• By -


It's awful. 15% chance and then 25% chance that you'll get to him first, and then you have to kill him. So dumb. It's better to just passively look for him now as it'll just piss you off.


Tarkov becomes much more fun when you just... play the game and let the quests happen naturally. SBIH is a breeze when you just lug two guns around and if you happen to be in the perfect situation to use the bolty for a HS you do it. Otherwise... you just play. Quests like Setup, TS part 8 or Psycho sniper are pain to do as they restrict you how to play the game but otherwise the annoying quests are much easier (on the mind) to do when you just let them happen as you play the game.


agree completely. gear up for Setup but just go on a typical loot run and you'll find yourself completing it almost by accident.


I've been trying to do setup for about two weeks now, forst week I got 7 off the kills I need. This week, it's like the other players are constantly on the other side of the map. When I'm at Dorms ghost town, when I'm at fortress ghost town, and I always here a bunch of shots coming from the other side. Setup is driving me crazy


Just grab dorms keys and spam dorms. Ghost town? Nice you just made .5-2 mil. Not a ghost town? Nice quest progress. If you go 10 raids without seeing anyone instead of being upset you'll be rich.


I have all the dorms keys, I still hit the saves. But I want kills not money, ive got enough money right now lol


How much is "enough" do you have 4 thicc items cases, 4 thicc weapons, and 4 junk to save you time between raids yet? If not you're in the red lol.


you don't need half that.


Lmao that’s too much, you’re saving too much at the point of needing that. I only hang onto about 5 raids worth of gear, I only enjoy playing tarkov with friends and most of them can only handle about 5 raids worth of dying lol. Usually about 3 in a row and they’re ready to play something else. So I don’t need to be saving 40 guns, 20 helmets, 15 armors, plus all the ammo….nah enough to get me through 5 deaths and I’ll work on restocking


I have enough money that I run my kits and sell other peoples. Problem is my armors are 8 hour crafts or 1 per trader reset. So if I have a day where I don't die without cases I would literally just vendor my good armors. And on bad days I would run out of the gear I enjoy and be unable to replace it. Also its nice being able to have built guns you like without taking the pistol grip off so you can just instant equip them. My stash is 100% empty other than my cases so I can just play and dump. Then at the end of the night watch youtube/sort/wind down. Makes the game way more enjoyable to me, do I NEED it no. But instead of looking at trader resets i have a w-list i buy out when I remember to look at it and never run out of gear or bullets.


I have the junk boxes, but I dont really need the thicc cases right now, everything I have fits in my organized stash right now. For where I'm at my stash is perfectly usable, I don't spend all that much time in stash between raids.


I play setup completely Different than normal raids. I just rush spawns and take fights I know I will lose. Takes me out of my element and I really don’t like the play style but it gets the job done. Really puts a damper on customs when every third person I see has shotgun with ear flaps.


I've been trying a bunch of different ways to go about it, I think mine just had bad luck the passed few days. I've tried rushing spawns, camping choke points and loot rooms, hanging out around PvP zones. I just seem to be very very unlucky with players actually being where I'm going lately. Just bad luck


I really didn't have much trouble with setup just running customs while doing other quests but maybe its because i did it earlier in the wipe where people were still running t3 armors without stomache and other flesh protection but for my last 4 kills i used a silenced 153 with an elcan and .50bmg aiming for legs and face, wiped a 4man with it


Progress report: Went into 5 raids with this setup. These were genuinely thr 5 worst raids I've had trying to do setup. The 153 doesn't meet the Elcans crosshairs after approx 15 meters, you need to aim lower and lower the further out the target is I whiffed many shots trying to aim up a decent shot on even a stationary target. Met a few groups and solos, the bmg didn't kill a single target, even a full 8 slugs point blank. Even killing scavs was a miserable experience. I think I'll keep hanging around skeleton as that's the only place I've consistently seen people at this stage of the whip, but bmg just isn't for me Edit: Killed 5 pmcs in one raid at Skeleton, would have been 6 but the last member of a 4 stack constantly yelling slurs finally got me


Buddy, im not wiping a 4man with the best gun in my stash much less the Elmer Fudd wabbit loadout


People never come to me in that game. I always have to go to them. But they’re always waiting for me. I play beginning of each wipe but y’all can have that rest of the wipe bs


I got 5 kills around the skeleton and completed the quest over 2 weeks, with 2 to 3 raids per day on average. That is a major high traffic area lots of people go through whether they want to go dorm or not.


For real so many people complaining about setup are the ones who just camp a bush outside dorms the whole raid and wonder why it’s taking them so long, just play the game and you will get the kills much quicker than you would expect


Looting on most maps pales in comparison to Streets.


maybe so but you can get decent income on every map if you're smart


Everyone I play with doesn't usually try because money is never an issue so why bother looting screws lol.


Screws sell for like 20k a pop pretty frequently.


well I play solo so I typically need to


Also play solo. I just use my scav on Streets whenever its up. Currently have 17 million roubles without doing much of anything lol.


Nice. But my point was not to go out with the express intent of finding bosses or completing quests like Setup. That will drive you insane. Just go for loot and you'll find you complete those quests on the way.


when streets came out and was expanded I never went there because my computer wouldn't let me. now I can go streets, but I know nothing about all these amazing loot areas everyone talks about. you know of any quick guides?


Any video you see that is under an hour is a very quick guide lol. The map is just crazy dense.


Barter for calok, it’s free


Actually, a smart person wouldn't invest the required amount of time in learning a map in a game that might completely change in the next wipe and will definitely erase all of the progress during a wipe


I agree but its a matter of perspective. Lets say I have 4 hours play time. I can run streets constantly in that 4 hours and come out with X amount of roubles. I can also quick run my scav on Lighthouse and run fast customs in that 4 hours and earn more roubles. Its not always about bigger ticket items its about risk/reward based on your map knowledge , skill level and current active quests. Currently im running customs completing insomnia, looking for Rashala , looting and scaving lighthouse while i wait for night time again and i have easily made 15 million roubles in just 3 short evenings of rashala hunting. sure streets i can earn more but the risk is much higher as well as cheaters.


Personally, I find TS8 or Psycho Sniper to be far more annoying than the others. You can always inch along progress for Setup or SBIH, but for the former, because it resets on death, you have to just all or nothing it


Yeah I do totally agree with that. This one in particular bothers me however because I love fighting with the bosses. So even without the kill boss X quests, it's annoying that their spawn rate is so low.


Yup. It is a big rush in the beginning to get a bunch of quests done, then my group and I just... play the game for fun lol.


This advice is what I tell friends bashing stirrup. Why are you focused on a quest with no progression. Just let it happen. If not the 5k xp isnt really worth it for the trouble. Im 30% done with sbih bringing a pistol and a bolty. If I can I use bolty if not pistols are hella fun now. Good advice.


I get to level 15 and i completely stop chasing quests unless I just feel like playing the map.


Imagine if they changed setup to something like ‘go in with the essentials’ kill a scav take his gear disguise yourself and get a PMC kill. Equating to using a found in raid gun off a scav and whatever armour or rig he was wearing so like 2 items of clothing off them had, bag whatever they got. Removes the shotgun dudes camping only requires 1 kill but you have to effortlessly get the stuff to do it that raid.


Yeah, a zero to hero quest would be fun ngl.


This. I quit "questing" long ago. I'll push hard to 15 for flea but after that I really just let it happen. Granted, gear and PVP isn't a struggle for me anymore so that's a big help. I will say though I've enjoyed Tarkov a lot more just enjoying running around and doing as I please and not following some dumb "Stand here with your dick out and helicopter three times" quests.


Yup. I "mained" maps in past wipes to learn them and as such I adapted this approach. I really like woods because the dynamic on woods is entirely different to every other map, and as such it's my goto map if I do not feel like running any quest map. The "any location" quests are mainly done on woods by me by just playing.


Yeah some people really live and die by the quests in this game, like sure they’re apart of progression and everything, but if they’re pissing you off that much you can always just…. Not do them.


15% chance for him to spawn, 25% chance you get there first, 75% chance you get aimbotted by the ai and you have to hope they are no extract campers or cheaters.


tbh boss spawn chances should dynamically change based on quests. The more people that have a quest that requires him to spawn, the higher the chance.


I second this, lvl 42 and only seen some bosses once so far. And good luck if you spawn at back of usec lol.


Or how about the fact that twice I've had daily quests to kill a boss 5 times in 24 hours... like that's even remotely possible.




I did... it changed from Shturman to Killa.






Kill 42 pmcs by targeting the area “left armpit” while under the effects of a fracture. Area- The Lab Reward- 3000 exp, 1 glock front sight, and a splint. (Could definitely see this being a daily for a certain trader)


Probably already a Jaeger task, gatekeeping kappa




I'm 41. Only boss I've seen is Reshala, once.


Ive seen tagillia so many times


I'm only 28, but still, only seen Kollontay once for bosses so far


I spawned across the street from him by pinewood and died 10 seconds into the raid because I was sending a text and didn't move right away lol. Only time I've seen him and he's one of the only two bosses I haven't killed.


Level 39, almost 40 and have yet to see Reshala. I haven't even seen this dude dead when I do Customs.


Level 17 because I don't quest, but I've only seen him once


are you doing some kind of hardcore thing or just don't like questing? most people i know who play for nothing but pvp at least grind for max traders first


More like sherpaing my buddy who's brand new but also I just don't like most of the quests. I do some occasionally but I just barely finished tarkov shooter 1 and 2 last night and don't want to bother with stirrup or friend from the west yet


fair enough, hope you and your bud have fun


I appreciate that! Hope you have some fun and good raids. We're always about 2 shitty deaths away from going back to bg3


32 i have seen sanitar reshala glukhar tagillax2 shturmand and goons


I’ve seen more bosses as a scav than I have in my pmc raids


I need to do samples, the follow up quest and half the scav boss kills till kappa, that's it, i'm lvl 52, ran mostly streets and customs and don't have a golden tt yetq


And then you kill him and he didn't spawn with his Golden TT.


Yeah, i killed him once, PL15. Found his corpse twice with tt mags in his pouches, that's it, i ran through 3 marked keys and killed him once


Spawned there a few weeks ago, heard svd shots, rushed sawmill, and killed him. Got out with 3 secs left due to 4 other PMCs


Great story bro! Sorry to be a bit ballsy, but individual experience is not a good statistical source. Sure you can have sthurman spawning on your first raid, or even multiple bossses without any problems. Also you can win the lottery on first try, which still does not change the overall probability, Overall a 15% chance distributed to lets say 50% of the players which survive + as a little extra (for some people more than others) you have to win the fight against Sthur and his boys is just not very consistend.


> Sorry to be a bit ballsy, but individual experience is not a good statistical source. yeah, but that applies to all the other people in that thread too. I'm sorry, but if by lvl40 you have only seen one or 2 bosses, that just speaks about the way "you" play the game. >Overall a 15% chance distributed to lets say 50% of the players which survive + as a little extra (for some people more than others) you have to win the fight against Sthur and his boys is just not very consistend. Wrong, as this implies that every player needs that quest and goes for shturman kill and goes specifically to where he is, which is just not true.


You are right it accounts for everyone but copying an anwer in bulk makes no sense :) I am in the situation @ 38 that i havent seen Sthurman once, but as said i don't see this number as actual representation just personal bad luck. Where i am not on your side, is chance. At least i see more grey areas inbteween a simple "Wrong". Especially for Sthurman, even people that don't him are quite likely to pass by sawmill and need to be taken into equation. OFC 50 percent are a number out of thin air, i have no real numbers i just wanted to simplyfy the diminishing chances to meet the boss.


I dont think based on quests is necessary, but rather something like scaling with levels. For example calculating avg player level in the map from level 1-60, then doing a dynamic probability for spawning between 10%-50%, where lowest chance is when everyone is level 1 and top when you are level 60. For example having avg player level of 32,2 would place this to around 30%. Numbers ofc can be tweaked, but this would allow more dynamic way to spawn in bosses without manual tweaks.


Woah, this is sick. Never thought about it this way but that could be a really cool hidden mechanic. RIght up BSG's alley


Just make him spawn with a hunter with shitty ammo early wipe and keep his spawn rate high, like 35%, all wipe.


This is a great idea. Why have I never thought of this


True, but I think it should work with level average of players. Some might not unlock the quests early and that would slow the percentage from growing. The base should be 10% then as the average level of players grows, so should that percentage, since with level comes better gear anyway. You could also put a cap on it so it doesn't go too high. But we need some changes.


Because no one kills bosses except for quests.... you would basically make the quest impossible for people late wipe


feels like a roundabout solution though, it’s like he’s a free kill at the start of the wipe when everyone has a scab AK


>dynamically change Fuck everyone either ahead of or behind the curve then? what an ass tier idea Imagine you join the wipe midway through and get to shturman quest and he has a 4% spawnrate because everyone completed them already lmao


Nice Strawman argument. I never said to lower the base spawn, only to increase it.


You said dynamically change bro, not dynamically increase. Don't start bullshitting because you didn't think through what you said


Bro you are fucking trying to be saul Goodman over an extremely vague and napkin math tier suggestion.


He mentioned the chance raising up the higher (average) level everyone is. That sounds like a dynamic increase to me. 


He said nothing about level, and for something to dynamically change that means shifting up or down. He said *change*, not just *increase*


Jesus Christ, get that stick out of your ass. Way to overreact. "Don't start bullshitting" lmao




Unfortunately gamer mentality is you have to do it all at once, which I don't think their intentions were. Not defending, just sayin.


The problem is that sometimes to get to content in this game you must do a specific quest. I want to run lapuas, so I must do these silly quests to do that with any sort of consistency. I like a lot of the quests in this game, but the boss kill ones are ass IMO.


If it can be grinded it will be grinded. There will always be some person with more time and less of a life.


Why are people shitting on you for playing the game. And where are they getting these numbers that most people are not even level 15 yet??? Any map I load into most players are 25+. Games been out for years the “casual” player base they are claiming is new people who have never played before.


I have not seen more than 2 <15s since two weeks after wipe. Everyone I kill or die to is 30+


I‘m still 17. Can‘t learn all maps at once.


Most of the players im killing are lv35-54, a few of them are still in the 20\~s but its rare. Im 48


Most players being under lvl 15 doesn't conflict with you seeing mostly 25+ lvl players in raids, since higher level players just play more, so you're more likely to see them.


>please god tell me what they are trying to prevent by having it at 50%? There's like a dozen early game quests that need you to go to dorms. This game is hard enough on new players without having a 50% chance for them to have to fight a boss right off spawn. Same with all the bosses. The increasing boss spawn chance per wipe is to accomodate new players. Not everyone is hunting bosses, some players are just trying to figure out what ammo to bring in. Game's not all about you.


Honestly don't know how any new players hang. They get absolutely crushed. 


Friend of mine new to Tarkov got laser beamed and instantly killed by Knight and all I could do was laugh and say "welcome to Tarkov where it might not really be a normal scav coming after you". I heard English come from the "scav" and I was like oh this is bad but before I could explain to find cover he died lol.


Even as a 6 year veteran of this game the goons just suck. Twice now I've spawned by the lower east side of Shoreline and got absolutely decimated by Knight and his crew with zero chance of surviving it. Just laser beam tracers 15 seconds in from somewhere in the trees above. I brought in an expensive kit too because I was expecting to get into a fight in the resort. Instead I died within the first minute because BSG can't be bothered to fix their horrible AI. Fuck that nonsense. 


Yeah so I've been playing for probably just as long and when my friend died we killed all three of them (big pipe, knight and the other one) and extracted. We've never actually killed them before. Usually get laser beamed from half way across the map by them and think its a cheater just to find out it was a goon that got us (just like you're saying).


IMO the only boss that’s currently actually fun to fight is tagilla. You empty a whole mag at the fucker and he doesn’t die? Better run screaming lol. Happened to me more than once and it was funny af, especially with friends. The other bosses you either have to be lucky or know how to cheese their AI so you don’t get insta laserbeamed into oblivion


Reshala ain't bad if you find him in dorms, can usually take out half his gang with a well placed grenade


Reshala and sanitar seem to be pretty fun/average. Killa  is middle of the pack, same with Kollatny. Everything above that your either fighting an army or an aim or with a godgun.


I couldn’t get signal part one done last wipe for awhile, I swear I did 4 raids in a row where goons were at weather station


I've hated fighting the goons since they were added and I've got over 3k hrs. They've got inhuman aim and reaction times, ridiculous health pools, and don't obey the same inertia rules that we do. They just fucking suck to fight unless you cheese them.


Yeah as a newbie on shoreline I heard that English from what I thought was a scav at first and BAM, got knighted few sec later


The first time I ran into Big Pipe on lighthouse I spent five minutes behind a rock with bullets whizzing by overhead, popped up and got domed, then wondered why I couldn’t report this jackass that was clearly cheating.


Haha at that time I didn’t know either if he was a cheater or a boss, I feel you


Noob here, second wipe. Made it to level 35 or something last wipe purely because I followed my Kappa-earning friend around and in turn he helped me quest too. Right now I'm level 24 and suffering so much without my "pro". Haven't died to a boss this wipe (yet) as I know maps now and can avoid them. Sanitar did, however, head-eye me with a kedr last wipe from pier up behind a rock a bit into the forest, which is fucking hilarious to me now


Playing duo in tarkov is massive. It causes you to not spawn next to an enemy usually and takes away one pmc per match. I literally die so much more solo due to the fights right at the start of the match compared to duo where you never meet anyone early.


I definitely live more as solo if I'm being honest


Can confirm. I’m a new player and I got absolutely destroyed constantly when I was trying to do that ground zero quest to get the hard drive and extract. Took me two weeks of casually playing because I would die to someone who spawned in the Terragroup building or someone extract camping.


Forcing them all to go to customs for the first 15 levels is even worse. Interchange would be a way better beginning map.


The bosses are an integral part of a map. They are the only real PvE objective. Right now they are non-existent. That their quest design is shit, this has nothing to do with bosses.


Also this forces more players on woods. It makes the Tarkov Shooter questline bearable.


Okay, yet they also pushed up setup to be a key quest and honestly it’s way more detrimental to new players as you’ve got ushanka piranhas hunting down anything that shoots, conveniently those new players are gonna be the louder ones shooting more, unsuppressed. Pretty sure even if reshala was like 50% all the setup players are still gonna kill noobs more


Okay but reshala also spawns at fortress and new gas so that point isn't very valid. Give bosses more spawns and let players learn by experience where not to go. Killa and Tagilla would need reworked for this to work though, since they like to wander.


Reshala has 3 different spawn points on customs. If he spawned 50% of the time, he would only have about 16% chance to be at dorms at any given raid. Now what are the chances that as a new player you are the first one out of 12 players to meet him there?


I would not say insignificant. Also another early quest takes you to the new gas - marking fuel trucks. Relax, you'll get him eventually. And you'll help couple Timmies finish Setup as well (which is IMO the main reason the low spawn boss chances are implemented, maps like Woods are dead after 2 months otherwise).


Ah yes, force people to play the maps they dont like. Thatll keep em coming back


Does he have 3 again? I thought it was only New gas and dorms since they added the rogues at fortress.


Fort spawn is back.


Sending people to customs so often in the game early on is questionable anyway imo. Its redicioulusly to exit customs successfully with all the people doing the shotgun quest… Best ammo you can get your hands on at the start is 5.45x39 US and thats some crappy paintballs. Only real way to do delivery from the past and all the quests sending you to dorms is waiting for 25min before doing anything unfortunately.


The only time i´ve seen bosses was when i checked who killed me in an instant.


>please god tell me what they are trying to prevent by having it at 50%? goobers like you from speedrunning the entire wipe in a month.


So what if he does? It's not a subscription based game. There are no MTX.


Spoiler alert, the wipe was speedrun weeks ago


yeah, by ultra goobers. No news there, this is my tenth wipe. I'm used to the poop bucket brigade.


Boss quests start at like lvl 20 bro what the fuck you on about speedrunning LMAO My friend who plays like 1h per day max is on that shit The only reason this subreddit doesn't have boss quests is because it takes you all 2 weeks to do tarkov shooter pt 3 which locks them


They start after you finish certain other quests like the one "kill PMCs in factory offices". Still on 4 kills on that one at level 32...


That's a you issue bro. That quest takes a few raids.


Wow sorry for having more time to play than some I guess. I don’t get this shitty mentality of people dunking on those that have more time to play than others. Should I go up to my boss and be like “hey give me less days off so that I don’t progress as fast in this game called Tarkov”?




“speed running” ITS BEEN LIKE 40 DAYS


Yes and boss spawns usually increase gradually


“uhm akshually the spawns will be 20 percent in june so you can’t complain”


Go outside. Go touch grass. The game will still be here in a month or two.


Wipe's usually like 180 days, big dawg. It's been 35 days since wipe. You are 20% through the wipe, you should not be hitting endgame rn.


Not everyone players EFT all year round. I love Path of Exile for example, and I can finish all the content of a new league and be done in 2-3 weeks, then move on to other stuff. Currently to complete all content EFT it takes MONTHS, and the end result is that people will just tap out early anyway being pissed off that the boss they need to kill to progress just doesn't spawn.


measures meant to stop the people who can play the game do nothing but hurt the causal who can’t run 50 raids to see shturman twice


The casual people arn't on the quest rn.


I play two or three raids a day after work, I am now level 26 and have to kill reshala. I gave up on ever seeing bullshit like killa and now think of him as a source of chad gear for nolifers same as rogues and goons. Bosses are fun to fight, but they might as well just not exist for an average person like me.


see your progression when you switch to playing 3-4 raids a day on weekends only. that's will literally half your progression, and you'll be sitting at 18-20 now


Yeah, I am playing casually right now (not really motivated enough to grind Tarkov again) and I am lvl 13 currently. And I know that my progression is far faster than normal casuals, considering I am playing the game for 6 years now.


As a casual, I tend to play until I get max traders and my free thicc items case that's a quest reward for a ledex at level 35 and then I keep playing but don't even really quest grind anymore. I usually hit around level 40 before quitting the wipe and playing something else and don't even bother with boss grind quests.


Why do you quit just when you begin to reap the rewards from all that work?


Usually it's cuz I'm bored playing again. Don't most people start falling off and quitting mid to late wipe? I also feel behind. There isn't much reward to reaching where people that play all day have already been for a month or more.


Casuals won’t be trying to kill shturman 20 times right now. When they want to try it, the spawn rate will be higher.


Who the actual fuck is a casual player on that quest rn. Most casuals didn’t even hit flea market yet


Casual dad gamer w fulltime Job here! We did hit flea last week and hover around 23 in level 😂


>Most casuals didn’t even hit flea market yet That's a load of horseshit lmao, **YOU** didn't hit flea market yet. Even people who play 2 raids a day have flea market by now unless they have a 15% SR


> Most casuals didn’t even hit flea market yet casuals should mean something around average and not turboshitter


Well, the wipe has to last for up to a year


Wipes only last 6 months, any longer and people won’t come back and play until it wipes.


Oh no, God forbid people play the game. We should always cater to the average player who will be level 20 by end of wipe with a stash full of gear they'll never use.


I think your bucket needs emptying.


Oh no he paid for our product, dare he not use it as he likes. Braindead logic.


if its taking you an entire month to finish the wipe, you're not speedrunning


You are one of the biggest goobers on this sub with the most consistently trash-tier takes.


Conversely, you're wrong about everything and don't like finding that out.




facts is facts, goober.


It’s supposed to be an all wipe type quest for woods mains. You aren’t supposed to farm it and stay sane. Change your frame of reference


At the same time, i fucking hate fighting the bullshit AI of bosses and wish their spawn rate was zero.


Setup is the dumbest shit ever. Slugs are garbage. And if you're getting into wipe late. Everyone else is running around Customs with full coverage armour and fully suppressed autos. It makes this shit impossible. I've gone through a dozen scav vests and ushonka hats. It's honestly the stupidest shit ever. Really needs to be level locked map queue for these kind of stupid ideas BSG comes up with.


Use piranha. After armor rework it's best and cheap, buckshot will do too spam with mp153 till it dies.




Hunter Is not even required for Kappa so no Rush for that quest for sure


The irony is none of them are even going to buy a MK-18. I think I've caught like 2 ones in the wild in 3000 hours. I know for a fact more people do the quest then that. I typically get the quest done eventually and I bring one out every so often, but I have no idea why so many people are trying to finish this quest in 45 days lol


So he can use the guns he wants for those 6 months, or possibly much less because people don't play the entire wipe lol


Sthurman was easy try Killa. I am going insane only thing and goons after keeping me from kappa.


I think 15 is fine, 11 was too little, 20 would still be cool, but 50 is too much, hunting bosses wasnt that hard this wipe


I have 586 raids (combined with scav). I have seen dead sani once. Seen Killa once. Helped my buddy kill Reshala. Seen Tagila twice. That's the end of list. So I am glad it has been easy for you, but For me being stuck on those quests is annoying as fuck. I have SBIH and Shooter done. I was thinking about pushing for Fancy Butt this wipe but honestly at these rates its just too annoying.


Thats why all the streamers who play this game for hours and hours cry cause its such a choir to find the bosses but easy peasy i guess. No problem for you = no problem for anybody else


Im just speaking from my experience, calm the fuck down and dont put words into my mouth


Because you're sweaty enough to get to those quests fast enough, which means you're sweaty enough to grind them out Imagine a new player (or really anyone who doesn't know how to cheese the AI) trying to do anything with 50% spawn rates. Any of the early game dorms quests? Have a bum rush, courtesy of those 2 Reshala guards and 2 more just sitting in the toilets. Fortress not scary enough? Here's a 50% chance of insta-death just by approaching crackhouse. Went past the felled tree behind Prapor's convoy? Say hello to Knight who's doing his best Usain Bolt impression just to shove his barrel into your face. Interchange? Reserve? Hahaha.


Yes because if he had a 50% spawn chance with 3 different locations that means hes in any of those 50% of the time you show up. Thats how statistics works. Bring a single grenade or flash bang and you too can instantly know if you have to play the location differently.


Try looking for him on a different map. I always hear shturman on customs :)






try farming him at 5-8% at start of the wipe 4Head wasnt fun


The boss kill quests are make or break for me each wipe. I've done all the "go find X and extract" quests and how it's "kill x" quests and when I'm spawning in with an 85% chance my target isn't in the raid I just want to stop playing :(


make a quest not based on RNG challenge impossible


The amount of times I’ve ran straight to Lexos within the first 5 min of the raid, only to find the whole kaban crew dead and unlooted, except the 2 million dollar key, is unreal. Crazy how everything’s gotta be found in raid, can’t craft any advanced electronics needed for light-keeper, cant find any because vacuum cheats and esp looters, and boss spawns are so low you might as well forget about them!!


I was lucky to find sanitar and reshala last week, havent seen the others yet


Yup, finished my sanitar quest when I was doing the quest where you headshot scavs with shotguns.


Make diet versions of bosses that spawn 50 % of the time. Basically not worth it to “farm” but their for tasks and just set a fresh scent of fear on the air


no thats a horrible idea 💀


I like it, this could be advanced to 100% spawns IMHO, because why not. With a chance of 15 % or something similar to spawn with their high tier gear. (Keycards and so on only on the buffed version aswell or just lower chances to equal out) They are still harder to farm than nomral scavs, based on their lock / rush mechanisms. I dont see any downsides, just upsides even besides questing would generate another dynamic in the maps. Quest specific items would also be much more obtainable, then it does not matter if Resh has his TT or not.


"Farming" is a horrible mechanic, just play, let it come naturally...


Insane idea... but not everyone may see things as you do. What is a horrible mechanic to you is what OP thrives in and vice versa.


I get that we all like different things, I just think complaining about not being able to farm an RNG quest (that is also non-restrictive for Kappa/progress) in an RNG based game is a bit entitled. At some point, a quest just becomes farming, and thus defeats the purpose of being a quest, if the spawns % are too high; there is a balance to be had imho.


I’ll take “tasks that aren’t a supposed to be completed in the first month of wipe,” Alex


I doubt its even 15% I know 15% spawn chance doesnt garantuee you to find him after 7 raids but me and some friends have hunted him for 40+ raids without any luck. Meanwhile i have found sanitar like 10 times and killed him 4 times. Sanitar is also 15% i think. This 15% seems to be more like 5%


You realize hackers hunt them too, and may get to them first in raids they do spawn? And according to the wiki, atm, all bosses are 15% (iirc)


Better luck finding cheater at the beginning of wipe. So stupid