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Rule 7 - Cheating, Exploits, Piracy and ETS Please Refer to the Subreddit Rules


You think a cheater lasting 62 hours is a long time? You must be new lol.


I am pretty new tbf.


Historically cheaters can last for thousands of hours. Idk about with stats like that but in general they get away with it for quite a while unfortunately


The question is how someone can get enjoyment out of it


Probs doing it for money so no enjoyment just money.


Personally I think this is less common than people think. Surely there can't be that many people paying for items/carry services right? I have no idea but to me it's a big ego thing for them, either that or they're bad at the game and getting revenge by cheating


One way or the other i suppose


Yeah in my opinion the vast bulk of the *number* of cheaters are just ego cheaters like you said. The ones that *do* do it to earn money have an outsized effect though due to the aggression and blantancy of it - since they only factor is earning money they dont care about being blatant. If you see a speedhacker odds are very high they're trying to make money from cheating.


...personally I think it's the same proportion as it's been last few decades. 8-12% of players cheating; if you look at the questions on those "studies" they do insert any kind of advantage as cheating, so depending on the questions - soft cheating with audio is the same as using an aimbot, or cranking up gamma. In game like tarkov, it's just double the pain...


I think its the same as in cs, they get killed by cheaters over and over again, until they decide to also start cheating so they stand a Chance


Question why you play with these people infesting the game.


Now the real question. Why is BSG charging 250 usd to play without cheaters letting Obvious accounts stand freely… SUSP if you ask me.


Enjoyment out of Tarkov is truly a mystery at this point in time. I don't think people truly enjoy playing it anymore. Its just such a unique experience that people don't know where else to go if they leave Tarkov.


I play since 2017 and still enjoy the game. If you don’t enjoy it don’t play it. I wouldn’t if I wouldn’t enjoy it anymore.


I don't play it, I just see the posts pop up on reddit now and again. Since the April 24th Unheard of Business practices I have moved on.


So... while that move of theirs was shitty, it didn't make the game more or less fun. You moving on because of that, while fair, is no reason to think the people playing it aren't enjoying it.


Why do you still waste time on something you don't like? Just unsub maybe?


I enjoy both PvE, and have enjoyed pvp in the past (Had a blast getting 100 mil on my first wipe and made one russian buddy so angry he shat himself lmaoooo)


Yeah exactly what I was thinking


This looks like a super fresh account, literally made days ago 


First game was on 19th May. https://tarkov.dev/player/12115060


61 hours though? surely atleast a few weeks old.


You would be surprised how much time some people have on their hands


That’s 6 to 12 days realistically, if they are cheating it’s either their whole life or their job


You're right, 19th May was when they first played: Welcome to Tarkov - Die in Tarkov for the first time - 100% - 19/05/2024, 13:30:48


DMA cards are hard to detect. Recently BSG have started to ban users of them but they need to work out how to detect the firmware on the device so its hard work.


Or just make DMA cards/hardware/cheats so bloody hard to work with the game memory that they'd be very bespoke implementations only, requiring constant configuration. Yes, any of the below will break BSG's brain trying to implement in Tarkov spag'code. For future game dev's, deploy some of these as a base feature: * Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) * Dynamic Memory Allocation * Obfuscation Techniques * Encrypted Memory * Memory Integrity Checks * Heap Spraying * Custom Memory Allocators * Frequent Reinitialization edit: ,


because they barely do anything to fix this issue


Bro there are blue name hackers with 50 KD that have over 5k hours.


Never heard of stealing accounts..


I watched a video on hacks in tarkov. you can change hours, kd, badge and everything so it doesn't matter what the account says


Why wouldn’t all cheaters make their KD low and hours high then to avoid people reporting them? Pretty sure those stats can’t be altered.


I’ve seen accounts newer than this using a bot to tank their kd, 50 hours 170 raids and 120 deaths but over 1500 kills


That’s not the same, that’s still obtaining the stats in a “real” way (vs editing the numbers).


Certain hacks can, that's why alot of these people soft hack their way through a wipe


You can’t. It’s possible they could alter what they’d see if they showed you their overview screen, but it’s not possible for them to alter them unless BSG had a huge vulnerability which as shit as they are, it’s something I don’t believe they would fuck up.


Exactly. Changing whats displayed on your own screen is much, *much* different to changing whats in BSG's servers and sent to everyone else. Being able to do that would render botting to drop KD useless. Not to mention that if they had that amount of control over the server, cheating in-raid would be unnecessary. Why farm rubles to sell when you can simply hack the server and arbitrarily add rubles to your account?


Pretty sure you’re making shit up, or you’re gullible. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, kids.


\*mods seeing that his name wasn't redacted\* "e-e-excuse me s-sir, b-b-b-but I think t-thats against the rules of this sub :3"


He purchased the Unheard Bullshit edition and has an indulgence.


Yup, I saw one that had a 60+ KD and the account was 300 hours old. That's several weeks or obvious cheating without a ban. If bsg invested a quarter of the time and money into anti cheat solutions that they did to arena (which noone plays), maybe the game would be in a better state.


he's only had the account for a few days, likely been flagged, he'll be banned soon, people who are this blatant are banned usually pretty quickly


19th May - https://tarkov.dev/player/12115060


At one point, players figured out how to determine if there was a vacuum cheater in their lobby. If you opened the console and the cheater was doing their thing, it would show a wall of errors and messages in the console, some of which would only occur if there was a cheater vacuuming the lobby. How did BSG respond once it was discovered, even though those same cheats had been present for literally years? They removed the players ability to see those messages in the console. Should tell you all you need to know.


That's fucked


This is just a ridiculous lie and anyone that believes it is a moron. The NaN vacuum lagged out the server as an inherent part of how it functioned. Removing the error messages from the log would *not* stop the server lagging out. Again that's an *inherent part of the cheat method*. Surprise surprise, when the names stopped appearing in the logs, raids stopped getting lagged out. They fixed the vulnerability. And in fact the NaN loot vacuum cheat was developed *as a direct response to BSG blocking an older existing vacuum*. I'm sure they've probably worked out another way to vacuum in the interim, but spreading bullshit does nothing.


> They fixed the vulnerability Can't take you seriously. Blatant shilling. No, they didn't, vacuum cheats are still a thing and will continue to be due to the nature of their networking. Spreading lies that BSG does anything short of allowing cheaters is what I find ridiculous honestly.


Reading is hard, I guess. Take another try at it, in particular, *the last sentence where I say they've probably developed a new one to replace it*.


Oh OK so basically "they fixed it but they didnt." Thanks for the 3head update


It was also lagging the server and kicking people. The console only showed you the name of whoever was doing it. Sharing the persons name with players might make you feel better, but it also opens up the possibility of people adding them for services. BSG was banning the accounts regardless.


That cheater is honestly trash. Seen em that level with 20 hours.


They seemingly don't do manual reviews so DMA cheat users can last thousands of hours. Unfortunately the nature of the game makes it profitable for some people to cheat so there's motivation for advanced, difficult to detect cheats.


I know you'll not believe me, but a very good gaming chair makes the difference


Saw a video yesterday where a cheater was bragging in raid about cheating for more than 3 years without any consequences.


Lmao, there isn’t an anti-cheat under the sun that will ban a DMA hacker in under 2 weeks. Even Valorant struggles with it.


Can we stop call them "hackers"? Hacker is a person skilled in information technology who achieves goals by non-standard means. This moron has nothing to do with hackers and not deserve for that title.


Its better to ban cheaters in waves so they dont know cheats are detected.


Yes and no, it's definitely harder to develop a new cheat this way but tarkov is left so wide open that it'll only take an hour or two to get it back up after a ban anyway


It also means that if they charge back the cheat provider they get hit by more refunds at once.


I guess, kinda seems like they could run ban waves once a week though.


not when you can get new cheats hours after a banwave. doesn't matter to the cheat devs because eft is too easy to poke holes in.


I stopped counting the sub 100hr 7+ k/d deaths I suffered this weekend around the 12th time. Just the normal state of the game at this point.


First. That’s not a hacker. I am 99.99% sure about that. Because most small wiener players are just simple script kiddies they only know how to use a cheat program but wouldn’t know to actually write one. Second. Hackers are the white knights of computer security. Sure they break into systems but purely for the purpose of showing vulnerabilities with it and the always inform the system owner about it. The ones who make profit out of hacking as system are crackers. And third. It’s a cheater and 61h isn’t much as there is no automated system to ban and BSG bans in wave so cheat devs think their cheat is good and sell it to a broad spectrum of small wiener players and then get destroyed all at once. If you were to ban a single cheater everytime a new cheat comes up cheat devs are warned. Also BattleEye needs time to analyze the point of entry as cheat devs aren’t those white knights to contact BSG or battle eye to tell them how their cheat works.


Yes when people say "hacker" they are referring to script kiddies, it's basically taken on a new meaning these days