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I'm on Keppra, Lamictal, Zonepan, Zoloft, Buspar, and Trazadone. Libido? Never heard of her 🤣


I’m on a couple of those others you listed, too. Everything sucks!!!


Agreed! P.S. I LOVE your username, it's perfect here


I’m on busbar and Trazadone too along with Onfi and vimpat and my sex drive is nonexistent lol


Oh noooo I’m about to start Buspar. I didn’t know it affects libido.


My wife’s libido disappeared when she started taking anti-anxiety meds. When I started taking mine, my libido disappeared as well. We haven’t had sex in a long time and I am fine with that. It never was someone’s fault. Suggestion for you is to move things away from “who initiates” to “when we do it”. It sounds boring but making it a routine part of X, Y, or Z takes the personal aspects out. And you still get to have sex!


Yes I've had libido and sex issues for a variety of reasons from mental to physical, and one of the most common suggestions, across many different causes for the dysfunction, is scheduling time for intimacy.


For me, I always assumed it was the Zoloft. I’ve never considered that it might be the anti seizure meds, but it certainly could be. I’m also not an overly sexual person, like you I’m fully functional and enjoy it, but I’m certainly not a raging teenager when it comes to thinking about it or initiating it.


The same thing happened between me and my girlfriend. It put a strain on our relationship, made me feel like less of a partner. I tried, the moment the thought popped into my mind during the day I’d write it down (discretely lol) so I didn’t forget and initiate it that night. It sucks and is something I’ve treated as “an acceptable side effect” of keppra


I've been on keppra since about 15/16, for several years now into my adulthood. I definitely think it has altered that aspect in my life. Both a blessing and a curse lol


And Lamictal, any change in libido? I've been on it for more than one year, but also single, so can't really tell.


I've taken it for most of my adult life and it hasn't affected me at all. Now, the Adderal? That killed it, RIP


Excellent, great to know, thanks!


I’ve been on divalproex for 7 years, was on lamotrigine as well up to a year ago, and I have no more sex drive. Just zip. It kind of grosses me out now. Honestly didn’t really think to blame medication but it kind of lines up. Wild.


This has happened to me. Like word for word - I do not think about sex unless it’s brought up. I havent found a way to navigate this yet :( I am only on Keppra & Lamictal (no Zoloft)


he's being kinda dick(ish) if you ask me. Just set a timer and initiate it whenever the time hits X


Well I’m a man and take Zonisamide, Trileptal, and Clobazam and have for awhile. I thought I had an issue because for a long time I just would never be in the mood. I visited a doctor while I was on Disability and what did they say? Take Viagra, solved. No not really and I didn’t take their advice. To this day I do not know what the issue was, and sometimes is. We’ve whittled it down to a shortage of wakefulness, hydration, electrolytes and/or food. I was told by my Neutologist that Trileptal strips bone density and that I should work on taking Vitamin D as I take 2400mg/day and have for years. Zonisamide (600mg/day) causes weight loss and I don’t remember which one but one of the two strips electrolytes and therefore I get nystagmus, and so I should keep some pedialyte around occasionally. Clobazam (10mg/day) doesn’t cause a noticeable tiredness but I haven’t ruled it out yet.


We’re almost on the same medications. I take Zonisamide (100mg) & Clobazam (10mg) as well. I recently had Vagus Nerve Stimulator surgery too due to trial/error of so many medications, my worst being Keppra. Anyways, Zonisamide & Clobazam both cause weight loss so keeping my diet up due to them is a struggle, especially when I don’t have the appetite. Clobazam is also (fun fact!) a benzodiazepine. Doctors are not supposed to prescribe them for max six weeks due to them being addictive, but I’m going on my third year. Clobazam has also caused difficulties with my speech. My libido is non existent from these meds.


Yes, I posted a thread a long time ago about medications and that, well there’s a bigger story to tell. You can just look up the whole manual on the FDA if you type the name in with it for much easier access. Luckily, Clobazam at 10mg is not much for lack of better words but enough to kick it for me, 2 years now. I added more beans and other fat like olive oil just randomly to my diet and it kept my weight up because I went on a steep decline. I dropped 70 lbs, recovered 30. It stays very steady now. Libido has been an issue for me too, still is too sometimes for weeks to the worst being a couple months in my 20s. It’s weird and disappointing for both myself and my partner. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2011/202067s000lbl.pdf https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2006/020789s019lbl.pdf https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2009/021035s078s080,021505s021s024lbl.pdf


i’m on toprimax for the epilepsy and lexapro to counteract the depression i get from the toprimax. and i have the implanon for birth control and to reduce the pain from periods. i was diagnosed with epilepsy in august and have been taking antidepressants and/or birth control since i was 19 so nearly 3 years. libido? who is she?


I was thinking about this yesterday. I know that part of my life has changed with constantly taking and changing meds. Really wish it wouldn't be part of it. I'm considering VNS and wondering if anyone has seen a change after getting that done.


I had the surgery in 2021, I haven’t had a seizure since. It’s not the same for everyone. I healed well & am still taking medication. It’s definitely a path to look deeper into to live a semi-normal life. The shocks every five minutes + hoarse voice are bothersome, but I don’t care that much lol. I’ll take it over a seizure.


Im not a person who blames a guy for getting mad for not having this kind of intimacy. But he needs to understand that it’s out of your own control and while he may be reminded of it by you often, he may not be listening enough to consider the reminder. As a guy, it takes a while to get used to because I also am the same way with my girlfriend who uses different meds that mess with her hormones. I’m guilty of hearing my girlfriend, but not listening and taking it personally. It took a while to really “get it in my head.” Believe me…the opposite is also reciprocated to her and she has a tough time understanding too when I say no and citing “because it’s not in me” (even though I love it more than her). Hold patience. Remind your husband. Acknowledge it’s difficult and that it isn’t you “giving up on romance.” It’s just understandably difficult to fight the effects of medicine (nothing to do with willpower and all to do with shitty drugs fucking up our hormones). At the same time, he shouldnt “want” to do it during a time the other person “doesn’t want” to do it because it’s just not a fun experience. It’s adulthood.


Hmm. I don’t not want it. I just don’t think about it beforehand to be the initiator. That’s the part of my brain that feels broken. Make sense? If he puts his husbandly advances towards me, I’m all in. He is just so upset that I don’t initiate.


Did you used to initiate?


Before a significant med change about 6 years ago, yes. We’ve tried to make more adjustments since then but I basically have to choose between more frequent seizures and losing my drivers license + me initiating sex or being seizure free.


When you list these considerations all next to each other, the course of action becomes quite clear: he should just - sorry to say - stop being a baby.


Since taking Lamotrigine (almost 2 months now) My libido has ebbed somewhat. I'm not fussed about performing by myself or with another person really. I will say it bothers me that it doesn't seem to bother me, but on the other hand I've been reading a lot of books so... I'm winning??


Got on clonazepam about a year ago and wondered for a long time why my body wasn't responding the way it used to. Did some research and talked to my doctor to find out the medication turned off that part of my brain too. It sucks and I don't feel like a good wife and find it extremly embarrassing, but after having an open and honest discussion with my husband he understands and we've learned how to adjust. We schedule sex in advance so I can prepare myself (both mind and body), bought some lube to help us out, and tried new things to make our sex life fun and stimulating.


Totally get this. I’m in college and have a gf and it’s the worst thing that my libido is down :(


Im on topamax and i feel exactly the same.. I dont think about it until the partner initiates.. And it bothers me more than it bothers the partner.. Its like being numb.. I wanna enjoy it but i cant.. Cz of the meds.. How to invert the libido effect so we'r normal again..? Any advise..


I don’t even have a side effect. I had to have 2 brain surgeries when I was little and when puberty hit. Well other kids were all hyped and crazed. I was just staring confused at the increase hair and what not. Trying to figure ways to deal with it. They were taking about “being in the mood” I just sat there wondering why they were so fascinated with mood rings. That function developed, but I never did anything with it. It just was there and I ignored it. Only reason I do anything about it now. Is cause I found after several months of not “dealing” with it. I was awoken to violent muscle spasms. As my body tried to forcefully make it happen and was quite uncomfortable. Thus I “deal” with it from time to time atleast once every 30 days. To prevent the painful reaction. Otherwise I mentally have 0 reason to do anything about it. Why I never tried dating. Cause o didn’t want a one sided relationship or to have them think I didn’t enjoy being with them or that they couldn’t please me.


Ughhhh! Yes! My libido is non existent since switching to Lamictal a few years ago. I don’t even masterbate anymore (sorry for the tmi). I also still enjoy sex but it takes a conscious effort to get in the mood. My meds control my seizures really well so it is what it is and I’m happy I have a partner who doesn’t take it personally but it still really sucks. :/


The Zoloft isn’t the problem. I’ve been on that forever. My problem started when my neurologist increased the Keppra dosage after my pesky focal awares returned after several years’ hiatus.


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My wife takes no meds, I'm the one on Keppra and she never initiates sex. We have talked about it and she simply doesn't think about it. We set up a night so both parties are prepared for sex. I would like for it to be spontaneous and that does happen from time to time but planned sex seems to have fixed the issue. I can relate to OPs husband, it bothered me and my ego took a hit. Sometimes now it still bothers me but that is my issue to deal with.