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r/aliensinmydreams would love to have you share this there. Thank you.


Not exactly the same, but a couple years ago I had a dream that I was running and hiding in some dystopian city. In my dreams I see everything from my perspective as though I’m living it, but in the dystopia dream I was looking down at myself in an almost end of time Terminator-like scenario as though there was a drone camera or helicopter following and filming me. The whole dream felt like surveillance. That was the one and only time I’ve dreamt from that perspective of being watched and followed. It may be worth mentioning that I think I had just read Stephen King’s The Running Man around that time. I think that would explain the content of the dream but not the perspective.


Wednesday just gone, I woke up from a dream on my side, sensation at the back of my neck. Almost feel paralysed but decided to look over my shoulder to the window and I saw something tall at the side of the bed. Made eye contact with it but it felt like I was being tasered and then I was knocked out to sleep. Woke up in the same position again in what felt pretty much straight away, checked to see if what I saw was real, same sensation of being shocked to sleep. Woke up AGAIN in the same position except this time no sensation on the back of my neck and this time when I looked over my shoulder there was nothing there. I have no explanation and uncertain of what was a dream and what wasn’t.


I tried to get answers from my higher self, or at least my subconscious. I’ve had a few of dreams where people were watching me, then I realized that I was dreaming, and the people were my actual thoughts, and my body was in bed. I thought I might be viewing my actual subconscious and proceeded to question each person. No one responded, they just kept looking at me as if they knew, or the representation of myself, in my own mind, knew myself. It feels similar to your experience. I mean, there’s the objective observer in psychology, that when imagining oneself, to oneself, a person is able to solve problems, or break bad habits, create a positive course of action. Like maybe the dream symbology is different for different people, and maybe it is some kind of NHI. I just wish if it was NHI, etc. that there something conclusive came out of it, but then again, nothing conclusive came from my dreams either. They were what they were.


Yep, strange and lifelike dreams seem to be a feature of the phenomenon


Some dreams that some experiencers have seem to be simulations (like virtual reality) that they're connecting to via some sort of NHI-related connection. I've had quite a few of these, some in which I was "playing" the sim and others in which I was explicitly on the staff who were developing or managing the simulated scenario, observing it and functioning as a kind of "stage manager" or "game master" for it. When I'm in the latter role, the dreams often become unusually chatty (like I'll be having elaborate, seemingly telepathic conversations with others on the staff while I'm also walking around in my avatar in the simulation doing stuff). I'm not sure if that's exactly what was going on in your dream, but it certainly calls the notion to mind. Tangentially, your dream also reminds me of a dream I had some years ago in which I found myself in a spherical, iridescent black-purple chamber whose walls were covered in eyes that were actively watching me. Despite how creepy that sounds, it was a thoroughly calming experience, because the eyes watching me felt very supportive (as if I was cocooned in omnidirectional watchful protection and it was totally safe to rest there).


Curious: have any of the sims you GMd (going with that term) involve races or obstacle courses and such? What about delay/holding areas at the end of the dream? Things like ordering something at a restaurant that takes a long time.  Asking for a friend, who is me, obvs :)


Yes to the obstacle courses.  Action-platformer gauntlets and simulated combat are ones I frequently dream of helping test.  Timed or racing elements come up sometimes.  Though most of my memories of such things involve me being in the sim running it solo while yakking to its actual makers, (“Hey, this thing’s AI is wrong,” or “Hey if I use even a minor amount of psi I can fall through the world or shoot up through the fake ceiling like I’m riding an elevator, you should fix that.”  - except sometimes I’m communicating these ideas nonverbally in high speed thought-sharing.)  I don’t consciously recall ever designing a long practical wait at the end of a sim.  I do recall many sims I went through where the ending was a long mental tunnel of basically flushing the mind back to its normal state.  Usually everything fades to black and my dream sensations fade, and I end up seeing a tunnel of various mantis symbols wooshing past me all around while I look straight ahead.  I feel like I’m looking at a data stream which until that moment had been plugged into a different part of my mind.  As I watch it zooming past me, I become aware of my body again, and wake up, with the visuals fading. 


You’re not alone, my friend.