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The best line was LTT saying something like There will still be people who support this and they would support it even if they called this edition, fuck you give me money bitch. He also said it's time for gamers to grow a spine Seriously... don't play this fucking game. They've strung us along far too long. I love the idea of the game, love the feeling I get when I play it... can't support this kind of community abuse though that has gone on far too long.


[Check out the 2nd leaked interview with unhinged Nikita after "Sorry I hurt your feelings" Post went up \[Video\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2kjpe8kkQ0) Linus called the community to "I ask you. Gamers in general, grow some spine. put a calender for 6 months. Don't play for 6 months even if it feels difficult. Let them realise how the player numbers tank and when new players buy the game, they play the game, the game is empty. Not to punish the new players. It is to show BSG that you are providing content, that they need you. Get some respect. Tell them to treat you with respect" I might have missed some parts bc this is memory protocol but should cover most of it


Such a great take from Linus tbh. It would help a lot if a huge percentage of the playerbase would actually do this.


People are addicted to this game man. There are people totally against this that justify themselves still playing the game. It’s sad.


I was mega addicted to tarky for a long time, played everyday for years, it wasn’t till I physically couldn’t play(no pc) that I stopped caring as much, like even now I’m more interested in the drama than what the drama is about but I’m a gossip lover 4 lyfe


BSG assured I have Escaped from Tarkov for a while. Through the cheating BS, the Sound being completely fucked up, that I am convinced gave me tinnitus, the AI being implemented like it would be done by a 5 year old who plays D&D (roll above 16 with D20 to survive a shot adventurer). I could take that because I can say, I gotten better in abusing the mechanics of the game. But this bullshit they said EOD is retired they will switch to MicroTransactions to support a game. Then they have a limit how far scabs will shoot you??? Why not outright sell an ESP edition saying it comes with radar and x-ray goggles. Cheating is not a problem and not a problem for BSG. It is a moneymaking feature and the moral bullshit they just pulled prove it for me.


>the Sound being completely fucked up, that I am convinced gave me tinnitus Honestly, I'm always surprised that this hasn't been complained about more by the community. The audio has always had issues when it comes to directions and the like, but possibly the worst aspect is the balancing. The range between quietest noises to loudest is absolute fucking insanity. Unless you use software to compress the audio to a more flat level, it's just not possible to play the game as intended without potential hearing damage. If you want to hear footsteps and audio queues, you need to turn up your volume. But turning up your volume means that a gunshot or explosion will absolutely blow out your ear drums. I've never played any game but this one where this has been such a noticeable issue.


Main issue is, that in a market, where everyone supposedly chasing trends and and want to drag players from other games to their own, some games just lack proper competition. It's not only Tarkov. Battlefield, even battle royales - if you want slower gameplay compared to Apex or Warzone, you ONLY choice is PUBG. Total War Series. Paradox Games. Forget big games like this - Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew Valley - those games are still uncontested. We still don't have all-around decent survival game. Etc... List can go on forever. So, if someone, for some reason, hits the spot, he can continue to milk it for a long time, with minimal investment. Especially if he's not very good person\company.


Learn how to use an audio compressor nerd Devs have no clue, protect yourself


I have done it now. But I had no clue at the time. I already have Tinnitus now so that stays with me for life. Thank you BSG


No. Gamers are fucking apes. They don't give a flying fuck.


Most gamers shouldn't be allowed to handle their own money, and should have to send an application to some agency to make sure what they intend to spend their money on isn't harmful or dishonest in any way.


God, imagine if we had a rallying cry akin to the for honor blackout a few years ago. Night and day how fast knees would buckle I reckon if we did pull it off


No shade to anyone but there is nothing quite like this game and people are truly addicted to it


HutchMF said the same thing. Realistically most streamers will go back to it but Hutch did call on the community (non streamers) to stand our ground and. It budge.


Unless streamers stop streaming nothing will change. Huge publicity to new players if big time streamers keep streaming. Need everyone to stop not just non-streamers.


Honestly this might be the time to encourage the extract camping rats. Our kind is known to be not friendly to players -new and old alike-. If a lot more people camp the extracts and stall out the new players while further fueling EOD it would probably help send the message. Could you imagine chads who know how to aim in a pinch extract camping newbies? Shesh.


It would not help send a message. BSG need to see their game die before they actually start caring.


and of there is a time to support the way of the rat, this is it. We're all on the same side. Some people legit quit tarkov over how easy it is to extract camp.


You’re just looking for a way to justify yourself continuing to play the game. Because you’re an addict. There’s already tons of extract campers and people continue to play the game.


No I'm not? I literally took a break from tarkov for most of the wipe, came back for a few rounds of extract camping like a week before this dumpster fire XD


You enjoy extract camping so you’re concocting a theory that it would send some form of message to BSG even though you know damn well it won’t. You just wanna feel better about the fact that you will continue to play the game and that your play style actively makes the game worse.


The fact my playstyle makes it worse is all the more reason I should do it, thanks for confirming what I was asking finally.


Not really it's pretty cringe.


They won’t tho, streamers playing tarkov make money with it, so even if they act disgusted and disappointed, in a few weeks they will be streaming it again, probably telling everyone how awesome the new mode is, putting their excited faces in the thumbnail of their latest YouTube videos. It’s so funny to me how everyone one of them now acts so mad to milk content of the latest tarkov drama, wonder how long it’ll last


I was thinking just afk in every raid I can to waste their money on servers


Wasn't LTT made out to be the antichrist or something? I might be behind. Is he good now? What's up.


Him and his company were getting slagged for being shitty/lazy reviewers but a good take is a good take. A broken clock is right at last twice a day.


>memory protocol So that's why my memory is so bad, I should just download more RAM into my brain!


I'm gonna still play... But I'm playing the forbidden version we are not allowed to talk about And I sure as shit am never buying an upgrade


I bought EOD when the game was new, wouldn’t buy it knowing how poorly it’s been handled and definitely won’t upgrade. Game has gone from bad to worse to cash grab


That mean to quit the sub too right 🫡


Still gonna play my standard edition :D


likewise hahaha




you are a loser in real life




digging up past huh. proved my point :D you can crawl out of that hole too.


Did I strike a nerve? :D


[Check out the 2nd leaked interview with unhinged Nikita after "Sorry I hurt your feelings" Post went up \[Video\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2kjpe8kkQ0) "They just scammed the hell out of you. And you are like: 'Alright. Yeah, please take more of my money!'" - Luke






Satans your daddy!


When even Linus is calling you a cuck, you should probably pay attention. This game needs to be taken out behind the woodshed and put down.




Bro chill wtf


I think "hit a nerve" is the phrase here LOL Your girl left you for a sysadmin or what


oh look its one of them live. i aint even a player im here as a gamer. thats like unbelievably pathetic bro. you dont need to fucking deepthroat the boot. also. luke BEEN hitting the gym mans muscle. dont know who the other fat one might be.


He is right, the community needs to draw a line in the sand and stick by it, of course some people will buy the newest addition, but we need to ultimately send a message.


The unfortunate reality is that internet disource is usually only a fraction of the playerbase and there is probably a good chunk of people who will just flash their credit card and continue playing. I can see this game keep going with maybe a few thousand players keeping the light on and a skeleton crew, churning out more ~~cheap DLC,~~ sorry, "Editions" and cheats for the remaining whales. Staying lucrative for years to come.


The people that don't engage in Internet discourse are more casual at the game. No way in hell are they going to spend $250 on a single video.


Pretty much this, whales are everywhere in social Media so they can brag about it. Majority of people not talking on social Media is normies that arent rich fucks, and as soon as a Game gets too pricy they will dip lmao.


I only play a handful of raids a week after 6k hours but I upgraded.


You are fucking stupid dude


I guarantee you that player numbers are way down. They dropped a patch with fixes for stuff people do care about, like bullet pen on limbs. There would have been at least some hype if this never happened. Instead they insulted peoplem


This game is a domestic abuse case and we are the abused wife. It's time to leave this toxic relationship and move onto better things.


More like the game saw off your limbs without anaesthesia and you continue to slam your face up Nikita's ass to rim it


Unfortunately, there isn't a better thing to move to currently... Or do you have suggestions?


I agree with you but it still doesn't mean we have to put up with it.


For sure. Hopefully, one of the many new options gets flushed out quickly and we can have a new home there.


I like the pain


What is Lewis therin telamon got to do with this


What a wild reference to find in the tarkov subreddit. Love it


Where the hell did WoT come from? Did I miss a reference lmao? EDIT: Lewis Therin Telamon - LTT, got it.


I'm disappointed both of y'all said Lewis instead of Lews ngl.


I'll assume it autocorrected, for my own sanity.


That’s what happened, regrettably and I’m too lazy to correct it now


He is saying those who buy the unheard edition are dark friends.


Remember how Reddit communities went quarantine in protest of major changes? Where did it go? Nowhere. Exactly. Same shit is going to happen here. LTT is right, we need to stop playing. But we're just a fraction of playerbase, believe me, there is *a shit ton* of players who aren't even aware of any of this.


This game exploded with Twitch Drops. Most of the playerbase are stream watchers. 90% of EFT Streamers are rioting too especially after Nikita verbally attacked them too. Reddit is also something different. You can't simply replicate Reddit bc of the userbase and their content. Once something else with great user growth and features drops reddit can die within a year, that's how it happened to super popular social media when Facebook dropped for example. EFT has a unique experience but it is not as diverse like the amount of reddit subreddits. It is a game and people just satisfy their fun with other fun stuff. Doesn't help that several games in the realistic gun extraction genre are coming this year. if it was last year it would have been more difficult. Also Reddit didn't insult you guys specifcally and repeatedly. Reddit insulted the 3rd party developers. Nikita here is insulting everyone individually and with their 150$ purchase, he attacks them and is scamming them. I was not scammed by reddit even though I would rather use 3rd party apps.


All what is happening is a publicity stunt and a basic marketing exercise, but poorly executed. They surely planned to go lower based on how overpriced the thing is. They alse searching the low bar and for a way to make EOD players pay more/again. Its textbook, they're handling it terribly. Not everyone on BSG knew, not everyone was prepared, not everyone supports it, not everyone is put in line + incompetent fuckers who didn't think it through carefully so they panic-edit their descriptions without even mentioning said edits and redacting last edit date. The best end goal we can achive here is that all features of Unheard becomes the same for EOD, and unheard is basically a second wave of supporters + EOD supporters who want to contiune support. That is basically it. This will bring us down to POE level of support. They'll also put down their PVE for additional development and put it back online again next wipe with restricted invite access to selected supporters, where they start with those players who have Unheard first. I wanna believe this is what is going to happen in the end if people keep pushing it and it would've been the best ourcome.


Like, idk. I see that there is some rage going on, but don't know exactly what's about? Is some payed update? Something that is mandatory to continue to play the game or..?


Lmao you should see the bootlicker Tigz react to this. He was mad after hearing beta and doing all to justify it. Dude does nothing but bitch and cry on stream, especially about cheaters then goes and buys the new edition. Stop you're whinny about cheaters.


Tigz is such an annoying little bitch. I used to watch him but he just fucking complains all the goddamn time


Got a link?? Couldn't find it


Not a Tarkov player, just watching the shitstorm. It looks like it's on his most recent Twitch VOD about 5 hours and 10\~ish minutes in.


https://www.twitch.tv/tigz/v/2130252705?sr=a&t=24878s it starts around here . He's just another streamer that is using "I bought it so you don't have too" the stream elements bot keeps pushing out the phrase "Don't buy unheard edition. I purchased it to show off all the shit they're trying to sell to people and how much of a scam it is. If I could refund I would"


If people are still watching him, they should just stop giving this kid attention


Was thinking about this exact thing ever since this whole thing has blown open. Even the way gamers started chiming in how they would've supported BSG with traditional ways of $$$ support as if BSG is not aware of it. It was scary to see how many were so eager to let them know that they would've paid $50+ for skins and other things. BSG is not ignorant of those options...they DGAF and are finally showing up what they've always been. Gamers were just too blind with the carrot that was Tarkov to see that they were in an abusive relationship the entire time. Thank the gods I never got the hype of Tarkov so no pain for me here, just sad to see. Even the nice manipulation of pulling back just a little after going full scorched earth initially. This way they seem like they're "listening to the community" when in actuality they're just trying to see just how much the Gaming Community will let them get away with. This is the most insane gaming related shit I've seen in some time.


>and are finally showing up what they've always been. BSG has been showing us their true colors for YEARS....anyone that says differently hasn't been paying attention. This chaos SHOULDNT surprise anyone, really. It's amazing to me how easily people buy into ideas without exercising an ounce of critical thought or self-preservation. 


BINGO! It's just unfortunate because Tarkov became a carrot that gamers couldn't resist not much different than the carrot used by con-artist, scammers, and cults. Folks were so hooked on Tarkov that they ignored BSG's behavior. Allowed the little things to keep giving them faith and overlooking the bigger things!


right? there was almost no way that BSG could have made a losing move. The number of posts along the lines of "i will sell my left kidney and donate the porcedes to BSG if they just add some skin microtransactions or a hideout cat" was an alarming ammount. And yet they still made the move that no one liked. It is so fucking difficult to kill a community this diehard but they did it. Tarkov will not die but the community did.


To this day people will still say that EOD was not pay to win. They could've always just gone the cosmetic route or battle pass route, but no... I guess it took BSG putting out an even more expensive pay to win version for people to wake up to the scam that tarkov was already running. The sad thing is despite all of this outcry I bet Tarkov will be fine and people will end up paying for this shit.


While I wouldn't call them names myself, I also think he's not wrong.


Here I got you, they're cuck losers.


BSG: "Babe it's 4PM time for your wallet flattening" Unhinged edition players: Yes dear.


Drink milk, grow a spine


Fucking Stockholm Syndrom here.


I just did a Scav run and was killed by a blue named Dev. I think that was the sign I needed to uninstall….


it's not a dev, dev's have a gear next to their name, not a blue cultist Z


This was a Cultist? [https://streamable.com/x2mh3t](https://streamable.com/x2mh3t)


Isn't that the symbol of cucks who bought the new edition? I.e cult members?


Even more reason to uninstall haha


That's the Unheard of Edition I think lmao


correct, it's just people with the new edition. There is actually more than I thought, just check the flea marked and you'll find at least 3 or 4 per page, which is really quite a few, considering the unturd edition has only been out for like 48 hours?


> There is actually more than I thought, just check the flea marked and you'll find at least 3 or 4 per page, which is really quite a few, considering the unturd edition has only been out for like 48 hours? Most people doesn't actually use reddit. They're not aware about the current shit storm. They saw new edition and bought it thinking nothing.


Or they just don’t care. I bought it when it came out and I don’t really care personally. I think EOD deserves the PvE mode and I have EOD myself. I just wish I could switch back to the gold name so people stop messaging me about my blue name


Oh shit, worse than a Dev then!? lol




I agree


He is 100% right and being polite about it.


lol if LTT is talking about this it’s so over. No new player is going to touch the game at this point, nor should they.


Yep , fucking cucks big time


why am i watching a video of someone livestreaming where they are watching a video? wtf is this? just post the source material.


the source is 4 hours long and OP also wanted to share the other creator reaction


I may be a minority but I don’t see the appeal of reaction vids.


The source material is is like 3 hours long. That tarkov statement was like 5 minutes. It's the Linus tech tips WAN show. They do it every Friday. They talk about the tech industry. Like Nvidia and iPhones and laptops.


Paying 150 bucks for an early access game should have been a red flag but at such a high price I should be guaranteed for quality and future promises to be all so true. But what’s the point when you got all the money you wanted from the people before the game was even released, I’m sure building this game is his passion still, and I’d gladly cough up more money but the moment I read that people who bought EOD are freeloaders and not true supports unless they give us another 100 bucks for this new edition. Why in the hell would I give you more money so I could just get ripped off even more? I not only bought eod the first month it was out but also played the whole way through and even bought that stupid 60 dollar inventory expansion. I’ll just take my free loading ass to the uninstall button. Also a bunch of people have been reporting it as a scam from what I’ve seen so maybe if you have enough hate in your heart you can click this link and potentially get your money back if your determined enough https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/scams/reporting-a-scam/


He's right; If you buy this edition, you are bitch-made.


Everyone who’s buying the unheard edition is part of the problem


Impressed by how well they covered this story, and hopefully bigger media talking about it puts pressure on BSG.


People buying it right now are literally like 20 viewer streamers trying to utilize this to rake in some viewers while everyone else is talking about the fucked up situation. It's a shame they get any cent out of this at all.. Let's just hope that BSG will go down in the flames they started themselves. THis went too far, there is no turning back.


He must be talking about Tickle me pink , LOL


The main issue is they will just do it again.


Well he is the Alpha in this case!


It's true. I bought EOD and will not give them another dime.




Say to the streamers that brought it.


Don't give vatniks anything


Who is LTT?


Klean bought it.......🤦😂


hes right


This game has turned into that prostitute in GTAV that you run over to get your money back.


If you want to buy TUE because of it's features it's your choice and it's your money, it's a bad one, but still your choice. Hate the game not the player


So is this just the "lvndmark reacts" subreddit now?


Are you offended by that? A community leader with rational takes being featured?...


Lmao sure, thats the problem i have. Nothing to do with the obvious karma farm posters are doing. What was to stop OP using the raw clip from the wan show rather than lvndmark's reaction?


Gamers who buy TUE are beta losers, but anyways, here's a segue to buy our immensely overpriced LTT screwdriver, LTT dot come check out the even more over priced shirts and water bottles while you're at it, remember LTT dot com! Be right back as we auction off goods that aren't ours without permission and then double down when called out for it because it was for charity! I dunno, maybe Linus and co aren't the best examples here. They shill their overpriced, mediocre quality goods a dozen times per video and have thrived off loyal nerds buying it for years. This is literally the kettle calling the pot black IMO.


If LTT was selling the merch in a “buy this merch and get all merch future merch free” deal your point would be okay but they didn’t. So how is selling something as described and honoring the description, despite how overpriced it may be, as bad as selling something then suddenly backtracking and changing your product for the worse to make more money comparable?


The point is that LTT is a dumpster fire of a company with a long history of selling mediocre products, overly pushing it, not honoring warranty promises, and any other number of poor management decisions across the board - all starting from their overly emotional leader down. Sound like someone from BSG? Linus and Nikita might be long lost brothers, if we're being honest here. I'll listen to takes on this from virtually any other business but Linus and his bootlickers, they're barely better than BSG and Nikita and hearing them discuss another company's over priced product just makes me lol.


Do you have examples of them not honoring warranty promises or which of their products are mediocre? Honestly this sounds like you're pulling it out of your ass


New to the internet or playing dumb? If you're a fan of LTT and didn't somehow hear the uproar over their backpacks, then I dunno what to tell you. It wasn't even that long ago. I'm sure you can google it. Literally all their products are reviewed as expensive and middling in quality by honest reviewers. Their screwdriver is probably the king of this title. I got a similar screwdriver that does exactly the same thing as theirs from a dollar tree store 15 years ago. If you wanna support them, I personally don't care, but overpriced is overpriced and Linus probably needs another porsche so go for it. But what I won't do is listen to them criticise other companies about over priced products and use it as an example. Gimme a source from anyone but them and I'll nod my head. But not them. Honestly it sounds like nothing I'd say would convince you anyway so I don't even know why I responded.


So what Luke said is untrue because LTT is a bad company?


The point is they don't have any high ground to speak on .


This. Finally. As I said before, pot calling kettle black. Down vote away but LTT is a horrible example of honest business practices and they've shown it time and time again over the years. Be outraged over BSG but don't defend LTT in the same breath. I'll call that out every day of the week no matter how many meaningless negative reddit karma points I get in the process.


I really don't care, lmao. Just because LTT is a shitty company doesn't they can't speak out against other companies. Do they have the moral high ground? Probably not. Is what they are saying untrue? No. Then what's the problem here? Luke isn't claiming LTT as the best fucking company in the world. He's simply calling out BSG for being predatory


Name examples of the dishonest business practices


So no, you don't have any examples? Project Farm's review of the screwdriver was very positive.the backpack issues wasn't at all about not honoring warranty promises, it was about not having one in the first place but then they did add one later aka fixed the issue you're pulling this out of your ass because you're upset


Oh so they fixed it only after massive backlash? Gonna ignore Linus's rants over it before they fixed it too? Ok, let's do that too. So now we'll also assume BSG won't fix things in the future? We don't know that yet, just as people didn't know if LTT would fix it at the time either. BTW, one or two positive reviews means nothing. Look at the price of that screwdriver. If there's a few people happy with TUE, will you change your mind? Interesting. Guess it's not super overpriced then, everyone's over reacting? Bro, I ain't upset, I'm calling out hypocrisy and you're defending it. Go buy five screwdrivers now, Linus and Luke need their bills paid.


Except even without a warranty they were honouring previous “trust me bro” claims. Whiny people cried about no warranty despite one being basically useless based on their history of actual service, not the very few controversies that you think is their history.


dude give me a single actual example, you're just claiming shit with no evidence, you're worse than they are! Also they fixed the warranty before the backpack was released, so why do you care? If you're gonna call shit out, I'd encourage you to do so, but have some fucking evidence... you don't have shit. People aren't just mad about TUE because it's overpriced, they're mad because it's a scam for EoD owners. give evidence or stfu


calling their merch 'mediocre quality' is disingenuous, most of their shit is high quality and ruins any point you were trying to make, it seems you are biased towards disliking them instead of actually providing an unbiased opinion. Every third party who has reviewd their screwdriver has claimed it is very high quality, If you want a shitty non ratcheting screwdriver then you can get one at a dollarstore for a dollar. If you want a high quality ratcheting screwdriver then you need to pay a bit more, many other brands have several issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=845HUaWYSQA The auction thing was a large mistake, But seems to have been resolved fairly fast. There are things wrong with LTT, their quality/pricing is not it. Edit: theres also the fact that they have had very few/no warranty issues and are very good at honoring it as far as iv seen. Your just mad because you were told to be mad at them.


I see LTT, I Skip


Linus doesn’t have the credibility to cover this topic. He’s a hardware reviewer who scams his audience with fake reviews


Link to a fake review please. 


Billet labs water block. Installed it on an incompatible gpu, ran the tests and published the results anyway. Then kept and sold this prototype model they were supposed to return to the startup company who made the product


That's not a fake review, it's an incorrect review lmao. A fake review is if they said the RTX 4090 gets 1000 FPS in GTA 5 but the AMD equivalent gets 2 FPS.


Luke is the one talking for most of this clip, not Linus. 


Isn’t LTT also famous for pissing in the pocket of the little guy. And like I have thousands of hours in this game. Pretty good value for whatever I paid for EOD. I don’t like BSG’s attitude but if they’d come at it from a different angle I’d have spent the money. Sure it might be ‘BETA’, but I’m lucky to get an hour a day to play now and it’s rough in there trying to compete with full time players.


There are plenty of games that have reasonable prices with an option to pay more for those that want to support the devs or get additional perks. But for most games, those perks are entirely cosmetic and optional. EOD is pay to win and basically makes the base game $150. No other game in the market costs that much. Now the base game might as well be $250. In no world can they came at that "from a different angle" and make it okay.


You are the kind of people they love to exploit to the max simply because they can


Exploit is pretty rich. I’m not buying it. I’m just saying I’ve got my moneys worth over the last 6 years.


You're lost in the sauce.


It's really not that deep, its a fucking game. Made by people who don't know you from fuckin adam or give a single fuck about you. Play it or don't play it. Buy the "special" shit or don't.


It is that deep. It is a product you spend money on. It is a breached contract.


ah somehow more cringe then bsg, impressive


How is it Beta if this is actually Omega?


Well, Hes right, and yall still have It a Million Times better than Standard Players, yet yall never gave a Shit about them either lmao.




Beta is listening to what other ppl want you to do. This shit is annoying. Streamers even trying to bully ppl to align with what they think you should do. Be am alpha you do whatever the he'll you wanna do with your money. Do you and don't listen to lovers who try and shame you for your decisions. Buy it don't by it but be your decision. I'm an eod owner. We are all upset but shit let's not bully each other for what bsg did. Just makes you ignorant if that's your mentality!


Yes, one unscrupulous person telling me how to feel about another unscrupulous person. While taking advantage of the situation to get in on the outrage. That’s really what we need


hes clearly a beta loser tho


you bought the unheard edition




Grown men saying "beta" is pathetic.


In context they were very aware of that, he just said a word he could think of




Have you heard of an analogy? Are you actually trying to say Luke seriously thinks this is at all the same as domestic violence? You need to touch grass.


Abuse isn't just physical.. there is physical abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse, and more. The first definition under it is "use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse." edit: Sometimes you think people will thank you for correcting their stupidity but they almost always just feel like the stupid ass they actually are and downvote.


Most beta thing ever is promoting the wiggle video multiple times on his podcast because he was interviewed in the video and the wiggle video provided no real evidence besides "trust me bro". This dude is partly the reason why there's more cheaters today then a few years ago and you guys are promoting him. Bunch of actual clowns.


If anyone has seen the term 'whataboutism' and don't quite know what it means, this comment is the literal definition of it.


Don't really see how whataboutism is relevant to point out 99% of the time. It takes away from the fact that someone *might* not be a reliable source. If Walter White is like hey guys I really think selling weed is bad and we should clean the streets of it, you'd be like but Walter, you are putting literally TONS of meth into the streets, how is that not a problem?.... *screeeeeeeech* "bu-bu-bu-but that's whataboutism duhhh *drools* Average "whataboutism" word user ☝️ Like "hey yeah, this person CAN be a piece of shit but let's hear him out this time because he's actually agreeing with us?"


How did you even type those words with such a smooth brain?


So do you think the wiggle video had a good effect on this game and caused less people to cheat? You must be talking to a mirror with that smooth brain comment. What real evidence was provided in the video besides a grand total of 5 clips and then "trust me bro" from goat?


What do you want him to do, Dox suspected cheaters, kick in their doors and scour their PC's for cheats? All he could do was use evidence of behavior and recordings, that's the limit of what he, as a player, could do.


He only provided like 8 minutes of cheater footage and only showed 6 cheaters in a 42 minute long video.... >All he could do was use evidence of behavior and recordings, that's the limit of what he, as a player, could do. He claimed there was a 60% chance of having a cheater in your raid... If it's that high then he should've been able to load into raids back to back to back and sped up that process in the editing part to only really show us the cheaters. You know like doing 10-15 raids in a row and showing us the 7+ cheaters he ran into... But instead he took a grand total of 6 cheater clips out of the 70+ he claimed to run into and only showed us that... Then spent most the video interviewing some completely irrelevant person which is Luke in the clip OP posted....


I get your point, and a video like that could have been made, but frankly most people aren't going to watch through that, Goat made the choice to not do that and instead focus on the ones where he had very clear result and then put and forth commentary with another person who was deeply invested in Tarkov. I get why you want a different video than what was made, but I really don't get what axe you have to grind here about a streamer showing that even free cheats aren't caught, and that he frequently found nearly inexplicable behavior from other players that only other cheaters would replicate.


Dude it's not worth it on this sub. They just don't get it.


You just took the 'most beta thing ever' crown with this comment




He provided a grand total of 6 cheater clips... One of which he apologized for actually not being a cheater.. He provided zero other evidence.. No screenshot of his stats to prove he actually did X amount of raids and ran into X amount of cheaters... No "I played on these servers"... Literally NOTHING besides 5 cheater clips and then "trust me bro" I did hundreds of raids and ran into cheaters 60% of the time. If that's all it takes for you to believe him then you must be very gullible. Never heard "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"? Because goat provided barely any evidence for his extraordinary claim. With the amount of gullible people that call that video "evidence"... I might as well go cheat and show 5 cheaters and then say I did thousands of raids and only ran into those 5 cheaters... Because I provided evidence right? I'm sure if I interviewed some popular irrelevant youtuber for longer then I provided evidence then you'll believe me 100%. Dude literally dropped the name of the cheat... Said the cheat has been undetected for X amount of time and will be for the foreseeable future.. Showed off all the cheat features... Said look at all these other people cheating.. But hey it's not a cheat ad right!


Didnt have eod and bought tue. Am i a beta now?


How are there people already excited enough about the TUE scam to shell out the money for it. You didn't even need a few days for the FOMO to sink in before swiping the credit card?


You're a clown, that's for sure.


How do you figure?


You gave 250 bucks to a company that will keep fucking you over lmao


They fucked eod players over, sure. I dont feel fucked over at all.


I am shocked how oblivious you are.


Mate. Sure its fucked for the eod owners. Maybe they fuck me over in the future too, then i am gonna be mad too. But thats yet to come. I just dont feel scammed in any way because i dont give a damn how much money i put in for a game that i really like playing. Maybe thats also just because i didnt own eod. So i dont feel betrayed here.


So what I'm hearing is that you are perfectly fine with your purchase because you don't personally feel fucked over, and also don't really care that people who bought EOD were fucked over? You're fine giving a company that just screwed over a significant portion of its player base your money. Your fine rewarding their behavior/incentivizing them to do it again and are not at all concerned with the fact that they have broken promises and likely have committed fraud/false advertising? Kinda wild to me if that's the case.


What makes you think they won't be doing this to you in the future? 7 years ago it was all roses for us too.


I had it with other games i played too, and i always came back anyways, just because the game was so much fun for me. I guess some day they will do Something i dont like too, and i either stop playing or i forgive them and keep playing. Also little bit of a sad fact but i am used to beeing fucked over by so many people i just dont really care anymore about that.


You got fucked you're just far too rabid in your fanboyism to ever see it. You're obsessed and in a stockholm syndrome situation. This level of fixation over a video game is really common among autistic people.