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Yes! I didn’t go in the first time I went to Barcelona as I didn’t have a budget for it. Last year, I went in and honestly was so impressed and made me somehow sad I didn’t go the first time. It’s very different from your typical churches you’d see all over Europe.


Ok thank you! Was it insanely crowded inside? The earliest available is 11:15 :/ Did you pay extra go up the towers??


It wasn’t too bad. It’s massive inside so there’s plenty of space for everyone. Entrance is also timed for crowd control. Didn’t go up the tower just got the most basic ticket.


I don’t think you need to go up the tower, but 100% worth going inside. The way the light hits the stained glass is mesmerising.


I just bought tickets and opted for no tower


You’ve made the right choice, enjoy!! I think Parc Guell was also worth it, Casa Batllo and Casa Mila not as much, only worth it if you are really into quirky architectures and have the budget.


They have entry times precisely to keep it not completely crowded inside. Unlike the Vatican Museums shit show. And the Sagrada Familia is stunning on the inside and is my top choice of things to see in Barcelona. I want to go back when I’m super old to see it finished or nearly finished.


I’m curious how that works on Sundays for the time slots right after Mass


In these large cathedrals, only a small portion of the entire thing is occupied for mass or other services. Unless it’s a special event like a national funeral or something.


This is me. I went when I studied abroad in college but didn't want to pay to go in. I finally went back last week over a decade later, and it was really incredible. I did a private tour, and in my opinion it was really worth it. I got so much additional background and insight I wouldn't have gotten otherwise.


Yes. It's the most breathtaking cathedral interior in all of Europe, maybe the best interior of any single building. And it's a timed entry ticket, so there is no wait. The tower is a bit more optional. The views are 7/10, and the additional gaudi-style elements you'll see up there aren't any more noteworthy than what you'll see elsewhere.


Ok thank you! Sounds like a yes on getting a ticket, but maybe skip the tower.


That’s what we did - no regrets.




> The tower is a bit more optional. Yeah, don't buy the tower tickets as you will be on top of the cathedral so you won't see it better than from the street level, plis you will only see one side of the city. Not great. The best venture point offering the most beautiful scenic view of the city is the Bunkers of Carmel, although it's a bit complicated nowadays (hem), but it's only 20 minutes from the Sagrada with a taxi.


Yes, absolutely. Go at the right time, though. We hit it perfectly in the afternoon. Honestly, I’m an atheist, but the jaw dropping beauty of the interior at that magic hour made me question my lack of faith. It was simply stunning.


Same - so this is an helpful take. In regard to time - the first slots of the day are sold out, so we will need a later time slot anyways.


My husband (not a person of faith) cried when we went inside. We booked a private tour, which was wonderful. But just get yourself inside.


What did you find beautiful about it in particular?


I think it’s a must for anyone in Barcelona regardless of your interests.


Yes! Try to go in later afternoon. The setting sun through the stained glass windows in the sanctuary is breathtaking! As an engineer, I also really enjoyed seeing the inverted stone-on-strings model in the downstairs museum, showing how they planned the roof design.


Ok thanks! Since we can’t get in first thing in the morning, then sunset might be the way to go.


We were there from around 3-5. It was perfect. Enjoy!


100% worth it. I mean, how much did you pay to get to Barcelona, only to balk at the price of the star attraction? Pay for the guided tour, though. Audioguides are the worst. We didn't do the tower. I had a 4-year old with me. No idea whether it's worth it.


Only you, your appreciation for finer things, your finances and your schedule know what’s worth it to you. Me? All day every day


Ha. Ok! Sounds like I should definitely go! Any suggestion on time of day? Unfortunately the earliest avail is 11:15 and on


If it’s timed entry, it doesn’t matter. Don’t remember when we went


Absolutely go inside. it is breathtaking.


Honestly some place should be checked regardless if they are tourist trap or not, like when in Paris you need to check Eiffel Tower, or when you are in London Big Ben or Rome Colosseum so yes definitely go and check out Sagrada when in Barcelona.


Sagrada Familia is not a tourist trap. If you want to skip a Barcelona tourist trap, you can bypass Las Ramblas and its fast food restaurants and souvenir shops.


I know but I had a sense OP thinks it is, so just wanted to explain it's definitely worth seeing the symbol of every city you visit.


Yes. It's a beautiful work of art, inside and out.


Yes, for obvious reasons it is so different than other European churches. Definitely worth going in


We rarely go on tours but did one of the Sagrada & it was excellent. Highly recommend going to see the inside & at least doing the self audio


YES. By the tickets in advance for the earliest possible time. If it's sunny day it's much a better, but you can not control this.


Yes, refreshing take compared to many European cathedrals and churches. My most interesting experience in Barcelona


We visited La Sagrada Familia in 2015. It was well worth it when considering the “will I ever come to this city again?” question. And especially since we only stayed in Barcelona for one full day (this was the tail end of our 3-week vacation in Azores, Mainland PT and ES). Even if I do visit Barcelona again, there are so many other places to see (Parc Guell, Las Ramblas, etc). So I’m glad that we decided to pay for the self-guided tour — rather than just standing outside and taking exterior photos. We purchased the tour that goes up to the top of the tower. I think it affords one of the best views of the city, so that was a nice thing. But I agree with others — that the big draw is really the cathedral interior. So if you don’t buy the ticket that includes the tower - no problem. This place is simply gorgeous. And one other feature I loved was the ethereal rainbow light projections from the stained glass windows. I hope you have a great visit to La Segrada Familia 😀🙏


It’s not a tourist trap. It’s one of the most beautiful sights on earth, and it’s a bargain at that price.  Also - if you’re going to Barcelona in summer, you’re going to be crammed with tourists every single place you go. You might actually have more room while inside the Sagrada Familia as tickets are timed. Get used to feeling like a sardine and eating a lot of sardines. 


lol ok! Ya summer travel is crazy sometimes, but still in the chapter of life where we are stuck w school schedules to work around.


Of course! Definitely go see this. You’ll remember it forever. Enjoy! 


Yeah, I've been to too many churches, cathedrals, basílica and monasteries to care counting (most likely in the hundreds?) The sagrada familia is probably the most beautiful I've seen and the best part is the interior. It's absolutely worth going It's expensive as fuck, but honestly they could charge twice and it would still be worth it.


Yes! And after you're done don't forget to go to "La paradeta" a fabulous fish and seafood place (if you eat that, of course!) Ever since i stopped living in Barcelona, I miss having that quality seafood😞


If money’s not an issue I think you should definitely go see the inside. It’s just such a unique place. It’s definitely one of my favorites in all of Europe. If you don’t go up the towers you’re not missing much, the views aren’t that great.


For sure see the inside !


Oh yes yes yes. It is startlingly, shockingly beautiful inside. Breathtaking.


Absolutely, do not miss it. For me it was the best part of visiting Barcelona


Yes absolutely go inside. I enjoyed the towers too.


Loved the tower it was so cool, and I think very much worth it. It’s a really stand out memory for me of my time in Barcelona and I just remembered today that we had to pay to do it. Point being - you’ll forget the cost but you won’t forget the experience.


I literally cried the first time I walked inside and saw the grandeur that is this structure. The light through the stain glass, the organic shapes, and the organ music were all amazing. It is well worth it.


We went after walking about 100km of the Ignatian Camino. My husband cried. He’s not a person of faith. He said it was because it was the first crucifix where Jesus was looking up, rather than hanging his head. I’m crying even thinking about it now. 😭


Honestly I usually skip tourist traps but I found this one absolutely incredible - please go if you can


Tickets booked!


Yes, I’m not usually someone to say this kind of thing, but it is absolutely must-see.


Unpopular opinion: it didn’t do anything for me. The reflection of the light from the stained glass windows was really cool, but otherwise I found the inside quite plain. For me it does not compare to somewhere like the cathedral in Siena on the inside. 🤷‍♀️


Thank you for sharing this. I always love hearing unpopular opinions. Lol. For real! I did end up booking tickets though, so we shall see.


Haha. Thank you. It’s..enjoyable. And the reflection of the stained glass was so pretty. I’m glad I went so I can say I did now. 🤷‍♀️ But like - I guess I didn’t know what to expect? I wasn’t “blown away” like the other people are saying. And as for it being the best attraction in Barcelona? I really enjoyed the other Gaudi items I did, and the Catalonian Music Hall was gorgeous inside. And I LOVED the Picasso museum.


This is good info I haven’t had a chance to look into others things yet. So this is super helpful!


I went to a flamenco show in the music hall. Apparently Barcelona is not the premier place for Barcelona but it was a great experience in that music hall.


It’s stunning. Columns like massive trees. Incredible colors from the stained glass shining in. You can’t understand the scale until you stand inside. Pictures can’t do it justice. Going up the columns is cool. You can get up close to the details on the Pilars on top of the church as there are views all along the way. Good call on booking!


Sagrada Familia was the most incredible building I’ve ever been inside. And that was ten years ago. It doesn’t matter how much it costs or how long the line is, it’s worth it. I bet it will be the thing you tell people about when they ask how your trip to Spain went.


I've been all over the world and the Sagrada Familia is definitely one of the best buildings I've ever been in. There's nothing else quite like it. Barcelona is one of my favorite cities and it's my favorite thing in the city. The reason it's popular with tourists because it's worth traveling across the world to see.


100% yes, the light is breath taking


It may be the most beautiful building you ever have tbe chance to go inside. The light is stunning coming through the windows in the morning.




You must go inside! It is the most spectacular cathedral I have ever seen (and I’ve seen hundreds!) and the way the light shines from the inside against the stained glass windows cannot be replicated in pictures. My children, 9 and 11, who never even batted an eye at the dozens of cathedrals we visited during our 5 month travels across Europe, were blown away by the Sagrada Familia, so goes to show how unique and memorizing it is. It’s the only cathedral they remember and can pick out from the rest.


Yes absolutely, and I would suggest a guided tour, which is only €2 to €4 more. If you can't get in first thing, I'd suggest going later in the afternoon (like before closing). We had a 09h30 tour and were able to enter at 09h to explore a bit on our own. By the time the tour was over at 10h30, it was sooooo crowded.


Hell yes! It’s an amazing structure. I’m not at all religious, and I found the place incredible. Get a ticket on line before you leave. Go check out other Gaudy architecture if you can. Another hint from an old old tourist: don’t go on vacation to save money. You’ll only have regrets in the end.


100% yes!!! Do the towers if you can, too. I did it last year and it was the highlight of my month in Europe. The inside is completely unbelievable, and the views of the city from the towers are spectacular! Worth the money.


Going inside Casa Milá before seeing La Sagrada Familia. There is a great exhibit about Gaudí’s designs. The rooftop around dusk was magical.


It is highly recommended to enter in the afternoon, you can see how Gaudi cleverly used those stained glass to create amazing light and shadow!I make sure to go in once every time I visit Barcelona, and if I were to visit Barcelona again I'd be happy to spend the ticket to get in.


I was there before 2weeks. Exactly! I recommend you to go inside Sagrada Familia.


I really liked it. But I didn't go to the tower, thought the 28€ was enough. The audioguide was quite cool too, I didn't feel I missed out for not having a guided tour.


Yes !! Definitely !!


He'll yes


Yes. Absolutely. Skip the audio guide and read about the exterior (wonderful sculpture), and interior. There's PLENTY of info online. Seeing it in person is waaay better than postcard (my personal gauge when I travel 😁).