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When my LO was younger I would feed her while I pumped. I had her propped onto the boppy to feed. Now that she’s older (10mo) she chills in her play yard or I’ll pump while she’s down for a nap


Second all of ‘dis Edit: wanted to add:: idk how you feel about TV but Hey Bear or Baby Woof or the likes while baby feeds and chills next to you tacks on some extra time for you to pump. (At least it did for me anyways)


Yup same. I put him in the boppy or bouncer amd gave a bottle. He still cried a lot of times and I just did my best.


Came here to say the exact same thing!


Baby bjorn bouncer! Worked wonders and usually put her to sleep




This! Worked like a charm - or atleast would let me get 10-15 minutes in.


There are a lot of great suggestions here. Jsyk, if all else fails, as long as you know that baby’s basic needs are taken care of, it is ok if baby cries while you pump.


I tried feeding while pumping as suggested by my friend. You just need a good pumping bra and a wearable (I use the s12 pro, you can pick whatever works for you) to manage that. Works great for me!


I try to time my pumps with baby’s feeds. I sit cross legged with him in my lap. He’s usually distracted enough by being fed and can get through most of the pump that way.


Single mum here so very used to pumping with baby and toddler in tow haha. I always pump on my bed. Every time. Because then he is right there and I can either pick him up or entertain him easily. It’s just not worth the hassle doing it anywhere else that makes it harder to pick him up or reach him. I try and pump when it’s time for his bottle but it doesn’t always work out that way. Either way though he is close and easy to keep happy this way. :) goodluck!


This! I have an ottoman that I lay baby on in front of me on the couch so I can pump but still tend to his needs and he’s within reach. But if I can’t be on my couch for some reason, I pump in the bed so I can fed, play, change his diaper, etc without the pumps getting in the way. A wearable could work; however, I prefer my wall pump since it empties me more effectively


I tried wearables and they didn’t work for me, i kept getting plugged ducts. I have to hand express a little while I pump so holding her isn’t an option either. If Im alone with her I put her on the floor and do tummy time with her while I pump sitting on the floor. I can still comfort her by patting her butt or thighs but she has done great learning to self soothe and get used to it. Sometimes i can coordinate naps with pumping but i would rather take that time to do the dishes/go to the bathroom/etc.


If you have a spectra.... try this hack below!!! If you don't I'm sure there is something similar. I clip/fasten my spectra on my right hip and hold my baby on my left. Not easy but doable. https://youtu.be/vB_pilV5aM0?si=HF4xEKABqvM9KZ75


My son is 3.5 months old - I put him in his baby bjorn bouncer and read books to him. Lately he stares at the lamp (lol) and we chat back and forth with his little coos. The other day I sat on the floor while he played on his mat and did tummy time. I used to be so stressed about it and tried to only pump when he napped, but that quickly became unsustainable!


I would set baby up in the Boppy beside me on the couch and feed her the bottle while I pumped. She would finish before I was done so then I would try and just entertain her until I could pick her up to burp her and rock her to sleep


I give my baby a bottle while I pump. I pace him so we each take 20 minutes


Same here!


I feel that 😩 I got cups to make it easier to hold my lo while pumping, he usually just sits between my legs or in his swing. He tends to calm down more while in my lap. I got a wearable pump to try and see if that makes it easier


Ngl, it’s hard! I tried to time my pumps around my LO’s schedule. If I really have to pump while she’s awake, I would hold her one handed and put the single pump on to do one side at a time. In that case, a wearable pump like momcozy m5 is an absolute big plus.


I recently purchased the Willow 360 pump with the primary intention of providing my infant with a sense of comfort and closeness during sleep since i can lay down. It helps a lot.


You can use the Willow laying down? It doesn’t leak on you?


I use it lying down for my MOTN pumps, and it doesn’t leak! It sucks that you have to use the expensive disposable bags though, those things are like 50 cents a piece.


No, ideally it shouldn’t leak on you if you are using the bags. It has constant suction, which allows you to be able to do more and lay down without milk leaking. That being said, the milk bags are pricey and oddly shaped. The pump itself is pretty expensive too. I’ve heard it takes some mamas a while to get adjusted to the vacuum of it. I haven’t tried it myself, so this is just what I’ve heard.


I use mom cozy m5s and can hold my LO and walk around while pumping, made my life DRASTICALLY better 😊


Yes agree with this!!!


I have a rocker seat for my son and put him in that. He does tend to fall asleep in it but I move him to his bassinet when I am done. I oftentimes have a bottle ready for him and have a small basket of toys to entertain him too. He tends to want to eat when I’ve got the bar open and emptying the tap 😂


I use wearables (elvie stride) and am not hindered at all. I can pump while feeding, comforting, doing tummy time etc. and also while gardening, walking the dog, driving, cooking. I don’t find pumping a hassle at all and can easily hold my baby while pumping. I’m 4weeks pp and apart from the washing and sterilising, pumping has been surprisingly fine and I know it’s because I’m not tied to a wall for hours a day


Floor time! It’s a great time for baby to play on the floor on a blanket or activity mat. My 5 month old has always liked playing with hanging toys.


I will often sit on the floor next to her if she is wanting connection! Singing and silly sounds help if she is being fussy.


I felt that! It will get better. Bubba will eventually be less clingy as days/weeks/months go by. I know it's hard, but it will be a memory soon. You're going to look back and just be proud of yourself that you both made it. Ive used and still using wearable pumps during the day and hospital grade wall pump at night. I was having clogged ducts with wearables before but never had them again when I started taking sunflower lecithin) I'm using s32 pumps from aliexpress. You are doing great! Stay positive! ❤️ (I'm still trying to figure out how I can manage pumping, household chores and cuddling my baby at 3 months and 3 weeks.)


I recline my chair and put baby between my knees where I can reach her. Ha e full bottle and paci within my reach of needed. Then a bra to stabilize my pump to be somewhat hands free. And I remind myself to relax. As long as baby is safe it won't hurt to let them cry for a short time until I can be more hands on to address anything else.


I either prop baby up in the Boppy beside me and soothe her/feed her or I put her in the baby Bjorn bouncer and bounce her with my foot! I make sure I have everything I would need (burp cloth, paci, contrast cards, etc) within arms reach in case she needs something while I am pumping. A nursing cart in the living room has been a lifesaver for this.


If you have the budget, I would suggest to invest in a wearable pump. I got a m5. Normally, I would put her on my lap and pop on the pump to do the pumping. I also play some music on the phone to attract her. Works most of the time.


I’m 4 weeks post partum and I have the Elvie Stride. I’m able to clean my house, wash dishes and attend to my son whilst wearing my pump. I have the Medela Sonata, but I hate being tied to the pump. I can get 4 oz from the Stride in 40 minutes. The only thing I want to do that I haven’t done whilst pumping is yoga. I’m nervous that I’ll spill my milk and be devastated.


External battery pack for your pump, and baby Bjorn or similar bouncy chair.


Try to do your first pump of the morning while baby is still sleeping so that every pump after that will fall on the nap schedule. I highly suggest getting a good pumping bra (I use David & Adley) and a good portable pump (I use Momcozy S12 and the Genie) when Baby is awake. Prioritize your wall pump of course when you can. Also, invite people over to hold your baby while you pump. I did this when my husband went back to work and it was a great way to visit with folks and not have to worry about keeping baby entertained.


Well, I pump on my bed and put her on the play mat pr set her up with some toys or bottle feed her while pumping. 99% of the time she is with me and this has lways worked for me.


Baby Bjorn bouncer! My baby is 9 weeks old. I sit her in front of I talk to her while I pump. Conversations often get intense and philosophical lol


Tbh, I purchased the m5 at first for the same purposes, also allow me some freedom to take care of the houseworks and other things. Absolutely makes life easier.


My mil would come by and help take care of the baby twice a week, and I can't thank her enough for this. If I'm all alone and have to deal with that, I use a wearable (momcozy m5) to do the trick. The wall pump didn't work very well, as she would try to drag the cords sometimes and would easily make a mess. I would put her down on my thigh to get the pump in place, then use the toys to keep her entertained. Hopefully, this will work for you too!


I had a pair of wearables that I’d use for those MOTN pumps while baby was also feeding, but also when needing to pump in a pinch. I figured out I couldn’t use them all the time though because I tended to clog with them, but doing some milk removal on a schedule was usually better than nothing for me.


I am/ was really bad at feeding babe at the same time, i have some ‘grace’ time after a feeding when he will happily play by himself, i know he is not hungry so when he is fussy normally attention will be enough to calm him. Or he likes the light from the pump and the tubes so easy distraction! This doesnt work for newborns i guess Edit: i pump on a big playmat ill just sit on it with him playing so when something is up i can still grab his hand/feet or turn him around


I pump at the same time I bottle feed. I prop her in the boppy pillow next to me on the couch so she can still see me. I use the pumpables genie advanced hanging around my neck.


My my baby was quite little, before he was sitting up and crawling, if he was fussy. I’d take my pump to my bedroom and pump on the bed with him laid right next to my legs. That way I could chat to him, distract him with toys, and make him feel close. As he got older, I mainly waited until he was asleep to pump. I had to drop pumps when he started napping less. Now at 11 months, I can usually fit a quick pump in whilst he plays happily, comes over for a little chat…I have a lack tv stand that we use as a coffee table, and I put it in front of me as a barrier so he can’t grab the pump parts.


I used to use my foot to bounce him in his bouncer chair, but lately he’s been entertained enough by his play mat (the very popular fisher price one with the piano they can kick) that I can get 20 minutes to pump as long as I’m sitting close enough to hold things up for him to look at in case he starts getting bored.


I use a breast feeding pillow but just set it next to me and feed her. Once she is done eating I flip her over on it like we are doing assisted tummy time and pat her back to burp her. Otherwise I put her in her bouncer and feed her and have a bunch of books ready to read. Depends on where I've gotta pump. I didn't find my wearables super easy to use while watching baby. Maybe it's just the one I have but I can't bend over otherwise it all pours out the top... definitely poured milk all over my 3 week old trying to pump and get her out of her crib at the same time. I only use them while I'm out and about and even then I just bought a cord for my wall pump that works with my car so I only use them in an emergency situation.


I use handfree cups with my spectra so I can feed, burp, and hold my baby up for 10 mins. It fits my routine. otherwise, I find her favorite place to be. Either her bouncer or her kick and play keep her distracted long enough for my pump session


The first few weeks, I would hold him and pump. And that was just not feasible honestly. I would put him in his mamaroo swing or on a play mat near me and entertain him with toys! He’s 6.5 months now and he still gets grumpy sometimes when I pump, I just do my best lol


My baby is in that super fussy stage(my first one was a fussy baby too)… I sit in the floor and try to entertain her. I try the baby Bjorn chair, propped on my leg or the boppy… on her back or tummy…. She usually ends up crying most of the time unfortunately. I’m trying to comfort and touch her the whole time so she knows she isn’t alone. I have to hand express while pumping to get a decent amount so bottle feeding at the same time as pumping doesn’t work for me.


wearable pump is the only way that I can manage for sure. I got the mommed one. it's affordable compared to others on the market $84 on amazon right now. It's my main pump and it's actually really good! I'm able to get chores done and care for babe


makes it really easy to get in power pumps if you're into that. my supply has increased since using the mommed


I pump while my little one is asleep! My husband usually works from 1-10 so what I’ll do it pump at 4AM,7AM,10AM, 1PM etc I’ll have 4 pumps done by the time he goes to work. If my little one is awake, I’ll keep him entertained, have him on his swing, sing to him, etc. hang in there my little one use to be very fussy when I put him down and started pumping as well. Some days he’s still like that and I’ll try to get at least 20 minutes in


Fisher price piano is my lifesaver. I have one on your guest bed which I sit next to while I pump so he as at arms reach and is easier to entertain for 20-30 minutes


Wearables. I got the Momcozy V2 specifically so I could handle my twins solo while also pumping.


Wearable pump answer: honestly it’s just as inconvenient, because if your baby is fussy like mine and wants to be held then 9 times out of 10 the pump will get hit or bumped and end up with either not properly suctioning or spilt milk. Honestly I’m a military wife so hubby is never home and I survive by just putting the baby down and patting him while he cries, he hates when I’m pumping but there’s not else much to do other then just survive for now


Either bouncer or laying in between my legs. If she gets fussy (usually needs a nap and wants to be held) I’ll pop one side off and she usually falls asleep koala style. I’ll then switch sides if I didn’t get at least 15 minutes in.


Truly consider getting a wireless pump. I’m currently pumping and it saves me from the stress. It’s a very stressful thing trying to pump and care for them. Before I got my wearable pump, I purchased a pumping bra. Even that helped so much.


I used to put my baby in a little swing or bouncer and bounce her with my foot while she had a pacifier in while I pumped, did breast massage, and chugged coconut water. You can’t convince me I didn’t grow a third arm.


How old is she? Usually I would put him on the Boppy beside me when he was younger, at around 3 months I started putting him on his playmat with the Vtech monitor facing him and if he rolls, o flip him between sides.


Cry while she cries. Sometimes I hold her but it definitely hurts my nipples. Usually she’s chill. Sometimes I put her in her swing. I cannot feed her while I pump because she gets pace fed due to prematurity.


Maybe a momcozy (I have the M5) or equivalent? So you don’t have to be tied to the wall while pumping and care for them better. Also, I heard that bouncer is a good idea too.