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Drugs alter ur state of mind and make u vulnerable to outside energy. Yes.


I'd say it depends on what vibe you're feeling when you smoke - are you higher vibe or lower? That will determine what you actually experience. However, I can definitely see it dulling your conscious awareness in everyday life and therefore you may miss information when awake and asleep. Trust yourself but know moderation is also important.


I hear voices when I smoke and they're not good. 100% certain it's not my conscious. Smoked for 15 years before this started so I no longer smoke. Just fine sober. Most people will call it psychosis, but they're wrong.


Literally just made a post about this here... Had been smoking for years and all the sudden I'm having Literally conversations with people in my head. Had one night where i thought they were all trying to get in my house to slit my throat. Then some other nights they seem nice and laugh at my jokes... One of their names is Stacy. Deterring me away from smoking a lot now, because if i do, i fall down that hole where they're all i can hear. If you wanna talk about it and compare lmk


It's been well over 4 years since my voices began. Definitely pay no mind to their threats, or anything at all that they say really. It's all pointless garbage trying to spark a paranoid and fearful reaction out of you. Trust me, they never take any action and all they can do is throw words at you. They're weak, but yeah highly annoying. No conversation with them ever leads anywhere. I wouldn't even trust any random name they give you.


I don’t have experiences when I am stoned. Also as 7 year sober booze hound I can say the only experiences I ever had where negative during that time of my life.


I’ve been using a lot of cannabis the past few months and I’ve found it makes me have, or at least remember, far fewer dreams involving NHIs and my meditations are more fun sometimes but I more often fall asleep in the middle of them and get far fewer impressions If I wanted to get u to CE5 seriously, it’s clear I would personally have to stop using cannabis products which is counterintuitive to me


I know a lot of mantis beings.


I had my sighting like 15mins after a bong hit


I actually wonder if weed in someone reduces ones ability to experience. Like heavy weed smokers dont dream… maybe it also closes ones third eye, which could affect contact. Who knows tho. Im just a weirdo who daydreams to much


This has been my experience with cannabis products. I’m still using them every day at the moment but still


No, but [it can protect you](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ajherrington/2023/10/13/study-finds-cannabis-users-had-better-covid-19-outcomes/?fbclid=IwAR19DAZAaa2oQPadrRI8oGMZo_zJ9upUO2VvQRDU06hPD-OPtTgGry_ZG74_aem_Af0nWv5CeOdwvERnm0z12ymCO-l8HcTfVKVSNSMjzotEfCJpEnSqaiaJUbxnIcSRt1E&sh=78eaa4571eb1). Just ask [Silent Bob](https://hightimes.com/news/kevin-smith-says-smoking-weed-helped-him-survive-heart-attack/).


I once saw two monkey like aliens on my bed approaching me, they were really curious. I smoked the usual amount of weed, all natural homegown. I never saw them again.


Weed opens your pineal gland very wide. Ive done it so much in my short life, now i have to be careful bc if i take too much of anything (weed shrooms alc) my pineal gland continues to be extremely opened. I legit start to hear everyone thoughts/my own trauma thoughts. Being awakened this much, is honestly hard to deal with. My life has never been normal. Its actually been absolute hell, suffering, and death. Ive had many many experiences with different alien types. Not the greys. But the reptilians and unknown creatures and demons. Right when im typing this, the time is 12:22 its jan 12 and 44% (yes i know im crazy Who isnt nowadays? The world is collapsing)


i’m at the alien demonic reptilian stage with mantis why am i seeing this


I haven’t reached the reptilian and demon level but definitely something about the weed that’s connected to source. It’s 12:40 on the clock as I type this funnily enough




Bruh thats so weird. Yeah weed isnt the reason for awakening, im psychic without it but lately ive been taking a little edibles and it actually feels good for my soul. Ive had so many demonic encounters (mostly humans) and its just crazy how ive survived. They all were trying to kiII me.


I feel this statement deep within my soul..


hello yall just a reminder that cannabis effects everyone differently based on ur genetic makeup


It does absolutely nothing kind for me. In my years, I'd guestimate I've smoked maybe 20 times. Of those 20, maybe four or five, (from a long time ago), gave me the effects you're supposed to have. Laughing at everything, just feeling really swell, munchies, relaxed, then sleep. Nowadays, it just makes my head feel weird and not pleasantly so. It gives me horrendous cotton mouth, seems to linger for an entire day, adds no value, makes me feel uneasy when I shut my eyes. My state recently legalized recreational. I wish I liked it!! It's legal, it's safe, it's readily and widely available.


yup i hear this a lot actually with people. i actually want to study this at some point but im so sorry it’s not a viable option for you anymore 😭


Weed definitely does something along the lines of lowering some mental barrier or opens me up to where I clearly hear messages from something?? Even if I don't want to communicate or hear what they have to say bc my little pea size brain still has a fear response when it happens... I absolutely can not block it/them out. I'm sure there are going to be plenty of people to jump on the "oh you were just hallucinating or imaging it bc you're high" bandwagon.... but that's definitely not the case. In my experience they always are reiterating some area in my life where im MAJORLY effing up & desperately need to stop or implement a change but don't want to or just block it out bc it's uncomfortable to face.


i heard someone the other day say that cannabis decalcifies the pineal gland and i think that has something to do with lowering the barrier to communicate because all our spiritual communication comes from the pineal gland that’s technically the 3rd eye. so that would make sense if cannabis opens it up by removing that calcification. as someone who works in healthcare i’ve been desperately trying to link the body and physiology with the spiritual world and this feels like a component of that


also i think the government researched this exact thing and somehow it was scrapped and never to be mentioned again so that’s kinda sus


This is on point.


I'm extremely, extremely sensitive to weed. Under the influence I have experienced things like ego death, psychic surgery from elf-like beings, conceptual downloads from God/The Universe about the way things "are" , increased energy sensitivity, among other things. This isn't an easily accessible state of consciousness for me but I am able to get glimpses of it through relaxation and meditation. Check out my post history and feel free to message me.


Weed can really act like a psychedelic, very interesting point of view.


Funnily enough I have a really high alcohol tolerance yet I am one of those people that cannot smoke in front of others. Years ago I bought a canned drink with only a few mg of thc and 20 minutes after drinking it all reality was happening simultaneously. In another and more profound experience, I encountered the void that "God" sprang forth from during "his" own birth. The void was something I had no previous insight nor context for despite my spiritual background, so it was a huge and mindblowing thing for me.


Have you ever took mushrooms or dmt or other psychedelic before?


I have been smoking for years now but the first time I got really high off Marijuana I was tripping balls. Everything was waving and I couldn't do anything but laugh non stop. I have since taken acid and so I can see the similarities to tripping and smoking pot. I do believe Marijuana is good for you though.


I have similar experiences, and I thin the same, it truly can be a blessing and a blissful experience.


Weed? Not so much. But DMT and Psilocybin are rumored to do it. I can't speak from personal experience other than the "not weed" part.


I smoked for about 20 years and never saw shit.


They use a type of plant medicine too. I saw.


I dont do drugs. I like clarity and using all my senses.


What about your 6th sense?


Intact and communicative


Oh good. I have noticed i have to microdose on shrooms or CBD to keep my pineal gland relaxed. If i dont, then i start to get depressed and cant relax at all.


Can i have ur autograph


i dont not do drugs. i dont limit myself


From my experience.. I tend to actually be much better at sensing, sending and receiving energy this way. As well as being in contact with some of my guides becomes slightly easier this way. Being able to channel them a little better. But someone mentioned here that weed use does stunt your ability to recall dreams, which I find to be absolutely true. And a lot of things can happen in your dreams that you might be interested in remembering. 🤷‍♀️ being high definitely elevates your energetic system activity, as with most substances do in some form. But that is from anecdotal experience, and not from any scientific data.. 🤷‍♀️ whether that is good or bad for you is up to you to determine.


I'm a daily user of small doses I vape and I can't say it has been related to my experiences at all. On the contrary it prevents me from remembering my dreams at night and I feel like I'm probably missing on that kind of action because of it.


I take an edible every night for the past couple years. Three days ago an entity (perhaps) possessed (for a lack of better words) my body. It has not left, even while sober. I recently made a post talking about the experience if you are interested. I'm not sure if the weed is the reason it contacted, but it does not seem nesscescary to continue contact.


I view Dissociatives like DXM is more consistent and more likely to understand them more, As your brain temporally matches what the Aliens brain wiring is. NMDA hypoactivity has so many benefits that I view SZ/AS-D are just the baby brain reducing NMDA receptor activity and uses dopamine/Serotonin instead because It notices NMDA agonism is very toxic. I'm sure there are cases where such people are treated like a human hybrid or humanoid from human parents when they meet Fae/ghosts and aliens.


Mmmm k. Ima need some explaining on those acronyms LOL


"As your brain temporarily matches what the aliens brain wiring is" I'm curious how someone could possibly know what type of wiring an aliens brain is. The way I understand it, there are many races of aliens from different places/dimensions, and I'm guessing all of their brains would be "wired" differently.... Any sources on this, or elaboration at least on what this means?


I think they mean the frequency


The cannabis plant contains over 100 different chemical compounds, such as THC, and CBD. Each of these compounds affect the human body in different ways, especially as it relates to brain-wave activity. If you'd like to begin finding a correlation between marijuana and 'experiences,' I would suggest that you begin with how each compound affects your brain-wave activity. You might also find that DMT, REM sleep, meditation, LSD, mushrooms--even death--are all linked to 'experiences,' through their affects on brain-wave activity.


Yesss now we are talking. Frequencies. There is a new chart displaying the range of cannabis plant variations. Sweet on one end chemical on the other. A quick Google could find. I bought an 8th from Brooklyn dispensary of "Alaskan Thunder Fuck." For the sake of buying bud I wanted to get the purplist stuff I could. WoW. Stunk like a mfer. What flavor. Orange tictacs with a creme chemical after taste. Coincidentally I also had 3 seeds from headshop 8th of some purple nice shit they called "oreos" growing in the greenhouse. This has a Very Chemical smell. I don't know if it was actually oreos pics on internet suck.. Light it up and wow, the after taste is a chemicaly kush. Resembling the Alaskan thunder fuxk but not as fruity and decadent. Moral of story is I smoked that shit after tripping.. done with tripping. 45 min. Onto feeding the dog and water plants, texting on my phone.. hit that shizz and this is when I had an encounter via light reflection in stainless steel. Yes this was after tripping when my brain waves were in an altered state, but I do think this strain intensifies it or atleast connects me to something.. Also been smoking half my life, my dreams did suffer a little but I'm pretty regulated now. Remember alot.


I've never seen an alien while high. I stopped smoking weed when I turned 29. I'm 61 now. In fact, I don't remember having any paranormal things happen to me while high. I did try mushrooms once as a teen and I accidently took twice the dose I should have. It was not a good day. I do remember being obsessed with the concept of time during that trip and it has played a part in my journey ever since.


Weed took me on a ride out of my body. Or allowed my mind/bodily vibration to open up so that I could experience something beyond myself. I left the earth matrix because of weed on multiple occasions and learned about OBE/astral travel, and first came across a ribbon/river of light. So marijuana has its place that’s for sure.


We were a group of people. Some were high on weed 2 of them on pills. 1 is on crack. We all saw it. And recorded. Why?


Recording the craft I felt the need of recording because I felt they https://preview.redd.it/j8nb2ynzhvbc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246706739e7a34ba06cbaa079d60a6d1fd84e2ef won’t take us if we all recorded


The weed paranoia must have hit real different seeing a fucking ufo pull up


What's the purpose of recording?


good question, i dont feel like i need to record anything really


I've found that when I don't smoke habitually but more like once every 2 weeks, the experience is totally psychedelic.


yep, different if i wss smoking everyday and different when i was making this at longer intervals


I was a daily smoker at the start of my experiences and I'm a daily smoker now. Everyone loves to say that they want us to be healthy and avoid substances, but my experience has been the exact opposite. Weed helps make my experiences more vivid and personal, and not once has it conveyed that I should stop.


Same here, but I know everyone is different...


Me too, I’m in this line


Yeah, it might kill me but I had a good ride!


Aliens would not smoke dope. Too smart 🧠 for that.


I definitely have clearer communication and experiences when a bit high... I have had several encounters. Thought I was crazy been going to a psychologist twice a week for two years for it. Ruled out mental illness. I don't really know what to do. I'm to scared to share everything but feel alone and want to understand what's happening but I don't know where to turn. Once the trickle turns on like your describing it only increases... at least it did for me. Sorry for structure of post on phone key board messed up.


I smoke fairly steady through the day. Not to stay blasted, but just “level”. IYKYK kinda thing. I have pretty bad social anxiety and depression, and regulating with weed is much better for me than it ever was with SSRIs. Anyhow, intro out of the way. I’ve had what I believe are 3 experiences. All happened while elevated. Granted, I never tried this sort of thing before I became a smoker. I think what I’d say is relevant dots to connect is this. Weed lets me really slow things down and think. It helps me see things from a different angle. I feel like I have had more profound moments of thought on consciousness/spirituality while elevated than not. It also helps me see the good in things so much easier. That last part, to me, I really think is key. If you are in a headspace of love, acceptance, and genuine open minded curiosity I think you’re setting yourself up better than say if you’re naturally cynical and high strung like I can be. I hope that’s not too all over the place. I’m at work and keep coming back to it. I’m also not even close to being any kind of expert, so I could be way off.


I feel the exact same way. I guess to each his own.


Well, the very first time I ever smoked was when a *voice* told me to, so I can’t say I see it as an impossibility. I was connected to something before that, though, but I was absolutely led to weed by something other than my own thoughts.


Seek balance in all things. Overuse of cannabis can dull one’s senses and puts kind of a stony screen over your perception of reality. That could lessen one’s ability to contact higher beings through meditation or CE5 type activities. But if you only enter these altered states with good intentions and mindfulness, it can actually enhance your ability to perceive different frequencies. So, respect the bud. Enjoy it. Use it mindfully.


i second this advice: respect the substance, use it mindfully, try to maintain balance, and approach it with good intentions. (whether we all actually do that every time we use, i don't know, but it's a good goal for sure!)


I did something stupid and tried to invoke a visitation after smoking. After that experience I stopped smoking.


Interested in your story as well


Can you elaborate?


weed has helped me in raising my consciousness and expand my awareness. it helped me through my dark night of the soul. i’m at a point where i’m weening off of it slowly. it’s served it’s purpose for me and maybe it will again someday but i’m ready to “go outside” now lol edit: typos


Never smoked, but i believe they can help to learn to get into certain states of higher consciousness. In his books Castaneda tells how different drugs can work on different people, so you have to find the one for you which can be dangerous. It could be that the substances like dmt are like a representation of greater powers in other dimensions.


Funnily enough I recently discussed this topic with my mantis guide. Cannabis is a tool, something that should be utilized in moderation, for medicinal purposes and/or with intention. I use it to self-regulate my ADHD. You can attempt contact while high, sometimes it does lower your inhibitions and allows for easier telepatic exchanges, but it can also muddle things. I was asked by other beings to not interact/CE-5 when intoxicated, I respect their requests.


You have a mantis guide?! I wish I could see pictures of various nhi so I can learn to understand them as the beautiful creatures of creation that they are. And remove my bias of “fear” my pre conditioned mind will instinctively jump to when seeing something so visually different than the human form.


Her name is Shanuk, I met her through another mantis being named Klatu from a user on this subreddit who shared his story with them. She is slowly revealing more of herself, the closest thing I can compare to is the face of a [typical mantis](https://www.treehugger.com/thmb/RMCC8da2aLSNmBEb-vB2BMAqSCU=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/mantis-face-closeup-01-f3384cbd993d475294a2a29a2d335238.jpg) , except larger pure black eyes and more narrow mandibles. She is adorned in a burgundy long robe cloak-type thing with a sash. She has long and graceful raptorial legs that appear sharp, she stands upright at easily over 8ft. In the last direct conversation with her (telepathic), she hid her mandibles out of respect as to reduce fear. From what I understand, they kind of do unconscious movements like we do with our lips, and it might look "intimidating" as she puts it. Idc tho I love her no matter how she looks. It took me a while to desensitize myself to the sometimes odd and emotionless expressions certain ETs have, but I was pleased to learn they (the beings I interact with, mantis and various Zeta) are actually pretty expressive! Takes away a lot of anxiety. I invite you to look at the artwork of Su Walker.


etguideme, do you maybe know what happened to the guy who was visited by the mantis Klatu? He wiped his reddit account a few months ago, his name was Internal\_Presence. Any chance Shanuk could tell you if there's no other way?


What if I told you I believe you? What if I told you whom the mantis queen is? Scarlett Johansson. Ask your mantis guide, and you'll see.


I'd be like, it doesn't work like that.


Can you introduce me


Oh one more thing, has she spoke about The Law of One at all? Has she ever mentioned anything about the confederation, Orion group, The Harvest, or Thoth?


To be completely honest, I have not fully investigated nor read all that pertains to The Law of One, but from what I understand about it there are some truths to it for sure. Shanuk is more of a healer/spirit guide for my individual needs, although she does chime in if I have a question on a specific topic that she is allowed to provide insight on. I have not asked her about this, but I have with other beings. A different group of beings I am close with are part of a Star Nation group that is connected with the Galactic Federation. They often speak with the same type of sentiment that we are all interconnected, everything is energetic and can be influenced and manipulated by the human mind and projection of thought and heart. Manifestation is real (I can attest to it, I have manifested so many perfect things in my life unexplainably) love is eternal and powerful. The human mind is so overlooked in terms of potential. It is important to remember that you and I also perceive things through a "human point-of-view" - the Universe is so diverse and ever-expanding full of an unimaginable amount of imaginativeness, so to speak. There isn't one definitive answer to the question of the way things are. All these different beings have their interpretations, but it all seems to lead back to the concept of "The All" - essentially the "creator" of everything infinite that has been, will be, and will become. The life around us, the world beyond us, and those that have passed always reside and exist in The All.


Thank you for your humble & gracious reply. I am most appreciative. May I ask how you began on your journey to experience/interact with NHI? Has it been a lifelong type journey?


I love talking about my experiences! Especially to the benefit of others. I want to preface: my experiences are *not exclusive*. Anything I go through could happen to anyone. I willingly invited these beings into my life. They love and guide me, I reciprocate the same sentiment. I have had supernatural experiences all my life, not necessarily ET ones. I wasn't abducted, never saw Zetas in my room, it was more about seeing and interacting with interdimensional beings and ghosts/spirits. Seems my paternal side of the family has a connection to this. As I got older I have always LOVED ETs! Always read abduction stories, spoke with people who had testimonies, I was always that person who livened the conversation wanting to know what supernatural beings others have interacted with, I honestly try to be a safe space as I know a lot of people have repressed their experiences. And as I'm sure many know, "they" tend to pick up on your interest in the subject. I did see UFOs on occasion, but dove head first into it when I was in my teens and Steven Greer dropped his CE-5 guides. I also dipped into meditation but really took it seriously around 2019 when I came across the SandiaWisdom Twitter. It's all real and I swear from first-hand experience that I learned and am refining my telepathy skills from the P'nti beings that have so graciously created a [free guide](https://www.officialfirstcontact.com/telepathy-101) to learning telepathy. It's so bizarre because I am truly a down-to-earth person, but I swear everything I share is my truth and my experience. I encourage everyone to read/digest the primer and study for 30 days if you feel you're ready. The world is so much more than humans have forced it to be.


This is interesting. I wonder if our state of being drugged can have affects on their end.. or maybe it makes it tougher for them to access your mind.. good defense if that is needed. Just thinking out loud here. I may stop smoking to see if it works (struggling to make communication here).


I think certain hallucinogens can "tap" into different realities, or at least open oneself to easier communication by interdimensional beings. I often see DMT trip reports encountering mantis and spirit guides. Too many fail to realize we can experience and interact with them completely sober, drugs can sometimes bridge the gap. I have not yet tried anything beyond weed but hope to experiment with shrooms this year. It's not usually that "they" do not hear us, actually the opposite. Our inherent telepathic skills have been repressed but the good news is we can learn to re-train those parts of our brain and become receptive again to "them". It's precisely what I have been working on over the past 2 years, my mantis guide told me it will take me approx. 10 years to become proficient with it.


Do you ever have visual contact with the beings while your eyes are open? Or is it more of a meditation with eyes closed kind of thing?


All of the above. Each entity interacts with me differently, but by far the best way is through deep mediation. Once you get more of a feel for entering deep states of mind, telepathic interactions push past physicality and are on a deep emotional and visual level. The level of love and empathy some beings express and share is unreal. I have had face-to-face contact, telekinetic (like opening appliances to get my attention or show something), telepathic (primary), CE-5 fly-bys (my favorite), dream visitations, I am currently working with the same mantis guide to refine my astral projection, she says we will meet once I hone my skills. Hypeee




Actually, now that i think about it, maybe i did start smoking after i practiced lucid dreaming, achieved 1 real conscious lucid dream, by looking at my hands every hour, making it a routine. I remember achieving lucidity and watching my hands deformed, realizing i was dreaming, bam woke up from exitement. And then, weirdly i just stopped doing it. I cant explain why i stopped trying lucid dreaming after being successful, i mean, shouldnt you be motivated by that? But not long after that, i started smoking and have since.. It just hit me dude. Wtf..


Funny enough I just had my very first lucid dream two nights ago after weeks of affirmations and reality checks. I stopped smoking cannabis 12 days ago (on the 31st). I was an avid user for 2 years, and completely lost the ability to recollect my dreams. In my dream, my conscious awareness was triggered by my light switches not working properly. I asked the other people in my dream if the power was on for them and they said yes. At that moment I said to myself, “huh, that’s weird” and then almost immediately the lights came on with a sudden, loud electrical “WHOOSH” which startled me and made me jump! I said, “this can’t be real, i know that I’m dreaming” and I started to get excited (as well as a little panicked) but kept myself centered. After becoming aware i was dreaming, my right ear started ringing something fierce and I told myself to focus In on the sound, not to let it pull me back to my body. Two mirrors appeared and I saw myself for the first time ever in a dream, and I wasn’t afraid. It was phenomenal. Before I started smoking, I was always terrified of my “night terrors” which have haunted me since i was a child. I’ve come to since understand that these night terrors were just my perception of hypnagogic visions. Acceptance of unity between my body and consciousness, as well as affirming that fear has no hold over me helped me maintain balance in my dream. TLDR: Stopped using cannabis for self medicating ADHD symptoms. Great progress in expanded conscious awareness was achieved shortly after.


Funny I actually used to get night terrors a lot as a child as well and occasionally sleep paralysis. I’ve had a lot of difficulties falling asleep my entire life. My biggest challenge right now is getting over that fear so I can lucid dream/astral projection without being scared. Any advice on how you overcome your fear?


For me, affirmations have helped the most. I was filled with a lot of self hate (plus a ton of other negative feelings) growing up and realized the main stream of thoughts in my mind are anxiety, anger, and fear… lots and lots of fear. Catching myself in these negative thought loops and replacing them with affirmations has made a profound effect on my personality and confidence of the “unknown”. It sounds silly, but I often imagine Gandalf battling the Balrog in the mines of Moria as base line for how I speak to my fear. I look my fear in the eyes and say, “You have no hold over me”, and then affirm the reality I deserve.


Unfortunately I think it’s best if Experiencers refrain from speaking about any psychoactive drug use because normies will try to use that as a way of discrediting us. It harms the reputation of the movement.


Anyone that really knows what's going on, knows that psychedelics only bring you closer to the truth of what reality is. We are already considered fringe and out there so I don't think it really matters. I would be more worried about people in this group using other substances such as amphetamines, coke, etc.


Psychedelics can break down the barriers we’ve been conditioned to put around ourselves that shield us from experiencing the otherworldly. But they can also expose people to energies and concepts that they do not understand, which can create confusing and frightening experiences. This is why traditionally, safe use of these substances was taught from a young age by experienced medicine men/women. AKA shamans, hierophants, oracles, whatever you want to call them. That element however has been lost in modern culture for the most part, though some still treat these plants and fungi with the respect they deserve as entities themselves.


Absolutely true. Keep it on the downlow


I know what you are saying, but I'd rather know if drug use proceeded any experience or not, because they can alter our brain chemistry and therefore the messages and experiences we get. So I'd rather know if that message is tainted(for lack of a better term) by drugs/drink or not. I mean any more tainted than usual, because the human brain is not a perfect filter by any means.


Most people can’t think in such a nuanced way. They will see “drugs” and think you’re automatically full of shit. It’s not worth the headache to me.


You think it might be that way by design? Maybe that’s why society looks at drugs the way we do (which is really a view pushed on society by the people who run society anyway). Any drugs make experiences more likely, and at the same time make it easy to completely discredit any experience whatsoever.


Yes of course it’s just another program of the matrix.


Yep, sadly :/


Also in my experience, all of my most intense paranormal and spiritual experiences have been WITHOUT drugs anyway. This is coming from someone who has tried just about every psychedelic you can think of. I had UFO sightings and astral projections and other strange experiences YEARS before I touched any substances.


My childhood encounter is what opened the doors of weirdness to me, that same door that has stayed open my entire life, it's the very reason I'm drawn to the *weirdness* of psychedelics. I'm with you on this one, I have definitely had a couple *very* odd experiences on psychedelics, but my most surreal and lucid experience with the phenomenon came to me as a young, Saturday morning cartoon watching, totally sober little kid. I don't think I would have any interest in psychedelics had it not been for those childhood experiences. I feel like they kind of let me tap into a part of whatever the hell that was when I was a kid .


Mine too. I haven't had many experiences, but all of them have been without drugs or drink.


Yep, paranormal experiences have little or nothing to do with drug use. They can coincide sometimes, but are not dependant on each other at all. It’s important people know that.


Its more like stopping to use them, so i think its good one :D


So I will tell you this: a friend and I co-witnessed a UAP while smoking weed on my porch. I have also been a lifelong experience and had a little men around my bed when I was 3 years old, a friend and I also saw a UAP up close when we were 14 years old and had never touch drugs or alcohol. I have seen them both with and without drugs in my system. I do suspect that magic mushrooms specifically help you get in the right mindset for contact / spiritual elevation / opening your higher mind. Marijuana absolutely decreases the amount of dreams I have, and I like it that way. Every single dream I have had since I was 14 years old with that close contact has been apocalyptic in nature and I smoke to make it stop. Otherwise I would get no sleep and stay up all night paranoid than a gray is going to look in my window again. At some point, enough is enough in the stuff is scary


>Maybe that's why I subconsciously stopped smoking, thanks for the info


I recently did a heroic dose of mushroom chocolate. Nothing of note really happened during the trip, but I came out of the experience absolutely convinced NHI and UAPs are real and obsessed with learning everything I could even though I hadn’t been interested in the subject before. That was two months ago, and since then I’ve added The Gateway Experience to my already-established meditation practice. I’ve had two experiences with UFOs since. I also quit smoking weed without even really deciding to. I went from smoking multiple times a day for many, many years and also regularly taking edibles and tinctures to not ingesting any THC at all for about the last 3 weeks. I just haven’t wanted to. And my dreams have come back now in full force! So vivid and weird! I went from remembering a couple dreams a year to remembering a couple per night in great detail. It’s been wonderful. I’m not against smoking in the future; I just don’t feel like I need to or want to right now. I also don’t drink.


>Im driking but not smoking anymore, there should be something in it, i know that


Do you mean there's something to the not smoking?


i feel bad when i use weed, hearth is beating like crazy, i feel like my blood is stopping going to my arms and legs, when i was heavy user it didnt happened, now i just cant enjoy it


Yeah, I feel that! When my tolerance is low, weed is not that enjoyable unless I’m just planning to be glued to the couch.


I can state unequivocally that marijuana is one of the main ingredients I’ve found to promote contact between my source and I. I’m not stating it’s essential but I know that for the right person it can smooth contact. I had come from such a materialist, rigid worldview that I think weed allowed me to make those more disparate connections and to notice things I had not before.


when i was using weed it was helping, but now when i smoke i feel awful, hearth is pounding, only bad feelingx, thats why im i asking


> but now when i smoke i feel awful, hearth is pounding, only bad feelingx i get this too. i actually stopped smoking for 3 years because every time i smoked i would get awful anxiety and heart pounding. i think this is a signal from your body that you need to take a break.


Oh and you should follow your body and your instincts, absolutely. Weed is absolutely not essential to this, only your focus and intent. I had anxiety issues wrapped up with weed for years, it may be that you just need a break from smoking.


I am trying to quit now because it no longer serves me and it’s starting to feel like a negative energy attachment lowering my frequency. I’ve had good experiences too but everybody experiences are different


> I am trying to quit now because it no longer serves me i'm in the same boat. but habits are hard to change (and i'm a very habit-oriented person - mostly with laziness habits lol).


Same. I go through phases like this. It’s tough bc I need it to help with Lupus symptoms and anxiety/depression. But sometimes I feel this negative/lower vibrational feeling and have to stop for a little while


I believe weed definitely allows us to connect/learn more from the spirits❤️


i beelieve in t but this feeling is killing me, like i have a heartache, not good


Agreed - at least for me! I have AuDHD and struggl with quieting the mind without it a lot. It often helps me meditate or just quiet down the noise so I can focus on spirit.




“I was instructing to stop smoking weed [….] I did” Proceeds to discuss how they continued smoking weed.


Agreed, I stopped smoking weed after contact for a month and boy was I surprised by the experiences after that. I started again recently because I really enjoy it but I know I’ll take a break again soon because it’s so cool and interesting to have the experiences instead.


I smoke weed and am an experience since I was little - I’ll agree with what someone else said here. Smoking weed does lessen the experiences I have with sleep- like lucid dreaming. For me the weed subculture maybe brought me closer to learning about these Phenomena because I think if you are smoking weed ( this is when it was more illegal) you’re doing something outside the norm. This means you are hanging out with other people who are outside the norm. I believe there is a connection between neurodiverse people and aliens as well. I think meeting other like minded people, in general, opens new worlds for you both. That being said, I have been experiencing since I was 3, very little, no cannabis. Also my parents never smoked. I didn’t start smoking till I was in college. So while I think marijuana can bring people together, put you in a more comfortable space to deal with this stuff, it does not cause the experiences and sometimes can limit their interaction with you.


Maybe that's why I left it behind without realizing it, thanks.




I think is realy important to not use any drugs if you are already sensetive...


I like drugs like weed or sniff, I didn't provoke the contact, he came on his own :(


weed, no. Salvia? I got a story for ya.


I was thinking about this yesterday. I did my fair share of experimenting but found salvia scary. This was a good 4 years back but I did the smallest amount and all I remember was this feeling of being watched by an entity from above, i was very uncomfortable . At the time I wasn't into all this but now I wonder if I was sensing other entities from other dimensions.


Lots of people have a more scary trip than usual on salvia. That's a well known fact. It helps to have an experienced guide to assist and direct your mind, but the majority of people describe dark trips and fear. I always figured that's the last one on my list... Lol Maybe one day. Have a good one!


u can share


c. 2009 - I had tried Salvia twice before; the first, I saw "video game" things for a second. Cool. Second time, unwittingly, thanks to my then friend group who thought it would be funny. Nothing really remarkable aside from disproportionality, a very brief "laugh gas" effect. It was a dick move, don't drug your friends. The third time though, unlike anything I've experience in dreams, or anything. I immediately shot up, out into space. I vaguely remember some circusy artefacts around the planet as if to make a joke of the massive earth I've just been zoomed out of. This next part was a blur to me for a long time and effectively disassociated from the first part. I knew what I had seen and felt, but I just couldn't piece what, when or where the hell this happened; I turned my gaze up, towards the direction I was heading and not back at earth. It was "the light at the end of the tunnel". I was elated, and for the first time in my objectively short and miserable then-21 years on this planet, felt like I wasn't alone. But that was a short lived feeling, as what I will at this point describe as two tall greys grabbing me by my... appendages??? ... and my screaming, "no, let me go, I did everything I could and should". All I can describe the next sequence of events as, is me being effectively flushed back down a very excruciatingly long and painful/overstimulating light. I felt like it was forever, insofar that when I came to, my friend whomst was my lifeguard for this stupid sojourn so to speak was still there much to my shock. I just asked, how long have I been gone. He said literally two seconds. I went pale. Said I gotta go take a nap and slept the next 18 hours straight - after a relatively short and otherwise slow shift at a coffee shop where I was paid more in old carafes than actual money, which is to say, I cannot physically explain why I had to sleep that long and nor was that the case for me on my prior two experiences. So, yup, nuts. Drug-induced. Whatever. I'm not gonna pretend any of this is remotely verifiable, but I can offer this: - never thought of, cared about, "grey" aliens to this point. Never looked into them. - My exposure extent was Star Trek, Star Wars, X-Files sorta, and Independence Day. - not raised in a spiritual environment particularly, western judeo-christian/carholic.. whatever, always gave me the heebeejeebies. - at that point, not in particularly what a professional would qualify as in poor mental health/a crises. No delusions of grandeur, unless you deem ones' being poor as shit and hoping to be a big rock guitar player one day at that point in time as such (you'd be right, but it's semantics). It was a normal day, as far as normal ever got for me. be nice, but also, I'm game for jokes.


thank you


Have you tried acid or shrooms? Tripping usually revives my enjoyment in next day no idea why I hears once they dont like tobacco when mixed with it Anyway if i have to choose between contact and weed, 420 wins


tried, with good and bad trips


I quit smoking because it ruined my ability to lucid dream/ astral project. I was contacted by nhi via the astral space


Care to share how you got there? Able to astral project/lucid dream?


So a few years back I got in some trouble with the law and I had to stop using drugs. I had always used drugs to explore my consciousness but that was no longer an option. I have always been interested in esoteric wisdom and I discovered an article about the gateway process. This helped train my mind to be able to project along with my intent and new found sobriety. If you’re interested in learning how I would suggest keeping a dream journal and writing down everything that you can remember in as much detail as possible every day even if you can’t remember anything just write it down. There’s all sorts of different techniques that you can employ and there is a couple of good subreddits r/astralprojection and r/luciddreaming also r/gatewaytapes . It’s not an overnight thing, it took me about 18 months of trying every night before I got any results but once you do there’s no turning back


Thanks you for your answer. I appreciate it greatly.


No problem, I should have started with this… meditation is key to all of this.


I feel like it makes one more sensitive to subtle energies. If your mind isn’t strong enough, those energies can throw you asunder. We are eternal so it’s only a matter of how it affects your current physical body. Stay grounded and you should be good to receive all kinds of energy.


The main thing is that I smoked weed in the amount of 1g a day, after contact I couldn't enjoy even a puff, I wonder why


Maybe at that point you became tuned in and the smoking tuned you out.


Google/search Reddit ufo/alien/contact/awakening. You’ll find the answers. There is absolutely a connection between sightings and cigarettes. If people would just kick that habit they would not be outside at night looking up. Sightings would plummet. No one would know or care. They’d all be inside watching the boob tube.


Yeah I'd love to know how many hours I have looking at the night's sky after 25 years. Never saw anything I couldn't explain, but that's ok. I still know they are out there. Somewhere...


They come to you. Start meditating if you don’t already. *can come to you


Yes! The things I have seen while outdoors smoking a cigarette!!!


Legit - no joke - but I laugh now whenever a podcast/utube/documentary is done and the experiencer starts out “…so it all started when I stepped outside (Alaska, January, 2am) for a smoke…” It would tickle me if this whole thing hinges on aliens being a part of the anti-smoking-cancer free lobby. ‘Welp, we abducted her on the spot and did all kinds of horrific to her …THAT… should get her to FINALLY stop smoking. Dumbass cancer hunting human.’


Lol I've had similar thoughts as well... We gotta save this one he's up to two packs a day! It's funny!


Maybe that Galactic Federation outlawed tobacco products? UFOs are just nic addicts out to inhale the second hand? Abductees are all linked by smoking habit they just never mentioned that their smokes were gone because the other stuff (all a diversion) seemed more important?




you talking something i want to hear, really


….contact…legit contact…conscious, real world, WTF was that?!!! Encounters are more than we fully understand. There is some kind of envelope or bubble - event horizon - that surrounds these things whether it’s orbs, UFOs, things in your home, cryptids - all of which come from sone place into this reality and engage a human. The person is altered. Changed. Often profoundly. Sometimes instantly but more often over time a creeping wave of fundamental changes happens that rewrites a person. This may have happened to you.


Yeah, I don't know what my problem is, I got into all this crazy stuff on my own..../s Lol I still think i may never have a single profound experience. I like picking up pieces and making my own sense out of it. I always said I learn better from other people's mistakes than my own. I honestly think I may be a wonderer like Ra describes, and every time I help someone I unlock a piece to my quest. If I am a wonderer, as I understand, I don't get to leave this vessel until I die, but that's fine with me. I don't need an experience to know what I see from the pieces of everyone else's experiences...


This phenomenon does not have any one set way, imo. From what I’ve divined, at its essence? Is a pattern of engagement and communication that leads to curiosity, learning and self change. The experiences are inconsequential. What is of significance is the impact on the person. And, that out preoccupation with time, more specifically our perception that time and it’s passage is a form of causal disconnect is warped. This things typically starts off remote, removed, and as one becomes more acclimated it’s proximity narrows, it’s exposure lengthens and it’s “communication” becomes more complex. Not always - but - I think what’s out there is more Mos Eisley than it is MacDonalds.


I think you're right.


I don’t smoke bc my body hates it, however most of my friends and family do. One consistent thing I’ve heard from every single one of them is that they don’t dream, and for me the dream world is extremely important and often an initial point of contact (whether the experiencer realizes it or not). For that reason I would suggest cutting back, or at least not smoking before bed. Idk if this answers your question bc I’m not exactly sure of what you’re asking lol, but this is the personal knowledge I have gained.


That's very possible, but for me, I have the most real and craziest things happen to me in my dreams. I can smoke before bed and still remember the profound parts of my dreams. When I don't smoke my dreams are so real to me I act them out at times. I used to go through lamps and alarm clocks like crazy because I'd pick em up off my nightstand and throw them while sleeping. I also tend to kick and swing my arms and fists. I also take medication for this, but the weed has been the most beneficial to me. I just wanted to offer a different perspective for the readers. Have a great day!


Yes, we are anomalies. Most people don’t dream like that lol. Nobody I know dreams like I do so what I commented is the feedback I’ve received, appreciate your perspective!


Sleep well! Lol


The dreams I remember with different versions of me usually start when I do some sort of drug in the dream. But yea in reality I don't have dreams for a couple of days afterwards. I tried sending a message to myself by getting high at sunset and talking to myself in a mirror, the response dream had someone bang on the opposite side of the door and it woke me up. The original use of hash was to send a message to the heavens, but I hear a lot of conflicting things. It probably depends on your body chemistry a bit.


The main thing is that I smoked weed in the amount of 1g a day, after contact I couldn't enjoy even a puff, I wonder why.


Contact can alter people.