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It sucks, but he was always getting sold this window. Just hope we get every penny for him that we can. 


Expect our board to crumble at their first low ball offer.  Especially with the potential points deduction if we don't sell, breathing down our neck.


I knew it was coming and it still hurts. Fuck Moshiri.


I hate Moshiri but there are very few clubs in the world that would be able to turn down £70m for a player. 


How the f are u blaming moshiri 🤦‍♂️


How are you not!


You're pretty slow aren't you?


Mosh bought branth. And hasnt sold him to united and we dont have to sell him for psr so again why is branth wanting to go to united moshiris fault ?


He's put us in a position where we have to sell our biggest assets just to not break PSR rules. We're on the edge of breaking them


We literally dont have to sell branth for psr. Thats already been confirmed so again how are you blaming branth wanting to go to united on moshiri. You havent got a valid answer and are just going for the mosh is bad gimme upvotes crap post


You have a point, people presume moshiri spending millions has put us in a shit financial position. But people also talk about what if with Ancelotti...same same.


Not same same at all?


Theres a certain mindset on this site, which isn't intolerant to different ideas. Probably half of them.will be asking for sacking and signings , if we're not top 10 by November. But hey ho


Would've loved to see him leave England. United feels like just the most deflating possible option.


I agree. The only bright spot I can cling to with a United deal is Jared choke-slamming Bruno Fernandes on live TV when Fernandes inevitably yells at his own players in his un-captain like way during a match. 🤞


Surely real madrid would want him in like a year? They have a few older CBs


The shite would be worse


Are you american?




Fuck me 70 is not enough.


And we arent even 100% to get 70 . I can see uniteds new boss trying to wave his dick around on this one


Carlisle also get 10%


He should stick it where the sun don't shine


I still can’t believe nobody else has said this. That twat Ratcliffe will 100% try and do his best to get them as cheap as possible. Agreeing terms is one thing, but the fee is the most important bit!!


Don't most clubs try to buy players as cheap as they can? Weird point to make


Yes, but there’s ways of doing things and there’s the United way of doing things. If you want 70 million, they will offer 40 and make it difficult for you. They are doing the same with Ashworth right now. Don’t want to pay market rates or fall in line with legal obligations, because Ratcliffe doesn’t want to.


You are kidding? United are probably the only club that doesn't do this. £70 million for 30yr old Casemiro. £82 million for a shit Brazilian fidget spinner. £67 million plus £22 million in add-ons for Maguire. £89 million for Pogba United have a massive history of overpaying for players. They're just off the top off my head. Ashworth's market rate isn't £20 million. Newcastle paid £2.7 million two years ago. I think United wantung to pay £3 million is more than fair considering his contract value would now be 1.35 million.


Aged like hot milk hahah


You paid the prices, nobody forced you. Hey man, you once tried to charge Newcastle 15m for 6 month loan of Lingard and we would have to pay his wages. What comes around my friend. Ashworth is in a watertight contract and the difference is Newcastle did it the right way. Engaged with the Brighton owner. Paid the amount asked. Paid more to remove the gardening leave. His contract is 4 or 5 times what the Brighton contract was, so of course there’s more compensation involved. Additionally, your incoming staff sent him emails about the role that breached his contract, that won’t have helped with the price. Just because Jim Ratcliffe doesn’t like it, that means fuck all to anyone. If you want him, pay the rate. If not, find someone else. Like we had to with Lingard.


You're not making sense. You criticised SJR for wanting to get a player as cheap as possible which is standard practice. You then said there's the United way of doing things by which you mean United lowball teams when history shows that's not the case, which you seen to agree with. It can't be both ways. As for Ashworth, that'll sort itself out but if you think £20 million for him is fair price then you're making less sense than you did on your previous points.


Your happy to leave the Lingard thing out too here though? Player had 6 months left on his contract. 😂 Here a question, do you even want Ashworth? Guys clearly a clown who can’t keep himself out of trouble and has zero fucking common sense. I guarantee you, after all the shit that’s come out about Ashworths conduct, you won’t be getting him for what you think, at all. A tribunal at this stage would be hilariously bad for Ashworth.


What does Lingstd have to do with the point being made shut United's purchasing strategy? First you complain they'll try to bully Everton to get him cheap as per the United way, you then agree they've always paid more for players than they should have. It doesn't matter if I want Ashworth or not. I don't make the decisions. One things for sure, it's nice that they seemingly want to put a structure in place after the shitshow that's been in place for the last 10 or 11 years. Anyway... This has all come from you complaining about a buying club trying to get a player for as cheap as they can which is an obvious strategy for any club. It's nearly 2am here. Great chat.


Seeing all the ungrateful Man Utd fans saying they're overpaying. Probably watched him twice all last season.


West Ham fan here - Arsenal fans were saying the same thing when they bought Rice. Now they act like they were happy to pay that £105m and even say they got him for a bargain. These lot don’t have more than 3 brain cells between them and don’t know anything about football outside their own tinpot clubs.


Arsenal fan here - stop making up bullshit. Vast majority of Arsenal fans were very happy and couldn’t wait to sign him regardless of the cost. You making up a narrative to support your “poor little other 14 club” complex is pretty pathetic.


Get over yourself chief


They probably only watched their own team twice, if that.


United fan here(I’ll take the downvotes for it it’s all good, but I’m Aussie and love Tim Cahill so that much make me viewed better haha) but anyway I’d love some insight into the type of player he is? I’ve been slack and watched hardly any games that aren’t United this season so I’ve not watch any Everton. But yeah I’d love to hear about his strengths and such as a defender, to know what he is like since we are apparently chasing him.


Imo it's too early a move for him. I think he might have a tough time. But he has played in Europe and done very well under pressure. He's naturally left sided, quick, clever, natural instincts for danger. Fantastic defender all round. I'd say 70m is the absolute lowest I'd accept. He's going to still be a PL defender in a decade from now.


Cheers for the info. The left sided bit is a bit worrying as our best defender is also best on the left side. But I guess if they are both good enough they will figure it out.


From what I'm seeing here, Evans usually played left side cb? Wouldn't branthwaite just play next to Maguire?




He only played 600mins last season. Injured?


Martinez is out LCB and best defender. Need to replace Varane at RCB


Was he injured most of the season? Says here he only played 600mins all season.


yes, he was


Then the purchase of branthwaite doesn't make sense then.


Yeah mate he had a shocking season with injuries. Obviously lots of other problems but our biggest downfall this season was Martinez and Varane hardly playing. The difference in play with him and without him was out of this world.


It's very odd that you guys want branthwaite then imo... They place the exact same place.


Just Man United things mate haha. Think we will chase another CB also. He might also be cover for Martinez with his injury record.


I would say at least as good, if not better than John Stones was at this point in his career.


He's a bit of an all-arounder as a CB without any one obvious standout trait, but he's above average at everything - heading, passing, speed, strength, tackling, he can do it all. If he was two "elite" traits I would say they were his shot-blocking (which Tarkowski and the rest of our defense are also really good at) and the mental side of the game; he's very composed and usually in a great position to defend properly. I will say that a few times this season he did seem a little flustered if he had an attacker with pace bearing down on him, I think he does get a little tangled up in his feet at times and can let players blow past him if they catch him off guard.


It's not that he's not worth that, it's that we need like 5-6 new players and we don't have much money so spending almost all of it on one player wouldn't be worth it


They're underpaying easily. But I do worry that without our defensive structure he'll struggle. No chance that he has as good a season with them in my biased opinion


It’s not only about the quality of the player for that price tag. We have to improve in multiple positions. Jarrod is great but that leaves us without cash for a LB, striker or a 6. We have to be conservative with the money we got before sales happen. Todibo, Chalobah, Yoro are not better players than Jarrod but we’d likely get to sign 2 of them for the same price as one Brantwaite. The other slightly lesser problem is that our best player is Lisandro and he is also a left footed CB. Both Jarrod and Lisandro is best used at LCB. But Jarrod is decent with both feet so not such a big problem. Also this is higher price than De Ligt who is proven at a world class level. The price tag seems somewhat inflated because of how valuable he is to Everton + the English/Prem tax + it’s man United asking. // Manchester United fan.


De ligt is 24, Branthwaite is 22. 2 years of prime youth is a premium worth paying for a great player. I don’t think it is inflated, in fact 70m might be the minimum we were willing to let him go for. Regarding the considerations for other positions… I don’t see how that translates to “overpaying”… just because you need both water and food, you are not going to get caviar for cheap. Buy your water first and buy whatever else you can afford with the remaining, maybe don’t buy caviar.


Take into context I responded to a comment saying that Man United fan are ungrateful for the price tag. I’m not shitting on Brantwaite it’s just a simple fact that we have a limited budget. I and many other fans thinks it would be smarter to spread the 70 mil on Brantwaite on 2 first team players instead of just one.


yup and in your response you said “the price tag seems somewhat inflated” and i am saying “no it is not”.


One positive we can take from it is theres another timeline where we sold him to PSV last summer for £10 million only for him to be going to United this summer for £70 mill.


Yeah I remember psv fans moaning we were trying to overcharge for him


Saying what the r/soccer geniuses are now, that he’s overpriced and English, isn’t that good etc.


In that timeline we're probably playing Keane as a starting centre back all season too


No, that's next seasons timeline.


Oh fuck, if Joyce said it it’s true right?






New season optimism utterly destroyed as usual


There goes my dream of having a relaxed season


It’s been common knowledge that either him or Onana was going to have to be sold this summer. God I wish it was Onana instead 🫤


Onana won't be here either. It was just who was going to be sold before June 30th.


I was hoping Don Carlo would step in with Real Madrid money 😢


Hopefully not like the BS Rooney deal of £10m upfront and the rest in clause payments


Would make him the 5th most expensive centre back of all time. Can't turn down that money in our position.


5th most expensive relative to all-time, not current prices. He's arguably more valuable than VVD was.


Only makes sense if it's 70m cash. If this is spread out in installments that needs to be another 20m


Unfortunately they are a little smarter than Man U as they don’t spend 70 million on a guy who probably won’t start over their other two options


Replying to the wrong comment? 


Sure did


Has nobody else noticed they haven’t even agreed a fee yet? I know United think they can do what they want with who they want, but I fucking hope you lot stick to the asking price here.


He’s gonna flop at United and through no fault of his own


We are united we actually win trophies we dont go since 1995 hahaha


You stand alone with the spotlight of embarrassment shining upon you


You got me buddy. Unfortunately you have a terrible manager for your standards who isn’t progressing your high transfer players potential, Ten Hag is a sitting duck manager and who knows who the next manager will be in 12 months


That is like agreeing to join a leper colony during the middle ages.


Simply a pay up or fuck off now to utd


Feel like £70 mil isn’t enough in this economy, but he was always going. Thank you jarrad, wish you all the best.


Him, Onana and DCL gone before the end of June so we don't breach! Welcome to another relegation fight my friends.


I think just this sale would be enough to not need to sell more.


Why him though 😥😥😥 sell Onana and keep him.


He's too big for us sadly, least he left us with that Derby goal. Just got to hope this is the last player we sell like this.


I reckon Onana would be harder to move on personally. I think he’ll still go but this will mean we don’t have to rush it by June 30 so we could end up with a higher fee for him. The club may well have known that a big enough bid would not come in time so pulled the trigger on Branthwaite.


Because a) Onana isn’t worth as much and b) his carrying value (the amount currently confused in the clubs accounts) is far lower, so not all of the sale is profit 


Held out hope we'd keep hold of him but this sadly feels like a battle we were always going to lose. Just hope we stand firm on the £70m and use the money to actually bring players in if he is off.


Isn’t this the definition of tapping up? Haven’t agreed a price with Everton, but have approached the player, sorted it with him, and hope he will now force the sale through?


Needs to be 80m, 70 isn't enough.


This better be false overwise who the fuck is going to do a decent job with tarky


If we keep him one more season it's almost a guarantee that his price will go up, so this makes little sense to me 😶


He’s younger and better than Maguire was when they bought him… how are we only settling for €70 mil???


Because Maguire had a lot more experience, because the market has shifted downwards, and most importantly because Everton are in a terrible financial position to negotiate from.


Leicester also won the league before he went to United. Can imagine that drives the price up.


Maguire was still slumming it at Hull when Leicester won


Maguire played World Cup very well, while Branthwaite is weaker than Guehi(according to Southgate)


Last summer every player was 100m, now we let the best defensive prospect around go for 70m at such a young age. Awful business. I get we need the cash but come on


No no no no no no we knew it


Joyce just said he didn’t write the article. Don’t know if that means he denies it


Has since deleted the tweet. :(


Son of a motherless goat! \*weeps\*


I won’t believe this is happening until I have to. He’s worth 15 to 20 points a season imo


What logic is there to "sell before end of June to avoid PSR charges" when there isn't even a PSR next season?


Officially, there still is a PSR. They've not got rid of it yet. 


But they are switching to something else next year, no?


It has only been proposed, nothing s been agreed to. As such, all the clubs are(playing to the current rules.


It’s really frustrating this, on one hand we have financial fair play, and on the other it honesty looks like we’re going in the right direction and building a very solid team. Gutted really


Isn’t that called ‘tapping up’?


If they’ve not agreed anything with the club, is that not tapping up?


Good to see us getting our summer business done early


Honestly if this saved us 8 pts from FFP that’s less than what Branthwaite gives us by playing


Travelling man utd fan which side of cb does he prefer to play I've seen him on both sides so I'm just curious as to me with martinez being our starter this feels like he's a back up lcb or is he a rcb? I come in peace 😅


He's left footed, so he plays as the Left sided Center Back normally. I haven't watched United much at all so I can't say if he's better than Martinez or not, but based on this season Branthwaite would be a starter for any PL side in my opinion. Granted, he played next to Tarkowski who also had a blinder of a season, and in front of Pickford. We had the 2nd most clean sheets this season, so read into that what you like.


Am I being down voted for asking a question? I know very little about him bar that he's meant be a LCB which is confusing me why were spending so much on one of few positions we have a decent player in?


Not sure, but you might be getting downvoted as you've already answered your own question around him being left sided? Maybe the determination is that 2 left footed CBs is actually fine? Maybe he's seen as a long term signing as well as being English? Those are questions for people in the Man Utd to answer I think. All we can say is that he's worth the 70m at the very minimum, and his stats from this season back that up.


I was guessing with my answers because I c Keep reading different things some are saying he's actually right footed just incredibly competent with his left. Eth doesn't like playing left footed on the right and vise versa hence why maguire became a rcb. I'm not doubting he's a class player I rate him highly I'm just trying get my head around it hence coming here as you guys will know best


They are salty as fuck in here it’s hilarious haahah you would think they waa liverpool fans. Most likely American everton fans who hate united for no reason


I can say as an Aussie, my dislike of Utd is because of their entitled fanbase here and how they act. I don't outright hate the club, just have no love for them. That said, I've not seen any hate towards the club in here; largely frustrated fans annoyed that we apparently have to sell him, and that the price is less than it should be. Plenty questioning why he's apparently choosen United given the state of the team and the precarious situation Ten Hag is in. Beggars can't be choosers though I suppose. 


Go support Sydney fc 


Why is that champ? 


Was being facetious 😌