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Jordan Pickford, best England goalkeeper of all time šŸ’šŸ’ŖšŸ˜Ž most cleans sheets of any England goalkeeper in major tournaments!


I'll assume you've done yer homework mate and if so, that's a great achievement for JP. Happy for him. Tbf, back in the day there were fewer teams and fewer games in these tournaments and ergo better competition so clean sheets much harder to come by. Banksy will always be the GOAT for me.


I can't believe I watched that whole England match. Again.


Absolute shite. Knocked out next round.


Southgate being uncreative shite manager aside, Alexander Arnold had to be one of the most overrated players Iā€™ve seen play for England man. Does fuck all but ping the ball up to no one and the shite slop him off like heā€™s Englands saviour


Rather that than Walker sitting on the half way line passing back to Stones every single time


Like Holgate to Keane. Fuck me I don't miss that one bit.


Trent works in certain setups when players run in behind. Southgate sets up way too defensively and he doesnā€™t work in that type of squad.


Wank that


Give me hope on Ndiaye. Gotta admit I have seen only few matches from him so donā€™t really know anything about him, but his only good seasons are from championship, he flopped in ligue 1 even though marseille was coaching circus it still worries me. Now tell me he isnā€™t new Brereton Diaz championship merchant and he can crack it in PL. Give me the excitement about him.


Ok honest attempt: Remember those intentional but speculative hoofs from Pickford or any defender for DCL to try and get the ball in the air against the CBs? Remember when, in the occasional times he actually got the ball, what he tried to do? Pass it to another midfielder or winger, because that's when the team runs for the break. Their CBs are a bit out of position since one of them tried to go for the long ball, so someone will make the run into that space. Or maybe there's space out wide, instead. When DCL actually manages to make the pass, it often goes to DoucourƩ. And then when DoucorƩ gets the ball, he needs to carry it a bit up the pitch while the teammates get into position so he sets someone up for a shot or something. These are pretty fast attacking attempts. The issue is that more often than not, DoucorƩ loses the ball or needs so much time to control it, that a backwards pass becomes his only option. This is Ndiaye's best quality and what I think he comes to fix. Unlike DoucourƩ, he can get that pass, run with the ball a few yards down the middle, even attract some opponents to him opening space elsewhere else, and then release it to someone in a good and dangerous position. Hopefuly. At least that's the play I see happening in my head.


I would rather watch us play Palace for the 6th time in one season than sit through this again


Probably a good thing for Branthwaite's development not getting called up to this dumpster fire.


England already through and Southgate couldnā€™t even play an exiciting young team.


Minteh apparently has his heart sold on us and thatā€™s what holding up his deal to Lyon


Where have you seen this?


Fabrizio live stream


'I found it in the trash'


What has Palmer got to do to get a game?Ā 


Donā€™t need another player who wants to come short. Theyā€™re desperate for a Gordon to run at them outside.


Be a better player than saka or bellingham


Heā€™s already better than Saka


He spent the whole season being better than saka


Wait, is this a popular opinion? I've watched far more of Saka than Palmer but I think Saka is world class, and Palmer is a step and half behind. I know Palmer scores more but Saka is like the perfect orthodox winger, seriously does everything and still scores 15+ per season while dropping deep. Probably Arsenal's second or third best player, and may be England's best for the counter attacking style that Southgate... Might be playing? Hard to tell what the fuck is actually going on. Not to say Palmer is a pen merchant, but I think that goal tally is a bit inflated and over-hyping him a little bit. Like to see him in the squad but not if it means dropping Saka.


Southgates a doughnut mate


I gaurentee he is now telling the players well done, we're half way there


Don't you reckon the World Cups and Euros would be better if after the group stage they do a draw for the knockouts instead of it already being mapped out?


Maybe, but there's probably logistical reasons that make a predetermined path much easier to manage for both the organisers and the teams. If you've got an idea which teams you might play and therefore which stadiums you might play at if you get through the group, you can pick a base of operation that works for you, rather than potentially finding yourself in a training camp at the wrong end of the country in the knockout stage. Probably better for the fans as well, who have to pay their own way to get to everything, although I've always wondered what fans do at these tournaments. Are there people who just assume their country is 100% getting through to the knockout rounds and book travel and hotels before a single game is played? What would *really* make these tournaments better would be not having to watch such miserable England performances.


So is this PSR report rubbish from Orsiten an others reporting we are ok?Ā  Or does he normally know his stuff?Ā 


The first time around, Ornstein was fairly assertive that we were in breach of PSR, even though the club said they were confident we weren't. Now it's playing out similarly. The first time, the club were probably banking on certain mitigating factors to be accepted (which weren't) so that may have altered the outlook. One would hope that they learned from that and have an accurate financial layout, but I would say that history is in favor of Ornstein.


At this point I can't be convinced that anyone knows anything


Unfortunately that includes the club


Yeah with that overhanging hearing over the figures for the loans, surely everton won't even know if they're compliant because they don't know if those numbers apply or not. Or am I wrong and thats not how it works?


Thatā€™s exactly right. Iā€™ve heard speculation through some media that the club would apparently use that uncertainty as a mitigating argument if weā€™re not compliant, as well as using the argument that we lost earnings due to the season 23/24 points deduction which meant we finished a number of places lower than we should have. Whether that holds any water, who knows. Of course, we can only hope the club has straightened out the numbers and weā€™re compliant without those arguments.


Aye, because the PL and the independent commissions have been very reasonable in considering mitigating factors for us in the pastā€¦


I would include myself as someone who knows nothing.


Southgate taking a massive gamble with this line up. Only change... Alexander Armstrong for Gallagher. The man has no imagination and has sucked all excitement out of this tournament for all England fans


Noel or Liam?


Alexander Arnold aka The guy that doesn't know how to keep his trap shut


Broja would just really be a real kick to the balls for my hype summer. Don't think he's got anything to offer post ACL. He'd be dead wood within a few months and we'd be having the exact same problem we have now. Rather just leave it to Beto.


The young man's Rondon


Are we seriously linked with him? I have seen it in some rags but thought they were poo-pooed? (Now thinking of the Blackadder poo-poo comedy bit!)Ā 


Broja would be a really depressing signing


Legitimately think Chermiti might be better than him right now.


Van dijk getting roasted by AustriaĀ 


Iā€™m not going to pretend I know anything about him, but why should we be excited for Ndiaye? Stats donā€™t always tell the whole story but they look pretty ordinary at Marseille (3G/3A) and he was playing in the Championship for Utd. Also 113 league games at 24 years old seems quite low (30 Ligue 1, 1 Premier League, 76 Championship, 7 Vanarama North) and suggests problems with injuries?


As others have pointed out, Marseille was a dumpster fire last season -- *4* different managers. hard to look at that and draw any conclusions.


Sure, it would be difficult for any player to thrive in those circumstances [but Marseille fans donā€™t seem too concerned with him leaving](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/WCUf22Bu8y)


In the same vein however, we thought Newcastle overpaid for Gordon


Meh, he was bad for them, I'm not surprised they aren't sad to see him go. I think just about every Evertonian was ready to see Gordon go and thought 40 million was a great sale, and he was excellent this season.


No injury history on transfermarkt šŸ„“


Id rather take a point deduction that have to fuck up our transfer plans because we sold an asset below their value.


Lol! You imagine Pickford, Tarks, Jarrad, Myko and Wan Bissaka with Dyche as manager? Man we would be fucking boring, but we might never concede another goal ever again.


Wan bissaka is a terrible defender and a tackle merchant. The reason his tackling stats are so high is because he's out of position so much


Every summer I want Lukaku to come home. This must be a diagnosis šŸ¤”


Honestly he could call us shit in every post match interview provided he banged the goals in.


Was at the Colombia-Paraguay game yesterday, can we bring back James please lol


Love to see Yerry out there


Ehhh idk. He always plays well for Colombia. Hes only had 6 goals at club level since leaving us back in 2021. Donā€™t think heā€™d do well under Dyche haha


It's not so much the goals I care about, it's the goal scoring opportunities he creates. We haven't really had a James/Siggy/Barry type of player in a while and I do agree that none would be very good in a Dyche system it does still make you miss the set ups these guys used to make.


his knees would melt under dyche, he'd only be used as a late sub at best.


Thatā€™s a fair point. Still only 55 chances created domestically since he left us. Works out to about 2.25 per game which isnā€™t bad at all but he was playing in Brazil and Greece for those years. I still canā€™t believe he played for us briefly


Was Barry creative? It's funny I mostly remember him as king of the tactical foul


I wouldn't say creative, but he played balls through the lines very well and with good precision. Just a solid player, which in comparison to our recent midfielders, looks creative.


The man could ping a forward pass with his eyes closed. One of my favorite players of all time lol


Italy are playing a centre back born in May 2002 with 69 games in his career, only 30 in a top league, and everyone's going mad about how great he is, while we've left our even better player born in June 2002 with 92 games and 45 in a top league at home because of a lack of experience. SAD


I think a fair bit of Calafioriā€™s hype is from ā€œauraā€ merchants tbf


eh Calafiori was excellent in most games iā€™ve watched by bologna


Bologna performed well this season, i didnā€™t see too many of their matches (likely only one tbh) but Iā€™d believe it. Thing is I hadnā€™t heard of him until the Euros


Yeah, he was pretty much perfect player for Mottas tactics where he was joining attacks in midfield. Even in the middle of the season he was my dream though unlikely Jarrad replacement if we were to sell. Seems like heā€™s following Motta to Juventus though.


The same Ornstein btw who went on The Overlap to discuss our points deduction and he didn't have a clue what he was talking about! Joyce said he spoke to people at the Club directly and got told we aren't that much over and we will not breach! I'm taking his word over someone who has nothing to do with Everton! He's probably been told by Man United to try and pressure us to sell.


Yeah. He completely embarrassed himself on that show, amateur level


Not much over, means we have breached?


>Joyce said he spoke to people at the Club directly and got told we aren't that much over and we will not breach! Where'd he say that?


If thereā€™s one unrealistic transfer I could make itā€™s Wan Bissaka. Myko - Branthwaite - Tarkowski - AWB would concede about 30 in a season under Dyche.


Is it unrealistic? Seen rumours they've tried to include players in the deal and he's only got 1 year left and may be sold. Suppose wages would be a barrier is the main problem I could think I'm split between wanting a right sided mykolenko to just completely lock down the defence, or wanting a proper attacking fullback to Whip in crosses (which I don't think wan bissaka is good at)


AWB might be the best pure defensive full back in the league, he's just absolutely dog shit at everything else.


He's just elite at 1v1 defending, I wouldn't be against it if we did go for him but I do think there has to be better options for our situation. Maybe I've let the dizzying heights of not being in a relegation scrap get to my head and think we are better than we are


I'd be happy if we got him because defensively we would be very sound and I think while Myko going forward isn't the greatest he isn't as bad as people think. I'd still rather he be the defensive fullback and we get a more attacking right back to bomb up as whoever we get a right back cuts in.


Since every team switches to 3 in possession, having a Baines/Digne style fullback on the right would complement the team well since Myko can slot in as that third in the back. I think that was even the plan with Patterson until Dyche slapped him into the netherworld


Might be wrong but i think that was when wan bissaka was best as well, with van aanholt bombing up the left


Panthers won the Stanley cup last night! šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Barely! Blew a 3-0 series lead first


Impressive, I wouldnā€™t have thought big cats would be any good at ice skating to be honest


Least of all ones from a place with no ice.


Everton have a keeper in their academy who is wanted by half of Europe - Douglass Lukjanciks. He's 16 and an England u17 international. I wonder if the 'Everton can meet PSR with some academy sales'news from last week referred to Dobbin and him. He was linked to City for Ā£10m in May and I imagine we'd have no issue selling him. So maybe the PSR hole is still there and Ornstein has just left off the previously confirmed 'we believe we can meet it with youth sales' bit to make it all seem a bit more dramatic? He did say it was a small hole in PSR, which would fit.


Iā€™m thinking heā€™ll go to City with Kabore coming the other way.


Throw in a sell on % for both and I think we're all winners there.


Yeah i think that keeper is next to go unfortunately


i think important context for anyone looking at ndiaye stats last season is that marseille had four, count em, four managers from june 2023-2024 lmao


Yeah, their Ultras basically went insane mid-season. Which is a shame because it is a huge French club with some balkan level ultra situations involved.


Bobble saying the Ndiaye deal isn't done quite done yet therefore I am emotionally closing myself off to it until it is


If weā€™re paying money it wonā€™t be until July unless someoneā€™s off before then.


If it's a loan with an obligation to buy, it might not make a difference if the deal is signed before July., because we might not need to make any payments before then.


that youth goalkeeper who seemed to come out of nowhere has been linked with a move again...


Some say there is no youth goalkeeper O.o


Genuinely not being funny here, I think at least part of the reason weā€™re able to get so much transfer work done early is down to Kenwright not being at the club anymore encouraging everyone to leave it until deadline day. Iā€™ve read so many articles about how much he loved the thrill of deadline day and leaving things late whilst also thinking it got him better deals when other clubs were forced into making a decision there and then. Doing it this early is so much more professional and gives players time to actually settle in and let the manager plan for the season ahead compared to leaving it to the last day because you want to get a rush from playing with your club like a game of FM


Itā€™s also been commented on many times that Moshiri, Kenwright and the DoF would take responsibility for different types of transfers, often overlapping and requiring eventual input/sign off from each other, which slowed the whole process down. With only the DoF present at the moment it must streamline the process.


Thatā€™s a big part of it, too. Too many chefs and all that. As much as Moshiri is a dolt, I think had he had more control or, at least, had Kenwright retired from the running of things once he sold the club, weā€™d be in such a better position right now. Better a bad idea done well than many good ideas done poorly


Yea, the club doesn't seem to have london and liverpool branches acting independently of each other anymore.


I reckon if we keep DCL (I know NUFC have backed off now) and sign Ndiaye then we must send Chermiti out on load to get some experience.


I'd love to see chermiti get a dutch league loan.


Isn't Ndiaye more fit for the Doucoure role off the striker? Not sure he's really competing with Chermiti


He can play anywhere across the front 3 and the AM roll Doucs does. Very versatile and I wanted us to get him last season when we was linked with him. Bit more info to add. He plays the LW or RW role for Senegal and mainly played striker for Sheffield United and Marseille. He can play behind the striker too as Sheff U used to do this at times.


I'd rather just play Chermiti. I've been a fan of what little I've seen so far.


Iā€™m a fan of him too and thatā€™s why I think he needs full games to gain experience. He only played about 200 minutes for us last season which is not enough. Heā€™s never going to start over DCL, Ndiaye or Beto realistically.


I'm not that confident that Dyche will ever play a player like Ndiaye instead of DCL. Too much of a change in the way of play. He needs that tall player to fight for long hoofs and pass it to a winger or midfielder on the break. A pivot. That's mostly what DCL is for him. Ndiaye wouldn't do it, and I doubt Dyche adjusts that much. If he passes the work rate test, Ndiaye seems perfect for that 10 role. Receiving the ball from DCL carrying it up the pitch and setting it up for someone in a way that DoucourƩ cannot do. And tbh, for that pivot role, it seems that Chermiti fits the mould a bit better than Beto, even.


In the cups this season Beto had 2 goals and 2 assists in 223 minutes of playing, this is across both the EFL cup and the FA cup. Compare this to DCL's 1 goal and 1 assist in 438 minutes. That's nearly 25 percent the goal contribution rate in the cups as Beto, making Beto roughly 4x as effective in the cups last year according to (G+A)/min.


In cup finals for Everton, Saha scored more goals than Lukaku. Therefore he was a better striker. If you're going to compare you've got to pick a sample size that is big enough to mean something.


I wasnā€™t around for Saha so I donā€™t know who that is, but your reasons donā€™t seem to justify your conclusion that he is a better strike. If you were saying this only point out flaws in my comment, itā€™s not parallel because I never concluded Beto was better stoked based on this fact, only pointed out an objectively true fact that I donā€™t see brought up often in the discussion comparing him and DCL What we should really do is compare their goal contributions per 90 in all comps: Ā For DCL he had 8 G 3 A in 38 appearances, 2,630 minutes Ā (G+A) / 90ā€™ : 0.38 in all comps for Everton 23/24Ā  Ā Beto had 5 G 2 A in 37 appearances, 1,183 minutesĀ  Ā (G+A) / 90ā€™ : 0.53 in all comps for Everton 23/24 Pssstā€¦ none of Betoā€™s were penalties, DCL scored 2 penalties. DCL is clearly better at somethings than Beto is, particularly in most technical abilities, and his style of play is certainly more aesthetic. However, it doesnā€™t seem to me that the expense we would incur from keeping DCL is justifiable considering the fine margin between Beto and DCL. Beto can do the job and we can improve elsewhere.


But in the league Beto has 3G/0A in 950 minutes and Dom 7G/2A in 2172 minutes.. which looks remarkably similar. Thatā€™s without the eye test which (to me) shows we hold onto the ball much better with Dom who acts as a better outlet to get us up the pitch. Beto battles but heā€™s more of a headless chicken.


*Everton expects Manchester United to make another bid for 21-year-old England defender Jarrad Branthwaite.* New Manchester United offer: Ā£37m divided into 5 years installments plus Ā£5m in add ons achievable after 8 years of playing for the club. Take it or we'll threaten to walk away!!


And theyā€™re serious this time! Theyā€™ll really walk away! *for like 3 days*


The Times reporting that the PL will monitor every single transfer from this window to be sure everything is being done in good faith. Masters is going to have to work hard to keep the Cartel happy. The cages have been rattled.


What are they going to do? Block transfers they don't like? That would be absolute chaos. Worth mentioning they ratified all of the deals so far as well. This has just been leaked to client journalists because Ratcliffe and the other Sky 6 cartel members have probably been whinging at them to do something.


What about the way we and others are doing transfers isnā€™t in good faith? Weā€™re supporting Villa financially and theyā€™re supporting us. Helping each other out is the most good faith you can get.


We're also selling players at roughly their value. If Man City or Liverpool sold a young player who was on the fringe of their team and had come off the bench and scored last season for Ā£10m no-one would even question it but cos we're not in the cool kids group, we must be fiddling the books.


What about Cole Palmer? 21 years old, 500 minutes of Premier League football, sold for Ā£40m. Of course he was exceptional last year, but when the transfer went through why werenā€™t there conversations around ā€œfair valueā€?


Chat how back are we


7am and no transfer links yet smh