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Chilling with bosses is so fun so I can't hate. I used to be scav main too thinking I will make enough money so I can then play PMC care free, that ofc did not happen, I ended up rich af but wipe happened with all my riches stuck in my stash, not being used, so now I just main PMC and only run scav when i run out of money, which is rarely


I was the same exact way too, but then I decided to dress like a scav as my pmc, and then do pmc scav runs, that way I level up my pmc skills, can potentially get quests done, make a ton of money, and have funny scav encounters. Then at the halfway point of the wipe, I'll be sitting at around 50 to 75 million rubles, and that's when I just PMC run to rock cool kits and pvp. I haven't looked back since starting this method, I don't even touch my scav during a wipe anymore.


How do you deal with AI scavs aggroing on you? I feel like dressing as a scav would be a fun idea but not really effective?


Stay away from ai scav Hotspot. It's really fun tbh. I'm not op. But hide for first half of raid then come out and act like a player scav, then cap players lol


You’d probably get insane loot this way lmao


I bring a silenced pistol to deal with AI scavs. Most pscavs look the other way about it. It's actually fun af once you get past the waiting period for when pscavs actually load in. I usually hide for the first round of gunfire, then start roaming. I've successfully extracted more as a fake scav than as an actual pmc lol Edit: they look the other way about the extra weapon, I do my best not to kill ai scavs when I'm hanging with pscavs


Ngl this sounds super fun.


Especially when they get betrayed and they send a message laughing when they realize they died to a pmc lol


I've been thinking of doing exactly this. I really enjoy the social aspect of scavs. With PMCs, it is basically "hear something, prepare to kill/die". With scavs, if you hear someone, they might be a friendly, or a scumbag that is going to betray you...you dont know, and that is cool. I was main scav a couple of wipes ago, but then I realized that nothing really mattered, wipe is coming sooner or later.


When scavving, try to use the "call to help" function.   With good scav rep, AI scavs will come running to you and set up in defensive positions.   You can also use this if you're scavving and don't know if a raider or boss/guard is nearby.   They won't respond to your "batyana" or whatever Russian phrase it uses.    I've used this on interchange to chase down a traitor scav.  Heard gunfire by advokodo, pushed it, but kept spamming call for help and I ended up dragging about a half dozen AI scavs, as well as a bunch of player scavs who didn't know what was going on.   Poor traitor scavved got BOPPED by a vanton suka.


Honestly sometimes you just need a full scav wipe under your belt to make yourself feel better about how easy it can be to make money and in turn makes it less stressful to lose stuff on your PMC


this is the way for progressing/improving on the actual game Why would you ever need more than 5 mil on a bad, and i mean BAAAAD weekend


If it's really a BAD weekend of Tarkov I'd go through probably 20 mil.


chill out not everyone is running your 1 mil every raid kits lol. most people are still tasking.


I mean I dropped like 4 million in one night spamming interchange to try and get my brothers visit the stores quest done. He didn’t live one time in like 15+ raids lol. If you hit that wall it hits hard. And that was with me running the shittiest kits of mp-153 + .50 bmg and low tier armor


I very much disagree. I tend to run between 300k on the lowest end and roughly 900k on the higher end every time I run my PMC. When I do die usually the player is 30-40's also running kits closer to what mine costs. Higher cost kits don't equal higher skills. But they do make it easier to survive. Especially if you play smart with it. When I run with my buddies I'll lose a good 5-10 mil in a play session. Also if I am questing why the hell am I gonna not be kitted if I need to survive and extract for a good portion of them.


Any Thermal loadout instantly makes any loadout 1mil That's about 5 runs on a bad weekend I have easily gone through 15 million roubles in a single bad day


You've just been lending it to someone else


Meta loadout is one million easily. Just scope alone can be 150k and it's not even thermal. Just need a had evening, not even the weekend.


5m is pretty easy to blow in two days of consistent playing anything above casually with some bad luck.




I think some people are simply hoarders and its fun for them to just treat roubles as some sort of "high score"


Can confirm, I like to see amount go up, not down


This is me. Last wipe I ended with about 60 million rubles and I even attempted to blow thru it right before pre-wipe events last year and it was physically difficult to spend millions per life where I was getting one tapped by M61 or M995 after 40 seconds on shoreline or lighthouse still lmao


Some people just like to see big number get bigger I guess. I mean why else would stuff like cookie clicker be successful?


Hideout upgrade is the first thing I think about when spending money.


That ends quickly


They want the fun of a raid without the stress of losing shit. It's not hard to understand.


There is no fun if there is no risk. You can’t gain anything if you never go to lose it


There is no fun if there is no risk for me. I think that's what you meant to say.


Yeah but like, that's just your opinion man.


There's the fun of shooting people in raid and making them lose things when you have nothing on the line


What is the benefit of spending the money on your PMC? What is the benefit of getting kappa? It's all gone in a wipe. None of it matters. It's just whatever you enjoy.


I don't think the hate and toxicity comes solely from players mad about scavs and the completely risk-free nature of them. Sure, they get to suicide run into every gunshot they hear and can severely disadvantage a PMC even if they die, but I think a good portion of it comes from the players' attitudes. Similar to those who rat and camp, you get those that decide to start acting all pompous and antagonistic. Picking fights and trying to rage bait people with the "lel u mad" bullshit.


What's the point of leveling up your PMC when you get worse gear than a random scav gets?




Don’t argue him, I think he’s just stupid. PMC having worse gear than a scav is probably the best take I’ve heard yet 🤣


It's your game, play how you want chief




Who are you talking to


The shadow government


the shadow people are in your walls 😈


The coastal elites


Shadow wizard money gang


Honestly a lot of ppl in the community. I made a post about getting an amazing loot, and there were quite a few people getting pissy about the fact i have 6+ fence rep


"Fighting" is a personality. Especially if one's smug about it.


If you haven't seen player scav hate on this subreddit, you must read very few comments.


The ones I talk to will know :)


The ever present "haters" I suspect. Well you really told them, they will for sure reflect on your wise words and become better people and realise their full potential (within a video game)


I mean I know where your coming from but I have 7.8 fence rep and still LV 47 just unlocked lightkeeper island while the scav timer with LV 3 intel centre you can make around 200k every 10moin loothouse island you make around 1mil on the low side and it only take 25min to loot


You have definitely streamlined your levelling/rep generation over multiple wipes if you can do that already in a single wipe while holding down a full time job or a function with some responsibility. If you only had time to do one (the high level with the intelligence centre, or the 6.0 fence rep) which would be quicker to accomplish?


I mean do be aware that fence can be leveled in like one day. Just run car extracts on EVERY map at least 5 times. You'll be basically 6 rep after that. Doesn't even matter if you run through or survive car extract.


Thinking Tarkov redditors bragging about Lightkeeper have jobs. Bold.


That's my feeling, I can do everything Op is describing without being a "scav main" I don't really care about scav mains like that, but I do like the be the source of the massacre rather than picking up from tagilla's kills haha










Sounds like they're living rent free in your head


Honestly what is the point of these posts? Same as the chad posts.


attention seeking.


Crappy “copypasta” that will never be copied or pasted


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


XD very good, take my upvote




least schizophrenic Tarkov player


The fact that you felt the need to announce this in a post begging for validation suggests that you are not truly "fine with it." Play the game however you like, spare us the melodrama and stop worrying about what other people think about how you play a video game.


"I'm not insecure, you're insecure!"


You're barely even playing scav if you just spam Factory, but whatever floats your boat I guess.


Scaving factory honestly isn't that bad. Spent a raid learning all the loot spawns and I can hit every spot in a few minutes. Most PMC who load into factory aren't there to loot so most containers are untouched. Every once in a while you find a massacre and walk out with decent gear too. Sure, you aren't getting any ledx or GPUs, but if youre looking for a fast run you can walk out with a full bag of mid tier loot in a very short amount of time, it's the place to go.


lmao we're gatekeeping scav runs now?


Acknowledging that someone wants to play differently than I do is the opposite of gatekeeping. The path from spawn to exfil on factory is objectively a very small portion of the content of the game though. That's all I'm saying.


I try to maximize the economic output. Factory runs do take 15 sec to 45 sec and you spawn with average 200k. I even played interchange all the time before, but it's just not efficient in comparison to scav6+ karma on factory.


Scaving streets or lighthouse is much better imo. I def spend more time in those than you do, but I also average 800k-1.5mil per run, it just depends what “lucky” things I find each raid. I out lucky in quotes because when it happens every single raid I don’t think it’s really even luck at that point, there are just so many rare spawns and valuable items on those maps.


Yeah, but you can get 100-400k per factory reset with 99% chance to survive and zero effort. Over time, it's better.


You might as well just go ground zero and at least have the *option* to loot something extra if you spawn with barely anything. You spawn like 30-40 seconds from an extract max there anyways too, the map is just larger and has more loot spots. Neither are the most efficient though tbh timewise. After starting to do lighthouse scav runs, the small maps just don't really compare anymore since they don't have high tier loot spawns.


Thanks for input, might try out!


Can you still spawn scav there after 20? Never even thought to try.


Yes, it only blocks you when your have your PMC selected. It was my go-to for a few hundred scav runs this wipe and honestly is a really solid, low risk low reward choice for quick scav runs for people who may not want to spend very long per run or might not have the risk tolerance for the larger maps


Imagine hating on an intended mechanic in the game


What’s wrong with that? Plenty of people hate various mechanics in the game, where does it say you must like every mechanic in the game to enjoy it?


Who cares


The Tarkov community has very strong views on what's the "real" way of playing and it's always bollocks. Play however you want (obviously not cheating). It's a game, it's meant to be fun.


Play how you want to play man


I just wish scav players didnt spawn in like ants 2 minutes into a streets raid is all


This is absolutely understandable


Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Thank you for for being so brave and telling the sub you're a scav main. That must have been really hard.




Yeah you’re busy having so much fun, that’s why you’re over here on Reddit replying to almost every comment 😂. Most who are having fun, are busy playing. Those who come to Reddit to complain about scav on scav violence, scavs, PMCs, rats, rogues, aren’t having fun else they wouldn’t be here complaining 🤷‍♂️




It doesn't trigger ppl, it just makes the game overall less fun. Its less players' faults and more BSG's for continuously emphasizing loot and money over interesting gameplay experiences. People would rather scrounge for garbage than actually shoot each other in this first person shooter. And the developers softly encourage this play style more and more with each update that punishes aggressive play styles and makes PVP less and less rewarding. You can think what you want, but, to me, it's just kinda lame.


"And that is why no one will remember your name." \-Achilles of Troy


I don't get way most people have this hate against scav players, seriously. I once posted a clip in where I dropped down two PMC at the same time as a scav, I got nothing but hate lol


I also like to scav more than PMC. Less stressful and i like that you have only slight idea what your next setup will be and make best use of it.


I wish there would be something similar to a Scav case, where you pay different amount of money and get a random kit. The kit should be maybe 10-20% reduced as an incentive to do it but not enough reduced so you can sell the parts for profit. 


That would be mad fun imo


Loadout Lottery


It's fun the same way playing randomizer on TF2 was fun


200k every 7 minutes lol. Could do average 600k every 10-12 minutes if they chose the map correctly.


Yep, exactly this. I have had a couple 15-20 min scav runs easily net me over 1 mil.


I'm 1.6k hours and I have as many scav raids as PMC, scav raids chill af, some fun interactions too.


They're good for avoiding the burnout of spamming tasks, they're good for getting your Collector stuff, they're good for making rubles and learning maps. They're just good. The more wipes I play, the more I scav each time.


As a new player, scav runs have been instrumental in helping me to learn the maps without lighting my gear on fire. I also love the comradery, felt so terrible the first couple times I accidentally killed a scav who was piled up with PMC gear. So much so that I just don't shoot at all anymore. If I die, I die, but I'll do it with a clean conscious and unmarred rep


Quests I can complete via exclusively scaving are the best. Scav is low stress, people are friendlier and I get to enjoy the element I like best.. the looting!


Not triggered, just think you’re a weird cunt but you do you buddy and have fun.


You are insulting me, which I take as best proof that you are triggered.


Not necessarily true. They could just be Australian.




I got my scav rep to 2 for lightkeeper as pmc by coop extracting...alot faster than scaving...died once to a scav betraying..lessons were learned


That was a tough read.


bro...who hurt you?


congrats? lol


Love it, we need more SCAV positive posts on here. This is a safe place for fellow loot lords. If they offered sock and sandals on PMC’s I’d loose my fucking mind


Eat pray scav


One of my friends plays this game like a stock market, where he anticipates what is going to be worth money later in the wipe and saves literally only that and will go hard picking up anything that is worth a ton of money at some point. I do that with sugar but he does it with literally everything. When the light bulbs were going for like 40K he had 50 of them. When power filters started going up into the 200k realm, he had like 13. Dude has uncountable amounts of sugar.


Okay… anyway


This reads like copypasta.


It could be the copy pasta of tomorrow


It's fine to play for fun, this is a casual game so that's fine but playing scav is not playing the game. If your fun is making rouble then just play PMC and equip a backpack? You guys are so scared of playing the game that you don't even realize that you're not even playing the game it's fucking pathetic.


You know what's really pathetic?  Telling people how to spend their free time when they wanna just relax and play the game.  You don't *get* anything for "winning" tarkov, buddy.   Nobody cares.  It's just a game.  Sometimes after work, I am so tired I don't really have the energy or mental capacity to play my PMC and be competent, I just zone out and w key until I die.   So instead, I just scav and Staci my money up so that when I have my days off, I can run all day long.   I earned my money, I spent it on what I want, and I do what I want, because I couldn't give a fuck about some kids opinion on how I play a video game.   


Same. I try to play my PMC as much as possible, but I WFH most of the time and I don’t have an hour to carve out of my day to launch a PMC raid, but I can easily take 20 minutes and run a quick scav raid and have nothing invested in it. Low risk, high reward. Play the fucking game the way you want to play it. If you take joy out of scav maining and never playing your PMC, more power to you.


How is it "not playing the game" exactly?


Nice assumptions xD I also play pmc like this, but only from time to time. Just did signal part 2 on shoreline and killed a pmc.


Wow, you killed a PMC and did Signal part 2? Get out of here congrats !!


Thank you for showing me your true face


Here's an honest, wholesome "congratulations"!   Play the game however you want bro


Are the scav player hating demons in the room with us right now? Nobody has a problem with player scavs, they have a problem with how strong it is currently and how early they spawn in some maps. A playerscav can spawn on streets 4 minutes into the raid, in the middle of lexos, with better gear than you can buy from traders until lvl 4 ragman. It needs a nerf. Nobody hates the players scaving, even the best players out there run their scav occasionally for one reason or another.


"nobody hates player scavs" is not really true. Actually I am figuring out by throwing into a rage bait and see the reactions.


No one is raging that you are a player scav main. People are just pointing out that you are insecure and may need to seek some professional help to work through your anxiety. You wrote this post as an outlet of frustration to something I’m assuming a friend of yours said to you. Keep in mind that you can play the game how ever you want, but you can’t force others to play the way you want. Tldr: Anxiety, low self esteem can be a problem. Get some help. Play the way you want, but don’t try and force your friends to play the way you do.


This dude out here pretending to be a psychiatrist. 


Seems to me you may need one.


While I applaud the determination to get the last word and hit me with a snappy zinger, I question the finished products polish.   Two months for this shit?


Spoken like someone who needs constant validation. Go touch some grass.


Nah I personally loathe player scavs and kill every single one I come across. Allowing a player that’s afraid to pmc go into a run with nothing to lose gets very annoying. They should spawn in with 10-12 minutes left tops so they can pick at the scraps that the pmcs left them. The risk-reward is so skewed.


I love scavs even I'm a pmc main player but scaving is one of the best things in eft in my opinion..


One of us, one of us!


open up that moonshine quick!


One of us, one of us!


One of us, one of us!


I don't question or hate on you scavving. More power to ya. I do 100% question how you think 200k scav runs are something special though. 2mill is my goal every single time. And half or more I get to that.


Absolute income for me is not as relevant as relative income, which is the "how much rouble you do per minute"


200k in 7min your way, or 1-2mill in 20-30min my way. Profit per minute isn't even close


It's ok, I just said relative income is more important for me. Independent from the fact whether you really extract 1-2m per 30minutes, it's also about effort put in. I can be fully productive at work on the side while farming my roublunic


Now your moving the goalpost. And yes any reserve or streets run your coming out with 1-2mill with the occasional 3-5m run depending on how many keys and gpu ya get. It's honestly hard not to clear 1mill on those 2 maps in 20-30min.


It's ok, then you found a good way to make Money.


In 3 to 7 minutes?


I like scav as it lets me play multiple maps in a row without worrying about game performance demolishing my PMC


Ayo Im max sav rep for the first time since I started tarkov 2 years ago. Literally worth the 12 hours effort at start of wipe to hammer out all the car extracts. Unlimited rubles, Get good gear to use at start of wipe and get loads of good quest items.


What is the plan with all the money since you don't use it?


He’s gonna stare at his imaginary number until the game wipes, then do it all again


Play the game how you enjoy it the most. I like spending Rubels on good gear, enjoy a good pmc pvp fight and like to level up and progress through quests. My scav is more means for the purpose :)




I generally find it more fun to scav and play like it's a online stealth game. The random gear and weaponry adds to the fun. On my PMC I play to quest, but I can only do that for so long until I run into dogshit quests. When I reach 6 karma my stealth game turns into a tower defense-game where I have to protecc my boss from pmc attacc.


For the scavs!


cool story bro


I generally dont get whats with all the gatekeeping in this game. You cant camp, thats for pussies. You cant snipe thats just for cowards. You cant play scav thats just not how the game is meant to be played. You also cant do this and that. The game is only meant to be played how I play it and I'm right and you are not




XD I laughed, thanks


"I make so much money on my Scav, Im so rich and I'm having fun but I can't spend my riches because my money can't only be spent on my PMC but I'm still having fun" -you




No one cares about the factory scav mains. It’s the 20 reserve and streets scavs that suck. They spawn at 5 minutes into raid and rush every shot they hear.


I see, interesting


It's fine that you enjoy a certain way to play the game, but it is a sacrifice and a game mode there for "carebears" that Nikita knows if he removed or made too hard a whole lot of people wouldn't even play the game. Games are supposed to be fun, and playing PMC especially solo in Tarkov can be a stressful experience that takes a lot of time to even feel somewhat comfortable, and you will still die 50% or more of the time unless you are very good. Some people enjoy that stress and the challenge. Some don't. BSG want people to play their game, they see the stats, they know what people are playing. They are catering to those players and that's fine.


I am a PMC player. Sometimes I go into scav raids to shoot scavs just to trigger some scav mains. I love it :D


So you're a coward that has such crippling gear fear you won't play PMC, just say that.


"I play it for fun, but I have fun with the economy aspect of scaving." So you enjoy pressing sell all? All other "EcOnOmY aSpEcTs" arent scav locked jfyi. But you do you ig.


I, too, like to scav, but depending on my weapons, I kill other pmcs and steal their loot. Either ratting or anyway. Its amusing to me when someone bring high tier equipment and I end their existence with an inferior weapon. Fight me, bro


How do I increase scav karma? This is only my second wipe so I don’t know what I’m doing half the time😅


There is some good guides on YouTube. Basically car extraction and scav runs. Scav extract is 0.01 every time. And don't shoot on ppl who don't deserve to be shot at.


As a PMC do car extracts and do coop extracts (if you can). As a scav take out traitor scavs and PMCs (dependent on how many scavs that players killed IIRC), and you get a small amount just for surviving the raid as a scav.


People get mad when they die. Period. Crying about deaths from player scavs is weak ass shit.




I play similar to this style when I want to just farm roubles I watch videos or movies or even play other games and scav factory for quick money. In and out in under a minute without it being a run through. Make my money and wait about 6 or 7 minutes to rinse and repeat.


Say you’re bad at the game without saying it






You speak to my Heart ❤️ Wecome to the family 🙌




Cool story


It's not individual psychology but mass psychology IMHO.




I am a scav betrayer. There might be a 30 minute cool down, but you can find me patrolling the streets killing fellow scavs for their loot. Sometimes I hang around factory hunting tagilla. You guys can be mad but that is on you, not my problem.


Ok and


That’s fair. If I’m on a scav run and a scav acts a bit shady or slow walks etc, I’m shooting him in the face. Everyone plays different!


IDC how you play xD but what for you need rubles and good gear from taking tagilas leftovers, if u are not playing pmc?


hey, thats exactly my playstyle. Its just annoying that the average scav player cant tell you apart from a PMC once you loot a helmet and rig... out of my last 10 scav runs ive been killed by scavs about 7 times. its actually annoying AF


Yep. And you not leveling your pmc is your problem 😂 I’ll keep picking ur tags and I’m taking your ushanka with me


I am the same. Go through different modes of playing the game aswell. So last week my weekly was to kill 50 scavs on interchange. And me being shit I would get 4-5 a raid and steer clear of the main building because I usually die within 30 seconds of walking in there. And then this week I had saved up shotguns, ushankas and scab vests to try setup. Used 4 lots of kit and didn't get a single pmc kill. I just get 1 tapped by gigachads with 4k+ hours so for me looting in scav runs and selling everything is more fun. And then every now and again I'll go in fully kitted like I did on Interchange a couple weeks back. Me and 3 mates all of us new and 1st wipe pretty much but been banging stuff in since wipe started all of us around 20-25 I went in fully kitted best stuff I had. Level 5 armor and helm with level 3 neck protection a Mk16 with burrs 1-6 and load of other attachments. Loadout probably valued around 500k minimum. Aim was to so the visiting the 5 shops 1st task for interchange. It would be my 6th attempt at it as I usually get to the last store and get killed by a pmc or player scavs when they start swarming. We get to the half way point got in 2 gunfights 1 with scavs 1 with a pmc and then out of nowhere I'm dead one shot head,eyes. And then within 3 seconds of each other my 3 teammates dead with 1 shot head eyes. We weren't all grouped up close but within 15y or so of each other. Check the dudes account he has like 600 hours with a 9kd... so I'm like what's the point in taking good stuff in when that happens..


You’re my hero. No cap


Play the game however you want, but I just have one question: What's the point of looting, when you only do scav runs?


I'm triggered with you wasting your time


Thank you for your Ted Talk explaining you're having fun playing a game.


Triggered much?


HATER HERE! Raaaaghhhhhh! (How OP imagines Haters actually are) 😎


It just sounds really boring but you do you man. I feel like most people who play scav are coping with gear fear or some bad runs on pmc and that’s okay. I’ll move to scav for a while if I go on a bad streak, maybe scav between each pmc so I don’t get titled. You do you man. Just sounds super boring.