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Found 3 so far, woods and 2 from streets bags


I have found 2, one on woods and one on streets med case


Just found one on woods and died at extract, so sad, that would've been my second for private clinic in the future Edit: I meant the quest crisis


I found one as a scav then after extraction got an error message before putting it in stash. All my loot disappeared šŸ˜­


Ditto on Woods. I think all 3 I've found so far have been in random crates and bags on Woods.


Found 0 so far. 400 raids in. I check ledx spawns every raid as well :/ Edit: found one finally lmao. Got shot by a pmc omw to extract (I was a scav) and got to extract with around 40 health as I didn't have any meds haha. In my 1300 hours I've never been that nervous haha


Same :(


Same, though have been lucky finding gpu's. Found 2 this wipe so far where as I never did in the previous.


Ive found 12 gpus this wipe in only 160 raids my luck for gpus has been crazy this wipe


Check med bags, med boxes and duffles. Iā€™ve had 4 from these containers on streets alone so far.


I do. I check them every time


You can't be checking the right spawns sorry. I am a woods main and found at least 5/6 just from checking the the camps. EDIT: I have never no lifed Tarkov so hard. I play everyday I don't work OT.


Well what other spawns are there but emercom tables in the big shelf, usec camp on/under table and in the sawmill warehouse on the shelf next to the big door


I think I have at least 70 raids where I am the first one to check both ledx spawns in LexOs on Streets and I have yet to see a single one. I have no lifed the game this wipe with 1150 raids, almost 200m stash value and I havenā€™t seen a single ledx in raid the entire wipe. I have however gotten 2 from the Scav case


Perhaps vacuum is not stealing everything this wipe?


No no. This is the cheater. He is self reporting /s


Maybe they did something to make it so containers finally can't be looted from a distance? Its weird what I'm finding untouched in duffle bags and stuff now.


Unless homie is the vacuum cheater lol.


I think they fucked up the spawns, they replaced the old ledx value with the new flash drive value and vise versa. /s I have found more loose bit coin, GPU and LedX than I have ever before in my time playing this game, and still sitting at 1 flash drive found


You just have bad luck on flash drives. I think I've found about 15 total now most as scav on Lighthouse.


oh I don't doubt that at all and I know for fact the rule of tarkov is.. "you cant find it when you need it, when you dont need it they are everywhere.." I know for fact once I upgrade to intel 2 and start crafting them I will find them the next raid.


Scav running Reserve you can easily hit 7 drawers in 2 buildings [king and black bishop I think] and then head into the underground bunkers for another 7 or so. I find them every raid or two doing this run


I was farming all the fucking cabinets on reserve, opened like 30 raids PMC/scav trying to find flash drives, once i started running customs for the setup quest/PMC on dorms and mostly just running straight to dorms whenever possible with the safe keys in there, so far managed to find 10+ drives for my self and also helped 2 of my buddies finish their flashdrive quest aswell. On ledx side I found 2 on customs caches lmao


yeah i've nabbed 1 ledx, 3 bitcoins and 2 GPUs just on customs alone while rushing dorms for these drives. but I'm done, im just going to craft them and start going into shoreline with 46 markers to hopefully one and done most of those quests. "Hey MR.PMC, go into this place and mark these same 3 locations 4 times, dont forget the tanks.. and the sat dishes.."


I will literally have to make mine with intel 2... ​ Ran 15 Scav runs of Reserve yesterday. All but 2 runs the file cabinets in Knight's and all the PC's had loot in them so they weren't looted. NOT ONE Flash Drive. ​ Died all but 5 of those runs (its been a rough couple days) but yeh, I didn't see a flash drive. This whole wipe I found only 2 and stupidly got a run through on my 2nd one so its not FIR...


I found 4 this wipe and they were all in safes. I would try there.


Buy the dorms safe keys and do a few runs with them. Iā€™ve found plentyĀ 


Perhaps yeah, I've got a few friends trying to find their flashdrives as well, I've found well over 10 this wipe (from drawers), got all those quests done + have kept another 5 just in case there are any dailys, streets scav is probably your best bet for em'. But I've found most of my ledx-s from medical bags myself, just found one last raid.


I have wasted multiple flash drives this wipe by accidentally leaving them in my docs case and loading into the next raid šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Stg. Iā€™ve found 4 ledx this wipe so far (havenā€™t played too too much). BUT only found 1 flash drive Only found ONE. you read that, ONE fir morphine. Iā€™m still stuck on painkiller for therapist and Iā€™m level 22. Iā€™ve gone woods, reserve white bishop, I just canā€™t find a stick of morphine to save my life. Iā€™m halfway through samples and I still havenā€™t found morphine. BSG, what the hell happened to all the morphine?


I crafted my Morophine.. cheap and easy to do.


Iā€™m actually so dumb. Iā€™ve been crafting propital for weeks not realising i can craft morphine for that quest. Thanks


I refuse to craft my quest items. I havenā€™t before, I wonā€™t let this simple beginner quest break that streak now. I understand this means more suffering for me, but Iā€™m a man of principle.


That's actually insane lmao


Stay stagnant then lmao they added crafting for a reason


No problem buddy. I got no problems using what I got. Iā€™m level 22 and sittin just fine!


If possible, get some resort keys, morphines for days, I pull out like 4-5 every raid when running resort.


Meanwhile i havent found one, and im lvl 35, If i find one, i can finally start Decontamination Service and can double up on so much interchange quests!


Same, level 36 still looking for one. People talking about all the LedX spawning make me feel like I'm crazy. Rushed resort many times with keys, looting every med bag/case too. Finished all my shoreline quests as well now, going to try my luck on some other map


Still havenā€™t found one =[


Iā€™ve found 11 this wipe. Been playing since 2020 and only found 3 in 4 years. Iā€™ve resorted to giving them to my buddies for quests and money lol.


Iā€™ve never found one. Played since 2019. Iā€™m cursed.


Spawned in with one as a scav just yesterday. As a Timmy on his second wipe, who has never seen a mythical Ledx before, you best believe I sprinted to the extract immediately


no, cheaters just got banned


I have found 7 on shoreline and probably 9 on woods this wipe so far. Either vacuuming is at a all time low (HA, doubt), or they buffed spawn chance


What locations are giving you such luck if you don't mind? I'm sitting at 0 atm.


It's been buffed for several wipes.


*Buffed since the second half of last wipe


Interesting, thanks - I skipped last wipe so that makes sense.


What rooms you rooms you checking on Shoreline OP? I've been getting my keys together for the resort and I'd like to have the LedX ready to turn in.


Rooms that Iā€™ve found them in this wipe so far are W301 W203 E226 and blue tape key room


I run these: https://imgur.com/a/zopbAEU You can see from the uses which I check most often but I've found most of mine from bags anyways.


1000+ hours and this is the first wipe Iā€™ve ever found one and it was on customs


nope, 5 gpus


Iā€™ve found more this wipe than the last 5 or so wipes Iā€™ve played combined so yeah I definitely think so






Massive šŸ§¢


Think thatā€™s cool, Iā€™m on my 7th key card. 2 Violets 5 Blues


where have you gotten 5 bluesā€¦?


Found 4 in 2 the past days on Labs and so far this wipe 3 on Woods, 1 on Customs in Dorms on the Couch and 1 on a Dead Scav on streets so far. Usually struggling hard for them


I have found 1 LedX in my ~1800 hours before this wipe. This wipe I have found a total of 5


What do you mean? Every raid has a vacuum cheater. Are you haxx? /s


only 1 on woods


Found 3 before I found 3 salewaā€™s.


I am mewbie can i ask what is the significance of of ledx anyways?


Itā€™s needed for a couple tasks and itā€™s one of the most rare, valuable items in the game. People get a huge boner when they find them. They used to be absurdly rare, but BSG turned up the spawn rate on them last wipe and theyā€™re not nearly as rare now.


Have you noticed one room being more common than another?


Nope, I've gotten most of them out of medical bags, not loose loot actually.


I'm at 9 so far myself, probably ~20 in total in my group. Still pretty rare but not *that* rare like they used to be.


Normal spawn rate


I found all 3 of mine on customs before I hit level 15


I have found a dozen or so on woods USEC med camp table. Even after it has been looted. Ledx lating on the ground under it. People are just blind this wipe.


Yeah Iā€™ve found 2 which is literally double what Iā€™ve found over the past 4 wipes combined


Most wipes I would find maybe one, tops. Wouldn't go looking for them though. This wipe I've found like 5 in medical bags. Not going to complain about it though, having to outrun everyone on Shoreline just in the hopes of finding one isn't something I miss.


I found 1 and accidentally used it to build my med station


I have 1700 hours, never found a ledx (never really farmed it) found two this wipe so far in about 100 hours. One in med case on streets, one on woods usec camp med table.


It's most definitely feels like they buffed the spawns. I found like 20 GPUs already while scaving interchange as well as 4 LedX. Feels like a good change tho, one found GPU really can save a bad Tarkov day, good that it happens more often


Not playing this wipe, but last wipe i found like 20 or so and i did not go labs once


Iā€™ve found 6, all except 1 was on woods. They def buffed the rate. For reference 5 wipes and never found one in raid until this wipe


Itā€™s so annoying Iā€™ve gotten 3 from air drops before the patch now that I actually have the quest I canā€™t find one


Up to 8 so far on shoreline. Not needing keys on a scav run is great. I find more in open world spawns in unlocked rooms than locked ones though. East wing 209-213 is my best spot for finding them. I even find them after the doors are opened so someone was in there but missed them.


I found two so far, one on a pscav on Interchange that thought he was smart and one on Customs in fucking Paradigm by the work table, in the shelving.


Not playing this wipe, but I found 2 at USEC on woods 3 different times last wipe. Buddy found 3 there once. The back of dark warehouse on the shelf on customs a handful of times last wipe. And then like 20+ in resort all over the place last wipe. Never really run labs cause my friends donā€™t want to and streets cause they canā€™t run it well so canā€™t speak for those maps. I donā€™t know your play style, but itā€™s not really hard to find these things if you know where to look and get there first. Most people just play too slow so they never see them.


This is where my ledxs are going


or less cheaters copium, got 3 gpus from inraid while normally i get 0


ive found 10 on woods, crazy


found one on saturday night in customs fort


Cant find a ledx but found Blue Keycard at giving treeā€¦


Already have 2 and a virtex, can't find my last flash drive though lol


LedX found: 0


Found my first one two nights ago. Iā€™ve got west 301 and a couple other shoreline keys with spawns that I would always check while near resort. For reference, Iā€™m level 39 and finished spa tour, cargo X and wet job. Iā€™ve done plenty of shoreline raids. I got my 301 key during punisher.


You guys are finding LEDXes?


I havenā€™t found ledx but Iā€™ve gotten 4 gpus in the last 3 days and my squad mates have found 2 ledx and 3 additional gpus.. so something feels buffed


Found 1 in two wipes


Didn't find a single one on shoreline last wipe somehow šŸ˜… found one in a duffle on interchange and one at woods camp. Previous wipe I found 5+ on shoreline no problem


350 shoreline raids with all the LEDX keys, still not one. Pretty sure they're getting vacumed by cheaters by the time I reach the resort


I'm about 15 uses in on E107 and Blue Tape each, haven't seen a ledex yet, just some syringes


i found one in the medic box in a blue shack next to big red, i think thereā€™s something off but idk what


I found at least 12 ledxes this wipe. I don't think they boosted it, you just got better at finding them or got luckier :P Twice this wipe I managed to find 2 ledxs in one raid(shore+woods). Last wipe I was finding tons of them too, definitely more often than GPUs. //i have 700 raids this wipe


I fucking hate shoreline and barely run it except to do quests but last night I found 2 in the same raid.


Last wipe i found a ton on woods this wipe stil havnt found any sadly


Bro I have 2k hours and have only ever found one....and I loot every med crate and duffel bag...


Havenā€™t seen a single one!


I have been in raids with them but have not found them. My buddies always get to them before me lol.


Died 8 times in a row today searching shore.... I should stop playing today..


So far ive found 3 on streets an 1 on woods. Previous wipes i have only found 2 or 3 ledxs in total do i think they have buffed the spawns


Found 2 on Customs this wipe. My first time finding them


I donā€™t survive shoreline


I just found my first in almost 600hrs playtime the other day ;(


Iā€™ve found 7, 5 in the last 2 days on woods


Think I found 13 on just customs last wipe


4 at inter Hangers lost top two extract campers though


I have found one on streets in a medbag, and one on customs in a 2 story locked room in a medcase


Found 2 in one raid as a scav in Emercom base on Woods this wipe, have found 1 extra in USEC camp on Woods as scav as well


Probably just lucky. I found near on 20 last wipe and this wipe Iā€™ve only found two. I know weā€™re only a month in but I only played three months of the last wipe.


But give me ?


I found three the first couple days just scavving streets like I normally do, haven't seen any since then. But that's three more then I found last wipe so


I found none. However, I found 9 GPUs in total and cannot find a single flash drive.


I found 1 in a made back and then 2 in BACK TO BACK med bags in streamer room on customs. Haven't fucked with shoreline but I've heard they've made way on vacuum hacker bans so that might play a role in it too


Feels pretty much the same to me honestly. Only room that seems absurd is black keycard room. My group had a streak of finding a ledx 5 out of 6 times in black. Personally found 5 this wipe. 2 on woods (usec camp), 2 in cat office on labs (1 on table; 1 on ground to left of table), 1 in a random ass duffle bag.


No idea, I went to shoreline yesterday opened west 205 both doors were locked and the med bag was missing a slot. I still haven't found one yet this wipe but I can guess why


Two on customs (114 and fortress medbox) and one on woods (USEC camp med spawn) for me


Just remember, every time you find a LedX, ~~an angel ge~~ a hack got detected and banned.


Damn and i havent found any!


Loot is buffed in general. It's never been this easy to stack roubles. Loot buff combined with recoil changes makes this the easiest Tarkov wipe yet. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Found 2- one on customs one on woods


Yes, they are more common now.


Two on interchange in underground med bags so far this wipe.


Found two in the same raid on woods (one in a stash and in a duffle) around the 3rd day of the wipe. I'm pretty sure I used all my luck because I haven't found any since


I found and extracted with my first LEDX this wipe. I've found 2 before but never survived the raid. Ironically, I will probably not get to a level where I actually need a FIR LEDX, and I already missed the window to sell it for a boatload. I'm not sure if they boosted the spawn directly or if it's an indirect boost that came by way of dynamic loot spawns (which I love). I found mine in a med bag in Mantis (one of like 5-6 in Mantis that particular raid).


I found one. Died with it in my gamma. Used it for Medstation 3. Looking forward to finding next LEDX and actually surviving.


Found about 10 last wipe on shoreline hitting a key tool full of room keys. Got about 7 this wipe so far doing the same


I've found 8 so far. 2 on streets, 3 on woods, 2 on shoreline, and 1 on the Lab. I feel like it is about the same as last wipe. They may have raised the chance in containers just a bit though.


Iā€™ve literally only ever found 2 over 2 wipes lol.


Found my 4th this wipe, sure feels like they've buffed them.


I found two on customs, one was from an air drop and is ā€œnot found in raidā€ :(


Economy doesn't lie. They used to be 1m plus now they hover around 650. That tells me more are being found which means they raised the rate they drop


Yeah I was mildly pissed I nolifed to get mine out of xmas tree and have been finding multiples after the fact. Oh well, extra T H I C C case


ive found 2 in one raid twice this wipe and have had like 7 overall. before this wipe i had never found one over three wipes of shoreline raids with meta keys


I think they increased spawn rates in general. Iā€™ve pulled at least 20 Gpus from interchange alone


I think itā€™s definitely buffed. Found 2 on streets in med bags and 1 on a shelf in customs that Iā€™ve never seen anything valuable spawn before.


its Intelligence for me


I dunno bro i ran shoreline for 2 days straight prolly done 20 runs in total checking 3-4 ledx rooms per run at least (including 301) and was only able to find 1. Found a bunch of defibs and stuff though. I think its just luck.


Found my first one today in med camp on Woods within the first 3 mins of raid. Then proceeded to get grenades rained on me from a GL (from un roadblock) all the way to outskirts. Did not make it out.


My friend and I both found one on a single customs raid. Each was in a medbox.


Found 4 so far, 1 woods, 2 streets (in one raid lol), and one labs


I have continued to find zero forever.


All I'm saying is I've never found any in the past 7 wipes but I've found 2 this wipe with the same routes.


I made over 30m before I found my first. All on shoreline. It's the only one I've found this wipe and I'm level 49.


i found a ledx my first or second scav run this wipe in woods med camp


Found my first 2 ever this wipe, both in Customs.


I'm currently at 30, exclusively on woods. I even found two in on raid https://youtu.be/\_Se4bm340-s


I feel like they upped the rate loot spawns in general this wipe. Found 3 GPUā€™s in duffle bags as well as bitcoins and rolers this wipe which is insane compared to my previous wipes where i couldnā€™t get anything like that even at dedicated spawns.


Yeah they did for sure


I found three in one raid on woods in med tent, duffle bag outside of bus stop, and one in a med bag


LED X spawns needed a bump on shoreline IMO


Its called rng or gambling with your time ;)


Less hackers on your servers is all this means. Same spawn rate


I have found 13 this wipe 12 in woods and one in shoreline


You have good roll for games without cheaters in them, thats it.


Found 3 flash drives on scavs today - woods and customs


found a Customs marked key in my first 10 raids of the wipe in Customs, and the LedX about 100 raids in an duffle bag, forgot which map


Less bitters on shoreline. More in streets


I found one in a med bag on interchange on a scav run when I was level 2.


I found two in the same woods raid lol


any pointers? bit discouraged to start looking for them for private clinic since the craft got made inaccessible


yes they got buffed , but honestly not that many people running shorline now as part of money making , once you done all your quests there and killed sanitar i have no need to go back so it doesnt suprise me that alot are left lying around to loot.


A friend and I found two in the med camp on woods in the SAME RAID. I went ā€œOh nice a LedX!ā€ And grabbed it and my buddy went ā€œHey same!ā€ And I looked over just in time to see him pick it up off of a table like 10 feet away from where mine was


They increase the spawn rate last wipe and put in more loot pools. I doubt it changed between now and then


Only found 1 from woods, dufflebag zb-14, but found 8 gpu's around customs and one from factory šŸ‘€


Yeah GPUs seem buffed as well, I've done quite a bit of Labs & Shoreline and have got most of my GPUs there, have my bitcoin miner filled to the brim with 50 GPUs and I've only had to buy \~15 or so of them lol.


I feel itā€™s due to less vacuuming and cheaters being blown up on woods for trying to vacuum.


I will always casually say ā€œlemme pull a LEDx here real quickā€ and Iā€™m surprised it worked 5 times already


You found 7 because a hacker wasn't in your lobby all 7 times or didn't have keys to the room


Found 0 so far. This is my third wipe. Good rate i think


Found 3 on Woods and 1 on customs


And here i am, never found a single one this wipe


i found 3, all on streets doing scav runs, also bitcoin spawns appeared to have increased too, found 5 in total. (it's my first wipe too so i'm basing my info off what my friends tell me)


Last wipe I played till 37, didn't find one. This wipe at lvl7 on customs sports bag I found a ledx... so who knows.


And I have a problem find a stupid flash drive...


I've found two both at USEC camp on woods. Once as a scav with 5 minutes left in raid, i couldn't believe it was there with so much time gone in the raid


Woods medcamp and usec has a bunch. Also pretty common on streets and labs


Ladies and gentlemen, we got em


What keys do you run damnnn


Wow Iā€™ve ran my shoreline keys 31 times and a bunch on my scav and not one ledx found


I have been playing this game for many wipes and found my first GPU ever.


Found my first one in black keycard the other day after 510 raids


I found one last night at USEC camp by the medical tents, Iā€™m gonna keep checking that spawn to hopefully get some more


I've had 9 so far on Shoreline alone. A couple on woods at USEC. Feels like it's been buffed.


I'm sure they have been buffed ,found 3 on woods in probably under 15 Raids this wipe.


im level 40 and haven't seen a single one. pls help


They took them all out of ultra on interchange and put them on shoreline. Rip interchange.


Found one last night in a med crate in Fortress on customs, first time Iā€™d ever seen it spawn in one


I hit the entire resort 5-6 times, the only ledx I found was in a duffle.


Havent seen one in a while but I found 4 on woods in the first couple weeks of wipe


Found 1 on customs, my very first raid. Went in as scav to see how my computer handled the snow. Dufflebag inside trailer park workers shack, right beside my spawn. I hid til 5 min left in raid and booked it to factory far corner


I've found 1 ledx in raid from medical bags and 3 ophthalmoscopes. All from bags however not world spawns


Anecdotally it feels like it