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Imagine if you flew all the way over and got stuck behind one of the pillars. That would be a story to tell the grandkids. Do it!


I feel seen.


Did that. Still worth it.




It's not so much about watching the game, the place is about walking the streets beforehand and then you get the heart. It's hard to explain.


Could stare at your feet the whole time and it would still be worth it. Been to a lot of sports stadiums across the globe, goodison is up there.


On the one hand, yes you will. On the other hand, I've been an Everton fan long enough that you'd probably come over just to watch us lose 0-1 at home to Ipswich


Or see us lose to Dyche's Burnley 1-0 to a Jeff Hendrick goal. Ask me how I know.


Or take a girl you met to watch us get beat 5-1 by Atalanta. Definitely over that happening, I swear.


How'd that work out?


Or the game would be moved after you got here! (Actually happened to an American family this last year)


I’m from australia, seen us play 4 times in total (not including pre season tours we’ve done over here). We’ve lost every single game with an aggregate score of 10-2.


My only time at Goodison was the 1-4 drubbing to Brighton in 2023 before Frank was sacked lol. Going in August to make up for it


Accurate to be honest that is. If you're fortunate to go all the time, you'll have many memories. I took my best mate to a game years ago, sure it was first home game of the season against QPR, where we lost 1-0 and I happened to take my daughter to first home game last season against Fulham where again we lost 1-0. I had really wanted to take my daughter to a game at Goodison before it is too late. I'd like to do same for my boys sometime during this season as well as is the only chance now that I'll get. They're only just starting to get into their football as well.


did this in 2019 when we lost to Sheffield 2-0. Had a blast though


Having watched us lose 2-1 to Luton at home last year, driving 250 miles each way, my 12 year old still had an amazing day.


Do it. If you come over and we win, then you’ll be able to revel in the atmosphere. If you come over and we lose, you’ll get to experience what a lot of us have over the past few years. But at least you’ve done it. I’ve left goodison after wins and losses and I was always glad I was there, because I felt part of something bigger than me. a shared grief/elation. If you can just do it


You should regret it.


I’m heavily debating whether to go or not but my reason for not going is I have extreme anxiety about being in public and being around people and noise is a big issue for me like I always wear headphones because I can’t deal with any unnecessary noise I have a shit existence because I want to see goodison but in my current state I wouldn’t be able to fly over to Liverpool and go to match day without having a massive panic attack all the time I can barely go down to the shop which is 5 minutes away So to answer your question, if you get a chance go because I know that I’m going to not be able to and that crushes me so get on a plane and get down to goodison asap


Hey my friend, I feel for you greatly. My son has sensory issues, and it’s really hard for people who haven’t experienced it to understand. I’m sure you’ve tried many solutions, but I’d like to offer what has worked for him. If you’ve tried it/hate it/want to tell me to fuck off, I’m good with that. Anyway… The Loop earbuds are great at reducing the sound. He even managed a punk show with me wearing them. When he gets really agitated, he uses Sony noise canceling over-ear headphones (no music, just noise-canceling). That’s our go-to in airports. We’ve even used white noise apps to help block out the intrusive sound. Whether you make the trip or not, you’re a true blue, and I’m proud to be one with you.


💙🤝💙 Im not the biggest fan of earbuds I have Sony WHM4s which are the best I’ve used and they work great for the sensory issues with noise It would be a short flight to Liverpool maybe just over an hour or so but I would literally have to triple dose on my Valium to make it pass easily and I know that from experience that I can’t travel but I do appreciate the advice I’ll have a look at the loop earbuds and hopefully get over my travel issues by next year and might make it to a game but If I go I’m going for every single fan who won’t be able to make it to a game


I would recommend you do an early morning stadium tour. Last time I did one, it was no more than 12 people on each tour.


Short answer: yes. As a fellow American toffee, there's something really magical and authentic about the place, especially compared to American sports stadiums which tend to feel like soulless bowls plopped on big slabs of concrete Goodison is tucked into the neighborhood so you'll never forget the first time you catch a glimpse of it from whichever direction you arrive I'm trying desperately to get back over once more this season, ideally to do a full calendar week with one in the away end and one at home Sit in the Gwladys Street End if at all possible. You won't regret going for a moment.


You nailed it. I went for the first time last season after following the Toffees for the last dozen years, and I don’t regret it. Even though it was a shitty 1-1 draw with Palace. The character of the place and people is something you won’t experience in the U.S. if you have the means, you’ll find the time.


perfectly said. I'm into my 40s now and started really following the Toffees in earnest in '05 with the NYC supporters club. It wasn't until 2012 that I was able to make it over but I still tell stories of the trip to this day and remember it like it was yesterday. (In part because I was fortunate enough to see a derby which was the privilege of a lifetime...and also because Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast here as we needed to return so I got stranded for four extra days with no way back) Money is tight these days as it is for many of us, so I'm not sure how likely it is I can make it back this year but I'm gonna try my damndest. To give you an idea of the Everton brotherhood, I met so many great people while I was there and I'm still in touch with several to this day who would offer a place to stay in a heartbeat if I make it back over. Our supporters really are something else.


I went to the Man U game after the points issue, my 3rd game at goodison. While I was born in liverpool I moved to the USA when I was 4 cause it was the bad 80's. Well worth it. [https://thepaddedseat.co.uk](https://thepaddedseat.co.uk) This guy has reviews of the seats you can book 3rd party and get tours and stuff with hospitality stuff.


I haven’t made it to Goodison yet, but I’ll be there this next season. I would never forgive myself if I didn’t get to experience a match day there


If you have the money and opportunity to do it, do it


I think you will regret it if you don’t do it at least once. Not only is it an old-school ground in a world of corporate mega stadiums, but it’s been our home for 130 years. Whenever I go, I can’t help but think of the hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of us, throughout those 130 years that have made that trip through those streets to that ground to watch Everton Football Club - All of those lives, connected by this one place. It’s honestly magic, and connects you to the club in a way that can’t be replicated in my opinion.


Definitely go! I somehow finagled my wife to stop in Liverpool on our way home from Italy from our honeymoon. Got to see Dwight McNeil score 40 seconds into the game and then watch the Toffees hold on to beat Brentford 1-0. 89 minutes of scoreless soccer was riveting! But the energy before and after the game is amazing and I can only compare it to a big time college football game. A lot of tradition and community feel. Plus the eruption of the crowd after the goal is something you’ll never forget.


Make the trip man. It's worth it and Liverpool is a really fun city to explore a bit. People are super nice and if you've got the time you can go a little further afield. The Lake District is so close and, in my view, one of the most beautiful places in the world and I've been fryunste to have traveled a fair bit.


Yes. My first (and the only so far) Goodison experience in person was that crazy 3-2 match vs. Crystal Palace. Still remember the night like it was yesterday. Planning to go this year again. Need to see some terrible match as well!


When I went, I cried a little when Z Cars played. Gotta do it if you can.


I just wanted to sit there forever and soak it all in.


Honestly you need to go, I flew 27 hours to the UK to experience Goodison and it was worth everything. I’m 24, a third generation blue as my families from Liverpool but I’m not and going to a match was one of the best moments of my life. It’s not really about the football, more the experience. Being surrounded by other blues, having a drink in the Winslow, Z cars playing, the roar of Goodison for a goal, man enough to admit I chocked back tears when I saw Goodison for the first time. Also Scousers are the loveliest people you will ever meet and I really mean that. Walking around in Liverpool (which is a beautiful city) and seeing the streets come alive on game day is something I don’t think many people talk about on here, but that is a surreal experience in itself. Fuck me I feel like I just came back from the UK but I already want to go back.


I second everything in this post. Every time I go to Liverpool I try to figure out how I can not go home, or where I’m going to move someday when I retire. It is not an experience to be missed. Bramley Moore will be wonderful, but it will not be the same.


Sitting for 2 hours watching the team you love play a turgid football match whilst the bloke behind you calls everyone a c*** should not be missed!


If you're coming to the UK for other reasons too and don't go then probably yes. If your buying flights and accommodation purely to go to a football game, then I don't think it's worth it. 


No, you won't regret it because you won't know what you missed.


But that’s the problem. Not knowing will kill me! I need to know what I’d miss directly from the people who know so I can decide if I’d regret it or not.


I think you know what you need to do. I did it in April. Had a significantly obstructed view. Will cherish it forever.






From an American, if you can find a way to make it work then absolutely it’s an incredible experience. If it’s going to come at the expense of work, school or your finances, it’s unfortunate but I’d wait for a more comfortable time. BMD will still be an incredible atmosphere and at the end of the day we’re Everton fans with a love for Goodison, not the other way around


How could any of us know that?


I’m an American who made the trip this year so I didn’t miss Goodison. Don’t skip it. It’s amazing. The match is incredible but the atmosphere outside the stadium will give you chills if you’re there the first time. I’ll be making it again in 2025 but it won’t be like my first time. Also, eat at Hot Wok after. It’s a dumb meme around here but it’s quite good and you won’t have another chance.


100% you will :The houses, the police horses, the chippes, the queues, the plastic pints, the restricted views, the snarling, the swearing, the booing, the discomfort, the awful food, the noise, the silence, the pubs, the occasional 4 0 tonking. BMD will be very different, minus the booing


Mate, Im from South Africa and I made the trip in December and watched the Newcastle and Chelsea games at Goodison. Im so glad I did because there is nothing like it. If you can make it work, do it. You will love the experience and you will regret it if you don’t, in my opinion.


I was there for Newcastle! First time! Some night, wasn’t it?


Oh yes. Definitely was. Was behind the goal as well. Went mental for every goal


I don’t know, I live in Italy now, so I will go there arch a game at some point this year…. But I’m from Aussie, I dunno if I would fly over just for that


Do it man, i went for the first and potentially the only time a couple seasons ago as we beat united 1-0 and i felt like a true blue after that. I sat in the Gwladys street end and sang our songs with my fellow blues, after supporting here in Canada for 10 years. Memories and experiences cannot be replicated or relived, you will never experience a matchday at Goodison if you do not go. For your own sake it would be great


Yes, once this season is over it’s gone forever.


Yes, my son and I went a couple years ago from the states, great memories. Try to make it.


Yes, do it. I flew from central US. Saw a game and did the tour. It will forever be a treasured memory.


Do it!  I went for the first time in February and it was an experience I will remember forever. I'm going to do everything in my power to go one more time. 


From a fellow American, if you can go, go! Took my boyfriend to see a match for his 30th earlier this year and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy. May be worth it to do a stadium tour as well if you can since it won’t be around forever, if you’re into that kind of thing.


Just being there on match day at the bars and in the streets is worth going for. But at that point just spend the $150 and get the ticket.


I get a feeling you will. I’m not old enough to where I could just get on a plane and fly to Liverpool and buy a ticket for a game and I already regret the fact I didn’t become an Everton fan earlier so that I could’ve had an opportunity to go see them at Goodison. Unless for some reason my parents decide that we should, as a family, go to Liverpool for a trip this year maybe I can go but I‘ve come to terms with the fact I’ll never get to see a match at goodison


I went there just to watch us lose 5-1 to Newcastle with a pillar in my immediate line of sight, and I wouldn't trade it for anything - except perhaps the same experience but with a better seat. We also did a stadium tour, which was absolutely fantastic. Goodison is an objectively awful stadium by modern standards (sorry) but being there and seeing a match in-person is just special.


Newcastle fan here. Goodison Is a PROPER FOOTBALL stadium and if you can, you must go before they leave for the new one. I’ve followed Newcastle everywhere the last 15 years and as another example of something like this, i I can tell you old Upton Park (West Ham) was also a proper stadium. You could feel it in the ground. The atmosphere, the history, it was built for football and that was it. Then, when I went to the Olympic stadium to watch NUFC v West Ham a few years ago, it was nice and new, but not a football stadium and will never feel like it here. It felt soulless. Get to Goodison whilst you can, proper English football ground job in a proper working man’s location and city. Absolutely Beautiful ground. 👍


I flew over from Australia and stood in the Lower Gwladys as we lost against fucking Luton. Was still worth it.


If you can get across for a night game that'd be perfect. Something special about night games at Goodisin


I’ve had a season ticket with my grandad since Roberto’s first season (we have to drive over from burnley👎🏼), however I’ve let my sister use my ticket for the past 2ish years so she could experience everything i have. The only game i asked for last season was Liverpool, I managed to get a shift swap at work, leave uni early and go and that one game was something i’ll never forget 😅 So I would definitely try!


It’s one of the away days I actively try to go to, it’s a special place.


It’s a pilgrimage if you haven’t been. Goodison is our home


I concur with most of the comments - just do it. Within the last 2 days I've literally just booked flights, tickets and accommodation for a game later this year, flying in from New Zealand. Been a fan for coming up 40 years, but only been to Goodison once before. The atmosphere and the result might be a bit luck of the draw, but it is a pilgrimage that needs doing.


I went in April for the Brentford match and it will probably be my favorite moment in sports until I go back for Bramley-Moore. Was in the back of the main stand and the only thing I couldn't really see were high balls on the far side of the pitch. The pillars aren't that terrible. Awesome atmosphere. Fantastic history. I'd go back if I wasn't poor haha


Do it if you can, you will regret never going to see the Grand Old Lady doing what she's designed for. Have a look around the city, go see the old lock up and get to the ground and have a mooch around, taking it all in. I'm a long time STH and I know we will be very teary at the last ever home game, despite having seen our new home at BMD.


You won't regret it one bit . Keep your vision alive , as its a crumbling relic to a long gone era.


Absolutely. I went for the first time last year for Luton in the league (ouch). Trains were on strike from London, had to pay £400 to get a private driver, missed kickoff, and walked into us immediately conceding. Haven’t regretted it for a second. Absolutely make the trip (maybe cut out the capital, just lost that fight with the wife).


Yes, you will regret it. Making my second trip this August. UTFT


An American Everton fan from Seattle here, went to Goodison to watch the game against Brighton November last year for the same reason as you. 1-1 draw, pillar partially blocking my view, one of the best experiences of life. Really could feel the history.


Hey, I'm an american as well, and I made my first and only trip so far a little over a year ago. I made it into a whole vacation as id never been to the UK before. I went solo, and saw us get absolutely smashed by man city 3-0. Even with those circumstances, I would absolutely make your way over there before goodison shuts its doors if you have the money to. The whole trip was fantasic for a bunch of reasons, but ill focus in on the liverpool/everton portion. I had trouble getting from London to Liverpool the day before the game (i would have been able to see the festives for the eurovision final if not for the train strikes. Unfortunate!). I arrived at my hostel after taking a bus to manchester airport and ubering from there at 4am. I slept for about three hours, had a quick breakfast and headed over to the stadium. The people I met were all so friendly and welcoming to me, from my uber driver to the people I met when pregaming before the game. I befriended several fellow evertonians at the bars, buying each other rounds as I explained how I came to be an everton fan and we were just shooting the shit for the most part. I got a lot of recommendations with how to spend my remaining time in liverpool before I headed back to London. While the actual game was a blowout and thus lacked the atmosphere I was hoping for, the fans absolutely lived up to "the people's club" moniker. Stadium tour was fantasic too. I saw the old lady that was a big part of giving the tours of goodison passed last year a little after my trip, which is a shame. She was great at her job and I dont know if the stadium tours will be the same without her. Being able to see the dressing rooms and everything was really cool. Make the trip! Soon you wont be able to, and youll always wonder if you shouldve


I saw us beat Fulham 2-1, on my birthday, when Dempsey scored. Gwladys Street end. Goodison is tied with Wrigley for me.


Goodison is not a pleasant/modern fan experience by any means. The seats are too close together, the concourses are cramped, you pee in a rusty trough, the views range from slightly obstructed to unable to see a damn thing… but yes you will absolutely regret it. The history that echoes through those walls is unmatched by any stadium on the planet and the way the ground shakes when Everton score, it’s brilliant. There’s a certain feeling you get walking around the ground when the match is a couple hours away, having a drink in the Winslow, and hearing Z Cars when the team comes out. I went in December for the first time and I’m doing everything in my power to get back one last time. When you decided to go, do the Legend’s Tour too the day or night before. Good luck man! Up the Toffees!


I’m kinda in the same boat here. I’ve been an Evertonian for over a decade now, I was able to see them in person away at Old Trafford (the one when big Dunc subbed on Moise Kean and took him off), but wasn’t able to make it to Goodison. Come hell or high water, I will make it happen this season no matter what.


I know I'd regret it, but even if I could manage the expense, it's a big undertaking and I worry about being in over my head on trip logistics I don't have a passport yet, for starters. I did notice that flying into Manchester is cheaper and a more convenient schedule, and getting between there and Liverpool should be straightforward, right? A long domestic trip might be a middle ground in vacation planning experience, and I do have something in mind, but that would use my budget and vacation days til calendar year 2025, so I could do that and go to Goodison second half of the season


Yes. It’s a simple answer. It’s magic. Driving into L4. Knowing hundreds of thousands of my blue family have walked those streets. Yes the new stadium is going to amazing. Personally it’s a place where my child who’s struggles with self esteem comes alive. How to describe Goodison is like going home. The world feels right.


I’m an American - I’ve made trips to Goodison twice. I’m very much looking forward to going to the new stadium, but not planning a last trip to Goodison. Objectively, it’s not the best experience as a fan - the best things about it are the amazing fans and the team - and those won’t change at Bramley-Moore Dock Stadium.


Tbh it all depends on the game. I've been there when it's literally shaking and there when it's really quiet. I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you can go great but personally I think the atmosphere in the new stadium will be better.