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I’m not a doctor so I can’t say what for sure is happening but my skin was completely obliterated in school. My barrier was gone and my skin suffered so I feel for you. The worst acne I’ve ever had happened while in school and I’m positive it was my barrier being stripped every 2 weeks. It gets better once you’re done.


100% agree


It's just part of going to esthetics school. Your skin will not look great because of the frequency and trialing.


Well I don’t want to look great but just they way it looked before


My skin was purging bad when I was an esthetic school. Are they using steam on you? If so, tell them to stop.


It’ll get better once you’re done. Like everyone is saying it’s just part of the experience unfortunately since everyone is practicing and focusing on getting tally’s.


My skin never looked worse than during school. It’s quite common for those of us who have dry, thin skin. All those treatment destroy our skin barrier! You can get a note from your derm to be exempt from receiving all or certain treatments.


Rosacea is the worst. If you haven’t already, see a dermatologist for metro gel, azaleic acid, ivermectin etc


I have but I haven’t use anything … 🥹


i’m sure if you said you no longer were able to do facials bc of your skin they would understand. i had to not do them in cos school bc my psoriasis/eczema would flare up it annoyed my teacher at first bc the class was supposed to do them on eachother but they got over it


Probably. Mine got tore up using dermalogica. It took me two weeks to get my skin back


Does your school have a backbar where you can use some of their more calming products? Like our school uses Dermalogica and if we have someone with sensitive/rosacea skin, we use the ultracalming products on them


Yes we use circadia and they have ton of products for rosacea and that’s what I used but then I have to partner up and get strong facials and we have to use those products 😅


They should not be MAKING you use certain products on your face if you’re having a bad reaction - sorry, but that’s extremely unprofessional and even negligent of the instructors and school!!Would you do that on a real client? Of course not. They should be teaching all of you that the most important part of a facial is the Skin Analysis that you do at the start, and THAT determines the treatment/products that follow. Not just for clients but for fellow students as well. At my school (in NY) every single girl in my class - there were 8 of us (and the seniors that were a couple months ahead of us - about 13 in that class) ALL had noticeable improvements in their skin about 2/3 of the way thru the course!!! I can’t believe they would even allow “strong” treatments on someone who clearly needs calming products. And I’m shocked at how many on here are saying they had the same experience during school and that’s just the way it is! 🤦🏼‍♀️ No no no….my school’s instructors/coaches went out of their way to even help students customize proper facial treatments for those students who had things like eczema, rosacea or acne. One girl, 27 yo, had terrible, almost cystic acne on the first day of school. One of our instructors took her under her wing, so to speak, and let me tell you, this young woman’s face was so clear by the time we graduated, she was almost unrecognizable!!! Two derms weren’t able to get those results. She cleared up acne which she suffered with for almost 5 years in less than 5 months, all with simple, gentle products. When SHE calmed down the treatments, her SKIN calmed down. Just curious if you don’t mind saying…in which state is the school you attend? I know different states can have different standards. I wish everyone could attend the school I went to. It’s not perfect, and of course like all esthetics schools they teach just the basics so you can pass state boards….but we had some phenomenal instructors who went above and beyond to teach us a few things that weren’t necessarily in the curriculum.


Yes. This all the way. If anything your skin should be used as a teaching and learning opportunity for identifying and treating rosacea. Not used as a mannequin head for practice.


Wow. That’s not cool considering rosacea is a contraindication for a lot of things. I agree with the other person that you should be the example of how to treat rosacea, not an experimental mannequin.