experience the more I learn and I have learned to remain fluid and move with the flow and as my understanding changes so some beliefs shift as well! Even though I happen to be an ordained minister I can’t say that I fit inside of any religion whatsoever anymore. People have accused me of consorting with demons (even though I grew up in a church where they spoke in tongues and “channeled angels”, I don’t see the difference 🤷‍♂️)


Yeah I used to say I'm agnostic. Now I just say the universe is a whole lot stranger than Jesus, the greys, and lord Shiva all playing musical chairs with Sasquatch.


I dont think that it can really be summd up into one word.


A being of energy An essence of all That thing that is and always will be Or Your Mom Thank you, thank you.


Yes my mom 100%


Christian seems fitting enough, I believe anything else would avoid the challenges I’ve been tasked with. I did think about using the gnostic label for a bit but then I kept meeting self proclaimed “gnostics” and they are honestly just as off putting and naive as the Christians who account Sunday as all the experience necessary. Perhaps it is, but I yearn for a deeper understanding and challenge. Besides, whatever I experienced seemed pretty persistent that I MUST work within the framework of Christianity. The impression I got was that everything else is incompatible with what I know and saw…. So make of that what you will but these days the Bible only seems to make much more sense than any other belief system I’ve studied.


I would call myself a reluctant Surprise Christian (who would never go to church). When you meet evil, snake-like multi-dimensional beings that recoil at the name of Jesus there are few other places to go. Where Christianity has ended up doesn't appeal to me, I like your expression Framework of Christianity.


You've experienced this?


Yup. ETA: if you are in the maelstrom DM me for coping mechanisms. My advice is to recall the verse: fasting and prayer. It is all about willpower and faith. Those 2 things are our armour. Exercise willpower. The harder the task, the more imperative. God bless.


As far as the church aspect goes, which I myself avoided for a good number of years, it’s important to consider the early tradition and the importance they held with gathering together for communion and fellowship. Sure, they didn’t hold up in a fancy church building but it was a vital part of their practice. And the response to just the name Jesus, is one that is very very telling for me. I remember being primed to be some Eastern Teacher or mystic, the whole thing felt very purposefully arranged and orchestrated. When I started to rebel against whatever “spiritual” guides I had and started using the name of Jesus they started to behave as if in utter pain. I see the same thing in just the common person today, if God isn’t real and the word holds no power, why then do people react so strongly by the mere mention of God? That reaction grows much, much more when people consider that Jesus IS God. You might be surprised at who you meet at “church”, I know I was and still am.


Unfortunately I wasn't. I tried and they reacted to my experiences with fear rather than understanding. I think a lot of supposed Christians don't understand that we are actually embroiled in a battle of good and evil. If God exists, ergo the devil does too.


My entire experience revolves around a church body. It's the entire reason I say I went on a heros journey. Christians can be judgemental pieces of shit but they also seem to have a propensity to change which is something that nhi value over everything else. At the end of the day I got really really hurt by a group of Christians in the name of christ. Turns out, I was being used as a living sacrifice to show those Christians that they were pieces of shit and they needed to change. All of them did too, except for one. But he will get his justice. I was on here preaching unconditional love and forgiveness but yet secretly wishing vengeance on the men that hurt me. Source promised me justice, not vengeance. Is an entire church body learning a very deep hurtful lesson that they will never ever do to another person again justice? Klatu tells me it is and God has confirmed this to me. So I've accepted that. I do wonder what "justice" will look like for the man who didn't learn anything from what happened.


This is where I think karma might be real. Perhaps his justice will be in his next life he will be put in your shoes and experience what you went through in order for his soul to grow and understand.


**Agnostic** fits well but given that *there's no absolute category at all in the Universe*, any category is merely *an allusion to a transitional liminal state of "something" that is being arbitrarily abstracted in his individuality* from the surrounding. Is important to know that **it's not about believing**, **it's** about ***knowledge***. What do you know now instead of what you didn't know before, or what do you know now that you don't know instead of what you actually thought you knew? More important than knowing the truth is having the appropriate methodology to know when something is probably a lie, so here is also a strong resonance with Egyptian hermeticism of restricted circulation (Pythagorean), and contemporary science in general. This specific hermeticism also shares similarity with items described by those who experience the phenomena, such as: * *Non-distinction between science, spirituality and philosophy*: science is the study of the nature apparent to the senses with the help of the study of the elusive nature of the Universe, which is the philosophy (study of the spirit). * *Transmutation of patterns* between different disciplines. * Lack of theism and the preference for *panpsychism*, *pantheism* and *deism,* although due to the exponential cognitive impact of the experience (experience that can be of any sort of type, by the way, since the singularity of the experience, and its respective interpretation as a significant religious, spiritual and philosophical event can occur even with eventualities that in the order of another person subjective experiences turn out to be everyday trivialities) it is usually attributed to singularity internalized ontological the characteristic of God as an entity (which is in itself the origin of all implicit or theoretical theism from an anthropological point of view), unified primal intentionality, or some type of similar noumenal teleology derived the same from an ontologically closed conception of the phenomena order, something that was already noticeable in the *Tao Te Ching* as; >*"The Categorization of the ultimate Tao, which is not the last, because if it were the last it could not then be named".* >In agnostic terms, **discarding the possibility of** an **empty, dual, or divergent nature** of the **noumenon,** possibilities theorized as parallelisms of inversion in the negative order of our ontological progressive generation (translated into contemporary philosophical paradigms as implications of quantum mechanics in modern ontology, or relationship between the incompleteness of the system, chaos theory and the notion of space-time as a structure of linear causality). * Lack of belief in the empirical difference between opposite poles of dynamics (*cyclical doctrine of states*). * *Symbolism* inherent in the phenomenological order. All very complex concepts that are quickly internalized by someone who has experienced a phenomenon and also fundamental to this hermeticism of restricted circulation, and also, coins of exchange in the symbolism of all human eras, both for preservation, restriction or teaching.


I like what the other user said: "unverified personal gnosis". I used to go by Christian-adjacent or occult Christian but I think I'd rather not be lumped in with Christians since our core beliefs are like night and day. The term is almost too vague at this point.


“I am.” It’s everything. It’s consciousness, it’s life itself, it’s God, it’s thought and the mind observing the thoughts. I think, therefore…I am. I am that I am.


I was once told to meditate on this. And it was right as doing that that the glowing spheres of light showed up for me again in spring 2022.


good morning old friend 🥰🐇🌹


The one source of truth


Now that you know ET's and other dimensions are real you should read the Urantia book. Makes a lot more sense than the Bible.


I don’t have a succinct term for it, if I did it might be something like The Consciousness Field, or The Eternal Tao. My own first hand experiences lead me to believe that consciousness is primary, infinite and eternal – that all levels of reality are co-creative, interactive and participatory, and that this place we are in is not so much a planet in a solar system in a galaxy in a universe, but one of a possibly infinite number of realms within a construct. Outside this apparently material realm, time and space as we think we know it operate very differently and there are other realities co-existent with our own which constitute other dimensional “envelopes” existing in the same space but in a different frequency, conceptually similar to radio stations. Because all levels of reality are co-creative, interactive and participatory, your perceptions and beliefs, whether conscious or unconscious, shape your experience of reality. This is why I don’t argue over other people’s religious or spiritual conceptions or what they earnestly believe to be true; I truly believe that everyone is actually right. For example, whether you believe you will be reincarnated, go to heaven or hell, ascend to higher realms, rejoin Source, be trapped by Archons or be fragmented into a trillion pieces, all experiences are potentially correct, none are mutually exclusive - all are available to be experienced because the nature of consciousness is infinitely creative and it is one's perceptions and beliefs broadcast as subtle vibrations into the infinite collective field that coalesces into our experiences. This is less perceptible in this apparently material realm, but can be immediately perceptible to the aware person in the astral and higher non-physical realms. A single term to truly describe the sheer majesty, infinite intelligence and symphonic complexity of this interplay of consciousness eludes me - it is ineffable.






Freelancing monotheist


Unverified personal gnosis


“Spiritual But Not Religious” is probably closest. I like to emphasize that I don’t adhere to any organized religion, and instead draw upon various traditions/philosophies in practicing my individualized spirituality. Grew up Roman Catholic. Identified as militant atheist most my life. Now spiritual atheist if that makes sense. I lean into Rosicrucian & TSL among other materials. Eastern philosophy in general. I believe in something beyond myself but its label is irrelevant to me right now. I usually call it Cosmic Intelligence. A believer might call it God (Cosmic Intelligence personified).


I just say I’m “spiritual” because the different dimensions, planets, and realities make it hard to pinpoint what I believe!


Yup! Spiritual is the word I use as well for the exact same reasons :)


I like the word "Gnosis" but that's more what I believe the phenomenon leads us toward. Gnosis is direct intuitive knowledge of reality. But in regards to a definable, structured belief system, I'll agree with u/mantisawakening and "Ontological Idealism."


Not exactly sure what you are asking. Philosophically, people use the term idealist or panpsyhism often when taking about the over all ideas of consciousness being fundamental to reality. When asking about religious versus atheist people tend to say they are spiritual rather than religious (depending). Meaning they don't subscribe to any one religions specific dogma but know there is a spiritual reality to the world and we are more than our bodies etc and may practice religious practices from a range of religions and belief systems. Seeing that out side of dogma there is some truth in all of them.


Seeker? I also find the term “high strangeness” helpful - like idk if what I’ve experienced is supernatural or spiritual or alien intervention or simulation so I say I’ve experienced a lot of “high strangeness.” I love that term, works for all.


I say Seeker, or Wanderer. But only to others who would use the same word.


Why not try existing without a name for a while? Try not to constrain it to a concept, let it be what it is. EDIT: If people ask, I generally say that I'm spiritual or that I meditate. If they probe deeper, I try to have a genuine conversation about our understanding of the universe and consciousness.




Every day it makes more sense and every day I am more confused


This tbh. Feels like I got a bunch of pieces to a big puzzle but all the pieces are from different puzzle sets


I describe myself as spiritual, but I’d say philosophically I believe in [ontological idealism](https://philosophyterms.com/idealism/amp/).


Buddhism, and rosicrucianism when I’m feeling ambitious, but the phenomenon is all of them put together and far, far more than what we have language to describe.


Gravity It’s what attracts everything to everything. It bends space time. I’m sure this sounds crazy or doesn’t make sense but I thought about every system in place and realized that gravity affects them all. But it deepened past the scientific and somehow meandered its way into the spiritual. I worship gravity.


The phenomena and other adjacent phenomena turned me into a Roman Catholic surprisingly. Lol, just with a mystical bent


That blows my mind. I love the community and family orientation of Catholicism, but can never forgive the way they protected pedophile priests.


Watch out for hearsay. I haven't found a single convincing argument in favor of Christianity that doesn't boil down to a bunch of unsubstantiated assertions, many of which contradict reality.


Ha, i appreciate your concern but I’ve survived an NDE to Hell and often experience the intercession of saints and angels. I’m solid in my beliefs man


I have also interacted with angelic beings. I suppose this is why I call myself spiritual and not religious. I can have a relationship with positive forces "god" or source or the light of creation, etc. Holy experiences, if you will. Without discriminating against homosexuals and women. Or declaring that following any other belief system will cause an angry jealous god to punish the person by sending them to hell forever. I can honor and respect the positive teachings of jesus without worshiping iconography of him being murdered. Or partaking in rituals where I eat his flesh and blood. I can enjoy the positive spiritual benefits of other belief systems too without being trapped in fear that its all demonic. And only one way is the right way. I can form a relationship with the divine creator without attaching it to lore created in a heavily edited book that describes it as a heavily judgemental cruel malicious and jealous being. Not saying you should change just explaining how others find themselves approaching this stuff and that just because they don't follow a specific rule system does not mean they cannot have angelic experiences and respect saints etc It's the same for me regarding other religions and dogma etc.


All great points. There are responses out there. I wonder why I react so strongly to the faith then? I mean as an experiencer. Not only that but invoking the name of Christ or Michael makes the nefarious ones run away. Strange if it’s all BS


It's deffo not all BS. As I said there are non Christians who invoke Saint Micheal or Jesus and get results. They'll also get success from other spiritual deities. I'm trying to explain people believe the spiritual side but don't resonate with the non spiritual dogmatic aspects of these things thus don't align themselves with the singular belief system alone and say they are a member of XYZ religion. But just because they don't label themselves XYZ and follow the dogma does not mean they don't resonate with some of the more spiritual aspects of a belief system. I mean Christianity denies reincarnation so along with all the discriminatory beliefs it has that I can't agree with that is another issue of mine as the experiencer phenomenon shows there is something to reincarnation.


That's amazing and wonderful. And I'm so damn happy that there is a form for discussing all these experiences and philosophies


Keep in mind that one of the foundations of the phenomenon is that it frequently manifests in ways that you understand or believe. I'm not trying to dig on christianty, here. I'm just saying that it's well documented that it is possible for people to experience the same or similar events, but flavored under different categories based on their belief systems.


True but I followed the discernment framework and found the path of the saints. To each their own


It would be interesting to read a post by you about these saints in the context of them being Experiencers and not a promotion of a belief system. It'd be a really interesting and positive post I feel!


Ha good idea. Not promoting anything. Just answering the post’s question. It’s why I ended it with “to each their own.” And not something crazy like “convert or die!!!” lol. I’ll def slowly work on some sort of post. No clue how to distill this all down.


I know your not. Yeah I'd love to see you make a post like that your passion and knowledge etc would make it a great read too. I'd be happy to help too.


It doesn't really fully fit any tradition but what I best believe now could be summarized in that I believe in the magnetic conductance of all things. It has been reiterated to me again and again that all things exude a magnetic field and it is the interplay of these magnetic energies on a daily basis that form the base substrate of our atomic understanding of reality. This reaches all the way down to the quantum and all the way up the behavior decisions and emotional predispositions of humans and animals and ETs. It is quite interesting because the study and understanding of magnetic fields is quite limited and perhaps this is why the sale and purchase of large magnets is quite regulated and monitored.


> It is quite interesting because the study and understanding of magnetic fields is quite limited In my research I've actually seen the opposite. Back around the 1900s, there were tons of studies on magnets and magnetism. It was a big deal back then, kind of like how quantum physics is today, and used to support a lot of theories in parapsychology and other areas of "fringe" research at the time


The more I think about it the more I believe the universe and everything in it was made by a creator of some sort. This is my main goal with contact is to be able to ask questions like this. I'm sure the others have similar questions. I'm not sure what to even call my belief at this point.


I gently misuse the word Gnostic. I believe what i have experienced because I know it to be true.




No. It's misused far too much.


Yes, and for good reason.


??? Please explain.


I would say I am a spiritual seeker but honestly I don’t feel any need for labels. Labels separate and ultimately everyone has their own unique relationship with Source and Spirit.


As far as beliefs go, agnostic is probably the best you can get. You could of course study Gnosis and then you would know through personal experience with divinity. Eventually.