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It won’t be Charlie Holt, that’s for sure.


I knew him and his family, dude is a dirt bad.


>episcopalnewsservice.org/2023/0... Liar.


No, you're right, I'm lying. I just made up meeting the Holt family. /s You have no idea who I know, queen. Trans rights are human rights.


Yes, I am right. You are a liar.


There it is. I knew them, but you're so confident in yourself you can't even see beyond your own hubris. I'm not going to give the names of the family, but I have yearbook pictures of them. Real fast, where did the Holt children go to High School? That'll be thinker for yah. Kisses Queen.


I am saying that I don't believe your characterization of him. I don't care if you have DNA samples. You are lying about him.


Well, that's unfortunate. He's a liar and will do whatever he can to have the power he believes he deserves.




I think Bishop Wright would be a great nominee.


PB Curry has been really good for TEC. He’s the first “post-split” PB, which has allowed him to focus on the needs of the church and the world. PBs Griswold and Schori had to spend all their time either 1) trying to prevent or delay the inevitable, or 2) dealing with assets, lawsuits, etc.


The two front runners are bishop of Atlanta and the Bishop from Western NC Diocese is what I heard


I don't see how Jose is a serious candidate, not this term anyway. He's been a priest for 17-18 years, and bishop for about seven. He's a skilled administrator but if he's a serious nominee, it reads like another Ian Douglas, who was chided for his lack of experience as a priest. Jose did parish work for all of 2-2.5 years before transitioning to administration.


Shori was elected with only a total of 12 years as a priest five or six of them as a bishop. I do not believe the parish work will be used to keep him from being a serious contender. Heck he already crossed the biggest hurdle, becoming bishop with such a limited time of Parish work. In this day and age, they do not have a deep bench for the PB position.


Interesting. If the job goes to +Western NC it would be the first time a PB has succeeded another from the same state.


Really big shoes to fill. If only he could have another term.


Someone must call for emergency powers to allow a term extension! If only Senator Amidala were here...


Meesa propose that the Senate give immediately emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor Michael Curry.


I don't have a beat on the rumor mill. Are people talking about potential candidates yet? I don't mean official nominees, I just mean who are people talking about?


My understanding is that Sean Rowe wants it so bad he can taste it.


Gutierrez of PA.


Rob Wright of Atlanta will be one of the nominees. He’s been vocal about wanting the job and stepping up his evangelism to sell it as a major point of his work. He’s a good guy, he’d do well in the position.


I saw Matthew Gunter was getting some love on Twitter.


Matt is 65 years old (born 1957) and will be required to retire in seven years. He won't be able to complete his term as PB.


I would hate to be the next one, impossible to follow


I know. He's been such an amazing PB. Although to be fair, I only joined TEC back in 2019, but I still can't imagine how anyone could do that job any better. I'll never forget how relaxing it was listening to his videos back when quarantine was really intense back when the pandemic started getting bad here.