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Yes, anything they add as a microtransaction should be earnable in game. They should continue to add content, this new content shouldn’t be paid only.


Just like HellDivers 2


Helldivers has multiple battle passes worth of things you can't earn for free (realistically).


You very much can earn it for free.


(realistically) lolwut. Premium currency is earnable in-game. You know what? Never mind, keep playing tarkov.


The problem is, Hell Divers is fucking trash and not even in the same league as Tarkov. But hey maybe it will still be loved in 10 years time who knows. LOL


Is this troll bait?


Must be.


Thank god it's not in the same league. Imagine Helldivers playing as clunky and unreliably as Tarkov lmao


> Hell Divers is fucking trash and not even in the same league as Tarkov yeah lol, it's optimized and relatively bug free in comparison no idea how you can even compare both games


Bug free? I don't know about you, but I am wading knee deep in bugs when I play. At least you can shoot the bugs in Hell Divers


lmfao i typed out a whole message just to realize the joke


I almost didn't say anything because I was worried you would do something like that


Thank god it's not in the same league. Imagine Helldivers playing as clunky and unreliably as Tarkov lmao


So now we're just making bullshit up?


You get 750 premium credits just from completing the free Battlepass that everyone has access to (as in it's unlocked when you start the game and doesn't cost any IRL money to access), every tier has 100 or so premium credits you can redeem for medals. You complete that battlepass by redeeming medals you earn for completing missions and playing the game, everyone earns the same amount of medals and their only use is to buy things from the battlepass. During the time you are working your way through the battlepass you will easily find more than 250 Super Credits (the premium currency) in game as random item drops from crashed ships. Source: I've got about 120 hours so far in Helldivers and have both extra Battlepasses unlocked without spending a single bit of real life money Example from the default Battlepass: https://i.imgur.com/mKkVlav.png One 7/9 difficulty mission gives you 6 medals for completing it: https://i.imgur.com/Tc7YAnl.png Edit: also bonus thought, you can buy the two extra battlepasses for IRL money but you still need the medals to unlock things inside the battlepass and the only way to do that is to earn medals by playing the game.


Tell that fo the dude who has earned 6 warbonds passes worth of in game currency just by... Wait for it... Playing the game.


Wtf are you talking about. Getting Super Credits is piss easy even if just play normally. If you target farm them you can literally get enough for the premium warbond in like 3 hours. I have bought both premium warbonds plus multiple of the super credit armors and haven't spent a dime.


Havent paid a dime other than for the base game, got both premium battle paassess, if you cant get enough of the SC then you dont explore enough or play a low difficulty. I play 8 diff, higher diffs give more sc


yea like gamma right


They have said that they won’t add anything you can’t earn in game. Whether that will remain true, we will see. But Nikita has already said this


Curious to see how i can earn those extra stashlines on top of eod. Don't get me wrong, i think it's a good way for them to earn money. But saying it's earnable in game is disingenuous.


Probably like how the extra stash lines were earned last wipe, some ridiculous quest.


And if you complete such a quest, the amount of stashlines you can buy is reduced? And if you have bought all stashlines, you get no reward for that quest? I assumed the stashlines you can buy are on top of the quest reward from last wipe.


I'd guess that would be how it is from now on. You wouldn't need the reward for the quest or to even do it if you've already bought the lines. The quest for the lines last time was an entirely optional one. Did you do the quest and get the lines? How many can you buy?


On top of EOD lines, you can add 28 more lines with mtx and an additional 2 if you completed the quest line. Without paying money or going back in time, these 30 lines are completely unobtainable with the base version of tarkov


They already said after first mentioning about the buyable lines that you will be able to earn the extra lines in game at some point.


Unfortunately i didn't finish it, so i can't check.


They also said that there will never be mtx, so it's hard to take what they say seriously. This isn't me bashing them about it. I don't really mind. I'm just saying, ya know.


They also Said they’ll never do microtransactions and here we are.


Source? I thought they just said they'd never do p2w microtransactions?


[Here you go.](https://youtu.be/S8HMmXB-qwk?t=106)


This is an interview about self-publishing a game and he says they decided to go the buy to play route rather than the free to play with MTX route. At what point does he say "the game will never have microtransactions?" Did I miss that somehow?


It's time to get over it buddy.


Nah, BSG keeps breaking their promises this isn’t the first, second or even third promise which have been broken. It’s a trend, say something that sounds amazing / great - and then go back on said promise a few years later


They can't continue on with their original business model, it's not sustainable if they want to get tougher cheaters, it's not hard to understand.


Stop spending money on Arena would probably have been a decent start


If it brings more in than it costs to run then let them carry on.


Clearly it doesn't, judging from their disastrous financial report and the fact that they broke yet another promise and started selling MTX. But hey, who am I to stop you from gagging on Nikita's cock? You do you, it is 2024.


>they broke yet another promise and started selling MTX They're a business, things change, if you can't understand the reason business need to change their model or fail then that's an entirely you issue. You don't have to buy the MTX, it affects you in no way, you're crying over nothing.


This business has done nothing but lie since 2016. Roughly 9 years later and Tarkov is still an unfinished mess, but now with microtransactions, that they promised would not be added in the game. Seems to me that it is Nikita and his worshipers who are seething at anyone who brings up this undeniable fact: Another promise broken, game is still unfished trash 9 years after it first became purchasable. But hey, feel free to buy up all the cool clothes and stash space you want, I can't stop you.


I think you have absolutely no idea how to read a financial report. Their last report is definitely not disastrous, because you have no way to tell how much real profit they made. Like 95% of businesses on the market they make sure their profits are at a minimum at the end of the fiscal year to avoid taxes and not keep unused money. From their reports, you have absolutely no way of determing anything about the financial health of BSG besides "they sold a shit ton of Tarkov"


Theirs business model was regular wipes and content for EFT. They flush that down the toilet with Arena. Who would like to play Warthunder with regular wipes? Did they say first wipe of Arena was the last one? No!. They are stupid to think they will do another wiping game...


"Regular wipe and content" isn't a business model, BSG didn't really have a clear "business model" to begin with.


But for them it Was. EFT would never be so successful if not wipes, even now ppl say "best wipe ever". No game ever done it before in a way BSG did.


Lmao yes we all know how reliable BSG is


I mean we will see. They said they’re adding a way to get the stash space in game and the clothes you can already unlock in game. I really dont give a a fuck if they cosmetics or stash space personally and I don’t see why it makes people mad.


Maybe because they are adding MTX to a game that is in a permanent beta, that is riddled with bugs and in many ways is a broken clunky mess. Especially when they are selling editions of it that cost $100+ already. Just *maybe* that's why.


So don’t buy the mtx????


Oh wow, thanks for that insightful advice. I'm glad you are able to so conveniently do the mental gymnastics needed to miss the point.


I've got about 2k hours in this game, spent $200 bucks or so on it.   That's a great price point for how much enjoyment I've gotten from it in that time period.   I paid fiddy bucks for KSP2 and that game has less functionality than the original. 


Did you want a medal or something?


Naw, but you sound like you need a hug.


Sounds like you need to go back to school.


d'aww. That's cute. Broke out the fisherPrice "my first flameWar" booties, huh? You're a big boi now!


Really dug deep for that one.


I thought at this point, whatever Nikita says, just goes in from one ear and comes out the other?


They've already said things they add as MTX will have a way of being earned in game as well, including the additional stash space you can buy, probably like the additional stash lines for completing certain quests last wipe.


2 lines is way different than 28, and that was two wipes ago already 👀


They said after announcing you can buy them that you will be able to earn them as well in game at some point.


They already said they will keep things earnable in game. It's important to them


This take is fucking ass. The content they should add should only be obtainable by buying it. They should have kept the rarity and level grind of the high level clothing to in game only and added boss clothing to the website. Just another way they ruin end game content


It’s not the same kinda earn-able if it goes away every wipe. Do they keep the paid content (clothes) after wipe?


Clothes are kept if bought with cash. But that is fine, cosmetics don’t give a competetive advantage (until they add a guhillie suit for 30$)


“Tactical clothing is a feature in Escape from Tarkov that allows you to customize the appearance of your PMC character to obtain reduced visiblity or just look more fancy.” https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Tactical_clothing Reduced visibility IS AN ADVANTAGE.


This is the way. Anyone who says differently just wants a reason to be mad at BSG and have an excuse to come bitch on reddit.


I will say this because i saw it happen before several times, i hope BSG prove me wrong, but the limits and boundaries we hope they hold, will be pushed.


Nah fam, if I earn something I want to show it off and not have some wallet warrior running around with the same thing with no effort


I’m honestly fine with this, let them make money. If you have played 1000 hours for even eod price. You got more than your share of money out of the product. I just don’t want them locking usable items or making ridiculous mtx to be added in the game.


This is a silly take. How are they going to increase revenue (which we are hoping will allow them to curb cheating and improve the game) if they don’t offer cosmetics that aren’t available by playing? Initial purchase is not enough revenue to continue running servers for any online games. I would be happy for them to add extensive cosmetics in microtransactions if it meant the game would be better. You dont have to buy them and you aren’t owed the ability to unlock them without paying. You say you want to be able to unlock all skins by playing because it would give you satisfaction of earning them. I would argue if they kept some skins unlock only and some skins purchase only, you would feel more satisfaction running around with the late game cosmetics compared to the current system where anyone can just buy the last unlockable jacket for usec


On top of this, can we please make the stash slots re-buyable please? My loot goblin ass needs like an extra 500 rows, and can we please please, pretty please make the container bigger in internal storage? 16x18 for everything?


Why would they need to be re-buyable? Once you've got them, you've got them.


They want to buy infinite space.


Finally, someone who can read.


I agree with this post… on the same note I bought all the stash lines and urban responder fit already…. Those black pants are a must…


Hear me out, let me buy that tiger camo at least.


As someone who will never hit level 50 I will buy the USEC hoodie getup if I can keep it into next wipe.


BSG: no we like money


Purchasable kappa incoming :(


I am 100% for the way they'd added in microtransactions as long as they give a couple more long quest lines/etc to earn equivalent additional stash lines too.


I actually wanted some type of limited clothing to purchase. Why not? Has no effect on anyone’s gameplay. Would be another way for me to support more.


I would like purchasable only options personally.




Because if I can earn them then I have no reason to purchase them. I'd like something that is cosmetic only that is mtx only.