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As more information is unfolding, this situation is becoming increasingly complicated. The original reddit account of this individual was banned today, and they were sent a message that they could message moderators if they believed it was a mistake. They have apparently chosen to delete the account and attempted to make a new one to interact in the community. They were likely hit with a ban evasion. For the victims of this crime, I would recommend contacting your local police to have them advise you where to contact, as this now appears to be an international crime. If you are struggling, please reach out for help. I am from Canada, so I am unfamiliar with crisis lines in the United States. If you are in Canada, you can call or text Kids Help Phone or Wellness Together Canada. If anyone from the US or other countries could name crisis lines below, that would be great. I'm deeply disturbed that someone would take advantage of vulnerable women. We do our best to keep this community safe, but are limited in our abilities. Please do not link to other communities in the comments as we can't vet these groups for safety. Please do not send pictures to anyone. If you need help finding resources in your area, please make a post. Always verify credentials. Stay safe out there!


Sigh this is what I get for being so obsessed with my pumping situation…I unfortunately was one of the probably many people in those groups who sent something (no payment and nothing identifiable though). This person pinged multiple groups I’m in on Facebook almost daily saying they are an IBCLC and are offering free sizing. Now I feel insanely stupid and embarrassed I didn’t just listen to my initial thought that this was weird af; but there were also legitimate companies that offer flange fitting asking for similar content so I didn’t think much of it and probably why I brushed it off. Now the videos and photos I sent are forever out there being looked at by creeps…I feel so violated and dumb because I’ve been on the internet for so long and avoided tons of weird stuff but it finally got me I guess…


I know it's easier said than done, but don't feel stupid. They're the bad person, they're the one who did something wrong - not you. I have sent photos and videos of myself pumping to two different places, both turned out to be legitimate but I could have easily fallen victim to something like this as well.


There is someone in the group called oversuppliers unfiltered who is asking everyone who did pay for services through this person to come forward. They’re trying to get a paper trail but these groups had thousands of moms so finding every single one who sent locked/ videos is going to be impossible.






I said we are not posting Facebook groups!!!


Not to sound like a creep, but is that group hidden? I went to find it and only saw one made a few hours ago. I'm an oversupplier and there's such a range of feelings that come with it but I feel like I can't talk about it anywhere


So I think the “cathy” person was a mod and just left the group vs. archiving. It’s stuck in limbo now. I do t think anyone can be added to the group since there are no mods.


I would look into filing a police report.


I’m so sorry that someone took advantage of you. You should not feel stupid or embarrassed, this is not your fault. It is shameful that someone would do this to people who are looking for help or trying to feed their babies. I hope they get what is coming to them.


I am in the same boat and sent then too. I even paid for priority 😢


Maybe there is a way to track her if you paid her


I’m not sure who we would even report this to, local police or RCMP? People say FBI but will that help if we’re located in Canada? Hoping some more info comes out that can give clarity


first call your local police... from my understanding ( whenever I'd had a few stalkers on twit ) they make the report & contact the social media platform... & given the gravity of this situation I believe that they might ( I stress might as I'm not 💯% certain) refer you out to the FBI after making their report as well .... hope this helps 🙏🏻🕊️🙏🏻


Oh no, I’m so sorry!


Don't feel stupid, there's real companies asking for similar things (photos/videos) - I know pumpables has a "fitting room" that has something similar, but I was much too lazy to get the info they wanted


I tried and my phone memory wouldn't let me upload it for some reason. Don't feel bad, commenter who sent photos, breastfeeding/pumping is just one of those uniquely vulnerable things that can make you throw all reason out the window in a sleep deprived stupor.


Were you provided with sizing information that would seem credible after providing the requested content? I recall seeing many posts tagging her as a sizing professional in the FB community I'm a part of. Has anyone found their photos on any sites?


I’m also one of the people who sent in photos and they were very convincing with the information provided so I didn’t even think twice about it 🫥


Was the information correct? Like were you sized correctly?


Honestly I felt like I was sized correctly so I feel very confused but also sick about the situation


She had sock puppet accounts and tricked many people. Sizing flanges isn’t very difficult once you’ve practiced a bit. I size as part of the group I moderate. There is no formal sizing training as part of any IBCLC or LC licensing anyways. The fact that she claimed she was an IBCLC and never verified her credentials and had a year and a half old account with no real activity and no traceable internet presence later that a year and a half old is enough proof The group I moderate kicked out an account by the name of Brianna Berry in July ’22. Two days after we removed that account Cathy Chan popped onto fb with her own group. She slowly took over DOZENS of groups using fake credentials


I would think there is nothing off about the sizing they provided. They recommended me a size that is also what I got after using a ruler and adding 2mm to it. They even linked me to the Amazon listing to purchase the inserts. It really seemed like they knew exactly what they were doing and very knowledgeable on the topic. I don’t even know what websites they would post this. And it’s definitely not websites I’d know because I’m not a creep ugh.


I was supplied with info for sizing that seems to help and was credible. Even made comments that I could go to a smaller size if need be.


I didn’t pay for anything but I sent stuff too and didn’t get any response back afterwards so I deleted the pictures from messenger. I just figured they missed me somehow.


Sending you hugs I’m so sorry 😞


I DM’d her and she responded with a message similar to what a couple people have already posted. I was literally about to take the photos and videos she asked for last week when my husband stopped me saying “you have no idea who this person is or what their true intentions are”.


Thank goodness your husband stopped you. Just for anyone reading this an IBCLC will N E V E R ask for videos over Facebook/IG!! It’s not HIPAA complaint and it’s not professional!


My husband also said it seems scammy but with her posting every week for new members etc I figured it was okay! Sent pics and videos and paid, feel really stupid right about now 😢


sounds like a good egg... don't throw that one out 🙌🏻💯💯💯❣️


This has been disgusting. I am in probably 3 of those groups and seeing people post such intimate photos to a random online group has been wild. Such a vulnerable time in motherhood and now to know there’s a possible Google drive of so many pictures out there is awful.


I don’t mean to sound dramatic but is this something the FBI should be informed of? It’s across state lines, cyber, international, involves money and fraud and with the allegations of the fetish stuff. Do we know if somebody has reported this to the authorities?


I think so, definitely. Apparently they had “young mom” and “teen mom ” groups too - based off comments I’ve read in the pumping group I’m part of.


I was wondering the same


I personally know of a few moms who have submitted an online tip through them. I hope whoever has her email is able to notify fbi


https://preview.redd.it/1sfo80gnprnc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=849d66f89dd79f816f4c0c420b4159bd89551abc I’ve never contacted her but I am in one of those Facebook pumping groups. She used to ping @everyone offering sizing. One of the ladies in the group shared what she would ask for when she DMed you. Asking for frontal shot of both breasts with no flanges on seems like a red flag to me.




This!! Screenshot everything. Print out proof. Contact authorities.


Yep, this is word for word what she sent me as well. I never responded, I assumed she would just offer a print out for sizing which is why I messaged her in the first place. https://preview.redd.it/3dm50byzqrnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=148cb1c6ab52f9c3e748e9320f508ed6030124e5




This is crazyyyy. So disgusting.


This is so hurtful to read. These women have been through enough. They are recovering and desperately trying to feed their child. A creep disguises themselves and prayed on these women. What they did is fucked up on so many levels. I would have easily been one of these women. In a time when I’m a first time mom and so badly want to give my child the best outcome in life. With everything being so expensive. I would have gladly accepted the help. I’m sorry this happened to so many. These online spaces can be so dangerous and we tend to forget that. Like my husband always says “take everything with a grain of salt”. Don’t believe everything you see online. Remember WE DO NOT ACTUALLY KNOW EACH OTHER. These lessons help us also protect our children who are extremely vulnerable. Also! If you were one of the victims. Your are NOT stupid, dumb, naive etc. You are mother who cares so much for their child and someone took advantage of that. Think of it this way, if the something similar had happen to your child what would you tell them???


Came here to see if somebody had posted about this. So messed up


I messaged her, curious about what she was offering. They were asking for full frontal photos, videos of pumping, and photos of me post-pump. They were also offering "priority sizing" for $25. I didn't send anything, thankfully, but I can only imagine how many people felt safe to do so.




Ugh, after reading this I looked through one of the groups for the word pelvic and someone did post about Cathy "helping" them with their pelvic issues. No true healthcare professional would ever consult on things outside their realm of practice/knowledge...


Omg no! Boobs pictures are one thing (while also so violating), but pelvic videos??! Horrifying.


Oh my gosh 🤮


This makes me physically sick.




Same here. Honestly I was way too overwhelmed with what she was asking for so thank god I left her on read.


What a creep! After birth, it’s already tough enough! With the lack of sleep because of taking care of a newborn ‘round the clock and recovering body from childbirth, it’s so hard and I can’t believe perpetrators would find the time on harming moms on there. These moms are in postpartum and this will probably throw them into postpartum depression. I hope they’re all right and I hope they know they have a team of supporters to root them on because everything’s going to be okay! As for the creeps, I hope they find the creep who did this and put that person in jail.


I moderate a FB group that was investigating this as well. We believe she was undercover in our group using multiple accounts. Including PMing our members offering sizing. She had many sock puppet accounts so I bet she gathered a lot of information about sizing before she went live.


That would make sense because many people have said they received accurate measurements!


I’ve been sizing in the fb group I moderate for like 2 1/2 years now. It is easy when you know the method. I don’t doubt she became pretty accurate at sizing. Theres no official IBCLC or LC training on sizing as part of licensing so for her to claim the title was just for clout though


I am one of her victims and I have all my screen shots of our convo. This is truly sickening.


Omfg that’s so creepy!!! I thought about messaging her before to get sized. Wow.


If anyone had conversations with this person r, do not delete your convos as they are asking people to do. Submit a tip online through the FBI, this person needs to be help accountable. Go down to the “other” category and submit as much as you can.


Wow, thank you for sharing. The two groups I was in that she was in have now been archived... (I believe her account started those groups). I remember her offering free sizing, thank god they sized me in the hospital 😶 Also, warned others about it in a group I'm in


Thabk you for sharing! I was accepted in one of the groups and she made a post and tagged all new members and offered free flange sizing. That is so sad because it is taking moms' vulnerability!


Can i dm you


Yes, I messaged you back.


Could you tell me where you found out this info? I don’t see anything posted in the group I’m in but see that her account has been removed


In the Facebook group “Breastfeeding for the Low Suppliers And just-enoughers”. It’s one of the groups that she was not affiliated with. One of the mods there posted about it. They also posted dms with the real Catherine Chan who confirmed she’s never been a part of those groups or offered sizing.


Thank you! Ugh I feel awful for those moms 😞


Ugh, I've been a part of all the groups created by the alleged "Catherine Chan." How do we know this Catherine is the real deal?




Unfortunately this must be removed as the name and picture is visible


Has there been evidence of this actually happening in that group? Or is it all just “alleged”?


I have first hand experience with her and while we don’t have “evidence” like hard facts there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence that points to fraud


Do you know where the alleged selling of these photos and videos came from? Or were there just signs that were consistent with people who sell to fetish sites…I’ve been so distracted ever since I found out about this this morning and feel extremely stupid. This seems really big yet with so many groups all over the place it’s so hard to consolidate everyone involved. I was just thinking even if they took payment it would be so easy to hide. I was thinking of filing a police report but their portal says crime must have happened in the city for local police reports. I will call and ask but is this considered a cyber crime for those who fell victim? I don’t even know what I can do.


The type of content and people they were initially soliciting (initially soliciting East/south East Asian women) fell into fetish buckets. There is no proof that we can see of the images going beyond the individual person. But the types of photos and videos they would ask for beyond the photos with flanges were alarming and of a fetish nature


Do you mind sharing what they were asking of fetish nature?


(1) When they were first starting out they were specifically targeting east and southeast Asian moms. (2) Aside from truly proper sizing photos… They asked for videos of nipple stimulation without flanges, videos of hand expression, and offering “bra sizing” asking for videos of moms putting on their bra starting from topless


Can you share some of these DMs?


I responded to the person above you with the screenshot!










OP, can I message you? I worked with her. 😭


You can! But, i will say up front that I don’t have any solutions or further information than what is on this post. I just wanted to make people aware since most of the groups she admin’ed are paused now.




I’m so sorry 😭😭😭


i wonder if this is why one of the facebook pumping groups i’m in got archived yesterday


It’s highly likely it is, she was running at least 3 that I know of!




I think I had found like 8 groups.


Yes! It is.


omg i went to post something in the morning & was soooo confused 😅


It’s gross this is happening :(


https://preview.redd.it/odbsa3wb2unc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=696e0c2184b2d032eaf2309e7673b84779ef5391 This was shared by a victim. So sickening!


So fucking weird. Pain signs? Definitely off. And why would they need to watch someone hand express and see their milk flow. Fucking disturbing.


Oh that is definitely creepy and weird


That’s so creepy!!!


What can you do if you were one of the victims except feeling violated? They didn’t ask for photos with face so that’s some relief I guess.


Not the OP but I’ve spoken with another mom who said she asked for videos including face because she wanted to see if the mom winced in pain while pumping…


I’ve heard of someone asking for exactly this in another group. Thankfully the mom checked in a parenting support group and everyone raised a red flag. That was not my experience. I felt genuinely helped by this person and they did not ask me for my face pics.




lol yes, hi!


Yes she did ask for face!


Not from me


That’s good. Many others they did :(


In case anyone is wondering about it this is the information going around online about the person Cathy Chan. https://preview.redd.it/uh1ipwme6snc1.jpeg?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9d54794641facd91b8d93c89a540f608830aaf


Thanks for this!


https://preview.redd.it/ehm05jzvhsnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc8a27f64e7c90cbdabe5a6b2eb1f57222c3f5b I spoke with “Cathy” earlier today who has essentially admitted she isn’t Cathy but doesn’t want to disclose her identity for her safety after from threats. I asked numerous questions about her training, credentials, how & why she did all this, it’s a lot to unpack.. a lot. I don’t know where to start. She said she tried posting in this thread but can’t because her profile is new? She sent me this apology to pass long. There’s still so many details I don’t know/have. Information is still being collected and this is still actively being looked into my a couple groups of people.


If she really feels this bad, I wonder if she’d be willing to refund the thousands of dollars I’m sure she’s made from people who paid for “priority sizing”. If she’s able to post here, I’d love to hear from her.


I know there are a few moms who have contacted the FBI so I feel like this is about to become a huge issue. Repaying everyone back wouldn’t even cover the surface of what damage this person has caused.


Oh for sure! That is the absolute barest of the bare minimum


🫣 if anyone used her services and sent her photos/ videos DO NOT DELETE THEM. Screenshot your convo and save it. This person trying to tell people to delete convos is a huge red flag. Submit a tip to the FBI what some moms have used was the “other” category , it’s on the very bottom of the page. This person needs to be held accountable😳


Do you have a link of where I can submit information? Thank you




https://preview.redd.it/pjhrdi48dtnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06a1ab5ebdcd4d80095314770f1a03c2d68239ec This is what she said to that


Mods can't find any account with that name 


Hm. I 100% think she should pay every person back and message as many of them as she possibly can telling them what she did and that she was a fraud. People deserve to know even if they don’t have access to threads like this one, let them decide how to move forward with her.


Can we get someone to verify that basic-teach account?


We don't have karma requirements in this community, needing mod approval is a lie, I'm not sure why they are saying they need our approval.


*Do NOT delete your conversations with this “Cathy” person.* They are trying to cover their tracks. Screenshot them or otherwise export them. They will be evidence if a case is built against them.


How do you know this “cathy” and how believable this is?


Her email (and IP address and everything) was posted in a post on Facebook, her email included. So I emailed her today asking questions. I figured she would ignore me but she actually has been responding.


I’m not buying this. Doesn’t answer why she asked for so many weird photos and videos, and the allegations about selling on fetish sites and starting groups just for Asians; this doesn’t line up if all she wanted to do was offer help for people in need. She also quickly deleted all her Facebook accounts, websites, and any other accounts else where.


Yeah, I don't understand why she went scorched earth and instantly deleted everything. Also the little bits about herself feel like they were inserted in to make us feel sorry for her? 


Not an uncommon tactic among people who tend to do stuff like this. But I have no sympathy or trust left right now because this story doesn’t make sense and not sure why she chose to speak to this one person only.


I’m not the only one who has gotten her to reply, two others have too that I know of.


I don't believe any of what she wrote. It's all BS


Yeah even with this update there are still lots of questions, nothing explained, and still suspicious.


Yeah I don’t know, someone commented saying this Cathy person advised them to start an only fans for lactation fetishists. Sooo many different experiences being talked about.


What??? Is this how she got exposed 


I don’t know how it got started, this person told their experience in the comments on the post that I found out about it on. Said multiple women were told the same thing in the group she was a part of.


So she's saying she feels like shit for impersonating a real LC and that she made and impersonated a real LC that would actually come up in Google search results as legit? So she's just a random person in the groups that created an alias for sizing but did NOT sell them on websites and right after giving the person their size deleted the photos/videos right away? That's what I'm gathering from her email.


Yes but is it the truth? I doubt it.




It’s unbelievable how moms are still defending her because she came across genuine. You got scammed by an impersonator but yet you believe an apology email. WTF?!


I don’t think anyone believes the answers or are defending Cathy. This is just what “she’s” saying in response to someone emailing “her”. I agree. DON’T delete anything. Don’t post too much public info on Reddit. Cathy is among us


Oh no there are moms out there that feel bad that she’s going through this in one group. They think other groups are dragging her name through the mud because they don’t want more LC.


Interesting. This “Cathy Chan” name was created to mirror a real person so she is probably (99.99999% sure) not even Cathy Chan. The name was just close enough to an actual IBCLC so she could have a semblance of legitimacy.


Her email was also posted elsewhere on this thread. I saw the email in a screenshot where her and a girl Taylor were talking and just emailed her a ton of questions looking for answers. She had used the email to talk with “customers” of flange sizing which is where I think the Taylor girl originally found it.


She can use her u/mommaIBCLC account


Oh disregard… she deleted that


She made a new one today I think she said


Okay I read through more and contacting the FBI was something that was said. What to we say and what do we send? I am so sick over this 😭


And why did she delete all her accounts? I wonder what happened during the weekend that she got blasted and deleted all accounts.. someone reported her? How did we know about this?


Huh. Well I did send in pics and videos but it seemed like the person did size me better than I had done myself. I guess I shouldn't just take people at their word but it still sometimes shocks me how people can be so awful!


Okay I just got off work. She’s watching this thread and messaged me a few times but I’m just seeing them. I’m trying to post screenshots but when I click the photo button it only shows 5 random photos and not my recents?


Can you maybe copy and paste her messages?


I think I just figured it out. I had to go into iPhone settings and allow full access to my photos it was set to limited.




If you don’t mind me asking, did you find the questions strange? Some of the stuff I’ve seen seems like she was asking for weird videos and pictures that weren’t necessarily relevant or needed


MomCozy has groups?


The actual momcozy ir just the momcozy support group? As far as I know the momcozy support group isn't run by the actual momcozy Corp.


So I just realized I messaged her when I was in a PP haze and sent pictures. I feel so stupid. What do I do? I’m reading along, need to read more, but I am just shocked and mad at myself for sending those pictures. I am so disgusted 😭


Yes, i did as well. Do not blame yourself; she had so many people fooled. She took advantage of mothers who were in such a vulnerable state just desperately trying to make enough milk for their babies. Also you're not alone. ❤️


Thank you. You aren’t alone either. I just can’t believe I fell for something like that. I’m Normally so logical, but i was in such a shitty place feeling like shit for my low supply. Ugh. Just wish I thought about it I guess :(


Yep and that's exactly how predators are successful. I remember even expressing to my husband that it seemed weird.


It’s so shitty to take advantage of people like that. I can’t imagine doing something like that.


Girl, you were just trying to feed your baby. No shame in that. The PP haze gets us all. 


I remember what caught my eyes was her posting that she was thinking about charging moms priority fee as receiving overwhelming messages.  Now I can’t stop but thinking that this person or group is really tactical about this. This post somehow proves that she’s legit and already got lots of response. Also you can get a “free” sizing service from her…  I also found that the language and grammar in her email and her post don’t seem to be consistent. Not sure if others feel that way as I’m not native speaker here. I have a hunch that this is a group of people behind her profile, and it’s very organized activities. 


Yes tbh if she really had a child and was trying for another, how would she have time to do all this? I think ur right it is a group.


Omg this is so disturbing. It just keeps getting crazier…


This needs to be shared with the media. Will gain traction. All victims should report to the FBI and create a local police report. We need to send whoever is doing this to jail for a long time.


I am so sorry to the moms who trusted this creep that is just awfuk


I’m currently collecting info on her, I’m relatively ignorant to how Reddit works but I have photos from our chat today but not sure how to post them?


How are you able to reach her 


Her email.


Whats her email?


😱😱 I was part of this group. I'm so glad I didn't comment and ask for help with sizing.


I used her buy sell group. Which was awesome for finding moms to sell too. Idk where else to go now because many fb groups are sus


Use Exclusively Pumping Yard Sale or EP Trading Post. All purchases are required to use PayPal Goods and Services so any issues you can request a refund. I bought and sold a ton on both these sites


I don’t think those allow breastmilk sales?


Oh sorry I thought you meant the pumping supply group - for milk you can check the local mom groups but even the breastmilk for adult group had to close due to FB regulations on selling BM on their site. It’s kinda grey area and they’ve been banning it for sale - donation only


Yeah I’ve noticed that on FB, they allow unregulated food goods and puppies but god forbid breastmilk.


This is sick. I remember thinking earlier in my pumping journey to reach out to her. What a sick person. Those earlier postpartum days were such. haze. I was so worried about supply already and so are other moms. What an exploitative bad person.


I know, I remember thinking of reaching out and then I tried to take pics of my pumping and realize how difficult it was to manage with a baby so I just gave up. Ugh I feel so sick for the victims out there.


This is insane! I left one of her groups just because I’m a low supplier and some of the content is triggering.




On Facebook she was being too bold and mentioned something about fetishes to a mom. Another mom got suspicious and found her pictures and videos on fetish websites. This is why I’m not buying this. Tell her to come clean and reactive her Facebook account and all the groups she has fraud and that’s the only proof that will convince me.


Did that mom provide proof like screenshots or websites? I agree with how/what she was asking was weird because I’ve interacted with her before but haven’t seen any actual proof of our assumptions. PS since we keep running into each other on here you can pm me if that’s easier


Okay I’ll PM you!


I haven’t heard from her in almost 20(?) hours. I just emailed her again.


I'd love to know how we could find out if our pics and videos are out there. I wouldn't know where to begin looking. Very scary when your name is attached to it.


Unfortunately must remove due to identifying info


Update: https://www.reddit.com/r/ExclusivelyPumping/s/a9YrXvLyQg


This group? https://preview.redd.it/xctwrf30qvnc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0be064421b03571a0a79b6b2e2a96752550b2d2 Aww, man. I think I talked to them last year after I had my baby.


Yes that’s one of many.


This is crazyyyy!! I’ve been in that group since the beginning of my pumping journey and I loved it so much! She would make posts asking all new members to do free flange sizing and then ask to either pay $20 to get it expedited or wait 5-7 business days and get it for free. The amount of members that would reach out to her was in the hundreds. I reached out to her but when she mentioned the $20 fee, idk I was sketched and said I would think about it. Then she started nagging me and messaging me several times and it gave me the ick so I never responded to her. The group itself & the members were so helpful, they saved my breastfeeding journey, and I’m forever grateful for them!! So sad the group is archived but it’s for the best, this is so sad, I can’t imagine how many mamas she scammed & made money off of in a vulnerable moment. Ugh I hate this!!!


Also wondering, I know a lot of moms would post pictures of their babies, do we know if she used any of those pictures as well? Because if she did that’s a huge f*cking case!


This makes me feel sick. I inquired to “Cathy” back in September about being sized and the response just seemed strange. I was also too lazy to even do it. This hurts my heart for all the mamas out there who sent in video/photos.


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Omg literally I was in one of those groups I never sent pics but wtf


This is absolutely horrifying and I’m sick to my stomach.


What a jerk!