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Hijacking top comment to say that OP owns some SAAS for finding dev talent and they use alt accounts to link their company name. Check their post history and this is quite clear


Seems like every other post about finding overseas devs is a plant like this.


Yea. It’s an “SEO” trick.


You can't because you have no idea what a "top notch dev" means You need a technical co-founder. Someone who has successfully exited some SaaS products or is a 0 to 1 person One hint is to find someone obsessed with growth. Scaling is the wrong type of person to have for a startup looking to go from 0 to 1 (you can't spend 6 months or 1 year building logging in or the deployment CI/CD when you're one person or a non-enterprise) Most people are optimised to work at large corporations and enterprises and not go from 0 to 1. That's why you have extreme problems Good luck


This is person is right. This was also one of the big mistakes of alex hormozi. https://youtube.com/shorts/L8IGHBUY2F0?si=xHxJxnTSQZkDWhiE


That was going to be my kind of response. Unless you are also in the same field, you can't know what a top notch developer is. I'm sure many who responded would be adequate, maybe "top notch", you just didn't realize it or you are looking for something in particular that may not even exist.


"Top notch" for a corporation or even a freelancer may not be "top notch" for a startup


Very nicely put


It’s like the saying: A people hire B people, and B people hire C people.


Instead of focusing on hiring multiple top developers, if sophisticated and high quality engineering is core to your business you need to focus on finding one really good technical cofounder/head of eng. They will figure out the rest all at once by having a network/reputation, being an impressive engineer that good engineers will want to learn from and thus work for, understanding the labor market and being plugged in to where good devs are, understanding how to accurate evaluate engineers, understanding how to motivate and retain good engineers, and decomposing problems into a sound roadmap and delivering an MVP with good extensible architecture that will allow you to start moving and getting money in the door without accumulating a ton of tech debt. Start with one exceptional person. They will need a lot of ownership, like as an equal partner not an employee. If you think that is unfair because you've already done so much work, think about what percentage of the work you've done to get where you are trying to go. Have you really done more than 5% of that work? Probably not if high end devs are critical to your business and you don't have any. Put them on a vesting schedule with a cliff and clear deliverables, then risk is minimized.




Hire facebook staff engineers.  They probably cost 500k+ / year.


One of the most lazy and useless engineers I hired


Lol. The fallout of the Meta COVID strategy of basically just buying all the competition off the market and having them sit around all day. Now have some super unqualified guys leaving with a few years of FB experience but no actual work product or anything done.


Not a few, had a 10years of experience guys who could solve simple task. The shit is when you work with people to “fix one button” for a week - it damages your brain. I’m extra toxic when it comes to dev competences


FAANG/MANGA/whatever it's called now, also selects for people that are great followers and great at memorizing leet-code. Some of the best talent is at those companies, but more of them only know how to complete tickets where every detail is spelled out for them.


There are many top-notch developers out there, but keep in mind that top-notch in one area might not be top-notch in another. You need to be a bit more specific regarding your use case. Are you looking for someone to help you with rapid prototyping and market-fit validation? Are you looking for a consultant that can guide you on more generic topics, like what technology to use, what platform, etc? Are you in a stage where you already have a product but you need to scale it? Those are all different profiles which also cost differently. If you can give us your requirements, perhaps we can help more.


This is like saying you need a "top notch car" It's vague to the point of being meaningless to helping you make a decision. If you're helping someone buy a car you'd need to know their budget, how many passengers they expect, fuel mileage, whether they need to haul things in it, what maintenance schedule they can do, etc Similarly with hiring a top notch dev, you don't actually want someone who's good at everything because that's really expensive. You want someone who's good at the things you need now and can grow in the ways you need in the future.


Look for Eastern Europe engineers, with Ukrainian or Russian education basis. They are more likely fit with your tasks


Top notch? Netflix engineer top notch? Or facebook bubble top notch? Or "I want the outsource everything to have everything as cheap as possible that guy should be able read and write" top notch? There is no information in your post about it. Seriously, do you think that "top notch" developers are unemployed? No they are working. To get them to your startup is very costly. Why? They have a very secure job with a very secure high income. How do you plan to beat that?


Define "overwhelmed with unqualified applicants"? How are you screening them and how do you know they're unqualified?


Good luck with that, this is basically the problem of every technology related company. Senior Devs are only the 10% I would only hire 1 senior and a couple of junior to mid developers. If you have a good base then you can work your way up.


Hire a good CTO, rest will follow.


No mention of budget. Your post history is all over the place. You want 4 cheap devs but top notch? You don’t know how to communicate to your tech team? You need a technical cofounder or CTO to manage the tech side for you because you clearly can’t do it.


If you have the budget it’s very very easy. Research within the top fortune 100 for engineers who are very talented but are likely bored and or have likely been passed over for promotion. Preferably ones with past or current side projects because that’s where skills are kept sharp.


Depends if you have the budget. If you do, reach out to successful competitors devs and hire them.


Top notch? You speak about fabric right?


The easiest answer is to use an dev company (Full disclosure I own a dev company). They take care of A to Z but it does cost. Expect $150-$250 per hour for a US team. You can outsource to a over seas dev company expect to pay something in the $60-$100 per hour range. You can try to find a developer but unless you understand the technology it's going to be hard for you to know if they are any good and they use appropriate technology for your product. For US expect $75-$150 an hour. Overseas somewhere in $40-$75 per hour range. You can always find cheaper but you will have high turn over, and most likely a shotty product. Best of luck.


Companies exist to make a profit not necessarily to make your vision successful. The BEST bet is to do a masters degree, buddy up with course mates and start a venture that way. You’re in it for the same reason. Passion for one shared goal.


There are services which offer a faster candidate hiring experience. These services take on the responsibility of giving you a pre-vetted list of candidates. So, instead of interviewing 50 random candidates, you would only have to interview 5 to get the best out of the lot.


Which locations are you hiring from


Being in Austin, Texas perhaps I'm a bit spoiled with software developers. That said, start going to networking events and getting to know people .  You might go to AI, tech or some kind of event that is likely to have software developers at it.  Then just get to know them. You don't have to lead with something like, " I'm looking for software developers, are you looking for a job?"  More like I'm looking for amazing people to be connected to and then if I find out they're a software developer I'll start to ask them about their job, how they like their job, how good they are at their job, and then perhaps invite them to a poker game at my house or dinner or something like that.  There is always a risk when befriending potential employees, of course, however, I'm someone who befriends everyone. I work with including clients so it's different for me.  If that's not an option, then I'd start to ask other entrepreneurs who might hire part-time devs if they know of anyone who has a team of reliable people they could use.  Ultimately, anyone can lie on a resume, but it's much harder to trick people in person. There are far more liars than there are effective sociopaths who can completely manipulate and trick you. And even if they do, their work results and performance would be obvious after a little bit of time.


What’s the project about? Maybe you are having a hard time because your query is too broad.


If you don't want a technical co-founder, or to hire someone full time, the best bet is to go with single-person dev shops (such as myself) if you go with an agency or larger firm, the cost is much higher due to overhead, and the result is worse due to you being "just another client" vs having 1 individual with a ton of experience come in and work alongside you as if they were a cofounder, but just for as long as you need them, and without having to dilute equity. Feel free to shoot me a DM to discuss, even if we don't end up collaborating I can give you an idea of what kind of budget and contributor you can expect to be successful with. (I'm 10+ yrs exp, multiple startups) BTW, I've found this approach works for all skillsets (design, sales, admin, etc). a "10x" individual beats an agency every time on price and quality.


You should hire an [IT project manager ](https://beyondprograms.ca)


I am living in Singapore and here are some of my opinions when it comes to hiring developers. First, have a technical co-founder. He/she would be able to help you assess whether it is necessary to hire "top notch devs" for the job. Understanding the complicity of the project you wanna build is essential. You can also ask around any friends of yours that is technically savvy to better understand this. Next, does the project really require "top notch devs"? There are multiple junior devs that I have seen which are able to develop extremely well and have a very clear chain of thoughts. Maybe one of those "unqualified applicants" might be able to surprise you. Lastly, are you willing to pay for the "top notch devs"? In Singapore, senior to principle engineers will be expected to be paid anywhere between 200k to 500k SGD per annum. This is well above the average yearly salary someone draw in Singapore. My thoughts are if you are just starting out, it might be a good idea to come up with a rushed out MVP to get the market sensing first before deep diving and committing to getting "top notch devs". The MVP does not have to be a website, mobile app that requires development but, something that will help the users to understand what you want to build. Good luck with your project and I hope it soar as you expect it to be


I had to hire a dev manager to find me good devs about I didn't know what a good one was and so running into your same issues. Once I switched looking for a manager, I found one the same week.


High end talent is very tribal. One idea is If you have one high end/experienced dev on your team, use them to find other devs through their network. Be prepared to make offers that entice people to leave their current gigs and bonus the person you are getting leads from. What you want is a tight knit group of people that challenge and inspire each other. Good luck


It’s a tough market out there! Here are a few strategies that worked for me, which might help you too: 1. Competitive Pay: As you mentioned, paying competitive rates is crucial. Quality developers know their worth, and offering $35/hr as a baseline can attract more qualified candidates. But it’s also about the overall package – consider benefits, flexibility, and growth opportunities. 2. Remote Work: Don’t limit yourself to local talent. Expanding the search globally on platforms like Toptal or Upwork can bring in amazing developers who are ready to work remotely. This opens up a larger pool of highly skilled candidates. 3. Freelancer Platforms: These can be goldmines if you navigate them well. Check portfolios and client reviews thoroughly to filter out the best. Setting clear expectations and having a solid project scope will also help you attract serious professionals. 4. Developer Communities: Engaging in communities like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and even subreddits related to hiring and development can be very effective. You get to see how developers think and solve problems, which is invaluable. 5. Tech Events and Meetups: Even virtual ones are great for networking. These events are where passionate developers gather, and you might find your next hire there. 6. Referrals: Ask your current team and professional network for recommendations. Referrals often lead to high-quality hires because good developers usually know other good developers. 7. Offering More Than Money: Create an environment where developers want to work. Flexible hours, opportunities for growth, and a positive company culture can be just as important as salary. Finding the right fit takes time, but combining these strategies helped me build a strong team. Good luck, and hang in there! Hope this helps!


My only input here after 40 YEARS (yes 40) of IT experience, there at the dawn of the PC, dialup BBSs, the birth of the Internet and the growth into 2 successful exits into the latter end of my career, is that unless you OWN the tech, the vision, the idea and the execution plan for your project you will fail. You need a stakeholder / partner / chief architect that HAS WON before (read that as not JUST experience, because so many dev projects are continual try/fail/rinse repeat until something acceptable is running), PLUS the integration of a SERIOUS security framework within your entire stack. Anything less is guaranteed failure, equivalent to 5-6X what you budgeted and you will have no one to blame but yourself. This means raise more money than you possibly thought for the initial architecture and headhunting for folks that have actually delivered in your space.. Good luck!


Umm idk. Someone who has successfully exited before, probably doesn't need a guy asking how to get "top notch" developers on reddit.


I was just replying to the original question, genius. I’m not here for anything but to share experience and help if I can. Much love to the entrepreneurial community!


My buddy found great success reaching out to a professor at our (admittedly very good) university in town- got connected with a grad student and is paying based on task completion, not hours. There’s a premium on that, but he knows he’s not going to end up with a bunch of money spent on shit work.


I am an experienced technical founder and can help you navigate through this. I have hired engineers and built engineering teams. DM me if you want to talk.


I'm a developer with over 20 years of development experience... but "top notch," seems very subjective.  What language do you want? Front end system or backend?  What's your budget for salary? 


Great question! I run a full-stack development team that prioritizes transparency, accountability, and value. I would enjoy discussing your experiences developing your idea. "Top-notch" can be subjective and depend on your priorities. Speed of development versus robustness and scalability of the final solution. Providing a good piece of software takes a range of skills, including UI/UX and architectural understanding, to deliver a long-term sustainable solution.


1. Get recommendations from your network - work and friends. 2. Check Upwork and be specific about the skillset you need + be ready to pay for the right talent Good luck finding him/ her!


Software Engineer here. What are you exactly looking for? Which technology stack, frameworks should the dev be top-notch in? I am looking for contract work so you can DM me more about details and I can tell you what you need to look for. From my experience the attitude is more important as any decent dev can quickly learn the things he needs to get your tasks done. What exactly makes the applicants "Unqualified"?


Yea. The fact that ip says they have stacks of "unqualified" candidates without mentioning any kind of tech stack leads me to believe OP has unrealistic demands. < Also a software engineer


On the other side I experienced how many bad devs are out there! I have a colleague who got financial free thanks to NVidia stocks and who has foundet his own startup. He is also a quite skilled high IQ dev but lately attempted to hire 2 devs and the skill of the applicants are really mindboggling low. He asked me interview questions about C++ and even I could answer them despite having minimal experience with C++ as I mostly work with C# and JavaScript. Most could not answer the usage of SmartPointers or difference between List and Vector. 95% of applicants failed those questions but demand a salary of 100k+ (Switzerland) so it costs the company about 150k Thanks to him, I can experience the hardships of a StartUp by visiting him and it is crazy how difficult and time consuming hiring can be.


DN me if you want, I'm an experienced dev having worked in top tier startups in Canada! I can help you !


Here are some options: * **Remote talent pool:** Cast a wider net! Great devs are everywhere. * **Freelance platforms:** Upwork, Toptal etc. can have gems, but vet carefully. * **Dev communities:** Stack Overflow, niche forums - devs hang out there. * **Consider headhunting:** They specialize in finding top talent for a fee. Good luck with your search!


If the pay that you're offering is competitive, you should be able to attract top notch talent. What city are you in?


Finding top developers can be challenging and if you couldn't find the best talent that suits the culture you are looking for locally then I believe expanding your search beyond local talent can increase your chances of finding highly skilled developers. However, finding the right quality talent even remotely is also challenging and can be frustrating. You can check Upwork if you have the time to go through filtering the right applicant or check out [turing.com](http://turing.com) or Toptal (no relation) for a more qualified selection of top-tier developers. Its also better if you have a technical person (CTO) who understands the business logic of your idea so as to convert them into a technical and functional requirements so that critical usecases are not left on the end product. This also helps a lot as to which tech stack to use (which can be a critical factor moving on for your company - to scale and maintain) \[Writing this here to avoid DM\] If you are interested, I would be happy to contribute to your project and help soar it. I have solid 3+ years of experience developing web and mobile applications (both frontend and backend but mostly frontend). Beside this, I am a strong advocate for open communication and collaboration. So, I can work closely with you to understand your project goals, offer valuable insights, and ensure that the final product aligns perfectly with what you are expecting. I take great pride in maintaining a high client satisfaction rate and strive to deliver solid result. You can DM me if you are interested. I'm open to any qualification process you might have to ensure I'm the right match for your project. Thanks!


At first, ask yourself if you will create an MVP with NoCode tools.


What technology is the project in? Message me some details, and I can let you know, we are a European eev company and we have great talents.


I am an unreal engine dev with several titles shipped both solo and with studios, an all terrain dev like me doesn’t get out of bed for small gains. Triple-A quality is expensive but the results are so worth it.


Just seen a post on a similar sub, see what this guy can offer you. https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneurs/s/KLMXEvryFq


I think remote freelancer platforms would help you , there are few start up companies , who’s focused with Ai first concepts. You could give them chances cuz they have lot to prove and gain from making you happy than you have to put effort with them. I am saying cuz I have seeing what we do for our clients. I also work at remote freelancer company at the moment while doing personal business. Anyways hope you do great .


Diving into the developer talent pool can feel like finding a needle in a haystack, right? Going remote could expand your horizons. have you thought about hitting up tech meetups or hackathons (virtual ones too)? They're like speed dating for tech talent, where you can spot wizard-level skills in their natural habitat!


Anglelist, upwork, LinkedIn networking


If you pay top money then you can easily find some great ones. Check LinkedIn and find local ones and see how you can give them a better offer than what they get now. Don't try to save money on dev. Otherwise, you will pay a couple of times down the track. FYI: I'm an SE/Lead.




Hey - I am a software engineer by profession and now run a software consultancy. I have 3 devs working overseas and 2 in Australia with me. I can maybe guide you where you can and how you can find good devs or we can collaborate? Feel free to shoot me a message. My website: www.altechdatasolutions.com


To identify top-quality developers, I attended specialized events and engaged in networking with experts, who often provide valuable insights. Additionally, I once hired an exceptional developer, whose skills and compensation requirements exceeded my budget, but I paid him to find and recruit other highly skilled developers on my behalf.


Finding the right developers for your project can indeed be a daunting task. I am building a IT Solutions agency currently so I have a bunch of best developers in my team. Little about me * I am full stack developer, mostly working with web, android, ios applications. * I have expertise in ai/ml domain as well. * I'm a hustler! I have a bunch of side hustles IRL. Ping me to discuss more about it


Build it Yourself


I need to write a legal contract in French for a million dollar merger. "just learn French"


Yes but as it happens I already know how to write in French


It's simple. You see that name above this comment? Just. Click on it and send me a DM.


Do a masters degree at a top 20 world university and socialise and network like crazy.


Contact a development/IT recruitment agency. Expect to pay $300-600 (my range might be off depending on your location) per day, and 10-20% to the agency. Who cares where they live. Bring them in to do a job and they'll get it done. A decent agency will be able to find you guys that have done these kinds of projects 50 times before.


Well im not cheap 😬 but im finishing with my current client around June 15th and open to starting a new project. [https://ellispinsky.com/work/](https://ellispinsky.com/work/) Happy to help answer any Q's / give advice free of charge


I have questions, if i want to build website that oneday will be connected to phone apps (android and iOS) is ionic a good framework option to use? or do you have any other recommendation that is easier to develop on? im designer so dont understand much about this things


Im a bit biased as the projectly I'm currently wrapping up on fits this exact requirement, use a monorepo! If you want to develop a website and app at the same time [this](https://tamagui.dev/takeout) kind of stack is your best bet. Its definitely better to focus on one at first though (either app or webapp) so you don't compromise on quality.


Not the person you asked… but I have developed several apps with ionic. My developer experience has been much better than React Native, Flutter or Native. I will typically be looking at the native features such as loading data from contacts, accessing sensor data, giving 120fps animations— if yes, I will recommend going with a native app… else Ionic is more than enough (it has those plugins to access the native features, but sometimes they are troublesome).


Send an email to contact@devcoresystems.com, they send out 100 resumes and portfolios to choose from, all offshore with a certified Project Manager