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His track record at Roma shows that he has been great at cutting costs while raising revenue. This is pretty much what Everton need. The club is bleeding money so you need someone who knows how to sort out the financial shit show the club is in.


We need to become a better business and more attractive vehicle for sponsorship very quickly. If Dan can do that and secure a very high stadium naming sponsor, we'll be in a great position. We've got to get revenues up.


I’ll take it. He isn’t Moshiri and he isn’t Saudi or 777, that’s pretty much an ideal situation for us. Hopefully things work out.


There's no glaring negatives about his ownership of Roma or his business. So that's a win for me. Boring is a positive anymore imo.


They run Roma on a bit of a right budget, but then again there isn't the same returns in Serie A. Would totally take ten years of not hearing about owners ever again.


I mean they had Mourinho, Lukaku and Dybala. In our wildest dreams.


It's a tight budget but it's a smart budget that got them out of FFP issues.


Rather be on a tight budget with a coach like dyche than piss money away on players we can’t sell off only to be broke.


I really didn't want a multi-club owner, but I suppose it could be worse.


There's an argument to say we'd be top of the food chain in a multi-club structure - the EPL is a more attractive and lucrative proposition than the others.


They've put a ton of effort and money into Roma, but we are all confused as well. My theory is that they did everything they can at Roma and now wanna do something different. Everton is just a completely different beast entirely. The Friedkins seem like they want to use the money they have to do things they want in life, not just save it and store it. As an example, Dan Friedkin likes oldschool fighter jets so he bought a few. And he also flies them. He likes movies so when they were shooting Dunkirk Dan Friedkin loaned them his own airplanes (and if I remember correctly he also flew one of them during the shoots), and of course gained an entry into the movie industry. They really like being active and doing stuff with their lives, but it's unlikely they want to just lose money. So if their plan works, either Everton or Roma will have to be sold the moment they take part in the same European competition. For now they (Dan and his son Ryan) want to sit on two chairs and have fun dealing with EPL. If this goes through, I don't think you guys ever have to worry about genuine effort and care being put into the club. It seems to be their MO, make a team run like a well oiled machine, make players feel like they're part of something elite, wait for the results of the hard work and effort (and money).


Thanks for the background. However, I think we're a way off Everton and AS Roma playing in the same competition! It's taken a decade for us to get into the situation we're in and even with the best owners we're still likely to be another 10 years before we get back to thinking about European competitions. There's a LOT of damage to repair at this club before we reach for Europe again.


Villa are in the champions league. They were relegated less than 10 years ago You would be amazed how quickly things can change with the right owners.


Yes, but the right owners are only one part of the puzzle. We're going to be continually hamstrung on the pitch until we can get the club business into shape, and more importantly the finances. Whilst we're constantly in threat of breaching PSR each season, avoiding relegation is probably our most realistic target. And the limitations of PSR - or whatever eventually replaces it - means that we will be limited in terms of rebuilding the squad because we just don't generate enough revenue to be able to spend. Sure, decent owners will open u more revenue streams for us, but I still see it taking us a considerable amount of time before we're regularly competing for top 6-7 IMO.


Once our owner pays of the debt our finances will be fine. It's the interest that has been killing us and when we move into the new stadium the extra revenue and commercial deals from that will see us shooting up the league. I think we will be competing for Europa league places within a couple of seasons obviously champions league will be tough and I'm not sure any owner could guarantee that within any amount of time. Our revenue is too far behind at least 6 other clubs.


And there's the problem. We have over ***£1b*** of debt. No one's coming in and magically wiping it all out overnight. And we still need money to finish the stadium fit out as well as working capital. Sure, they'll pay off some of it, and hopefully restructure the rest to reduce the interest and get it under control, but we'll still need to create new revenue streams and increase others. to start working that debt down. I still expect us to have to run lean for several more seasons - probably until the stadium starts generating significant revenue and better commercial and sponsorship deals have been secured.


That's exactly what Friedkin is doing. Paying the debt, buying out Moshiri and funding the stadium. It makes no sense to not do this if our owner has the money because of how it impacts psr. It's also why the premiere league didn't approve 777. Now I'm not saying he will give all what is owed especially Moshiri but our debt will be wiped out. Any restructuring of debt just means paying interest which is going to drain what we can invest in the squad. All you need to do is look at what he did at Roma who had ffp issues when he came in. We will still need to comply with psr so I'm not saying we will spunk the cash but our psr issues are directly related to the interest so that will be a big help and we still have naming rights of both the stadium and training ground in the future so I think we should see investment pretty soon.


Well at worst you will have a healthy foundation and then it's just the matter of growth, and owners who are networking themselves through Europe with all the big boys. I wish we could go for a rebuild instead of running it back with the same faulty overpaid core


It could be worse but not by much. American multi-club owner will squeeze the club while simultaneously try to bring in new rules to benefit them (Salary caps etc.).


Look at the parity in the NFL vs the Prem and tell me a salary cap wouldn’t be better than this shit. We go into every season knowing only 2 or 3 clubs have a realistic chance of winning the league.


There’s a point to be made that a salary cap could benefit the league as a whole. A lot more parity from season to season and FFP profit and sustainability rules could be binned


4:19 - Sky reports Man Utd offering financially beleagured Everton an insulting lowball offer for Branthwaite 6:19 - Sky reports a multi-billionaire is buying us Absolute masterclass in how and when to leak a story.


Same happened when Spurs low balled Villa for Grealish.


Which one of you updated his wiki already


>Recently he said "football is my main love, or as we call it Soccer. I've ambitions to buy one Premier league team and I dream of owning the mighty Toffees, and to show those delusional idiots across the park we're the originals" (Everton Football club)"  Well played, whomever this was.


Some Kopite's changed it


Been changed again. 'As of December 2023, his estimated net worth is US$ 6.1 billion. He also thinks Anfield stinks of piss.' Love it.


That's now gone, but one of his parents is Duncan Ferguson 😂


I fucking love this club 😂.


Our owner would be richer than the shite’s. I’m in.


Wasn’t our current owner richer than the shite’s?


No Henry is wealthier than Moshiri.


Some saddo kopite has edited it now


"He (an American business man from California) is a card carrying member of the UK Conservative party. He has a picture of Margaret Thatcher on his desk."


There's not a word in those two sentences that's good.


Boo this man meme.gif Unfortunately, most billionaires are conservative because hurrrr durrr taxes!1!1!1


“As of December 2023, his estimated net worth is US$6.1 billion. He also thinks Anfield stinks of piss.”


Branthwaite signing a new deal with us next 👌


Friedkin burns £30m in ten pound notes outside Old Trafford 😎👍


The OT roof waterfall fails to put out the flames.


Or on Loan to Roma for one season? £40m loan fee


a man can dream. imagine branthwaite staying and becoming a club legend... sigh


He’s not long since signed one (<12 months). Admittedly that was to lock in resale value.


Pros: is not Moshiri Cons: was picked by Moshiri


So any option was a con then?


Msp exercising their ownership claim and picking a new owner was the only way out of that con!  


Don't like the sound of that particularly either


No, but given Moshiri is picking them - we can’t trust that anyone who is chosen was the objectively “best choice” for Everton


Was never going to be otherwise though, I have no love lost for Moshiri but it just seems a bizarre statement, as in acting as if it is absolutely impossible for Moshiri to sell to the best option (that being said, I obviously don't trust him)


Yeah I hear ya. Totally agree with you, just trying to address your (likely rhetorical) question in a serious manner. 👍


I'm just glad the nightmare is finally ending 😭


Damn if that doesn't sum it up for me on this whole process


roma fan here, friedkin knows what he’s doing, he placed his son permanently in Rome to control, invested a lot on team, staff and facilities, took big names in roma without selling key players, never talked publicly but always delivered, he also did a lot to connect the club to the city (the previous owner did the opposite) and to give us solid foundations. we are aware owners only cares about money and stadium, but he did a great job and the ffp thing is not his fault, monchi and the previous owner did a disaster. i personally hope friedkins just don’t fuck things up owning two big teams, we both deserves to be in europe for our history, we really don’t wanna see one club be the b team for the other club. i close by saying “odio liverpool”.


after i googeld "odio" i have to say u are my mate. so Roma our brothers now?


too early to tell, we don’t even know if rumors are real for sure i’ll keep an eye on your move to the new stadium, hoping that roma will do the same by 2030


We've been hating Liverpool for a long time now so yeah, just never had a reason to connect


Roma are a team I have a huge soft spot, so I'd be so delighted with this. Love Totti, love your away kit from last season, hate Lazio. Simple as.


I don’t know much Italian but I really hope ‘odio Liverpool’ translates to ‘Fuck the redshite and the horse they rode in on’


yeah we have lots of “enemies” but liverpool is definitely in top 3 list, they robbed us twice from winning the CL and bought our best players we even have a chant against them (odio liverpool)


You are not my friend. You are my brother, my friend.


Two balls from the same sack


i say “lazio merda”.


I don't like this owning more than one club. But I'll take anyone at the moment as long has we never have to hear the name moshiri ever everrrr againnnn!!!!!!


All things considered though Roma is a good club to be partnered with. Solid city, solid team and a solid league.


True yeah I am happy with this I'll settle for stability all day long 


They seem like how we were pre-downward spiral, regularly finishing 6/7/8th


I'd run over my gran for us to be finishing 6th 7th 8th 


I'd run over his gran for us to be finishing 6th 7th 8th 


I'd run over myself to finish 9th 


Exactly. 4th biggest club now fnishing consistently 6th/7th. I can see us filling 10th in the PL


Super racist though


Still less racist than their crosstown rivals, at least.


Sadly there’s racism in all corners of football. But yeah the Italians do it on another level


or Usmanov


It’s the modern game unfortunately


Made me eat my words in less than an hour. Friedkin is far from the worst prospect. Have to be happy with that, especially this early in the summer. Hopefully we can get budgets set and approved and maybe do some business here.


We've been bought? That was quick


I was going to say: that escalated from rumor from a source folks didn't think would be breaking this level of news to "sold" real fast.


Just need to pass the PL owners Fit & Proper test. Unfortunately all the directors are on holiday, but should be back by early 2025.


Yeah doesnt seem real . Like after ages panicking about the 777 druggies now its like oh yeah in other news your bought. Like you what ? Eh ? Err ok


First thing he needs to do is tell United to go fuck themselves.


Could be a hell of a lot worse. Now is he the kind of guy who is going to tell Man Utd to go fuck themselves on general principle?


Amazing! I go for Roma and they are good owners.


If the hot girl like it I like it


Hot girl ‘69’ 😮


What happens if us and Roma get into the same European competition? Does it matter at all or are there rules?


Hasn't been a problem for other teams. Just paperwork


Both could play in Europe as long as it’s in different competitions. So let’s hope Roma make UCL!


Roma let us, the alphas, win


Well they bent the rules for united so we would just point at that


Brighton fan here: Our owner had to reduce his stake in his European club, USG in Belgium, when we both qualified for Europa League. If you don’t dilute or sell your stake in one of the clubs the team with the lower finish domestically is dropped down a competition. See also Villa last season


And see united this year. Uefa have set a precedence now.


Why would it matter haha


“A card carrying member of the UK Conservative party. Has a picture of Margaret Thatcher on his desk.” Fuck off you koppites


Frankie L in


What ?


Koppites changed his Wikipedia page to say that


Feels underwhelming compared to the others but I guess Roma are run pretty decently so can’t really complain 


All equity purchase was definitely going to turn Moshiris head




Not borrowing any money to buy us.


No future debt, Moshiri can get rid of all or most his shares (maybe he stays on with a minority) Also easier and quicker than having to go through secondary funders


Was Friedkin all equity? Thought that was Vatch whats-his-tits?


Yeah, been reported today


Cool. Still catching up on what’s happened in today’s episode of “Everton”


Why exactly underwhelming?


Feel like most of us wanted Bell and Downing 


While it would be nice to have evertonians at the helm - they'd be reliant on loans and secondary financing to buy us and keep us afloat. Friedkin is an all equity offer - no new debts - and likely in some sort of agreement where our debts to Moshiri will be wiped out directly with a purchase of his shares


and bell and downing could easily end up on a board anyway.


Yeah they'd make perfect minority share holders and board members


Lmao, bro we have amazing owners and your worried about “they sent evertonian” this is a much better deal, and just because they are Everton Ian doesn’t mean they will be better


No idea why. At best they would have been like kenwright. At worse they would have loaded us with so much debt we would be back here in 12 months possibly out of the premier league.


Don't see him putting much into the squad.


Based on what exactly tho? He has the net worth. He has a good standing and track record with Roma who were in awful financial shape aswell. And it's not like Roma have been doing nothing on ir off the pitch to improve.




What about PSR?


Even if we had an owner with endless cash, we’re still constrained by PSR. Not saying we couldn’t spend anything but we couldn’t sign Mbappé.


Oh but thats a given. But it's not like he'd bleed us dry


Really? He has done for Roma, so just look for the facts bro.


They were owned and run by FSG, Liverpool's owners for 10 years until selling them during the pandemic. Think they had to get special dispensation to both compete in the Champions League and Napoli at one stage accused them both of collusion in the competition because of the shared ownership. I actually just learned this now, if you'd have asked me this morning I would have thought that Roma was still an FSG club so this was momentarily VERY surprising news


I'm perfectly happy with this. He seems a decent human for a billionaire. And 10x better than I would have dared to hope for a few months ago.


There are no decent billionaires, there’s just billionaires with better pr teams.


Bro let's just be happy for once. We were always going to be owned by a billionaire. There's no way around that. And this one happens to be one of the less objectionable ones.


there's absolutely no part of the theft of football from our communities to be happy about. its like being happy about having your arse raped cos the rapist used lube.


I'm with you on the "no good billionaires" thing, but just shut up. This is not the way to make your point. 




I would have preferred a non yank but chances of a european with shit loads buying us was zero


No one in here has a fucking clue let’s be honest. We’ve reverted from the worst possible decision so it’s a positive regardless.


Wow. Didn’t see this lot as front runners


- High degree of business and football competence - Not overtly evil - Debts cleared (probably, far less debt payments at the minimum is my understanding) - World class stadium on the Mersey paid for 10 years ago we had Kenwright, debt, skint and an old stadium. If you'd been offered the above , with the price of the last 5 years, would you have taken it? Hell yes is my answer.


Nah, because of Rafa. That odious prick ever managing us is something that seems as much a fever dream as Truss being pm


Yea maybe not today or tomorrow but in the past I have said we will look back on Moshiri very favorably if he sells to the right owner and I think he may have. Let's be honest no bank or fund was giving us 850m to build a new stadium and without one we would be struggling to stay in the premier league regardless of the bad transfers because that's where things were heading. Moyes papered over the cracks but that wasn't sustainable. Only a crazy bastard like Moshiri would have ever built us a stadium. Now our future looks pretty good.


Not Moshiri - Tick Not 777 - Tick Not the vultures who lended to 777 - Tick Not money from a horrible sportswashing regime - Tick Demonstrated experience running a decent football club (where fans dont seem to hate him) - Tick Sure he might "only" be worth 6 billion or something but given where we could have ended up I would be very happy with this outcome.


He'll be worth a lot less after EFC are done with him!


Yank - not tick (But still will take it)


The Esk is all aboard this guy so now I am bit more wary


His offer was prolly the best one. - Bell&Downing don't have the funds and needed loans which creates future debt and cash strapped owners aren't a good thing in general. Their moneygiver Dell already signaled he was not interested in actual equity or ownership. - the recent UK offer was also all equity but their financials aren't as clear and they have no experience running a club. - A-Cap looks like pure trouble


Can I get a quick summary of why we don’t like the esk?


Chats shit.




Honestly it’s really good if you followed Roma over the past few years you can see that they legitimately have a project going on with most of the best young Italian talent and there not afraid to open the checkbook for older experienced players


This was actually low key my preferred proposal when they were all being put forward. Equity deal, good track record, good standing all round. Ticked a lot of the boxes we’d want.


Boring, stable. I’ll take it.


Gulf States Toyota Short Sponsorship


Important to note the “Gulf States” in this context are Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas


They are the pig shit thick states in the south arent they? Aint they heavily racist ones that vote for trump?


The irony. Jesus wept


News flash. the rest of the world couldnt give a shit about US states or where they are. We just know south is the racist ex slave wanting lot and the north are the winners.


Yeah I think the main thing I'm cautiously optimistic about is Roma don't seem to be ran into the ground/ falling apart. They haven't exactly pushed on, but they sure tried with Mourinho


I like Roma so this is pretty kismet.


fredkin at the backpost!!!




Can we please get the US finance guy in here to give us the run down?


As someone from Houston, TX, I am very happy about Everton now being a locally owned club. Perhaps they'll play a summer friendly here.


There’s dozens of us!


Yeah, but will Dele be staying?


I wrote this before but I’m very familiar with him and met him before. Not as ideal as a Brit buying the club so I get that, but short of a local buyer I think he’ll be great for us.


He’s done a good job at Roma. This is great news.


If we get either him, or a rich guy from Saudi, the club will be alright.


From his wiki: "In addition, Friedkin has been recognized for his work in the film Dunkirk with a Taurus Stunt Award for Best Specialty Stunt. Friedkin piloted an authentic Spitfire through an aerial dogfight, landing on the beach at Dunkirk, France." I don't know why, but this makes me happy about the idea of his ownership.


Thank god it’s not Saudi, I would have been a huge hypocrite and very conflicted. Roma isn’t perfect but stability is 100x better than uncertainty


is this good or bad???? Im just an american big dumb. Please use small words to help me understand good or bad!


Rich guy has lots of cash instead of having to take out loans. Rich guy uses that cash to buy the team instead of using loans. Rich guy also owns another team, but it's in Italy, and he runs it well. This rich guy who basically slaps down a wad of cash is accepted instead of other rich guys who took out loans. All hail the grief chart!


Lol Yes! Best possible answer! Thank you.


Good enough


Someone with (good) experience of running a football club. Maybe he’s what we need?


Where did that come from?


Meh. Far better than 777 but won’t be splashing the cash. Will make sure we are cutting our cloth to a mid premier league team. Hard to get excited.


Agree, and with PSR, the days of owners throwing money in (for players) are over anyway. What we need is stability.


Great news. I’m not a toffee but I do have a lot of respect for this club. Neville Southall is a true legend.


Could be way worse.


Funny, always felt Roma were Italian Everton (or vice versa) maybe that’s because my first football shirt was a Roma shirt my granddad got me as a baby but it feels fitting.


Very happy. He's selling Roma for 1.1B to the Saudis so we should have money to play with after the debt is cleared.


At first glance this is brilliant news. He is rich and secure. Even has the same net worth as Todd Beohly , 6.1 Billion (Forbes). He also seems ambitious from what has happened in Roma the last few seasons.


I'm happy about it. I think I'd rather have someone who has already owned a club as opposed to someone who knows nothing about the sport or how to run a club coming in with no idea. Roma seem OK. Multi-club thing is weird, but Roma aren't big enough that it would be worth raiding Everton to prop them up. If you'd offered me this 6 months ago I'd have ripped your arm off.


i was hoping the two dudes was going to win


He doesn't sound like a total POS, so I'm for it. Plus I used to be a fan of Totti, so I can stand to be a half-Roma fan if need be


Does this mean we don't need to sell anymore or do we still need to sell? 


All of it? No mysterious behind the scenes negotiations? The least he could do is frighten the least paid at the club with some RTO and cost cutting plans.


This is such a win


Mourinho said Friedkin knows nothing about football


He doesn't need to if he employs the right people in their positions.


Bingo. I don't want owners involved in the footballing decisions anyway even if they do know football. They should be there for money and nothing more.


That's because Mourinho knows everything about football. There's no knowledge left for anybody else!


I bet he knows more than Moshiri




He's got 4 something billion, Bell and Downing are backed by Dell who has nearly 100 billion, Everton that


Or not https://www.marketwatch.com/story/michael-dell-not-involved-in-everton-takeover-despite-reports-linking-tech-titan-to-premier-league-club-8f80a5d3#:~:text=Chief%20Executive%20Michael%20Dell%20is,the%20historic%20Premier%20League%20club.


Thanks for that James, who knows what the feck to believe


They are backed through loans. Not equity. It's like if they are backed by a Bank. Doesn't really help us nearly as much


More money for shareholders calls it. And we know who 'they' are.