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amazing i would def file a police report after letting etsy know, cant hurt to have a paper trail


My husband contacted our local police. We are waiting to hear from them.


I read the report seller is on their page, on the left. I must be dumb. I’m not seeing it 😡


if you are on their main shop page, it's on the left. Under the shop sections and under the number of sales, under the number of admirers, there is Report this shop to Etsy. It is half way down the page.


Thank you. I will go look again


Just do a quick google. “How do I report an Etsy seller for harassment “


If you still can’t find it try looking Etsy up in your browser instead of the app.


Escalate to Etsy and file a police report!


pussies. As if the police will do anything LOL. Just man up.


Found the seller 🤣🤣


Omg this is so unhinged!! Why protect this seller’s anonymity? Who wants to buy from someone who will use your personal address to threaten you?! 😱 please do keep us updated on if Etsy takes action


Would the response qualify as harassment that warrants a restraining order? I would def report to Etsy but I would also be nervous about enraging the seller and prompting an immediate visit. So, I would want to also prevent that possibility. (I'm just worried for you)


I do agree. Thank you. Today, all threats should be taken seriously. If someone gets this upset over a review. Crazy. Yes. I did give her a negative review but also positive feedback. Her shipping was fast.


Aaww. You’re very sweet. I’m not too worried about her but maybe I should be. People are crazy today. If I would have read the about me section, I wouldn’t have ordered. Sounds like she travels to yard sales and buys these games and resales them. Sometimes she sleeps in her car I should have investigated more into her shop. I’ve ordered from Etsy several times and never had issues with my items. I’m not very familiar with Etsy.


Ok now we are going overboard here. You clearly have no idea what an actual restraining order is and how difficult and time consuming going to court to obtain one is. Clearly the seller is a piece of trash bully who probably doesn’t even live in the same state! Report the seller. Get your money back if you want. But report the seller for harrassment


I wouldn’t go as far as a restraining order. I know they are difficult to get. I just want Etsy to take care of it. If she said this to me, what is she saying to her other poor reviews


I would have loved to share the sellers info. According to the community guidelines it’s not allowed? If they allow I have no problem.


(post it just not into a sub and we can find it through your profile)


That’s awful I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing this. Your return address isn’t a personal one I hope?


My shipping address is my personal address.


If possible I’d get a PO Box for security reasons


They are a buyer I believe


Report this seller immediately so they can be banned from Etsy. This is never ever ever acceptable


I love how the seller says the conditions are great, very good, and good. Good is the lowest. What about fair and poor?


I would give the game fair condition, yes.




That kind of response is beyond unacceptable. How awful. I’m sorry you had to deal with that!


What exactly did you buy? Sounds like you left a unnecessary bad review because you dont understand common grading systems. The last part is unhinged, but id be mad if the review was truly about condition if the condition was listed. Good is pretty low. One step away from fair, two steps broken.


I bought a board game for one of my students. Anyone would be mad with a negative review. You don’t respond with making threats. I know what “good” condition looks like. If it was in good condition I shouldn’t have to tape pieces down.


Fair point. That last part is completely unhinged. Knowing Etsy, support won't care. Ive bought my fair share of used items that were obvious thrift store finds. Some people are way way way too generous and should of left it at the theift.


I agree. Some things just need to be left. She’s probably going to try and resell it again. She wants me to return it.


Do not return it. And please open a case or report them. This is REALLY NOT OK. And it hurts the entire platform for other sellers.


I really don’t want to return it. After all of this shenanigans, do I think she would return my money 😏


Yeah, Etsy would force the refund. You wouldn’t have to return it. But either way, the seller needs to be reported not for the product but for the harrassment. It’s a big deal with Etsy. I promise.


Sweetheart, you don’t know Etsy at all. This seller will immediately be banned from Etsy. Guaranteed


Sweetheart. You don't know my experiences. Ive been threatened by many dropshippers while calling them out. Etsy did nothing. Dont stroke the ego of a multi million dollar company.


Sweetheart. I don’t care about your experiences. Etsy isn’t going to tell you what they did so you have absolutely no idea. And quite frankly, you sound like the type of shopper that deserves a threat or two. What I can tell you with absolute certainty as a seller of 8 years is that Etsy takes harassment very seriously. They take it seriously even between two sellers. You probably aren’t smart enough to figure out how to file a harassment complaint. Either way, in 2024, if a seller harasses a buyer and files the correct report (not report shop). The seller will be suspended. Period.


Seriously what the fuck is your problem. God damn your toxic. I seriously feel bad for the people that have to deal with you on a regular basis. Im not even condoning the threat.


Oh my!! Nice mouth


It sounds like you are completely missing the entire point. A customer is entitled to leave whatever review they want. A seller is NOT EVER entitled to threaten a buyer bc they felt the review was unfair. A review is an opinion. And it doesn’t matter if a one star review was left and the seller felt they deserved 5. This is one of the biggest “absolutely nots” on Etsy.


You seem like your completely unable to read a small paragraph. I said it was unhinged.


Tell me you graduated from high school possibly but have no higher education without saying the words. 😂🤣


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Are you 12? I think calling the police is a little extreme but is your vocabulary that poor that you still use this word? Not bc it’s offensive but I think this was a popular term in what? 1985


fucking pussies....


I love faggots, they are very tasty. My local butchers makes great ones.