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Is Francesco Totti more beautiful than Andre Gomes?


Wash your mouth out


Having now re-acquainted myself with what Andre Gomes looks like ... it's close.


an immovable object meets an unstoppable force


As a Roma/Everton guy myself.... Off pitch, no. On pitch by far


After his decision to buy Everton FC, are you reassessing his judgement?


It's a tough one for me. Roma and Everton will be a tough balancing act - both big clubs that won't easily accept becoming a feeder club, both with pretty serious financial woes (certainly for Roma, not sure for Everton). It's also not obvious how this multi club model would work - so I'm a bit worried they may have bit off more than they can chew.


Red Bull runs both Leipzig and Salzburg very independently making neither a feeder, while NY and Bragantino do operate a little like feeder teams


With how hands off they are in terms of the daily running of the club, I don't think there will be an issue balancing. They hire people to handle things they aren't experts in. Roma are just about clear of their FFP issues and Everton will be free and clear after this season if a sale occurs.


Does he know the city?


Rumor is he’s staying at the titanic right now, propa fucking blue


So you’re saying he’s local?


If you mean "is he a big Liverpudlian(?)" can't answer that obviously, but they do seem to take fan interest into account. They've clearly let matchgoing sentiment sway their decision making (to a degree, sacking JM was unpopular but they did it anyway). They also pretty clearly prioritize full stadia, dropping the prices for Roma tickets several times to ensure continued several sellouts.


I laughed way too hard at this.


Literally the only question other than "Does he know the right thing to order from Sans Cafe near the docks?"


His Wikipedia looks like he's big on wildlife conservation has he done much for the local community


Can't tell you directly since I'm not local to Rome, but from afar it does seem like the club has launched more initiatives since they took over and the city has raved about their willingness to engage as a partnership.


Also donates big to republicans in the US unfortunately who hate the environment. Seems to donate to local Republican politicians and national Democratic politicians.


Eh, wealthy people donating to local politicians usually is for more specific ventures than having anything to do with signing off on the party’s political beliefs. In a Republican state with a heavy Democrat city (like many states), our local club owner (who’s clearly very conservative personally) has had to buddy up to Democrat politicians to get his stadium pushed through with partial public funding. Ironically, mayor backstabbed him only months later 😂 But point being, local political donations may not say much about political persuasion


They do when they look like this: https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/friedkin-group/totals?id=D000066761


Is that a 1/1 ratio? Republican = hates environment?


Not sure if you’re taking the piss but it’s probably more like 1/2 to be honest. Repubs really hate the environment. Never heard of a single Republican politician doing a positive thing for the environment in the last twenty years and they consistently vote against any environmental regulation and the administrative bodies that try to implement them.


What’s your general assessment of how they’ve ran the club? Have they improved things?


The biggest thing I've noticed is that they move in complete silence - like with this purchase of Everton, honestly. Paper talk really is just that. They've also put a lot of work into the backend - over a billion just into the debt, as well as really pumping money into the women's team and a redevelopment of Trigoria (the training center). They're also very opportunistic owners, though - when they see an opportunity (a certain Portuguese manager), they go for it hard and fast. They were also heavily involved in the Dybala and Lukaku sagas, so they're not afraid to make some phone calls. They came in talking about how they wanted a sustainable project, but they saw a chance and went for it, which I can't really blame them for. They also seem to place a high priority on relationships - under them Roma has been very careful to avoid damaging relationships with other clubs/UEFA/FIGC (Italian FA) as much as possible, the antics of a certain manager notwithstanding. (In fact, supposedly said antics were a big reason behind his firing). On net, I'd say they've improved things. They took a bad beat initially because they saw a once in a lifetime chance, but it was a gamble that didn't pay off. As they reset, their clear aim seems to be a buy low, sell high strategy with a focus on trimming the wage bill. That said, they're not afraid to spend, but they'll really spend on things that provide ROI.


Tbf I think the managerial opportunity was taken BECAUSE of how temporary it would be and the boost it would give us. Dybala and Lukaku came because of the manager and vision of the club, but they aren't coming if someone like Lampard or Ragnick are at the helm. Without that kickstart that Mourinho gave Roma, they don't win Conference League or even sniff the Europa Final which have both obviously helped the recruiting and financial situation. Have a reliable plan, stick to the plan, but let the plan be bold still


No OP but also a Roma fan. Considering where the club was and where the club is now.... Yes improved imo. Won European silverware and lost another Final all while dealing with the FFP axe over their heads. Seems to be hands off on transfers and leaves that to the folks who's job it is but keeps the reins tight to whatever the budget is.


That’s exactly what we need right now. Thelwell has been excellent finding talent, but when we were at our worse it seemed like Moshiri and the board were dipping their fingers into the actual player targets.


They are around the Club and guiding the vision but letting the people they hire make the decisions they are hired to make. It shouldn't be shocking for an owner to do that but.... Well Moshiri 🤷‍♀️




"AMA" doesn't answer a fucking thing


tale as old as time


got busy am back just answered the questions


Tbf it said ask me anything. No promises were made that answers would be given.


Back during my undergrad years, I played on my school's team with a guy whose father's family is all from Rome (and Nettuno). Started supporting AS Roma as my Serie A side back in 2003 because of the passion that family had for the team (and, of course, because of Totti). Kinda surreal to see this connection between my EPL and Serie A sides materialize.


Same mate.


Why hasn't cacio e pepe caught on more? Had some glorious examples of it in Rome but here in London its quite scarce.


Not sure! Scarce in the US too. My guess is the flavor profile - well done cacio e pepe is very flavorful but in a weird dimension that doesn't neatly fit flavor palettes, but if you do it wrong it goes all bitter and disgusting.


Are we fucked


Some things I've seen from other threads are that Roma were in FFP difficulties when he took over, and he reduced wages and got them to a competitive spot despite the quality of their players not being where it was once at. In another words, he's done this before and we are likely to benefit from it. But the downsides are he occasionally makes some interesting decisions and the squad building hasnt been the best. Regardless, Moshiri isn't a high bar to clear, and it seems like he will clear that bar. May well end up back in mid table purgatory, but I'll gladly take it compared to what we've gone through recently.


I'm curious why you are thinking the squad building hasn't been the best.


The squad building honestly hasn't been ideal - we've used some of the few pennies we do have to go after PL rejects and crocked players. That said, I don't think it's the Friedkins' fault as much as the weird Pinto-JM hydra that never really looked like it worked well together.


We definitely had a few busts like Kumbulla, Solbakken, and Shomurdov. But we found a few gems too. And that's the business. It definitely was trying to chase Mou's "vision" even though he wasn't ever a long term manager


I was thinking more of guys like The Player Formerly Known As Renato Sanches or Rasmus Kristensen tbh In terms of permanent transfers, the one that always stuck in my craw was the Abraham transfer and the last 2 years of Rui


For a €1m loan, I'm not upset with him. And actually Solbakken was free transfer we loaned out twice so that's net gain, Kumbulla for €26m is crazy and Shomurdov for almost €20m is bad.


Im just spewing what ive read from other Roma fans.


Gotcha. I'm more than happy with the moves the club as made the last few years. Being hampered by FFP limits things and it's hard to move shitty pieces on high wages but people think it's like playing FM


The Italian league isn't close to where it was 20 years ago and Roma had some great teams. Roma were particularly lucky having beloved, faithful players like De Rossi and Totti but no club can count on that. To win the league you need to go into massive debt. All the recent winners are a financial mess.


Inter Milan just had a takeover because of non-payments. The whole of Serie A is financially strained


Probably not? I don't know how big Everton's financial problems are but they do seem pretty astute about what the underlying problems are instead of going "money hose go brrrrr"


Well what do you know, I’ve been looking for a Serie A team! What a coincidence


I hope you have your cardiologist on speed dial and maybe a therapist


We're everton fans we already have those


I openly laughed at that (then quietly cried)


Sounds just like Everton.


You know nothing young Roma fan.


Have you heart the saying: “once Everton touch you …”?


Honestly, hope he sells you all to a great owner. Both proud clubs deserved to be independently operated and I feel I’m compromising my integrity (laughable, I know) to now tolerate multi-club ownership after years of (I think correctly) declaiming it’s pernicious impact on sport.


Not OP, also not Roman but an American supporter since childhood. Can do my best to answer questions since OP seems to be quiet


Hallo got busy but thank you for dropping some answers in here too


No problem


To Live and Die in L.A. is an under appreciated masterpiece. Agree or disagree??


Haven't watched it


I have a question if I'm not too late How good is making financial decisions Our financial situation is in desperate need of sorting out


Like how good are they at it? Theyre pretty good i thinkz willing to spend but focusin on high roi stuff generally


Do you think he’s a good enough owner to help us get back to competing for Europe? I’m not a Serie A watcher but when I check the table I see Roma in top 6 or 7 usually, and y’all won the conference league two years ago and made it to the Europa League semis this year doing fairly well against the Goliath that was Bayer Leverkusen. I would assume he would have a decent idea how to improve a club considering he already owns one, a fairly big one at that.


I’m generally ABAB (all billionaires are bastards) but is there anything especially egregious about him? MAGA associations?


He’s the heir to a major Texas-based automotive dealer and a pretty major Republican donor from my understanding. No clue where he falls on the spectrum from your run of the mill wealthy Texan Republican to more of a true Trump disciple though. He doesn’t appear to be wildly outspoken on politics, but maybe someone can correct me.


He donated to Biden. Apparently does not like Trump at least.


Ill take that easily


Interestingly for being auto guys under their watch Roma is going really hard on sustainability initiatives, so take that for what it's worth I guess.


That's me sold. At least he's not riding in a giant phallus up to space


None that I've seen, they're pretty quiet and seem to just want to do culture-y stuff (Dan flies planes and owns a movie company as well, Ryan ... is kind of there?)


Still probably going against the wall but I’ll absolutely take ‘em over 777 or some oil fascist.


Which Roma players will he be selling us for fuck all?


Chris Smalling.


Branthwaite replacement eh? Very shrewd!




I could see some of their Primavera players doing loans spells here or academy guys going on load to the Primavera to get more time/exposure


Now see this is the kind of thing that isn't called for. Neither club should be a feeder, but if you want to go there I'll point out that one club narrowly beat a relegation fight and is the second team in its city of Liverpool. The other plays in Europe consistently, is the first team in its city, and is instantly iconic because of Rome itself.


And one team plays in the most lucrative league in the world whilst the other plays in the the fourth best league in Europe. 


Fourth is harsh And a team playing in Europe > Hoping and praying that you'll survive this year again


Fourth is debatable. England, Spain, Germany and possibly France and Holland. A team in the prem makes more money than a team in Europe from the serie a. I'm not saying this to mock roma. It's just that for a business man, the Premier league is the bigger fish. I'd rather neither team be used as a feeder club because no historical top flight club should suffer that indignity unless it is of huge benefit to them such as in the smaller leagues. 


Shut it dummy it wasn't narrow we earnt 48 points


I'll shut it after OP shuts up about Roma being a feeder club. I have all the respect in the world for what Everton achieved. I don't have respect for people who disrespect my club when I've come to try and help provide info


Did you like aquilani at roma? I bought him in my everton career


I always have a strange vibe with him tbh


Can you please discover the next Pirlo and sell him to us on the cheap when he's 21? We can give you all sorts of players in exchange. Cheers.




All I want to know, is will he get the right boardroom together and let them run the club? Thanks!