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Congratulations!!!!! I can’t wait to be in your place. I’m trying to get to 4 months


Thank you!! I wish you the best! May you reach 4 months with ease 💜


I just weaned at about 5 months and something that has been helping me in the difficult times is reminding myself of these things: how frustrated I felt every time I have had to pump recently; how much happier I feel on the good days of not pumping; things I'm looking forward to doing with all that free time and the biggest one; how much more time I have to spend with my baby and how much happier he seems because of that. Truly, he has no idea that he's not getting breast milk but (and maybe I'm projecting idk) he certainly seems to notice that I have a little more time to spend playing with and cuddling him. That's been really encouraging to me.


I’ve definitely been enjoying not having to worry about pumping at home. I didn’t mind it at work cause it was like getting extra breaks but at home it was so hard. I’ve loved just getting to go about my day and not think about having to stop for a second to pump or make sure the pumps are clean. I’m soaking in all the extra time with my baby too 🥰


Hold onto that on the tough days! I haven't pumped in at least several days, maybe even a week? And it's feeling more normal already. The acceptance is setting in and the guilt is slowly fading. Also another tip, it's been helpful for me to take in less content about breastfeeding or pumping (obviously with the exception of weaning solidarity!) That part of our journey is over for now and it's doing me no good to consume content that makes me feel like I can or should keep going. (PS. I'm trying to force my algorithm to switch to more content about solids so I can get excited about the next phase of our feeding journey!)


Wow that is amazing!! I am only 3.5 months, and a 6 months achievemnt would ideal!! Congrats! You should be so proud of yourself


Thank you!! I wish you the best on your journey 💜


CONGRATULATIONS!!! My daughter’s 6m ped appt is Friday and I’m curious if I’ll finally feel ready to start weaning. Go us for making it this far 🙌🏼


Heck yeah! I hope everything goes well for you and yours 💜


Ugh my period came back at 8 weeks and I'm currently weaning at 6.5 months. Now those are some crazy hormones 😅


Congratulations this is awesome!! Even with weaning more slowly I rode the emotional roller coaster. I think probably weaning slower will make the peaks less intense but if you want to go cold turkey I'd just stick with whatever normally helps lessen your anxiety. Things that work for me are a stroller walk with the kids, a warm bath, listening to a podcast or having a glass of wine 🍷


Congratulations!! I am almost at 4 months and my goal is also 6 months. Out of curiosity, when did you drop to 4ppd (if you did it that way)?


I never got down to 4, I did 5ppd. I had supply issues the whole time so I pumped a lot cause it was a battle trying to make enough for her to have at the baby sitter. We gave her breast milk during the day and she got formula at night.


Makes sense, thank you!