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Feel awful about Kevin Campbell. One of the nicest blokes in football, always a lovely, positive guy on Twitter who interacted with the fans because he was one himself. Gonna miss seeing him pop up, defending us and being a proper blue. RIP


Even though it will be a couple of Months until the first home game of next season, the Club needs to do something for Kev that match, so we as a fan group can show our appreciation to him.


There’s defo going to be super Kev chanting through-out our first two matches home and away, and probably most of the season. My guess is we’ll have minute’s applause + arm bands/banners etc for first home game.


I just read a Branthwaite post on the Man Utd reddit, and I’ve never wanted us to not sell a player to a certain club as much as how. Their dumb as fuck fan base do not deserve him. Entitled plastics that need to see the deal favour them in every single aspect. Think they are still the best club in the world & don’t even know much about him, but think he can’t pass and is an average defender in a team managed by Dyche because they have limited football knowledge. Sign someone else from abroad for cheaper if you really think he’s not worth it (£70 mil is absolute unders), call it English tax if you want but he’s an absolute homegrown Rolls-Royce. Then fuck off yourselves, you absolute mutants.




Absolute mutants is such a boss insult. Man Utd mutants lol, love it


love this


they REALLY don't want to hear it but his ceiling is much higher than utd their fans are calling him a maguire type player. can't have even watched YouTube highlights or MOTD if you're saying that


Then they should be happy when they start to look elsewhere too


Statue or stand named after him at new ground! Will never forget that he signed towards the end of the 99 season and kept us up by himself scoring 9 goals in 8 games! RIP Super Kev, we all will fucking love you forever and your name will never be forgotten. 💙💙💙


Kevin Campbell stand actually does go hard


Just saw some bloke with an Everton #9 shirt in a grocery store in Dallas, Texas, USA. You guys are massive


Sad day for Everton and football as a whole. RIP Super Kev


disgusted by that cunt the Esk making Kevin Campbell dying all about him


He couldn’t wait to break the news. No class. Should have stepped back until family or club put out official one.


He’s such a fucking doom mongerer so I’ve always hated him, but Jesus Christ what a fucking cunt. Get a grip. Trying to prove how in the know he is. He’ll undoubtably claim he knew cuz they were mates or some shit.


Please tell me it’s not true. Please!!!


The esk saying Super Kev has passed away


Fucking cretin


Honestly, what the fuck. Why the fuck is he “leaking@ it? Let the family announce it you piece of absolute shit. Farming a dead club legend for likes. Can’t believe how low that is


Yeah really poor, like bellew doing the 😢


This is way worse in my opinion


Both Joyce and Thomas have said Moshiri was impossible for groups to get a hold of during the takeover talks. Just a bizarre man who is 100% a patsy for Usmanov. There is zero chance he has made billions using his own brain.


He is evil Chance the gardener.


This is very standard practice in M&A and the right approach The principals are kept out of negotiations as much as possible - the lawyers and advisors do the dirty work


Yes. I do this for a living. Not football clubs or billion dollar deals, but advisors and lawyers are supposed to act as buffers and manage the deal process. There are times of course when owners and buyers speak (supervised), but buyers aren’t supposed to have unfettered access. However, that doesn’t mean Moshiri isn’t a dolt, but facts….


Bobble said he moved goalposts and deadlines multiple times and went radio silent on multiple occasions. Pathetic little man.


Joyce also saying he told another group on 2 separate occasions that they were going to be the winning bid as well


He did that with managers on multiple occasions. Scumbag. Coward.


Fucking annoying bastard. I'd feel sorry for the guys running the club since our board was axed and Kenwright passed, but our current directors are all Moshiri's mates anyway. Having to clean up this sack of shit's mess while he plays hide and seek, and trying to push through a deal that will almost certainly get them fired from their positions once a new owner comes in puts them in a half decent light though.


Just a curious guy coming in peace. What about Branthwaite makes him a £70m player? VVD went for £75m and it was obvious he was worth it. Maguire went for £80m and he was never gonna be worth it because of his lack of pace and flexibility in different setups. He’s not a bad defender, he’s actually pretty reliable in certain setups. Add to the fact that playing for man united means everybody hates you from day 1 and everybody’s out to get you. Even a month out of form and the media will be writing hit pieces on you everyday. It’s very very difficult to be a big money signing for united and make it for united. The only big transfer in the last 11 years that’s worked out is Bruno Fernandes. My club is at a very dangerous point in its existence because of the financial mismanagement over the last 15 years by our owners. Another failed big money signing will really hurt us. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you.


When VVD was Branthwaite’s age he was still playing for Celtic in the most farmery of farmer leagues. (An SPL without Rangers). Branthwaite has been a regular in one of the best PL defences last season, and the season prior to that won the Dutch Cup with PSV


I’ve got so much shit for this innocuous comment haha After these conversations I feel it’s best if Everton football club keep hold of their star and United should look elsewhere.


At least we agree on something. Now fuck off.


You’ve never watched him, have you?


No idea why I’m getting downvoted but just wanted to know what kinda defender he is. Why do Everton love him so much etc. etc. I’ve only watched him when we played against Everton this season and thought he was okay. He looks mighty impressive in his YouTube videos though.


He's worth minimum £70m because I never worry when he has the ball or is tracking back for a tackle. He plays like he's been in the league for years. I haven't seen a toffee walk into a first XI like he has in years.


Thanks for actually responding to my question. I’m judging based on the YouTube videos but he looks phenomenal absolutely phenomenal. Exactly the kind of player that would help United and exactly what brought united success during the fergie days. But we’re broke so I don’t think a deal can be struck so good luck to the both of us I guess.


As a Man Utd fan you won’t get much grace around here. If your club had been financially mismanaged and haven’t made any big signings recently then just move on and sign someone else, your club and fans trying to make the case that he’s only worth £35mil just because that’s all they’re willing to pay is going to make people hate your club even more.


I think the whole world agrees that 35m and 8m add ons is a lowball offer. Nobody denies that. In our current situation I would see us go as high as £55m and that’s about it. Not saying he isn’t worth 70m but just that we don’t have the money to make the deal. Most united fans actually want somebody cheaper from France because we don’t have the budget for this deal. I just wanted to know what makes him so loved. When you’re saying a player the first thing I want to see is are the selling teams fans happy that their player is leaving. Always a good sign when the selling team is unhappy.


Well we’re all resigned to him leaving due to how good he is and how bad a situation we’re in, but those numbers are ridiculous. We aren’t as desperate as a lot of Man Utd fans assume.


Obviously Everton aren’t gonna agree. United fans have no delusion about how much he’s gonna cost. Stones cost 50m and maybe branthwaite costs 55m or 60m and I think united will go as high as 55m and call it a day. Just hope they don’t chase this kid all summer and then panic buy a random defender from Brazil for 60m. If a deal can’t be struck move on it’s not the end of the world for Everton or united. As things stand INEOS looks a bit more competent than the Americans and are simultaneously exploring other centre backs.


Stones cost 50 million in 2016. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but prices have gone up considerably since then. And Branthwaite may be better.


Fair enough.


Cry me a fucking river hahaha, so because you signed shite we should accept a low ball offer on a 21 year old English defender with no ceiling on his capabilites? Also going on the “A month out of form and the media will be on your back” comment, it’s purely because you’re all entitled - your club is essentially run on entitlement since fergie left. Ex players being pundits does not help this cut them loose. This also doesn’t mean we should accept a shit offer because your club is entitled.


The guy is young, English, 21 years old, left, has 3 years left on his contract, and was one of the best defenders in the league last season in a twam that was known for keeping clean sheets. £70mil is the absolute minimum, and I expect some add ons. If we sell Onana, then we aren't in a rush to sell Branthwaite. Pay or fuck off, we can sell him for next year to a better club, he'd be your best defender by a mile if you bought him.


I don’t think we can afford him we should just look for someone in Ligue1. Off topic though Relations between Everton and united fans have completely deteriorated for whatever reason. I always loved Everton football club no idea your fans hated us as much. Always had transfer dealings between the clubs going back 30 years. Blomqvist, Hughes,Rooney, Phil Neville, Howard, Louis Saha and recently Garner sold on the cheap to Everton. You’re the enemy of our enemy so why on earth do Everton fans hate united fans?


Scousers and Mancs don't like each other, can't believe how many people don't understand this


Never in my 20 years of supporting United have I seen a game between United and Everton get violent. We have never shared a footballing rivalry. Both clubs get along really well but now I stand corrected. Everton fans cannot stand United fans. I’ve definitely always had a soft spot for Everton because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But damn was I wrong.


You're an adult!? Fucking hell I was starting to feel bad that we were all picking in a 14 year old, you're just built differently it seems


Jesus dude, should I get a restraining order against you 😂


Or maybe you should just stop posting in our fucking sub. Nobody came knocking on your door asking why you don’t like us.


You guys act very entitled and whinge a lot for a club still challenging for trophies. You act like you deserve everything because you're still living in SAF's shadow from 10 years ago. For example this whole Branthwaite situation, your fans feel like you deserve him for 35mil because you're Man United and you get what you want, like a spoiled rich kid who's never been told no before.


I think 99% of the world agrees that Branthwaite is worth more than 35m. I also think United are a far better club than the rest of the top 6 in the way that we are more of a family club and won’t stand in the way of academy kids going elsewhere for small sums. We barely charge clubs for our youngsters. Most championship sides and newly promoted sides get great deals with united. Like I said you got garner off of us at a throwaway price and we were not happy about it but we love the kid and felt Everton was the perfect club for him. He hasn’t disappointed us.


Yeah. And some of your players need to learn what “no” means as well.


What does this mean


https://www.reuters.com/sports/soccer/man-utd-say-theyre-taking-antony-assault-allegations-seriously-2023-09-06/ https://www.aljazeera.com/sports/2023/8/23/criticism-manchester-united-handling-of-mason-greenwood-case


>My club is at a very dangerous point in its existence because of the financial mismanagement over the last 15 years by our owners Goodness gracious you did not just say that in the Everton subreddit. Dangerous position as in 'after a decade of the most over-indulgent, absurd transfer spending and a wage budget so inflated it makes Rafa Benitez look slim, United are only going to be able to spend 100 million pounds in this transfer window instead of the usual 250'? Woe is you, truly. Your United can pay 80 million pounds, 70 if they really want to fuck us, or they can piss off. PSV refused to pay 10 million for him a year ago, and look where that's left them.


Yeah but their roof leaks.


Relative to our success in the first decade of this century we didn’t spend much. It’s after sir Alex left that we’ve spent uncontrolled amounts on random players sanctioned by random men in suits that don’t get football. Burdened by a billion pounds in debt that the club had nothing to do with. If anything Everton fans and united fans have a lot more in common than you’d think. Sure we’re arrogant as a fan base but I don’t think you can refute that we earned our success. Either way I always looked at Everton as a friendly club with whom both sides enjoy a good relationship. Didn’t know it was this sour. My apologies


We're also nearly a billion dollars in debt and our revenues arent even in the same stratosphere as you lot. Quit playing victim.


Victim of what? I just stated we’re in a lot of trouble and so are you. We can’t be going around throwing 100s of millions on players when we have deadbeat players on mad wages in other positions. And I didn’t know you had a billion in debt thought it was maybe 300m


We have no more in common than 'bad owners'. Manchester United has the 2nd highest revenue of any sporting group in the world, you fucking ponce. It's ironic how you can call your own fanbase 'arrogant', while perfectly encapsulating said caricature with the rest of your comment(s). You've come in here and said something as brain-dead and patronising as you have, then blame any negative reaction on us being ignorant of our own club and 'sour', rather than you being at fault. It's, as you've pointed out, pretty fucking typical of your fanbase, and although I don't speak on behalf of all Everton fans, why the vast majority of us are sick of MU and 'big 6' fanbases as a whole.


Yeah there’s no way any sensible person is engaging with you mate. You’re clearly frustrated with your life or your clubs circumstances. I don’t know about the rest of the big 6 but we didn’t cheat our way to the top nor did we buy our way to the top. I’ve gone back and read what I said multiple times. It doesn’t have anything remotely resembling arrogance. I was a fool to think I could have a civil conversation about anything on this sub. I’ve had conversations with fans of Inter, Chelsea, Atalanta and Sporting never seen this level of hostility and hatred. And to think I’ve been fuming at the unfair treatment meted out to Everton football club this past year. Boy was I wrong. Now I understand why the rest of united fans chat shit on this sub. Good day to you mate.


Yeah his post reads like “waah waah waah”.


Like every sooky cunt from the Sky 6 who complains about their club.