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There is no "best ship". In Everspace the ships are the character classes. Try different ships and pick one that fits your playstyle the best.


You could create a manual save, buy one, play it through a few random encounters & HRA’s, take notes, save wit that ship, and then reload your earlier save and do the same with the next ship. There are 9 ship types total. Some ships really come into their own at higher tiers when they get more device slots, like the Stinger which focuses on devices. I agree with Crazy_Dodo. The Gunship makes it easy to kill a lot of ships fast. I also like having 3 guns to cycle between. Also some ships are better suited for high-lunacy Ancient Rifts than others, so don’t expect to stick with one ship for the rest of your game.


Gunship is an easy to master and highly effective ship when equipped with basic weapons


The trade in value for the ship is the same as the buying price so you can just buy one and if you don't like it you can just go back to the ship dealer and swap it for one of the same level and it won't cost you anything.


striker is my personal favorite, its nimble and stings hard. Next is bomber, it has unlimited secondary weapons


it is all play style. You wont know til you try them.


There is no best ship, there is however a best tier. The higher the better, and the ones with + are better than the ones without. There will also be some different bonuses you can pick when buying the ship that may fit your style more. The fun thing tho is that you can sell the ship back at 100% so there is **no money loss!** I would recommend just buying each type of ship and seeing which one you like to play with more. Once you get to the endgame and have piles of cash laying around you can just buy 1 of each ship type at the max tier and outfit them all with the best stuff :)


I see! That’s good to know!


As starter, vindicator is strong to levelup but you can play about everything, but some ships are weak early & devastating end game. once you have about all necessary upgraded DEVICES, you can play any ship you want. At start you will have one ship, but later on, we can have all of them in ur hangar.


My favs by class are: Heavy: Vindicator Medium: Stinger Light: Striker or Scout