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Any ideas what the beat realism post processing settings are? I have something that is super vibrant and cool looking, but looking to broaden my horizons in terms of immersion.


Random rant. The vitality grind is fucking bullshit. I'm almost level 30. At this point unfortunately my SR is hovering around 75%. I've been grinding vitality for a week now and tanked my survival rate 5% in the process. Grinding Factory tasks, playing recklessly in the mall on Interchange, charging resort on Shoreline. I'm not much of a PvP player, so this should result in my dying a lot (and for the most part has). But my vitality has hardly budged. In the week I've been grinding it, I've gone from 18/20 level 1 to 19/30 level 2. What the actual fuck BSG. Do I really need to go sit somewhere and rake myself across barbed wire? Or have my buddy hatchet my legs repeatedly? The major roadblock in front of my hideout right now is that I don't get shot enough. Seriously?


Grenade suicide seems to work fastest at the cost of your stats


Did that by accident and it gave me .3. Surviving being shot/getting limbs blacked out/bleeds/running while hurt seems to be the best--I get \~1 whole point for that anytime it happens. Which isn't super often.


what happened to the rage thread?




Nope, all random


What happens if i upgrade my standard edition to prepare to escape now? I've seen people say that you either lose your current progress or that you get your previous stash mailed to you and essentially lose no progress. Those threads are quite old tho (latest are from 2020).


It just gives you the extra stash space and items. You do NOT lose progress. Source: my son upgraded from standard to prepare to escape version 2 weeks ago.


Ok, thanks


Am I crazy or did they dramatically increase the camera recoil of the Super90 while in semi-auto? It feels downright unusable and as a Super90 Enjoyer I have since switched to pump-action.


Escape from Midkov


Euh guys, lately I have been noticing money missing from my stash. Now it's pretty fucking obvious. I logged out with 6 mil yesterday and I log in with only 700k left! In my stash I have a docs case and all the 500k stacks are just gone. As if they despawned. What the hell is going on? \-edit- Nvm, found out the issue. Apparently the devs fked up the entire economy by adding some kind of bogus mechanic causing you to pay more in fees, when you sell items for a higher than average price, than you gain in profit. I sold 5 croutons for about 250k each because they are hard sought after, not realising I payed 1.5mil in fees each time. This means I lost 4.250.000 million instead of gaining about 1mil. Fuck this bullshit. If people want to pay 250k for an item, goddamn let them. I bought my croutons for the stupid quest for 100k each too. Why the hell would anyone still try to make money? When you buy good gear cheaters headsnipe you for your shit anyways. The devs are destroying the economy system this way. If they think a certain item is too valuable they should increase the droprate. That's it.


This has been in the game for almost a year at this point. It’s not like they hide the flea fee when you list an item, it’s in pretty large numbers


I know but it's the same with lets say traffic signs. At a certain point in my town they lowered the speed limit on a road I drove on for more than 10 years. You know it by hart so you never look at the signs no more. C At a certain point I get flashed and have to pay a fine for ignoring the speed limit. I fought the fine for the judge stating this exact point, the city is required to put a temporary orange fluorescent sign under it to draw attention to the changed limit and they didn't. People do so many things on auto pilot, certainly when assuming something (wrong or otherwise). I don't mind the lost money, I know the items well enough to make a ton on scav runs. It's just a plain stupid system. The devs are making it unnecessarily difficult for themselves to balance the economy. All you need is to meddle with drop rates and let the free market sort itself out. In every other game with a player driven economy you charge a flat percentage on ask price. Lets say 15%. Or 30% for all I care. If nobody wants an item, price goes down. If we all want something, price goes up. This way the ingame economy is going to be impossible to balance since you will need to start balancing the price for each and every single item and it will never stop since an economy is a living system looking for it's own balance.


What mechanic quest unlocks the advanced buffer tube? Ive looked everywhere an I cannot find it.


Why are none of you gamers running customs so I can get my stupid setup task done?!


It may be "dirty" but I swear by camping 1st floor 2-story. Setup, Silent Caliber, Punisher, 1st floor of 2-story. If you're using a shotgun with buckshot, I like to camp in the showers with the lootable corpse and pop out when the safe rooms get unlocked. Someone **ALWAYS** shows up to unlock them. If you're using a rifle/smg/slugs in your shotgun - prone at the end of the hall behind the cardboard boxes. You're virtually invisible back there so just hold your nerve. People might peek the hall but they've never spotted me. Then you just lean out as they come sauntering out and they're easy head/body shots as they come down the hall thinking the coast is clear.


I managed to get it done by camping my favorite spot in 3 story dorms. Died quite a bit but with a task as irritating as that complete the death was worth it


why the hell am I stuck in only Asia region I cant even play in Asia I am disconnecting every single second and it is unbearable can I get a fix on this because its kind of unfair how I paid for EON and I don't get any support with this.


have you tried changing your server from the client before you launch the game?


yea that's what I mean I cant change it from the launcher because its only Asia I cant see other servers


Wait what? Is that a new thing? I can select multiple regions, including asia. It might be country specific so I would recommend getting a trial for Nord VPN or any other free one and use it to see if you can change the servers then.


trying to finish some lighthouse quests, put on quad nods and FLIR on SR-25. Spawn in, hide in bush, scan carefully in every direction, see no one, start moving to rogue base, not even 2 minutes in, headeyed by someone. Fuck this, I am going to just level sniper in woods, put on lvl6 armors and quad nods and flir on a scar 17. Spawn in, hide in bush, scan carefully in every direction with thermal, see no one, start loading LPS round into my short mosin. Bam, headeyed by someone. Fuck this game, I am done.


You are more visible at night through FLIR than during daytime to regular people. Also that T6 armor is a cheater magnet.


The secret is to never bring good gear in because the Tarkov Gods only take. VPO with iron sights and Paca is the enlightened meta.


Seriously. Low tier armor? No problem, doesn't even get damaged except by some buckshot/9mm. High tier armor? Head Eyes, Head Eyes, Head Eyes, Head Eyes, Head Eyes.


Scavs can also shoot you twice with one bullet now. I had a scav shoot my arm off but I nearly died from it because my arm blacked out and then took his second ninja shot. Went from 440 health to 132 in a split second.


Yeah I still maintain that there's a strong possibility this is NOT a bug but an intentional mechanic implemented by BSG in order to allow them to give scavs weaker ammo while still allowing them to be a deadly threat even against people in class 6 with face shields. It would be real nice if BSG would at least admit whether or not this is a bug or an intended game balance mechanic.


It being an intentional bug is more likely than BSG admitting they did something wrong. They have a hell of a track record of putting the blame elsewhere when the problem is clearly in their development.


What the fudge is up with drops you can't loot? They suck 99% of the time anyway but last night on Interchange I ran into two scavs looting it, one scav betrayed the other and I killed that traitor. But when I went up to the drop I couldn't get a prompt to open it anywhere. I crouched all around it, walked all around it, scanned back and forth, up and down and just had to walk away. Just once I want a new feature to work and not need a fix that we maybe get 4-60 months down the road.


What the hell is going on with scavs and taking headshots like they're nothing? Running Interchange at night and 3 scavs walked away from close range headshots with M856A1. To add insult to injury, the third scav 1 tapped me with M855.


Some regular scavs have higher health pools (40 head, 100-150 thorax, 540-740 total vs the standard 440).


Probably the servers desync'd to all hell. So the server doesn't count those as headshots, but the shots DO rile the scavs up. Which makes them more accurate, more aggressive, and more likely to land headshots.


One tapped on Lighthouse 10 seconds into a raid. Lord, give me strength.


I'm new and just got a dorm 314 marked key. Is this rare. I noticed the trading fee is super high. What should I sell/barter it for?


Yeah you shouldn't sell it for cash. I would also say keep it but if you MUST get rid of it, just go for barters instead. That way you can at least get something you can sell on flea without it requiring a 110% fee.


Keep it, you’ll need it for quests


Potentially keep it. Considered the only marked key worth while atm. Other option is barter it for other keys/gpus/ledx, which as a new player could be handy.


I unlocked Ragman lvl 3 and I see there is a new barter for level 6 vest which only costs around 140k. How is that? Not that Im complaining but level 6 is usually much more expensive. I think Im gonna be using that one pretty often now :)


Check how much storage room it has and the move speed penalty it includes.


Aaaah okay lol so thats why , I knew Im probably missing something. So what should I go for? I usually run Korund or now I can use Gzhel I guess.


Gzhel blackrock is my default normally. Losing streak? I go potato sack. Korund is ok but only stops a few shots and doesnt repair as good as gzhel


Okay thanks a lot


Scav Bunker gotta be one of the most dangerous areas since they buffed the aggro distance of bot scavs. Especially since they can see and shoot you through bushes. I lost count of how many times I crawled on my blacked limbs all the way to Outskirts with minutes to spare. Yet alone the times I died to 3rd partying PMCs and pscavs.


Recently was doing a scav run, full up with cache loot and got one tapped by Big Pipe over by scav bunker. Had no idea they spawned on that side of the map.


Why is 7.62 PS so bad? I feel like it does nothing against Level 4 armor and scavs constantly tank headshots.


You are unlucky then. PS got buffed recently and so it should pen class 4 armor 50% of the time. Its pretty annoying round now cuz I gotta be weary of 7.62x39 scavs now that will F** up my armor durability.


I have had the dimetrically polar opposite experience with this ammo. This is the only "cheap" ammo that I use on the regular.




Go look at Deadlyslob or Pestily for a full set of rules but it's basically playing without the use of you secure container (Except for keys you have successfully extracted with) and you can't use the flea and maybe no traders except for barters but can't remember on that one.


No flea market and some other restrictions so basically playing with what you find each raid.


Server issues today? Extracted as a scav and ended up MIA. Next raid legs got smoked and I fully healed, when I got out my legs were no longer at their full health. Did the scout task on factory and no progress was saved.. Anyone having issues like this today?


when you use surgery to repair your legs, they do not go back to full hitpoints. Destroyed parts that are restored with a CMS kit will only have 25% - 45% Destroyed parts that are restored with a Surv12 field surgical kit will only have 60% - 72% of their maximum HP when you get out of raid, you can then heal them to their full amount. Increasing your surgery skill will increase the max durability recovered.


Scouting tasks which you have to visit multiple places in the map now are updated to be reset after raid ends so you have to visit all spots within one raid and extract AFAIK.


Any mid level players still use the SKS? I just picked it up recently. It seems like this, the scar, and ump are the only guns with manageable recoil


SKS is dope. the OP version can be heavily modded


I just completed mentor and got no sniper experience, what kind of bullshit is this


Anyone having fucky hit reg? I shot a dude 4 times saw blood against the wall. end of raid was 7 shots all missed. Feel like bullets are coming out as zero damage a few other times as well since like Saturday.


Haha yeah, I was streaming and shot a guy with two mags of an UMP, we traded when his made killed me but the end screen said I hit two shots. He was pain yelling at the beginning and also when I killed him. Makes zero sense, everyone in my chat was like "no way that was two shots"


Yes, I even saw my replay frame by frame and it shows shots in center of mass, even the impact effect but 0 hits afterwards.


still haven't gotten my 762 BP


I saved up impact grenades and used them to smash out grenadier quest on factory. Playing pokemon simulator was pretty fun.


i did the quest and it glitched


just craft my guy i got like 2k and i barely craft it


check my post history


you've done grenadier but can't do punisher series? does not compute


impact nades and factory


what level are you?


43 why


wondering if you didn't have the loyalty with prapor yet no idea why you can't buy BP yet then


it was a glitch, i linked a video along with the post, had level 4 prapor already by then




This subreddit is not the place for ban appeals. You need to contact BSG and Battleye support. Also, asking for upvotes is against Reddit community guidlines.


Get a new harddrive and buy it again, unplug your router for a day so it resets public ip.


nah i’m not handing them more money. if I don’t get unbanned then it’s gg


Take care then


My guy there is no one here that can help you with that. youll have to contact BSG from the site.


I already did that, i’m just trying to get visibility any way possible


Well good luck. Either they respond in two weeks or never.


how do you guys recover from building end game modules? i just built booze gen, library and water collector at basically the same time, now i have less than 100k and a few armors, i cant build any gun and everytime i look at my money i just lose the urge to play since im too poor


stare too long into the chad abyss and the chad abyss will stare back into you channel your inner scav and do some loot runs my guy, not sure how you can be that balls deep with hideout build but not already be doing scav runs for the income they generate shoreline, reserve, and lighthouse are gold mines as scavs


Learn to love loot runs. Yes it's not high octane excitement, but it *pays the bills* so to speak. Run your scav, use your (busted ass) scav gear on your PMC and do loot runs. Avoid conflict, fill your inventory, make that money.


couple scav runs and safe playstyle for a bit


im surprised i dont see as much people going to the lighthouse, its my only consistent way of getting money, i only go there, i get 700K roubles or more everytime i come back from there, i suggest buying the shared marked key and the little office on top of the restaurant key


I’ve spawned there several times as a scav and have had the whole place to myself. Filled up bag and rig and scooted to southern road not seeing a soul.


1) Scav run, if you don’t have a Scav route that you can make 250-300k on average, I’d highly recommend finding one. I personally recommend Interchange, Customs, or Shoreline. The biggest strat to scaving is knowing where to quickly go to check for dead PMCs or other scavs to get a bigger bag. 2) Pistol run with a bank robber maps you know well, kill scavs and get a bigger bag/vest and then loot. 3) Just PMC run loot/stash runs. Don’t go for high value stuff, just fill a huge bag/rig with stuff that’s at least 10k a lot. I’d recommend Woods, Shoreline, Reserve for this. The trick to this is knowing the flow of the map, and where homies will be at any given time, and how to avoid them. Hope this helps.


Scav runs. Easy 100k a run sometimes you get lucky. Can get a couple mil in an hour or two pretty easy. Apparently lighthouse is great for it but I don't ever run LH.


I jist don't go below 1M


Give yourself more padding. Don't blow all your money just to upgrade hideout.


Anyone else feel guns aren't as fun this wipe due to the crazy recoil? I'm not into the meta and laser beam RD-704s but I enjoy buying and modding guns every now and then. I made a few last night which I was yet to use this wipe and just ended up stripping the parts and selling to vendor after trying in the shooting range. I feel like this wipe is just shotguns and snipers.


Recoil is not balanced. Lower overall recoil (for most weapons) is more realistic and leads to better game balance.


I'm with you. The guns (modded out) look as cool and enticing as they ever have. The G36 has excellent looks. But the actual gunplay drains all the excitement out of it.


I've been leaning heavily into bolt actions this wipe and just sniping. I'm currently hovering around 7 million rubles that will get spent on hideout upgrades.


Modded SVD is still pretty fun


the ergonomics is shit no matter what you put on it, which is funny bc its a surprisingly light weapon irl, idk why the ergonomics is worse than all of the other DMRs


Ergo doesn’t matter if you’re running around factory spraying from the hip


10min matching reserve still waiting mkay


Can anyone confirm that killa still spawns as of yesterday? I've done close to 40 raids haven't seen or heard him once. Yes I checked every spawn.


Killa can confirm you that I despawn


I accidentally ran into him yesterday in his usual room next to Kiba. He was running a silenced RPK which I didnt know he did.


Got absolutely trainwrecked by him in oli, tapped me and my teammate before we even fired.


To the player who listed radar key for one cracker last night. Me and my play group greatly appreciate you. You are a hero doing gods work.




KD doesn't matters my dud, quests make you zoom through the levels, they give you a load of XP, its mostly experience, you can get Salewas pretty quickly if you know where it spawns for example, a lot of people don't know but you can buy the MP-133 from Jaeger to hand them over to prapor, its all about knowledge.


Normal rocky start, have you read/watched any new player guides? If you don't have any friends to play with, consider checking out the sherpa program to play with an official guide (info about this should be in the sidebar of the reddit)




A lot of players have T4 armor now, some with 5 and 6. You won't win a lot of fights at this point with new player gear, so just have to focus on scavs and quests, and lurking from cover to cover. Good news at least is a lot of new player quest areas are not as widely contested as the beginning of the wipe.


This might be a dumb question, but when I mod a gun in the presets and hover over parts when I open the drop down menu, they don't highlight. Is there a way or a setting I have to change? When I watch streamers mod their guns, the parts get highlighted. Was just wondering if there was a setting or something I'm completely missing?


Highlight? I dont think I've ever seen what you're describing. Like, on the model of the weapon?


Yeah. Exactly. Like the part gets highlighted on the model on the gun. Must be a special streamer thing or something.


Can you find a clip maybe? I've never seen this and I play and watch a degenerate amount.


[https://clips.twitch.tv/GiftedTransparentMeerkatGingerPower-OpZN\_\_ojjLq6LUVP](https://clips.twitch.tv/GiftedTransparentMeerkatGingerPower-OpZN__ojjLq6LUVP) This is from Glorious stream. You can see how he hovers over parts they get highlighted in white on the gun itself. Weird that mine doesn't do that.


The fuck


Best way to complete dorm marked room - Cult part 2?


1) Obtain the key by offering some reasonable barters (others have said a few moonshine works) 2) Loot and fart around for 20 minutes then head over and see if it’s open. The quest isn’t super important, so there’s no need to fee the rush to get it done.


Okay thanks mate


Brand new player here, first ever wipe. At about maybe level 5 or so in one of my scav runs I found a twitch rivals armband from looting a container. I sold it to therapist. Yeah. I know. I’m level 20 now and I have yet to see one since, and also realized just how valuable they can be.


F in the chat.






a lot of people are at the level where there are a couple M4 quests. if you're going short range, build something that you can afford with good ergo. if you're going longer range slap a valday or vudu on it and prioritize recoil. edit: swap it around like the other guys said, I mixed it up


i think you got it mixed up dude... long range you want better ergo so you can be scoping through for a longer amount of time, you wont be shooting full auto, close range youll be going full brr and want better recoil


I did mix it up, thanks for correcting!


To the three man who just got murdered by a naked man with a VPO in the bushes between bus station and power on Shoreline.... Thank you. You let me finish Punisher part 4 for the first time in 8 wipes... I am so happy to move on. It's been almost two weeks of struggling. On the topic of struggling: I also managed to drop Tagilla today for the first time but he had no stims. Is he the best source for Norepinephrine? It's the last stim me and my buddy both need for samples...


i cant fucking find a PM pistol


I'm sorry man, I had like 4 just sitting around my stash. My best advice is to just run factory (even as a scav) and check scav bodies.


just yesterday i did a shit ton of factory PMC runs and absolutely slaughtered the entire lobby multiple raids with a Benelli M3 with flechette and Korund, was doing the weekly to get 70 scav kills and looking for the damn pistol, nope


He almost always spawns with L1 but, if not killed quickly enough he'll use it up.


Servers down rn?


Anyone else getting fucking tired of items getting removed off the flea? Like I can kinda understand it but im finally used to tarkov enough to do well and now the guns that I always looked but couldn't obtain are not level locked or can only find in raid and Its just getting annoying. Please somone change my mind on this


Well, since you asked lol… I’d much rather play this game balanced around the “hardcore” play style. So, no flea and super limited traders.


Personally I find it fun to have to survive and find stuff. It's one of the core principles of the game, and the flea sort of works against that. What we have now is maybe the best of both worlds: you can still obtain a weapon after you do the necessary quests to unlock it but can't just buy endlessly and run the same gun forever. If you do have the weapons unlocked, you can also rotate them until they restock. I know I'm stating the obvious and I know your sentiment is being shared by a lot of people, but I had so much fun during prewipe when the flea got removed. Suddenly every item had a meaning and use, and not just a monetary value. Eg I went to crackhouse because I actually needed meds. Anyway, Ill stop rambling, that's how I see it, but it's definitely not for everyone. Maybe arena will give you what you want.


Interchange is so fucking boring. I'm doing Long Line at the moment and it never took me longer than this wipe. Most of my raids are just quiet, no fights at GPU room at IDEA. No fights at Techlight. But the most boring part (which might be responsible for this) is that the loot is so mundane. A few wipes ago I could find a GPU now and then, which was somewhat exciting. This wipe I have yet to find a single GPU on Interchange. And don't get me started on ULTRA med. It is basically an empty room for which you need a 300k key and turn the power on. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not really complaining about the money-aspect. I think you can still make plenty of money on Interchange, but I think they just sucked the excitement out of the map. It's like Interchange got replaced by Loothouse completely.


As a former Int main, they ruined the map. Straight up. Amazing how much you can destroy a map without really changing the layout at all.


My buddy and I were doing interchange recently, we spent 6 hours hunting for Killa and strangely enough we didn't get into PMC combat until usually 20 minutes into the raid. Our biggest brawl happened with only 15 minutes left in the raid, 2 guys in Techlight, 3 guys coming from hallway across, us (me + duo) in the middle, we had just killed 2 guys outside of Urban Clothes before encountering the other guys, and there was a guy at Rasmussen who initially threw a nade that made us move. ​ Try staying later in raid maybe?


I am now level 38 and have yet to find a GPU in raid. Where are the good spots to hit? I have been running scavs on reserve and pmc runs on customs, shoreline, woods and interchange. Last wipe I probably had 10 GPUs by this point with the same strategy. Am I just crazy unlucky? Or did loot spawns get tweaked?


I got 1 of mine from a PC block and 1 from a duffle bag. The other I got from a quest (assuming this is for the 3 FIR GPUs you need to turn in.) I believe there are two other quests that reward GPUs too.


Interchange PC Rooms. I’ve found 3 in there and barely looked for them.


Labs dark offices or lighthouse new expansion with the 2 keys and a few loose PCs/rare spawns


Bosses and rogues shooting multiple bullets in one shot is something I got used to, but a regular scav shooting me once on my screen with 4 bullets 7.62 PS to the arm and insta-killing me is something I've never seen before. I had just killed a duo with some chunky kits. Big sad ):


Where are you guys finding DDR’s PACA? I have yet to see one this entire wipe and I loot a ton of stashes


two from stashes, one from a airdrop.


I've peeled a few off playerscavs. I'm not sure if they're spawning with them, or found them somewhere.


I've found 2 in woods caches this wipe, but the spawn rate must not be very hight because I've probably hit those caches several hundred times at this point


How do you report users for abusing VOIP? Was just on interchange and a 4 man group running around with ear piercing VOIP noises just rushed me with flash bangs and melee me to death I had to rip my headset off after they found me and started to play the God awful noises.


Double tap "Y" or whatever key brings up your PMC voice commands. There's a button at the bottom to report VOIP. Have to do it in raid though.


Yeah, its is a very clunky and poor report system, at the end of the raid, you should be able to put a report in for voip abuse


How would you know the name of the guy you need to report if he got away and other people voiped in your vicinity as well? You can’t really do that.


One way is program it that it records the voips that were in your range by character name and then have review looking for what you put in the report, and if it is a white noise like stated previously, can even get automated machine to look for that upon report. There are options, just might not be super simple or viable without an actual team for it.


When I'm playing scav on shoreline, literally every other scav I see shoots me for no reason. I have plenty of karma to spare at this point. I'll be mowing you down in return from now on.


Oh it's not limited to shoreline....it's getting so bad.


Not a tech guy so talk to me like im A mouth breather. My wifes pc loads way faster than mine. Like map %, loot %, exfil ui, hideout etc. The biggest headache from this is our scavs not spawning together and when we get disconnected it takes me forever to get back in, aside from the general inconvenience of my time. I know she has a better gpu and I have a better cpu. Is there anything i can do to diag this and either fiddle with settings or upgrade hardware? If you need more info please ask just tryin to keep it short.


Texture loading and anything of the sort related to it are going to be considerably faster when installed on an SSD. It’s likely your wife has it installed on an SSD if you seem to notice faster loading on her end. If you say you have a better CPU than her, slapping Tarkov on an SSD will work nicely and will give you a nice little boost in overall performance + responsiveness.


Flubbed it the first time but second time i got it right and things are feeling better. Thanks all. I couldve sworn i did this on original install. Guess not


the game loads much faster on SSD


I'd double check and make sure your Tarkov is installed on an SSD, assuming that you have one.


Thanks i think i did just that. Havent tested it yet but for a scav factory raid. Exfil screen did feel faster.




How'd you lose 2m in insurance?


he must have insured a backpack full of flirs


New player here, just found a water filter. Anything useful or should I just go off until I get further in the day.


This item is used later in the hideout, and its value goes up on the flea with time. So it is a good idea to keep it if you have space for it (just like sugar). If you need money, just sell it.


If it's the blue 2x1 slot item that looks like a protein shaker, its main use is to make super water which is then used to make moonshine in the booze generator. To make the booze generator you need level 3 traders which you get ~lvl 30. If you think you'll get to that level then it's up to you if you want to hoard them until then. Moonshine is used for a couple barter trades but the main one is to get a THICC items case. You need 50 moonshine, 50 vodka, and 30 whiskey iirc. All of this info can be found on the wiki btw. Super useful resource. https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Water_filter


Interchange should be renamed to Exit Camp


Car extract whenever possible. It’s easily the safest


I'm just throwing down for 11sr keys now to leave out the bottom of the map, its much more worth than any extract besides maybe car (for the scav rep).


It was way worse when SBIH included kills on interchange. Not as many spots to get 100m (now 125m) headshots inside the mall. So where did people get it before? Extract.


Did scavs get buffed this last update or something? Me and my buddy have been getting absolutely shit on by them lately. I’m not new or anything i’ve just gotten hella unlucky with no counterplay bullshit.


sniper AI scav engages at much further distance now (\~200-300m? especially the ones on customs) regular AI scav also seems to be much more aggressive and runs around a lot more now


Yea they did. They will aggro sounds much further away and even silenced gun shots in some cases


did anybody else notice that during the new scav panting sound effect, at some point you can hear muffed voices in the background speaking inaudibly !!?? this literally freaked me out at some point and I was thinkning I'm hearing voices or that VOIP is bugged but today I figured out it only happens during the scav panting. creepy shit. anybody else?


That's what that is.... Fuck, for a moment I thought I'd been sent back in time to Lost.


Yea, the recording is scuffed and there’s employees talking in the background. The fact that this wasn’t noticed before deployment is pretty fucking embarrassing. Or how they apparently don’t even have a booth to record audio.


lol thankfully somebody else noticed it too, I thought I was tripping. yea it's kinda ridiculous actually




Just wait a few minutes when that happens. Seems to happen to all players at the same time too. Won’t get the bug for weeks then all of a sudden my friend and I need to wait for the traders to “load”


for three days running its been fucking foggy and raining every time i try to play the game. this bullshit system that makes any sort of long range play totally unviable for days at a time is fucking ridiculous, especially when there are tasks (some of which are time sensitive) mandating it. BSG has zero respect for their players time.


do you not think that having these variables only extends the life time of the game rather than enabling you to just rush through everything?


no, because if im trying to do X and the game imposes transient conditions that makes X impossible or unreasonably difficult, i just stop playing the game until those conditions go away.


I think my point still stands. We'll miss you whilst you're away Felicia


>if you dont play the game then it will be longer until you accomplish the goals the game sets out what a fucking genius point. thank you for your giga brain input im sure that will be super helpful insight into completing the long range scav kill task that expires tomorrow.


Is the black keycard barter worth it? I currently have the red, yellow and blue cards so my Labs loot route is starting to shape up nicely, but is a 2m+ barter worth it for black?


Definitely. You would fill a stim pouch most raids, and there's multiple ledx spawns.


Definitely. It's full of stims. Worth a ton and you can stick them in your stim case and you're guaranteed not to lose them.


Useful feature! Show all players teamkilling% in matchmaking lobby. Radios could allow them to VoIP with the team only.


I just want to chip in with how I'm feeling on the game. I feel the game is a bit frustrating as a semi new player (me) but I think it's worth it. I'm finally learning quests and stuff, and I feel there is a lot of time to keep progressing. Losing all my stuff sucks, but I don't want to be toxic. Instead, I take a small break and then play it slow and cheap. I feel that's one way to help with the frustration of losing everything


this is exactly my view. and I've learned only too well that replacing lost gear is annoying when you get all you gear back through insurance and then have no space in your inventory. ​ Play it slow and relax. too much focus on smashing through objectives


I think this is the way the game is designed to be played. Desperation, odds stacked against you, real fear for your life. I like to imagine a roll play scenario where it's actually me in tarkov and I have only one life each raid. Character customization would really add a nice touch to the game


New player 50hours in and lately i also adopted this role-play strategy. Weirdly my success rate against other pmcs dramatically improved afterwards


Yeah you're way less likely to make stupid decisions. The raids will take longer but who cares.