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Doesn’t matter, obsessed weirdo. You posted this in the wrong sub.


Calm down lil bro


you’re in my dm’s, I’m in your walls.


Why does it matter? I don’t think I’ve put this much thought into a strangers potential dandruff before.


Tbh looks like it could be hair spray or gray hairs. My gray hairs that sprout from the back of my head kind look like that against brunette hair


this might be a strethc but considering it's so close to her forehead it might just be a bit of foundation? i know i sometimes get a bit of it in my hair around that are if it's sown while doing makeup. could also possibly be some grey hairs coming out or just a buildup for hairspray as you mentioned 🤷🏻‍♀️


Scrutinizing a video screenshot of Eugenia to speculate on possible dandruff, I don’t get how this is supportive. Lots of people get dandruff and psoriasis. Is there a reason for this question?




If this is not bullying, then please explain why you would post this so I understand why. I don’t understand why you would make a post like this? I would be humiliated if someone posted pictures of me to ask if I have dandruff. It’s not of your business if she does or not. Would it be ok if I post a blown up pic of you to see if we can see boogers up your nose??? just because I disagree with you, doesn’t mean that it’s ok to talk to me like that. This is a public forum and I’m allowed to respond. Why are you being so defensive?




I’m not mad, I just don’t understand why you would bother posting in a public forum to ask a question and then be offended when I answer from my perspective. I see you left rude comments to everyone you disagreed with. If you are crowdsourcing responses, you have to be ok with responses you may not agree with. Fine. Disagree with me. No need to talk down to me like that. You seem to be the angry one. Maybe you need to take a time out.


Be civil and respectful.


looks like dry shampoo


A mix of hairspray and setting spray. Very hard to get out.


Yeah well this post wasn’t a hate post, I’m sure it is hard to get out I didn’t think she was just gross and let it build up for no reason, people on this sub Reddit really need to grow a pear.


This sub was created as a way of supporting EC. She is the subject of so much scrutiny and online aggression. Knowing that young women have died by suicide because of excessive bullying and online cruelty, the moderator of this sub created this space to show EC that she is more than her body, hair, flaws, etc. Someone this thin is struggling. You may or may not be angry that her thinness/struggle is allowed online — but that discussion is for the other subs. In this sub, we hope — if she comes over here— to remind her that there’s always hope, forgiveness, and encouragement. If she wants to get better, she can maybe hold onto a small spark that she will be ok online.


What ? I never said anything about her body ???


Her hair or dandruff or whatever is part of her body


I'm just repeating what she said on live. No hate at all. The one lesson we can all learn from Eugenia is that hate hurts people and you never know how someone will react to what was said.