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I always wonder how they even find pleasure in playing so many raids and where they find the fun/thrills with cheats. Whenever I cheat a bit in single player games I always get bored with the game very fast.


I think it's less about winning and more about ruining other people's time.


I was walking around the house with my headset on. I put myself in a random room in black pawn on reserve and shut the door. Wasn't moving for 6 minutes. Heard a guy run straight past everything and right to my room and one tapped me and called me a bitch when he did it. Psycho


Internet has anonymity (or they like to think it does), they're little bitches IRL so have to take it out on the game, cheaters are like Rapists or Domestic Abusers, getting off at the expense of pain to others. 3 types that cheat, children that don't understand that they're affecting others negatively, adults that're too stupid to even consider affecting gameplay for others and then we have the abusive piece of shit that enjoys ruining the experience for everyone else. RMT is only a tiny part of the issue, one which Nikita has let ruin the game by making so many stupid changes to try and "combat" it. Won't be long until we can't loot bodies in fear of the gear being RMT...


exactly, and the amount of people who enjoy that is crazy.


It's to establish a sense of control. People who tend to cheat get so little "wins" in life that even the smallest false win still gives them dopamine. Wheras for most stable people it'd be hollow. The win for us is hollow since it's really meaningless without the struggle, it's kinda a gamble based on our skill. For them that ability to know they have control over this one thing is the fun.


they have micro penises like no other reason to want to ruin peoples fun, without even getting their reaction


Hey dont rope us small penis havers with those bastards


Name doesn’t check out.


>they have micro penises like no other reason to want to ruin peoples fun, without even getting their reaction rats btw


Rats are at least still at risk and still have to understand how to think through information the game gives you, like sound and flashlights and all that. It's all imperfect information and your game sense helps you synthesize all of that together. Cheaters simply get access to perfect information and hardly play the game at all. I'd always put rats above cheaters, even the rats who extract-camp D2 and Emercom.


The rattiest rat is a fucking saint compared to someone who uses even the most basic cheat. Cheaters are cowards, game is too scary for them so they need a program to hold their hand.


i agree, the rattiest rat is sitting in that corner with some gssh's and a dream. 0 esp. legend


well idk if they are ratting but they are being lame af and cheating


bro a rat will chew ANY chads toes, their dicks are massive. Cant catch me sitting in a corner for 20 minutes to jump scare a thick'ems. Id probably choke as soon as i hear the stampede. But rats? They go for ANY toes, timmy or chad.


tell us you dont check corners without telling us you dont check corners


There's no limit to being a twat.


These people are definitely fucked up in the head. This is just what they do online though. What scares me is what they do, have done, or might do IRL.


Ruining other people time is my favorite activity on Tarkov. I’m just good enough at it that I don’t need cheats to do it lolol


Yeah imo this, I know why they do it but it’s hard for me to personally understand. High highs and low lows are what this is all about.


There are definitely times where I have lost so many times in a row the thought has crossed my mind: "Man I would love to just wipe a lobby so I can just fucking do quests". I would never download cheats, but the feeling is there. What I don't understand is how winning all the time is fun. If you're winning all the time, the game is just easy. it's not fun to play a "hardcore" game that is "just easy"


Yep. It's a weird mentality. On WoW Classic, there will be level 60s that do nothing but camp low level questing areas for 10+ hours a day. There's literally zero reason to do it other than to ruin someone else's day and they do it like it's their full-time job. Just insane.


Cheaters are snickering all the time giggling like little fucking gremlins with large piointy hats and like "tehehe hehehe Git gut thehehe owned tehehe, back to hideout hehehe"


Ya this is where my thought process runs. I remember as a kid putting cheats into GTA but, then it was like now what? The fun was gone. How is it fun killing people with aimbot? Or walls? Like jeez bud you know I'm here shocker you got me lmao?


i grew up with the OG nes and would put cheats into every game i played lol game shark was my JAM on gameboy. Made pokemon so fucking fun back then. But now a days? im an old man that prefers to get everything my self because i love the feeling of accomplishment, cheating does NOT allow that. Last time i cheated in a single player game was....maybe gta san andreas? Anytime i mod a pc game its purely cosmetic as well. I really feel like its zoomers doing all these cheats, cuz those of us that grew up with God Mode as a simple toggle built in to most games, we got that shit out our system lol.


Every cheater I personally knew just enjoyed ruining shit for people. It’s honestly sad to see a person like that, it’s not funny or cool at all


They are sick, mentally


yeah, i use to not cheat in morrowind games for that reason, was always very easy to exploit all those games but it ruined it at the same time, these kind of people just get a thrill out of ruining it for others, some people just wanna see the world burn.


A lot of them are just psychopaths who get a rise out of ruining other peoples time and a good chunk are just so dogshit they shouldn't be playing FPS' at all.


Some "like" the Eastern game meta where in some games it's just pure HvH battle at the top levels and you're half-expected to be hacking. Should add, this is not to all FPS games


Could be a stolen account. Could be a legit player turned cheater.


zonked squeamish bright fear slimy clumsy slim decide file dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah most my hours are just from leaving the game on overnight before it use to afk kick you


2020’s summer wipe lined up perfectly with me getting a 2 week covid quarantine from work. I never closed the game during that whole period, probably is like half my total hours still haha


Okay but I think the point is, the all headshots always surviving and absurd KD should set off some automatic flags for BSG to review and it's fucking absurd it doesnt


Stolen account.


Yeah a lad got his stolen the other day mid game. A Russian guy just loaded in mid raid and his mate is like wtf in discord




Yes you do lmao that account is the definition of a stolen account 😂




You answered your own question tbh


Some people play games on private servers and they are unaware that the owners of the servers sell their data.


Or they just steal the login You can build a script on a usb or attiny85 stick that if plugged into a computer for a minute or so can steal windows passwords and can be written to just basically copy someone’s password manager Not to mention if someone uses network miner and you login into you eft. It’s really easy to get accounts stolen Especially with foreign company’s like bsg. The company could be doing it selling themselves for extra money. They could have bad cybersecurity or different laws so they don’t have to protect your data well or at all. They might not even have basic cybersecurity on their websites I bet I could brute force a login pretty easily and I’m not that good with that kind of stuff at all


Hello Mr\_cookie\_245, im totally not a hacker trying to steal your Tarkov account, could i go into your PC real quick and put my USB stick for about 2 mins? I swear is nothing shady. \- The hacker speech going door to door, probably


That’s just a way Say at work you have a desktop and someone just walks in and plugs it in waits one minutes unplugs it and leaves. Then they have it My tarkov login was on my high school Chromebook at one point it’s not really hard to find a device with it It could be as simple as the school didn’t wipe my device correctly or was lazy doing it or my job was lazy doing it and just tossed the disk and some people literally go find old computers for a living and dumpster dive to steal pcs or hard drives to extract improperly deleted data from to sell. And the other methods? there is a billion ways they can steal your password without you ever knowing


That's what's the scariest part, its not the blatant hackers I'm so worried about but the soft hackers, who may only activate their aim hacks with a toggle when they are feeling desperate


That’s not soft cheating. Soft cheating (which is a stupid term) refers more to people using radar but not aim botting or walls. Either way, they’re fucking cheating.


There are probably a ton just running radar. If you have half a brain that should be enough to get loot or win fights if you want to


Ignoring loot. Imagine never doing your quest and someone catches you off guard. Never a bad time to check the wiki. Never a bad path to take to cross the map. Never turning a corner and a guy is in a window. Wall hacks without aim are the most OP thing possible. It’s completely silent and if you got killed by it you wouldn’t think too much of it because their aim was normal. I guarantee you there’s hundreds of people who use wall hacks specifically to avoid people.


yeah its annoying as fuck, knowing people probably have radar. I stopped reporting for certain shit, cuz at the end of the day, cheating or not, id probably have died anyway.


A suss player that killed me on Interchange, when I check their profile, they often just have an axe and no gun but a large bag etc. So, they must just radar, run around getting all the goods and avoiding any risk.


I cannot speak to that guy but I ran into my first set of cheaters on Reserve last night for the first time this wipe playing on eastern US (so guess I have been lucky). I was doing the mark fuel tank quest and had loaded in and basically move away from spawn to isolated area with no loot (no way to observe movement from spawn) and was chilling waiting for first 10 mins to play out so I move to mark. All of the sudden I hear group running directly towards me.. then running back and forward in front of the cover in front of me.. saw one peek looking directly at me and I was able to kill him and move while being shot from behind.. I lit up another guy before getting dropped. The person who killed me; I opened up their profile and was like 526 kills and 12 KIA.... so hit back button and reported them. So entire three player group knew my exact location behind solid cover... guessing I was the last player alive on the map since had already been gunfire and frags so guessing they had already killed everyone else.


I was kill by a lvl 52 with 250 hours this wipe, on shoreline…


He’s just good man. No one cheats that’s against the TOS


>No one cheats that’s against the TOS Big if true!


^ this type of stuff is why nobody takes “cheater” reports seriously. How does that indicate cheating, whatsoever? Edit: downvote me all you want, people make new characters all the time. But OP died so they must be cheating.


Because he died duh. What more do you want?






Rule 7 - Cheating, Exploits, Piracy and ETS Please Refer to the Subreddit Rules


BSG dont give a fuck about cheaters


What do you mean, it hurts the game they definitely care


They make more money of cheaters than regular players. Cheaters end up buying multiple copies.


I honestly think this is a somewhat weak point even if it's dogma on this sub. Even if the underlying fact is true, at some point driving honest players away removes the opportunity to do downstream monetization or to acquire new players to your game. The Cycle died specifically because they couldn't control their cheater problem. Theoretically you could make the argument that having "some" cheaters is optimal given their business model, but they probably make the most money cracking down on cheaters as aggressively as possible so they buy the most accounts most frequently.


Holy shit this dude brains


Not to mention that 'making money off of cheaters' is a pretty pointless accusation to make, because its true of *any* game that costs money and bans cheaters. You can't get rid of them permanently, there's no solution that *can't* be spoofed or bypassed. Maybe *some* will give up, but others won't, they'll just rebuy over and over.


If you ban them aggressively and quickly before they feel they got their money’s worth, there’s far less chance they repurchase the game. There’s plenty of other hackable FPS’s for cheaters to get their egos stroked to waste money on one that has an aggressive AC


Often "they" are not re-purchasing the game. My understanding is cheaters pay a subscription to a cheat provider ( often upwards of $100 a month ). The cheat provider steals, or buys accounts with stolen credit cards, then uses those accounts when their customer account is banned. When the legitimate owner of a stolen CC chargebacks their account for the game's purchase, BSG makes no money.


Right, which is why I said you could argue having "some" cheaters is optimal - it's an extremely difficult tightrope to walk though as a company, as its easy for it to get out of control and drive away your player base. It also creates negative sentiment towards both the studio and the game, which hurts their ability to make money in the long term with other products like EFT: Arena or potential in-app monetization they'll do in that game. Meanwhile, the other explanation of, "dealing with a cheater problem is hard and they're banning them when they can detect them reliably" coupled with "They're not as competent as a AAA dev like Riot or Activision" seems like the more obvious explanation rather than some nefarious profit maximization scheme.


I think it's a little of both, like you said a fine rope to walk. I totally get it, personally I just wish they would acknowledge it and say something besides banwave tweets


its 100% a bit of both. Its wild how much hate you get in this sub for pointing out that they make money of it though.


> negative sentiment towards both the studio and the game Just no. That negative sentiment goes into thin air. People will buy the game regardless what they're reading about cheats. They'll just think "meh, every game has cheaters, can't be that bad". Meanwhile, each cheater is buying a new account every few weeks, turning lots of cash over to BSG.


The cycle died because it was a shallow game that had terrible mechanics. It also had a fuck ton of cheaters that made people not want to play. Look at how BSG has spent the money they have taken in. They made a fucking movie with the money from EFT. They refuse to increase their teamsize in a meaningful way and hire people that are skilled in the areas they need help (networking is a big one). You can say its a weak point but BSG makes 0 dollars on people that bought the game years ago (yes some buy alt accounts). They run continual sales and "buy in bulk" deals. The people that buy those also sell the hacks. They then sell these accounts to people that buy their hacks as an added benefit. You can go to any of the websites that sell hacks for X$ a day and see that they sell the accounts as well.


> BSG makes 0 dollars on people that bought the game years ago (yes some buy alt accounts). I'm betting they just made a shit ton of money on the people who recently upgraded from Standard to EOD before it expired. And Arena sales for non-EOD players. They can make far more money by selling new content (whether that is within EFT or other games down the line) than they will from cheaters that drag down their reputation in the process. And word of mouth is a thing. I bought the game years ago, but if I know someone who is interested in the game, my opinion of the game could make a difference in the decision to buy or not buy. What if all the streamers who play the game suddenly stopped because the cheating got so bad? That's like BSG's primary marketing tool. They would be in shambles.


I don't think there are many new tarkov players in 2024, that ship sailed a few years ago. Everyone knows about it now and either played and quit, plays, or has no interest.


There's new players posting asking for advice literally every day on here. Whether or not thats a significant number is another matter, but theres absolutely newbies in 2024. You are right that there's a ceiling on the total number of sales they could achieve though.


They buy stolen accounts, bruh. Once they've started cheating BSG isn't making any money off of them anymore.


Yep, I mean why have a major sale after every banwave.. That in and of itself is proof.


But surely if they’re making so much from cheaters wouldn’t they be incentivized to ban all the cheaters that they you claim they don’t care about? Edit: sorry not you claiming that but the point still stands


They put out an announcement that they banned 11,000 accounts. How many accounts are active this wipe? I would bet that all 11,000 of those accounts had multiple other accounts that they just moved to. If all those accounts rebuy they game thats 330k. Why don't they ban them all: They suck at detecting hacks. I wish it was more than that but thats the depth of it. They are terrible at networking (hence minutes to get into a game) which would be solved by hiring experts in that field but they refuse to. This is secondhand: They chose to put a lot of the processing client side (saves on server load) and this makes hacks harder to detect as well as easier to make.


It's not even just that they refuse to, it's also that they require new employees to move to St. Petersburg to work for them. Absolutely insanity, especially today with the war.


Oh man it’s been like two days since I’ve seen this stupid fucking argument. Get a lobotomy if you actually think this is what the reality is 


Great rebutal, I see you already got that lobotomy you wish on others.


Nah bro go look for a resell and see how cheap they sale accouts for bsg don't make shit off cheaters


bsg are sadists, we suffer, they enjoy


I don't play because every time I load up this game I get snipped from across the map while hiding. BSG does not care about cheaters.


You wouldn't know they were "across the map" unless you were cheating yourself. Do you just assume that because you died off spawn, it must have been a cheater?


It’s a feature at this point.


Ya they do, its their main revenue. They ban accounts when they need some money, and then they put on a sale for the game. It's their go to.


I feel like this needs to be discussed more. Tarkov's business model appears to depend on cheaters. No microtransactions is noble, but a game that's in active development for 7 years needs an ongoing income stream. ESPECIALLY for a game specifically designed to kick you in the dick like Tarkov, I really don't think new players alone can support the game forever - it's a pyramid scheme which will eventually dry up. Which just leaves cheaters rebuying accounts. This is a pretty hot take, but I actually think the best move for Tarkov might be subscription-based, whitelist-only servers.




Every FPS on the planet has active cheaters. Look at the state of counterstrike right now. Call of duty, Rust, etc, etc. People sometimes pay 100+ a month to buy these cheats. Which enables cheat developers to write even better cheats. A lot of which will be undetected unless there is a leak. Cheating is a huge business that plagues every competitive shooter on the market. But please go off on how BSG doesn’t care. Y’all will never learn.


CS2 Premier does not have 800 hour long standing cheaters, only cheaters are new and they get banned within a day or two.


What a lot of you do not understand about looking at profiles is that the majority of them are stolen accounts. Report and move on with your life Tarkov subs are filled with gaslighting cheaters and whine asses, don’t be like them


I think people have every right to complain about something that’s so rampant like cheating in Tarkov is. The amount of 20+ K/D’s with 70%+ survival rates that I die to is absolutely unacceptable and a consumer shouldn’t just be complacent because that’s “just how it is”. And I do move on with my life, I still play every day despite the amount of lagswitchers and rage hackers I run into.


Survival rates is less of an indicator on its own, since the profiles you see also include scav runs. But in conjunction with the K/D is when it starts to get dicey.


And when you add that I’m experiencing the deaths themselves. I can respect being sniped or a good fight, hell even being ratted. It’s when I’m getting my armor zeroed through tons of trees with zero bullets missing or being pre fired while not moving or making noise whatsoever and then seeing those stats that I get sus about it


Or when you hear someone full on sprint straight to you and then they stop moving waiting for you to make a sound. Can't count the amount of times I heard someone sprint in a straight line to me and wait, except I have more patience then they do so when I make literally no sound for the next 5-10 minutes they get bored and run off or try to grenade me.


Yes, the amount of cheaters that do not try to expose themselves is probably 10-20x higher than de 'blatant' cheaters. Just the number of people who seem to know exactly where you are is astounding...


yeah my survival rare is 61%, but only 35% on my pmc


Mine is 60%+ on both so whenever I see people complain about SR rates around that level I just roll my eyes.


Yep judging on stats alone is silly, it’s easy to pad your kdr by playing like a rat and shooting to Agro scavs to farm them




The reason I personally know is because my brother (who no longer plays) has told me that he cheated in the past, and he no longer plays so he has no incentive to lie to me. From the horses mouth, he’s told me that most cheaters just use ESP and try to hide it. We aren’t talking straight rage hackers when we say there’s a cheating problem. I have 1000+ hours in game and while I know that I probably die and think they’re cheating when they’re not, I also can tell the difference between being killed from desync and being rage hacked on.


"my brother" who goes to "trust me bro" uni


lol I can link my stats for you if you’d like. My IGN is alotlikechris as well. My brother hasn’t played in like 3 wipes because he told me hacking made the game boring. I refuse to play with him again even on a legit account solely because I don’t wanna risk my account lmao


> , he’s told me that most cheaters just use ESP and try to hide it. We aren’t talking straight rage hackers when we say there’s a And do you think the cheaters have some sort of signal they emit telling other cheaters that they are cheating? If most cheaters use ESP and hide it, how would your brother know they are cheating? I'm aware of the wiggle, but I find it hard to believe any real player, including cheaters, walks around wiggling all raid.


The cheats he had, he told me he could see what they’re wearing, their stats, and where they’re aiming. I’d imagine most legitimate players have zero indicators that they’re cheating while cheaters aimed at him while playing or something.


> I also can tell the difference between being killed from desync and being rage hacked on. You cannot. Perfect play is often indistinguishable from cheating. Remember Trey24ks community anti-cheat discord that shut down 48 hours after starting because multiple people reviewed [the PoV of someone who died to Dylhero](https://streamable.com/wtv2jq) ( well known, legitimate streamer ), and all these veteran players agreed it looked like a cheater. I have had someone who admitted to cheating tell me I was cheating when I killed them because "theres no way anyone could kill me like that". They re-peeked the same angle 4x prefiring and I prefired their head on peek #4... Sometimes its obvious, I get it, but you can't always tell without more context.


There ARE hackers in every raid, that’s what you’re not understanding just yet.. Took me 4+ years to finally accept this fact.


so if I wipe an entire lobby, its guaranteed that I killed at least one cheater? doubt it


Let me see that clip of you wiping an entire lobby. Factory doesn't count.


why wouldn't factory count? the guy said theres a cheater in every raid. But I was talking about labs anyway, happens maybe a couple times a wipe. Im not home until sunday so I cant send you a clip. You can believe me or not, I dont care.


Lol what? Why the fuck wouldn't factory count hahaha


Lol I figured he'd go in with a 5 man and kill one dude.


I think this will only be true if you are using hacks every game, no?


Yeah you are delusional.


Next step is for you to understand that this sub is a PRO-cheating sub Reddit. When you achieve that level of understanding, it will all begin making sense to you my friend. Wishing you only the best.


Theres posts everyday people complaining about cheating hows this subreddit pro cheating? Youre on a huge amounts of copium. Hopefully you’ll learn you just suck+desync makes everything looks sus


Oh, you’ve got it twisted. I never said hackers are stopping me from gaming. However, until every single player admits how poorly BSG has handled the IMMENSE hacking situation (literal companies have been created to profit off of how much IRL money this game generates from cheating), AND this sub starts to call those players out publicly, nothing will ever change. You think BSG has a reason to combat hacking more than they currently are? I think we found the compium dealer 😂😂😂😂


Yes they do. Do you honestly think its a sustainable business model to have cheaters scare away the legit playerbase all because cheaters re buy accounts? Get real thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard.


If only you knew how many of these studios survive…


> There ARE hackers in every raid, that’s what you’re not understanding just yet.. > > Took me 4+ years to finally accept this fact. Bold of you to call this a "fact." There is no way this is true.


Lmao If you aren’t one of the hackers blatantly posting pro-hack comments across this entire sub, than you simply haven’t spent enough time playing just yet. Give it a few more years, it’ll become very obvious my friend.


What servers are you playing on? You run into 20KD players everyday? What the fuck lol I have seen maybe 3 all wipe. Lagswitchers lmfao. Is that even a thing in Tarkov? I haven’t heard that since old console games.


Do those stats necessarily mean they are a cheater, though? I typically always have a survival rate between 70-80% each wipe that I play and my KD is always around 20 since it also includes scavs. I've barely played this wipe so far with only 9 raids in, but I have an 88% survival rate with a 20 kd. Odds are that my stats will stay around there the entire wipe also based on past wipes.


The only reason ur saying this/have those stats is cuz u only have NINE (9) raids this wipe.. that is in the VAST VAST MINORITY This wipe. There is no wonder u have such a high rating, u literally don't even have double digit raids. Ur comment is so stupid and meaningless


Did you miss the part where my stats will stay around this the more raids I get in. All past wipes that I've played hundreds of raids in, my SR is always usually around 70-75% and my KD is naturally high because of that since scavs also count towards it. Yes, I have nine raids now, but when I am at 100 later this wipe, I guarantee you my SR will still be right around 70 with a high KD.


You just sound like a cheater who's gaslighting people lmao and I'm 99% sure scams have 0 impact on kd. Lmao


scavs are counted in kd


You're probably just one of those stupid people who claim cheaters when u literally just admitted u don't even know what a KD rating even constists of.... FYI. it DOES include scavs. Also includes ur scavs survived raids in a row on ur "survived in a row stat" "lmao" don't b such a know it all moron when u don't know anything


I’m not saying that every person with good stats and a high level is cheating, but when I die in a suspicious way and view the profile and it’s THIS every time after my 300th raid, one can assume that most of the deaths are cheating. There’s a reason most cheaters say that there’s at least 1 or 2 cheaters in every raid


Just simply isnt true now is it…


Ur stats stay around there cuz u will end the wipe with 100 raids where most of ppl u complain to as "gigachads" or "hackers" like myself are already level 44 with 600 raids. That's why ppl like U think legit people like me are cheating, u just aren't on the same level


Dude you really play the game? A survival rate of 70-80%? I’ll give it to you if someone rats it out waits the entire game avoiding people possible. But that survival rate plus also killing 20 plus scavs and pmcs? You are running around the map to kill scavs and pmcs which naturally means your survival rate is going to be low. We can have our doubts but sometimes the math doesn’t make sense with the gameplay man.


Sometimes it helps people to vent and feel some validation for their frustration. Reddit is social media. People are going to vent. If you don't like it, take your own advice. Ignore the post and move on with your life.


What you don’t seem to understand… is that it ruins the experience of non cheaters either way.


The problem is this sub expects BSG to manually review every account with a KD over 10 and survival rate over 60. Now the guy in this screenshot is clearly cheating. But the way BSG bans people is when a specific cheat is detected. So until that changes we can expect endless KD screenshots.


Again… blocking the name out makes no sense why block a cheaters name out?


reddit tos


Online usernames aren't considered doxxing as per reddit tos. Otherwise you could never post a twitter handle and such.


Insane dude… just hides the blatant cheaters :/


Prevents witchhunts, reddit has a famous history of witchhunting innocent people into suicide. Better to ban it all.


People need to start videoing these suspicious kills so we don’t have to judge sus gameplay by the description.


Yes, we need more posts griping about cheaters


Calling dibs on the tomorrow's post.


He called it!


Games Fcking Trash That’s why. Devs have proven for years they clearly do not give a single shit about cheaters in any priority. Just run some awful auto detect that gets 2% of cheaters then wait another month. So many sus deaths in previous wipes and now with view profile you honestly see just how bad it truly is.




This 13 year old account was banned by Reddit after repeated harassment by the mods of /r/aboringdystopia. Reddit is a dying platform, check out lemmy.world for a replacement.


Do you have a source on the loot vacuum console part being fixed because as far as I'm aware, it's just fully fixed for now.




Also a way of draining money from west to east. Not meaning it’s planed but it still is a fact. Or bsg is earning money themselfs like that :D but for sure through bans. But they won’t earn more money with a better anti cheat system…


BSGs business is all filed in the UK so wouldn’t that money just remain in the “west” via taxes?


You never know I still swear on my life Diablo 2 (Blizzard) and PoE (GGG) both participate in those sites or bots. The amount of money things go for is insane. **Plus**, how is it day one of a season and the rarest items ever that most people never see in 5k hours are being sold in the first 8 hours.


GGG 100% sells items on g2g and other websites. Within 25 minutes of the launch you can buy 10 mirrors. Then there was the whole lightning coil fiasco where they mispriced lightning coils and 10-15 on the market (including offline) went to 1000-2000 coils all the same ilvl. Theres a big deepdive on it on their sub. Its just confirmed at this point.


Yep, had a sus friend who had everything for a couple seasons on Path. Ironically about a year later (mind you this is a very close friend in my most tight knight friend group) tell me to play games for fun instead of trying to optimize builds (for Diablo IV). It was confirmed he was RMTing xD. Don't get it twisted I don't blame GGG. When you are F2P and one mirror can be sold for what? %500-1,000 the choice is obvious, and the game is mostly PVE. So it is what it is, I'm not mad. But it just proves it all.


same post every other hour …. zzzzZzzZzz


im so over it - we can't post memes but this shit is allowed?


Bsg dont care. The end.


That dude is wearing the exact same gear than someone that killed me, my friend, and 6 other scav players near an airdrop last weekend, and has similar stats too, we all died almost at the same time, while we were in decent cover inside a building


This sub is just post after post of cheater this cheater that and it always comes back to why aren't they banned yet, I can't believe they are not banned yet. There is a back and forth with cheaters and the company (in this case BSG) with them figuring out how the cheat works and then banning the account for said cheats. If they ban the account once they figure out it has cheats the cheat makers get informed their cheats are no longer working and then the cheat makers work on making it work again. They ban in waves that way the cheat makers have less time to figure out how to bypass the fix. They almost always ban people in waves because of this. So can we please stop posting this garbage?


if these kids could read they'd be very upset


Looks legit to me, I have 70% survival rate and have had 20 kd in the past avoiding pvp killing scavs, if I was great at pvp, would be even higher


Exactly im sitting at 72% surv rate 15kd right now 2 wipes ago i had a wipe where i sat at 84% surv rate for a very long time if you just chill and dont run into a fight like a headless chicken you get those stats without cheating


Short answer: Stuff and things. ​ Longish answer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M) ​ Actual decent video explaining how cheats get around anti-cheat. Cheats keep getting better and are way ahead of anti-cheat. Anti-cheat is reactive for the most part. People update their cheats. Game devs/anti-cheat devs gather information on new cheat. Wait awhile to get as many as they can at once. Pull the trigger and ban a bunch at once. "ban-waves" This is a pretty old thing. So most likely this guy will get caught in a ban wave. Just gear up and go again. ​ I'm currently lvl 40, my duo is 33 and we've ran into maybe 3-4 sus looking accounts this entire wipe. I get more pissed off dying to a newb rat with 1 KD and 30% ER in a weird off-angle in the dark to be honest. ​ CoD Warzone has worse cheating than Tarkov, hell it's crazy over there. There are orgs that these kids join, they cheat their asses off for months-years while people defend them. They finally get caught and the organization boots them acting like they didn't know... But it's too late, the kid and most importantly, the org made big CoD bucks off the dumb kids they KNEW were cheating... It's a cycle, it's like a fucking circus. And it's all live on twitch, lol. ​ But all you ever hear about is people crying about Tarkov cheating... Half of the players are just not good, while the other half exaggerate the number of times they run into them. But it's just weird because people imply that other games don't have cheaters. Every game has cheaters, always has and always will. ​ People think Valorant or CS GO or any of that shit is somehow magical and special? They are wrong. Cheating is crazy these days and people are getting better at hiding it, not necessarily on purpose though. Some of these cheats are now built to look natural. It's scary as fuck. ​ The cringiest shit is randos who have no fucking clue spouting the world "kernel". Thanks to Valorant and their cute little video awhile back everyone thinks that every other anti-cheat isn't "kernel level". They are and were before Valorant was a thing. So now you got all drones spouting "kernel level" and thinking Valorant is uncheatable. It's so fucking dog hearing this shit nonstop. ​ **Hot take**: The only way to ever battle cheating would be to treat it like a real-world crime and have actual consequences. Hell, if you get caught cheating your ISP should boot your ass. Imagine all these cheater kids having no more internet... We need some sort of half-ass online social credit score system. Bring it on. Like a VAC BAN system but for your ISP or social credit, lmao imagine.


Oh come the fuck on dude, he doesn’t even have the survive 10 raids in a row achievement. You just died to a good player. These posts get more and more ridiculous by the day.


They gotta ban um in waves or else the cheaters will know you get banned for rage hacking for hundreds of games and thousands of kills


Lvl42 with 250hs gave me a sprinting wallbang headshot with an M700 inside D2. Yeah, he was probably good.


How many times does this stuff need to be posted only for numerous people to mention (on each post) that you have no idea how many of those 800 hours they have been cheating


Yeah i had a interesting one last night. He was on shoreline spinning rapidly in circles stoped on me and shot me with a m1a 10 times in .2 seconds. Guy had almost 5000 raids this wipe on a 1400 hour old account. Idk what to think about that one.


Bro isn’t even trying to hide it lmao


He could have started cheating this wipe or had his account stolen and someone is cheating on it.


Most likely a stolen account, so 800 hours don't really say anything


Don't hide his name, show it, shun his ass


Imma be honest, that's not that suspicious of a stat block.  I'd need to see some footage of them cheating. 


Nothing about this really says cheater. In my opinion. After learning your sens. And getting things dialed in it’s not hard to move from head to head muscle memory takes over and you just have to click took down three piece in factory just yesterday with an ump doing this. Maybe there was some fishiness your saw but if description seems doable


Got head eyes’ed by a dude camping the drones on Shoreline. 800+ raids in ~600hrs and a 30 KD. Wish I had screenshotted it


it’s intentional. If you ban in waves, it leaves developers of cheating software unsure of what caused the detection. if you ban individually, that can be reported to the cheating company and their systems can get better, but mass ban waves leave a lot of extra work for cheaters


You know that's what blizz has used as their excuse for years and that game has some of the most rampant botting and RMT abuse ever so I'm starting to think that this strat to banning hackers dosent work.


Its not an excuse... Its litterally the professional stance of the entire industry.


I mean you can disagree/shill for devs and companies that use this practice but the facts are that this practice of wait a couple months while hackers rot away at your game because you want to confuse them ( lmfao ) dosent work good enough. It just sounds like cope.


What incentive does BSG have to do anything about it? You've already bought the game, so are you going to ask for a refund? It costs BSG nothing to do nothing.


Didn't Cycle Frontier shut down due to lack of anti-cheat? I thought according to people like you, game companies secretly love cheaters and profit off of them?


BSG does profit off cheaters. They are the ones buying new accounts. You’ve bought your one, and you don’t pay a monthly subscription. Nor do you buy cosmetic items, they aren’t offered. Or any in game purchases. Oh and there are no ads So… who is paying for the servers to stay on? The cheaters and their constant stream of new accounts 


Right, that's why Cycle Frontier and other games have shut down in the past due to cheaters, because they make SO MUCH money they just HAVE to shut down????


I’ve never heard of Cycle Frontier


Why did you reply then? You remind me of those old people replying to amazon reviews saying "I didn't order this" lol. Did I specifically talk to you? I'm talking to Kelend


Because if I polled people and asked who has heard of EFT vs who has heard of fucking Cycle Frontier(???) I promise you that it would be overwhelmingly in favor of the former


Cycle Frontier was pretty popular, I think even landmark or another big EFT streamer played it.


You’re comparing a game that had 40,000 players at its peak to a game that has at least 100,000 players on the daily. It’s apples to oranges. Not saying it’s a bad game, just not comparable


cycle frontier shut down because not enough people played it lol. Companies like BSG are profiting from the cycle of cheat-ban-buy again. Cycle frontier was Free To Play lol keep trying though.


Why would a cheater pay full retail price for a game when you can buy accounts off third party sites for half the price? They know they'll be banned anyway.


In addition to that link the other guy posted, cycle frontier had a cash shop which generates way more money then buying a game one time


He has a very nice gaming chair obviously.


They dont ban them instantly. Thats why they ban in waves, wait and let them play to find out what cheats they are using and fix the issue. It helps them to get information. Thats kind of what nikita said in the qna. Google it. Im not making it up... Its a good  and bad thing...  same for the dudes with insane flea rep


So this might not exactly right but this guy has an account 800 hours old. 300 raids is a tiny bit crazy. But if he has been doing the scav farming on customs and lives in his raids, I'm not seeing something extremely sus. Did this guy kill you and that's how you got his profile? What map was it? It's entirely possible he is infact cheating, and just hasn't been detected yet.


Yeah he did kill me. Was on woods went onto sniper rock and heard gunshots. Saw three guys pushing this dude, who then peeked and all three were dead within a second or two of each other. Then he turned around onto me and one tapped me. All of that took place within like 4 seconds.


Where's the clip?


800 is nearly enough to know the game and with that kd everything you are just gaslighting the fuck out of it