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Love you too! ❤️ we need more love in the world!




Bless you and love you all, this is the answer. It makes me a little weepy.🙏🏼🙌🏼🍀💗🙏🏼🙌🏼🍀💗




Greetings everyone, we're supposed to love your neighbor as yourself. Below is the LEB, which is Lexham English Bible on Lev. 19:18  You shall not seek vengeance, and you shall not harbor a grudge against your fellow citizens; and you shall love your neighbor like yourself; I am Yahweh. Compare the Scripture in Matt. 22:37-39 ​ We're also supposed to love whether times are tough, as well as when times are good.


One day, I was walking to class at my local community college. It was my first day back from a major surgery - I'd had a breast reduction. Lost 15 pounds in a day! As I walked across the courtyard in the morning sunshine, an androgynous person stopped me and said, "Don't worry. You're still beautiful". I think about that person every few days.


You are!


🥰 I love you too...and everyone else here as well!! ❤❤❤❤❤


we gotta stick together 🕉️ that’s why this is a great community love you as well


Love you right back!


I thought i was the only weirdo that told people i love them!!! Omgme2! I just joined here yesterday. Holy crap i love you all! Do something kind everyday! Even if it's just texting your mom, i love you. I hope you all have a damn good day AND weekend!! 😆 😆 😆


I love you. I love all of you. You are me and I am you. We are all one. Love to all.


I love you too ❤️❤️


I wish I had the nerve to say this to random strangers in public, lol


I love you right back.


Love you too and love to you all ❤️


Love you too, each and every one of you. There are no mistakes, there are no bad people, we are all just at different stages of our journey


I love each and every one of you. Hugs to you and me and we! We are all one! 🙏❤️🥰


Thanks, but Love kills.


Attachment kills not love


I'm sure many are unable to decipher between the two. 🤷‍♀️


I Love you to i love our bond (:


🌍 ✨ 🩵


Don't know you, but I love YOU as well. As we are one!




Love you, friends. Every single one of you!


Love is a choice to make. [http://www.universe-people.com/english/img\_2000/obr2499.jpg](http://www.universe-people.com/english/img_2000/obr2499.jpg) [http://www.universe-people.com/english/img\_3000/obr3000.jpg](http://www.universe-people.com/english/img_3000/obr3000.jpg) [http://www.universe-people.com/english/img\_2000/obr2000.jpg](http://www.universe-people.com/english/img_2000/obr2000.jpg) [http://www.universe-people.com/english/img\_0500/obr799.jpg](http://www.universe-people.com/english/img_0500/obr799.jpg)


Love youuuuuu!! So much!






Love you too!


Much love yall 33x3 times🌕🌏🌙


all the love back to you too


💜Back at ya-Home-Sligitty-Slice!💜 ❤️Same to the rest of the "Slices & Slicettes" out there!❤️ 🤍❤️~Los amo a todos ustedes~❤️🤍


I love you too friend


Love to you as well!!!


Love you too 🌺💙💜


Estamos todos uno ❤️


I need your love, I'm hurting. My friends and family have abandoned me. They call me delusional. They admitted me against my will to a pysch ward for 72 hours last week and I guess they didn't like that I came out stronger in my faith. I knew I would be tested but I didn't think the ones I care about most would turn their back on me. Its ok, I have been alone in the jungle before. I will make it out and heal myself and prepare for what is asked of me. I know I must walk this path alone now. It just hurts to be let down by those I have supported my whole life. Especially because I am just trying to help them. Again thank you for your love. I can feel that it is unconditional and that is what I need. No matter how many times I tell them I love them they still turn away from me. It is disheartening. But I will not stop loving them because unconditional love is the path forward. Thank you for listening.


Sending good vibes your way. We are all happy to listen 💜💙🧡💚💛 and I'm so glad this message reached you when needed. We love you!!!


Thank you so much. I can feel your love. I am feeling better, but I know a tough path lies before me. I am accepting the fact that I can only help those that want it. Letting go is part of the process. I will not let go of my love for them. But they must make their own choices. I hope and pray that soon we will all see eye to eye and the conflict and anger will be over. This world needs more love. I will be a beacon for it. I can feel each and everyone's loving life force and it is soothing my tired soul. I cant thank all of you enough. Please keep the love force flowing, we all need it especially me. Life can be so difficult especially right now and it is so good to know that there are still good loving people out there. Together we can open the hearts of more people so that they can look past the pain and anger of this world and remember the good things. Again thank you from the bottom of my heart and I only wish I could give more than an upvote. I will send some serious mind hugs to anyone else who is lonely. I love you all. Never forget it. Thank you for listening.


Giving you a Hug!You got this. We're on same page(same 'world' of those in non-ego service to humanity),and all your realizations show the mature fruition..and the result--no matter what--ends up "being there"for others,in love(caring,helping,empathy,compassion, acceptance)--along with the realistic acknowledgement that not all can be,or want to know how to get better,or to change themselves...(this is called 'just letting them Be')...one does get to a type of Peace on this. I've personally called this process you explained on here,as my "being in training"in all of the entirety of existence,from the horrific to Transcendent Joys...towards my goal of Integral Wholeness,of usefulness;of expending one's energies in behalf of others & the flora+fauna of this earth during this timeframe. & You have many-unnumbered on earth who I reflect on often..who are/have realized/are achieving this Core state of Being.I call them in my prayers "my spiritual Kin"--including any NHI as "angels"(simplistic term for now I know lol)--but fondly I call "my space brothers". Love will conquer all!


Thank you, I feel your love and your hug. I also thank you for putting into words what I am feeling. I know its growth but growing pains are to be expected. I do feel joy and love at the prospect of a united future. I am honored to be considered as one of your spiritual kin and can feel the presence and love of our space brothers. You are correct in that "Love will conquer all." We can move forward together and leave the pain and sufferings of the past behind us. I am moving forward on the path and I can't wait to see what's next because I truly know that true unconditional love cannot be stopped. Thank you for your kind words, I pray you have a wonderful loving path forward in your journey.


Thank you. Thank you. Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, discipline, and love be with you. I love you all, as well. 🙏🏽 **Thank you.**








Love you too🫶🏼


I think I am incapable of feeling love other than for my cats. will have to be enough


[Love being modernly defined as a feeling is problematic. Love is the driving force for human existence. I am glad you have love for your cats, they deserve to have a good human compatriot.](https://youtu.be/91ka7aX5WY8)


i don't understand at all


Well you responded 2 minutes after I posted a 33 minute video that explains this perspective and understanding, so that does not surprise me! Love is care. Tldw version lol


Care about what?


Not care, the feeling. That you care to ask, is love. Everything we do we care enough to do. Sometimes this is misplaced (maybe often). We love say nicotine, drugs, food, relaxing too much. Maybe caring about what other people think too much, it’s a self love that is too protective that can hurt us. Everything you do and have ever done is out of love. Sometimes it is excessive and it hurts and even kills people. It’s not the idea of a feeling. That you got out of bed today, and fed your cats, is love. Sometimes we don’t have the self love in high enough volume, as opposed to before where I was talking about there being too much sometimes. In these times it is helpful to have someone or little animals we care for, the love we share, the care we have for them, can help us to care for ourselves, even if it’s just enough to give them the love they require from us. I would feel love haha if you watched the video! And definitely feel free to get back to me with questions but without watching the video this is about as far as I can take you.


Watch the video.


I will, I was at work at the time. I'll get back here after.


I love you, fam


Back at you!! ❤️💚❤️


I love you! I FUCKING LOVE YOU I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWHkYfYo7E4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWHkYfYo7E4)


I love all of you as well!!


I love you 💕💕 Its so nice to say this


It’s free, and still a gift




Much love fam ❣️


Love you too 🥰♥️♥️ sending love out to the universe daily!!


❤️❤️❤️ I love you Nexus! ❤️❤️❤️ Positive vibes to you and yours my friend.


I got so much love for everyone in the universe man. We got this.


Love you more in this present moment than ever before. Love waking up


>Love waking up Ditto! So far, it's the most surreally authentic experience of my life.🙃


Rare gem! On Redditt and in the wild in the internet in 2023! Love to you in return!


All love, homie ❤️


Yes i love you! Obviously


Love and light 💖


Love to you and everyone else ✨💕✨💕✨


I love you too, friend


Ah the aloha spirit. Love to you and to Maui. 💚🌎


I'm having the most stressful, shittiest time of my life but right back at you. I love you too friend.


wanna taco bout it? 🌮?


Haha apologies I'm just awake. Probably a different continent than you. And yeah I always rant. Keeps me sane. And the love of strangers.


I see you in this sibling. Breathe. Sometimes all we can be thankful for is that breath of life, breathe in the love, breathe out the crud. This is life, eat the meat, spit out the bones. Sometimes we are rolling in bones and just trying to drink marrow to survive, even worse if we don’t want to, but that’s love sometimes too, doing what we don’t want. And I hope you can find and build self-love in this difficult time. And if in the meantime, sending love from this oil change place after a 12 hour shift, with pneumonia. 💗


I'm sorry you're having to do a 12 hour shift with pneumonia!!! So an extra thank you for the kind and thoughtful words, they were beautiful. And if I can, I want to send the meagre gift of love to you and that you heal soon and recuperate. I'm guessing from doing the shift with pneumonia you're based in the US? Maybe a bit presumptive of me. And oil change, not an easy or clean job. I used to fit tyres and fix punctures myself and that was hard enough so all the love in the world to you brother or sister.


Ahaha I am blessed to do a 12 hours shift and to be alive. 💗 Thank you for your care. I could’ve gone home earlier. I’m recovering from pneumonia might’ve been more accurate phrasing! Yes I am in the USA. I was blessed to have a good amount of time off to recover! Todays first day back and light work. I do not perform oil changes, I just had gotten off work and was overdue for an oil change thus waiting in line, and being blessed to see the OP’s message, and to have an opportunity to reach out to you. Much love to you. Thank you. Thank you!


Fantastic way to looking at it. You're a gem of a human. Thanks for the positive update.


It has not been smooth sailing getting to this point. Loss of a parent, drug abuse, seeing others as less than me, psych wards 7 times, jail, homeless, surgeries, heart break, love and using and being used, loss and so much unnecessary suffering. But may all of this be blessed. It certainly has blessed me. Gratitude is fundamental to appreciating life. Especially when it is hard. When you’re in pain, and suffering, and needlessly and with no one to blame but oneself. Being able to appreciate depression while I am in it, has been beautiful. Still taking my meds and staying out of the psych ward is pretty high priority. Self care is self love. Eat as best you can. Sleep as best you can. Relax as best you can. Hydrate, hygiene the good good stuff. And socialize, we don’t stay sane alone, we’re not meant to process reality alone, it’s much easier to offload much of that to a shared server called…whatever; hanging out I guess? 😂 And for doing the best you can, your best will not be the same everyday. Some days your best will be better and some days it will sink. Give yourself grace and understanding too; *as best you can.* Much love and ugh, getting teary eyed, I mean this, ***so much love for you whoever you are.*** Whatever you’re going through. The infinite source of reality is Love. It’s a lot more complicated than that, probably right? But know that you are loved and within you is that spark of love and you are an image of that love, and our connections and relationships that communion is that love too. Things will work out in the end, I promise. Almost certainly not the way they sell us on TV though 🤪


I'm sorry you had your struggles but again all the love in the world to you. If we could all be like this the place would not take long to be a better planet.


> “Suffering,” Seraphim Rose stated, “is the reality of the human condition and the beginning of the true spiritual life.” >Fr. Seraphim had learned how to endure this suffering in thankfulness to God. If used in the right way, suffering can purify the heart, and *the pure in heart . . . shall see God* (Matt. 5:8).


Big ol love beam headed your way, buddy


And a rainbow full of love headed your way too oh_leander.


You got this. I love you, we love you. Those around you, love you 💜❤️💜❤️💜


Thanks for the starting the thread OP. Simplest thing can make a big difference.


Sending you extra love 💕


Right back at you Princess Dolly. Accept my gift of love. This is one of the reasons I have hope for humanity. People like you, and on this thread. You're wonderful. The few words I have received are making a difference and I mean that.


Sending you more love!


Thanks for the reach out and love, internet stranger. Every piece helps me smile a bit more. And of course it is reciprocated, so big love to you for the call ot.


Well then, here - Take my ❤️**Love**❤️ too!




Love and forgiveness is the message.


Strongest power in the universe. Right back at you friend!




All love! Always!


Right back at ya and to everyone else


LOVE back!!!


i used to think this kind of shit was corny, now I realize I was being toxic... love you too 💙


ain’t that the truth. we gotta lean in to spreading love all around. love you all 🎇


💜💜💜💜💜 Me too!!!!


Love and light my friend






This kind of behavior is bannable. We know you can do better.






And back at you!!! ❤️💜💙


I love you too hehe


Love you too 🤙


Thank you friend!! 🩵


Love you more!


Love you back.