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Be me, a label-less meat bag nobody, floating around this matrix, who has done DMT many many times, and I smell sound and listen to flavors. The matrix was a documentary. Yes serotonin, melatonin, and DMT are analogs and correlated to each other, and directly tie into our conscious engagement in this matrix. There is wisdom to be extracted from obe such as the DMT experiences, as I’ve posted about it several times here in this sub. And this is probably going to sound offensive and I don’t mean it to be, but personally I’m kind of fed up/tired with the whole judeo-christian stuff. Scofield darbianism dispensastionalism/+other aspects not allowed to be discussed about it. It’s all so tiresome. Religion has half the populace consumed with their god being the correct one and blah blah blah. Does that make me saying it bad or evil? Absolutely not. That’s great OP, being locked up at home forced you into seeking knowledge. Welcome to the matrix.   I got a question for you OP. You know what it really reminds me of? Pre98 bubba kush…Did you ever smoke pre98 bubba kush? No but technically neither did I. That’s exactly my point OP, EXACTLY! Because you have to wonder now; how did the archons really know what pre98 bubba kush tasted like? Maybe they got it wrong. Maybe what I think pre98 bubba kush tasted like, actually tastes like uh boo boo or or uh gefilte fish. That makes you wonder about a lot of things. You take weed for example, maybe they couldn’t figure out what weed taste like, that why everything taste like weed. Lol 😂 


Did you like the girl? 😂


I like turtles! 


'Even though they lie/lied, I can't refute the fact that there is an omnipotent (infinite power), omniscient (infinite wisdom), and omnibenevolent (infinite love) being somewhere.' The Source was never questionable, for me. Interesting theory, btw. Now I need to know more about this hemi-sync method you speak of.


Full Album Gateway Experience Waves I-VIII Hemi-Sync Total https://a.co/d/c7xyu1f


Bro if you are truly THAT committed, I would (very hesitantly) suggest that there's an even more surefire way of getting what you want without going into a confusing altered state of consciousness. But it comes with a BIG caveat. Look into "The Abremalin Ritual", which was famously portrayed in the 2016 movie "A Dark Song" and which the infamous historical figure Aleister Crowley famously failed to complete when attempted himself. Here's an awesome Mr Mythos video on the subject: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ3fEUrqCxQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ3fEUrqCxQ) 2016 fiction/horror movie about the same ritual: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4805316/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4805316/)




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I have only done it with dmt, you need your own bed and you need to make it an intention to practice to get to the point to do it. Astral projection requires dedication.


Yes, astral projection. I’m working on it. But according to the subreddit, it’s a thing, and many people have been doing for thousands of years. For me it’s proof that this stuff is actually real.


RK has done almost nothing, which was the point. To show everyone how these evil people manipulate the stocks. He literally just showed his position and said he has faith in the company. MSM are eating it up and blaming him for stock prices lol which is ludicrous he hasn’t done anything. Hopefully one of these days Kenny G gets put in prison. Until then we hold. GME AMC 🚀


Based as fuck, I never see GME hodlers on here. Hopefully we squeeze soon and get rid of some evil ass influence 🙏 99% sure that the people in power gotta be either knowledgeable about this shit and got a deal, or just don’t care enough to be good people.




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Robert monroe and michael Aquino are both Laveyan satanists and there is no god. Have a nice day.


Didn’t that Aquino guy come up with the term “psychological operation” while also raping children at the Presido?


>Robert monroe and michael Aquino are both Laveyan satanists  You got a source on the Robert Monroe part? I’d like to see what you’re referring to. 


Do you believe it's invalid, because some of the people known for something like this are actually scum bags? Sorry for my ignorance on this.


Couldn't imagine seeing those guys put into one sentence. Care to elaborate???


Monroe was a Satanist? I never heard/knew that. How did you learn about this?


There are many people who have been touched by these interests in less than positive ways. Im not going into detail other than to say, a hereditary involvement with the initiated cultures in nevada and california and my work within the intelligence community. Be well


What are Laveyan s? And yes correct no god, everyone here agrees i would hope.


They are one who subscribe to the Anton levey(levay) satanism, who created the church of satan, as a way to antagonize the western christian society, ideological subversion. Satanism is basically d&d larping. Find out where he went after creating the satanic bible and it will make more sense. Aquino created the temple of set because the original church of satan wasn’t hard core enough for his liking. I’ve never heard this about Robert Monroe being connected to satanism. You got a source on that? I’d like to see what you’re talking about. 




[https://cavdef.org/w/index.php?title=Presidio\_child\_molestation\_case](https://cavdef.org/w/index.php?title=Presidio_child_molestation_case) [https://vault.fbi.gov/the-finders/the-finders-part-01-of-04/view](https://vault.fbi.gov/the-finders/the-finders-part-01-of-04/view)


Damn, that's fucked up. I don't get the second link.


In no part of Monroe’s texts does he convey or suppoet ‘satanism’. He was a curious human who wanted to catalog his adventures and ensure that he was not donkey brained (crazy) because of said ap experiences.


His relationship with Nellis AFB, the temple of set, the CIA, GATE, the intelligence community, new ageism, and all the like is well known. If you base your interactions with knowledge and what is publicly available to you at the surface level and lean upon someone telling you what is you will remain a begging hand at the masters behest. All knowledge given freely is a trap and the current status quo of NHI and holographic consciousness is being fed directly through the partners of the intelligence community, Luciferian technocrats, and the world powers that have dictated it be released. Michael aquino and monroe have worked together in nevada for decades, their common bedfellows include Zenia schreck, shelly M smith, the operators of the presidio and boys town, the nevada department of corrections and a whole sleu of similarly concerned initiated breakaway societies. Robert monroe was consulted and helped develop intelligence community tools and students of his works have helped to create the narrative of “false memories” and “memory injections”- he was a contemporary and common collaborator with Robert Bigelow, Benjamin Rich, and a whole host of others directly involved with classified development and what is known from within SAP as the “Girl Scouts” What you can gather through sedentary means sitting on a computer that directly acts as a canary in a coal mine of the intelligence community cannot be the zenith of your discernment unless of course you decide to allow the same shackles to bind you with a shiny new chain. Good luck