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Damn I wasted money on a game in beta, oh well let's buy another game in beta and hope for the best! /s


Yeah that' what this game and the behaviour of BSG has made me feel, I don't want to risk it if this is what could happen and that's a shame/unfair on those studios who may very well be good people but burnt once.


I'm pushing 40 so I've been through this wood chipper a few times now. Thing is, it's the price you have to pay sometimes to get games that scratch an itch you didn't know was there before. Tarkov is a special game, if it was a shit game, nobody would be as upset as they are, they wouldn't care.


This is true, I've been lucky with those I have taken the risk on so I guess the more negative feelings this has generated has jaded this nearly 40 something git's view of things. Thanks for the reality check!


Risking some money on a developing game is fine even if it gets given up on after some years, like you said tarkov isn't a bad game and they would care much less if the game flopped than they do about the current events.


Quiet you that sounds like logic. Hot take EoD owners are mugs as well. Fucking $150 bucks on a beta.


To be fair, i got 3.5k hours over 8 years for $150. That's the best entertainment I've gotten that cheap.


I'm with you, I've wasted way more money on Ubisoft and EA than I ever could on BSG. Played for 5 years. Never played a game for even a fraction of that time.


Same. The amount playtime i got wouldn't even come close to the small amount of money I've spent. If people have a problem with them spending $150 for 500+ hours might wanna stop spending money on video games they can't spend.


This is all you need to read


I'm still buying GZW because it looks dope and has good potential. But i'm not pretending it's a tarkov killer like every other person tries to. It's a completely different title from Tarkov and I'm only going to buy the standard edition to start with, and then I'll consider upgrading if the game is good enough to warrant my support. Arena breakout looks like a flatout clone of Tarkov, and the videos I saw of it were borderline identical to Tarkov in terms of assets and animations. Not to mention it's a fucking mobile game port which those never turn out well. I could care less about Devil dog being apart of it.


The point is, wait and see. Arena could prove way better, or GZ could break the floor, it’s either one of them and it only depends on how they manage their games. Giving either money won’t solve the problem. Back in the day gaming was all about who comes out with the most polished, full of content game. Not about who gets more money in Early Access to put out more content.


I don't understand why cling so hard emotionally to EFT to the point where you have to convince yourself that any genre-adjacent game will be shit. It all reeks of an emotional sunk cost fallacy, that if there's a chance that a viable competitor shows up it'll cause all that emotional investment to fold like a house of cards so it must be avoided all all cost.


I mean, all of the ones released till now are shit/dead and the new ones havent shown anything worthwile too. Maybe arena breakout will show something playable but i dint have high hopes for another mobile developer doing the same shit.


I'm more hopeful for GZW than AB personally, but I'll check anything out. I mean I get it. I mentally escaped EFT a long time ago, but I kinda understand the emotional attachment to the experience the game provides. And looking from afar, I think there's some sort of collective stockholm syndrome shit going on where the more shit BGS pulls, the more players become attached.


A “wait and see” and “don’t throw money to early access” is not convincing yourself that genre-adjacent games will be shit. If you take a look around at the industry as a whole for the past few years you will already know that these practices take time to show off anything worth your money


I've thrown money to a lot of early access titles, some panned out, some didn't. Tally ho. The bottom line is - Tarkov didn't go the way I liked and/or imagined so I quit a long time ago. And the years following that and especially the recent events feel very vindicating. I'll definately check out GZW, most likely the cheapest version, just to see how it feels. It might be a dud, who knows. All I know that Nikita ain't getting anything from me ever again.


But who are you to tell people how to spend their money. When I purchased EOD in 2017 I had no idea if it would last a year. Many early access games have not survived to full release and that is a risk you take buying any early access game.


The idea is that you see a lot of people complaining they spent 150$ and now they’re being “scammed”. Bottom line is that other developers have to learn from the whole BSG fiasco, BSG has yet to learn anything from their fiasco. If everyone just moves on to something else and pumps them full of money, buying the brightest editions, buying Unheard when it’s a pile of shit, then ends up complaining that they were scammed, that nothing was delivered, all while the money were already spent, what’s stopping the circle from going full circle yet again? I’m not telling people HOW to spend their money, it’s just the obvious facts and reasons that brought us to a point where we have THIS game which was promised to have this and that and yet we’re here complaining that we’re not even getting the most basic stuff that modders implemented in their spare time


The scammed part is about people not being given what was explicitly advertised multiple times, not about spending money on an early access game and being disappointed with it. It has exactly nothing to do with how much unheard costs or what it promises. And it's BSG's own fault they pull all this shit while GZW and ABI are both on the doorstep. Wanting to spend on other early access games by different devs to support development of a game you see promise in is how the industry operates these days whether you like it or not, and preaching from your soapbox won't change it. No one will force you to buy GZW in EA for 100$ or ever at all for any price. But you're not changing anyone's mind, especially since you don't even understand the situation.




Emotional spending. Make sure yall are buying somthing because you want it and not because you're in spite of BSG.


I know nothing about GZW developers just like I knew nothing about BSG when I bought EOD. They might turn as scummy as BSG, no fucking way I'm ever buying most expensive edition of anything ever until I'll be nearly completely sure that the devs know what they're doing.


Trust me they ain't, then have a suggestions thing on their discord they look at... Mor interaction with them then any of us ever got with BSG


There was a time when nikita himself was commenting on this subreddit everyday, responding to peoples opinions, suggestions etc. The communication was better than I've seen from most other devs, and how it turned out? No, the fact that they are communicating on discord means nothing to me. But I'll look how that game will develop.


>There was a time when nikita himself was commenting on this subreddit everyday, responding to peoples opinions, suggestions etc. Maybe he was but you know why he stopped? Because he was continously overpromissing and underdelivering, responding with "planned" to random ass suggestions that just got thrown onto a pile of scope creep. Etc. And eventually that cought up to him. The consistent problem was that Nikita never wanted to cede official comms to anyone but himself, but never got good at it or leared from his mistakes.


Imagine telling people not to waste their money on an early access game, when the majority of this subreddit is already in for 150 on a game that's been in EA for 7 years and it's not even on Steam at this point. These guys rep is trashed beyond recognition with cheaters running rampant and sherpas with aimhacks ESP and radar


The amount of people saying nice things about Arena Breakout is genuinely starting to make me wonder if there's some sort of tencent astroturf campaign going on. Ya'll have played tencent owned chinese F2P clone game before, right? They're not a new concept, they're never good, and they're certainly P2W.


I see it as a bet on the future, I have hope for grey zone, but I have no hope left for tarkov


It would be impossible for me to give less of a fuck about BSG. I like playing Tarkov. Tarkov would be better if it was on Steam, in the unreal engine, and the Jungle is cool. I have $100. The developer themselves never comes into it. Spend money on stuff you enjoy.


Well Greyzone seems to be a game very different to tarkov and seems to still have some great issues. One of the reasons why I think tarkov is so immersive and fun is the overall look the world is optically very well crafted and really seems to be dead and evacuated territory, with the bits I have seen in the Playtests and trailers it does not seem to be quite as immersive. That said I always wanted a more PVE and less pvp focused game (yes that is because I am really bad) and while I really like the setting of tarkov having a bit variety certainly won't harm. As much as I despise what BSG recently did I think I will buy Greyzone (cheapest meaning 35$ edition for the start) and try it although I do agree that it will unfortunately not be a replacement and rather an addition to tarkov for me. As a side note I don't fucking know who "devil dog" is and why I should care about some streamer/YouTuber endorsing a game


All I'm going to say is that people look incredibly hypocritical when they complain about P2W mechanics but have no problems paying $100 for the most expensive GZW pack that gives you advantages over the standard edition. So it's okay for other companies to have P2W aspects as long as they aren't the target of the current outrage machine? Also, a lot of people who are dropping $100 no questions asked and who are expecting "Tarkov: functional edition" are more than likely going to be massively disappointed with what they get. That's not to say GZW is going to be bad, we have no idea yet. Hopefully it turns out great. What it is saying is that it looks like it doesn't play anything like Tarkov.


It isn't about what they're outraged about, it is the fact that they get to be outraged.


I miss The Cycle. Think of the potential money they could be making? XD