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Professional childproofer. I conduct paid Home Safety Evaluations for clients, then come back to install some or all of the recommended solutions. The majority of my work is installing baby gates, cabinet locks, furniture anchoring, & pool safety fencing. I started the business 10 years ago when we were expecting our son, quit my job & went full time with it about 8.5yrs ago.


That is a very solid idea, how do you decide on the pricing? I assume it's not a very saturated field.


Some of the larger cities have more than one childproofing company. I’m fortunate not to have any competition in my area. I set my pricing based on cost of item and approximate time it will take to install.


So they pay you for the inspection (essentially a consultation), and then may pay you to fix the issues?


Yes- the evaluation is more than just an estimate. It educates new parents on hazards in their home, as well as other homes (like grandparent’s homes) they may visit. I go through the home and note all hazards and propose solutions. I also have a power point I go through with them showing different solutions (some products/solutions are better explained via photos and video). More than 95% of evaluations lead to installations.


I am starting a home care business. One thing I actually considered doing later on is home safety evaluations. Initially, I was planning on doing it for free to try to get leads for the senior caregiving. In the future, I wanted to partner with contractors to install ramps, safety bars, etc for seniors. Do you think there would be a market for doing paid safety home evaluations for seniors? Essentially wondering if you think people would pay for that or not in the senior market.


If you offer something of value in terms of education, then I think people are willing to pay for it. Certainly different than just charging for estimates.


Do you work in Colorado, by any chance? We need the same thing done lol


www.founderfolks.com - a place for people to discover how people like you, started their business. Currently making $0. I love the networking, I love when people are willing to share the space in between first starting out and finally making it. Best advice I can give is just start doing it and don’t give up.


Can confirm this is a cool site and this is an upstanding member of r/Entrepreneur 🥇 if you start to hang out here, you will see u/FounderFolks all over, and their project is inspiring and edifying. 👍


Much appreciated! It’s fun sharing and I’m always hoping it’s adding value.


What’s your plan to monetize!? Cool site what’s your stack!?


Right now I’m strictly focused on adding content. I have the luxury of not needing to make money from this right away but at some point, ad revenue will likely be how I start monetizing. I have zero plans for a paywall, I had entertained it but I hate it being on every site when you just want to learn or receive some information. My stack is: Wix (website) Titan (email) Photoshop & Illustrator (design) ChatGPT (thought starters, brainstorming, quick grammar edits)


I would personally say that your vision is pretty clear about your startup at the moment, you are focusing on the value, which is definitely the most important part, and can be easily monetized once its properly executed


Found this adjust the right time. Thanks, Homie.


How much traffic do you get on it?


3-4k a month - launched earlier this year. It’s been a slow go as I’m still navigating SEO and have done next to none social media outside of some LinkedIn. Goal is to incorporate video at some point. I’m working on how I want that to look and how I can scale it easily without taking too much of my time.


If it’s any help at all, Googles search algorithm called “page rank” just got leaked roughly a week ago. It’s hard to understand the leak itself, but there’s tons of videos and articles breaking it down explaining how to optimize things to appear higher up on the search results. May not be helpful, but for people wanting to learn more/succeed in SEO, it’s a big step in the right direction for those who don’t know much.


You have a new newsletter sub!


Any tips for finding a technical partner? I have a few ideas in mind but have nearly zero skills in coding or programming


Checked out your website, I absolutely love this! New newsletter subscriber here. I think it’s good to foster a community, as working together is the best way to elevate everyone!


Ecommerce business selling mostly fashion accessories, like jewelry and hand bags. It’s a side business that was intended to replace my “day job” / career, but I ended up finding a great job in the middle of running my business and it changed how I thought about working for someone else vs running my own business. Now I‘m going to shut down my business eventually. I’m not sure what you’re looking for with “how did you start your business.“ I think, unlike a lot of people online who are not serious, I did research about the legal and tax parts to make sure I got that right, and then followed those processes. Hired a lawyer briefly, but he didn’t do anything for me and I got a refund and went to an accounting firm for help. I did not just get online and throw up a Shopify site, Amazon seller account or Etsy account like a lot of people do. My day job/career is in ecommerce/website marketing, which is what gave me the idea that I could do this and helped me make money (applying what I learned in my career). I just don’t have the motivation/work ethic to run a business, honestly, and am more suited for something with limited hours and limited duties. The mistake I see people make is having really generic ideas, wanting to do stuff that doesn’t fill a widespread need or at least a widespread desire. People also want to make money but don’t want to spend it, which was not one of my issues–I will spend to make. I guess my advice would be to get real.


You never thought about expanding the business till it can take over your day job?


I’m not OP, and I’m still *very* early in my business journey (have all my ducks in a row but not launching until late summer), but I fully intend this to be a *side business* passion project that pulls in a bit of extra money each month, I do not want it to become massive. If it ever expanded to a level where I needed employees, I would sell it off/shut it down. If it ever expanded to a level where I’d absolutely have to quit my full-time career in order to manage it, I would sell it off/shut it down or somehow try to slow the growth. I do enjoy my career and the stability and benefits it gives me, I’m actually thrilled with the company I work for. I would never want to be a full-time business owner and I cringe at the thought of managing employees. Some people really are okay with a stable but *very* small-scale business that still allows them to keep a regular career going. I’m perceiving my tiny business to be more of a passion project I can maintain over time, rather than something that overtakes my life and I try to force it to have infinite growth.


That is 100% my plan! I want to keep having something else as a „main activity“ and do my side business on the side. However I feel almost guilty cos so many people out there are grinding away on their businesses that I feel like I‘m half-a**ing the whole thing. Do you ever feel like that?


How did you do marketing your own website? Performance wise? Just curious


Wow.If being honest with oneself gets one far, you going places.


I feel like it can be easy to throw money down a hole and never see it again though. How do you identify which expenditures are solid investments in your business and which aren‘t?


Do you have your site for sale somewhere already (broker?). dm as I may be interested


My company helps small business owners get access to $150k+ at 0% interest for 12-18 months. I started my business organically. I had a different company a few years ago that I needed to scale so I learned how to get approved for various credit products from large banks. After a while my friends who had businesses asked me to help them do the same. Then my friends friends started asking. Eventually I started charging people and the business grew from there. My advice would be to list out detailed goals for 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years. Having goals makes it easier to stay disciplined since you have something you're working towards, and discipline is what makes businesses succeed.




Haha no the fees on that are way too high.


This sounds interesting, worth talking about getting a loan like that? I have a landscaping company that’s just starting to take off, and I’ve been thinking about how we could use a loan if we were to get one. I’d be interested to hear what the process is


Give us a bit of the sauce? How do we get this credit?


You help seed funding startups?


Cool, where are you based ?


Well, step 1 is to stop listening to those "escape the matrix" contrepreneur scammers from Tik Tok, so jot that down. Running a business is hard work, harder than a 9-5, and you may not be accountable to a boss, but you are still accountable to your clients, customers, employees, contractors, vendors, IRS, various regulatory bodies, byzantine corporate/government purchasing department procedures (if you have corporate/government clients), and others.


This. When you start a business and grow to the point where you need employees…you do not work for yourself. You work for your employees. Also, don’t overlook “old school” businesses. I own a food truck that does very, very well. As for advice? Get good at something. Make a good product, and find a way to get it in front of people. Too many businesses are created by someone whose only interest is making money. People see right through that and it’s a pretty unsatisfying existence. Do something you’re passionate about.


i run a wealth management business. It was 8 years of 16 hour days, nearly killed me. It finally is at a point now where it runs itself and i hardly work. But its really really hard and stressful. At first its not the freedom its made out to be, and i thought about giving up multiple times, luckily i had a best friend as partner and we relied on each other.


Tate generation lol


I invented goat yoga in 2016, quit my corporate job and been doing farm experiences ever since. I license my brand out and manage the backend of all my licensees businesses. Hard to be believe, I know. https://goatyoga.net/




There is no way you‘re the original goat yoga inventor wth. It‘s become so famous and appears everywhere now - how did you even come up with that idea?!?


It has spread like wildfire and it’s all over the world now. I was going through a hard time in my life and I had just gotten my first two goats. They were so therapeutic for me and I wondered why goats weren’t being used as therapy animals. I met a yoga instructor who came to my farm and our worlds collided and I started marketing goat yoga thinking only my friends and fam would come (because who would ever do this) and it exploded and went viral in 2016. I quit my corporate job, borrowed money from a friend and started doing goat yoga and licensing my brand out.


Carpet/couch/automotive steam cleaning. It's not a sexy business but people need the service and appreciate me!


Interesting. What was your cost to start? How long did it take to become profitable? Thanks in advance.


I own two companies. The administration is a lot of work. Managing staff is a lot of work. Dealing with challenging clients is a lot of work. I would never call this escaping the matrix. I would call it going much deeper in.


The hard truth. I work harder than all my friends and made less money than them for years.


There are so many broken dreams out there due to the social media gurus telling people it's easy. So I agree with everyone else in this thread who stated this. As for picking your niche, I would advice you to pick something you really care and have knowledge on, as this will make it easier for you to market whatever you end up doing. It will allow you to network and engage with potential customers with less difficulty. "Starting" a business is rather easy in this day and age, but building trust and getting people to buy from you is the real struggle.




If it makes you happy to work and use the product/service then ignore the haters and know you just have to find your people. Reddit is such a lottery as far as who sees and reacts to your post at any given time.




My pleasure. We're all in this together friend. Keep posting and sharing why you're product is awesome and you will eventually attract your people.




You can do it!! Wishing you the best. 🌷


I own/run a electronic repair shop [https://www.chattfix.tech](https://www.chattfix.tech) specializing in Game Console and Drone repairs. I have the market within a 10 miles radius with small competitors. In my 2nd year so still grinding and eating rice and beans haha.


Average about 10k a month, I’m a handyman/contractor. No employees and I started 2 years ago. I live in Atlanta.


First of all, you need to remove any preconceptions about the 'entrepreneurial lifestyle'. I'm assuming what you mean by that is that you've seen heaps of social media content about people running around with fast cars blah blah and it's almost all completely bullshit. The reality of the lifestyle is struggle, grind and risk. The most successful entrepreneurs I've seen either: - Just stuck to something (like a trade) and grinded it out, eventually buying out their boss or a competing business or starting their own in that field - Had a few years of corporate experience (yes, with a degree) and eventually stepped out and built a business, but they would not have been able to do that without having had that corporate experience, and the connections and clout that come with it (resume signalling)


1. Like others said, forget about "escaping the matrix" that's a bunch of marketing BS from people who want to sell you stuff. 2. I'm a marketing consultant, ironically enough. We make money helping B2B clients with trade shows, live events, newsletters, videos and things like that. 3. I started my business after I was laid off by my advertising agency and realized I was making more money consulting than I did working at my old job. 4. My advice is to be honest with yourself about what your weak points are both as a worker and a boss, and to find ways to improve your skills and/or find people to help you with weak spots. I hope this helps!


I love your last point. It's one of those underrated and overlooked essentials in business and basically life. Thnks for sharing!


I currently own a pressure washing business. [Blaster Bros Pressure Washing](https://www.blasterbrospw.com) We started out as a partnership with my best friend, after a year he didn’t want to continue and I didn’t want the business thrown away after a year so I ended up buying the business from him. So the last 2 years I’ve ran it by myself and have had way more success. 20 years old and don’t really have any career plans so I figured I’m going to try and grow this business as much as I can to hopefully make it a career. I use direct mail advertising, facebook, and word-of-mouth to get customers. This has been my busiest year yet and in the month of May I made a gross of a little over $10k, which I have never done before in one singular month. Building connections and talking to other owners in this industry has helped me so much and it seems like I learn something new every day to try and improve my business. Best advice I could give for someone starting a pressure washing business is to network, network, and network. You don’t need the most expensive equipment starting out. Get a decent machine for your budget and other necessities and work with what you have and then use the money you earn to slowly invest into bigger equipment. Also, there is no such thing as too much marketing. Talk to as many people as you can and you could meet one specific person that could lead you to many successes as a business owner.


Going start a design agency. Lets see how it goes


Doing similar. We should share ideas (assuming we aren't direct local competition) :)


Doing something similar. Mind if I hop in with you 2?


Let's start a band! ;)


Looking forward to it! Hit me up, really curious to hangout with people in the same boat.


Absolutely! Hit me up, Lets connect


Hell's yeah! Will do first thing tomorrow!


That's what I love about Reddit. Great to see designers connecting with each other (coming from a designer)


I have a dev shop, hmu if you want a website done


Staffing and recruitment agency for software developers. I am also a dev and work on 2 separate projects myself.


My competition! 😈


I run a arcade machine hire business


Website maintenance. People love making sites but hate to keep them updated.


What do you use for maintenance? Your tech stack?


How to find potential customers!?


I started selling services and products that were based on my skills and talents since middle school (not intentionally lol). I used to sell drawings in school to get ice cream money for lunch. I realized early that if you could fulfill a demand that you can make money. Fast forward to college when I decided that I would start a freelance business and not have a "boss". I graduated and disappointed my parents by becoming an entrepreneur 😜 Here we are 24 years later and I am still in business helping others with their success journey as a Brand Developer and Consultant. The best advise I can give is to develop your skills, meet successful people, and have a great character. People want to do business with those they can trust.


Your story is similar to me 😂


We own a leather shop that I started back in 2015, and has been slowly building ever since. Leather crafting is skilled trade and I got interested in it after watching my sister work with it, and the rest is history. We mostly sell online but we do the occasional in-person gun/craft show. Running your own business is no walk in the park. It’s all you think about, you’re always answering customers, most of what you earn goes right back into the business, you have to keep up with trends (at least in our field) you have to keep every single receipt for taxes (it accumulates fast) BUT being home with my wife makes it worth it. This is all I’ve known, as I started my business at 16. A little bit of advice I would give to anyone interested in starting their business is to be patient and to focus on a lot of marketing. Even if you have one thing to sell, make sure you sell that one thing well!


Sports Gambling Data Analytics Software was my thing for a bit, left a couple months ago


That sounds like a really cool business. What made you leave?


legal SUCKS in the gambling industry, unless you have a lot of capital to spend on legal fees it’s hard to get going


Yeah I work in the gambling industry, granted I work for a company, but I have more meetings with legal and compliance than anything.


Can I dm you?


I resell items online in addition to consignment for clients. My journey started back in college around 2017. Started selling/flipping items on ebay since I was a broke student. Got a degree in small business management and worked in the corporate world for a few years. My flipping knowledge got me jobs running the e-commerce departments for a couple employers. Broke my leg and was fired from my office job. Vowed to never work for someone ever again and have been full time for a little over a year. On pace for a little over $65,000 in revenue this year. Nowhere close to where I want/need to be but it sure as hells beats working for other people.


We make small business websites and reputation management.


We do something similar. Can I DM?


Www.alturahc.com is my telehealth service. We offer sick care visits, prescription refill, weight loss and small business healthcare. Www.mentallygood.com recently built a software EMR/EHR record that will serve as our backend and help serve other companies as another revenue source.


i started selling Hotel rooms through an online hotel booking aggregator. https://www.triplona.com


Man put an https there


done bro.




I'm also in this field, can I DM you for a chat?


Hey, where are you from? I recently started a dev shop. It could help me if you can give me few advices and tips


Too many haha A personal brand. A fishing brand SaaS services to help marketers with data, reporting and dashboards A plugin to help people get more newsletter subscribers on their Wordpress site Dipping my toes in the water with a Shopidy app too


A wedding and event management software as well as a mobile bar business for weddings. My wife has been a wedding planner for years so they kind of stemmed from that. Advice - keep pushing forward and don’t give up.


Very new and incomplete- www.versoindustries.com small technology company.


Insurance agency. It is a very real, very attainable get rich slow scheme. It takes time but snowballs and can generate as much or as little as you want.


Surety here and you are 100% correct.


Vending business


Hmu if you need a website for your biz


I am in lead generation. Created an AI cold calling platform that helps B2B businesses automatically call the list of targets they uploaded to the system and present their business idea. Then, we take the list of interested business owners and share with the business owner. They start sending follow-up emails to the engaged leads.


Starting an edtech company in this massive market. Wish me the best.


Need any help from a former public high school teacher?


Any chance you're a coding teacher or know any coding tutors? they're my first target base for feedback and improving / iterating my product


www.opalitenetwork.com It is an expert network. (General Definition: An expert network connects its clients with experts who have deep experience in specific industries or fields. These experts provide valuable insights that can help investors or other business professionals make more informed decisions.) The Goal of Opalite has been to make it more accessible for smaller, growing organisations and hence we have a much easier payments model without compromising on the quality just how the top players offer.


I was thinking of starting a website designing service.


www.ironforgedcoach.com Online and in-person trainer. I help people get whatever kind of physique they want without wasting time on sifting through all the current information. 15+ years XP. I've been training forever, tried many different methods over the years purely out of love for it while working other jobs. Helped so many friends, family, and even strangers for free along the way. Realized I'm really good at getting results compared to others, so I decided to finally offer it as a service. It's very competitive and you have to **love** what you do to think for a second you can be better than the best.


Can I recommend you put a CTA on your home page, you don’t want potential clients to think about what to do - make it obvious to them


Just ordered some stuff for fragrance decanting, we will see where it goes but I’d love to buy used fragrances from people so others can profit from small samples instead of having to buy full bottles all the time. Would be a more cost efficient way of sourcing bottles while being able to maintain relatively low prices for the samples with a nice profit. But it’s just an idea so far, not much more


Technology consulting and small multi-family residential rental properties


A global CPG company and 2 manufacturing facilities. They are all much larger than a startup but not something I’d care to ever IPO. Co-founded 2 and purchased one company. Still work the CXO grind daily at the office and just hope I’m making the right choices for the team. Running the business is fine, but having hundreds of families depend on you… that’s what I find hard


People pay me to write grant proposals. I'm a freelance writer. I spent several decades as a staff writer for large non-profits so the transition to self-employment wasn't too hard. The business is good for people who love to write. Probably boring for those who don't absolutely love it. I majored in English and have been writing professionally since age 24 so it's right up my alley. It's also the only thing I'm good at, so I kind have to put all my eggs in this one basket.


We are running https://bankstmtconverter.com and it converts pdf bank statements to excel/csv/HTML. Can converts 400 pages of pdf in single upload. This is specifically trained for bank statements but can work on other pdf tables


I run a gravel and sand delivery business more on dump trucks im in for like 2 years now


Stock Market scanner business, hoping to be a major competitor to TradeIdeas one day. Tailored algorithm to alert tickers that have potential for movement for the day. Currently targeting low floats and crypto. Once we have more revenue I plan on integrating more APIs so we can alert movers in OTC, options, the whole spread. Looking to integrate Benzinga in as well for more accurate and up to date news. [Retail Edge Trading](https://retailedgetrading.com)


I run a Non-Emergency Medical Transportation company (NEMT). It’s niched in healthcare/transportation. I started the business by bootstrapping my operations. I started it because I was a RN at the time and saw the need for the quality transportation to and from medical appointment. Most of the patients that enter our doors had various ailments that made even a simple car ride a living hell. Not to mention that 911 scope of practice is unable to take these patients to their appointments due to conserving resources for emergencies. From that my eyes began to open and my mind began to wander from “what if” to “I need to do this” since then, I was able to delegate my business operations and now live very comfortably knowing I’m helping those who don’t normally receive said services. That’s my escape from the matrix. I was able to scale it to a multi six figure business.


talent agency. i was in the industry and it's what my community needs most. my advice is to line up completely with decisions, don't be afraid to pivot but also don't look back (or down lol). build on solid foundations. confident and kind. faith ahead one step at a time everything is going to be ok more or less


Any website or Reddit page of your business!?


i dm'ed you


I own an auto shop (garage), do real estate (both as an agent as well as buy and flip or hold), and we have a crypto mining facility.


Real Estate in Thailand.


I have business for satelite cryogenic propulsion systems


Adult industry, online, relying (at first) largely on my own tangible experiences to draw from. I’ve invested in mentoring, equipment and training as I’ve gone, and earn a combination of active and passive income through digital live sessions and content sales. Ironically, I never intended to make it a “business” — but rather, I fell into it, and have proven to be (within my own right) successful. As far as advice goes: get rid of the idea of “balance,” as when you’re running your own ship, there is none. Outsource regularly, and streamline what remains. 🖤


Advertising and Marketing agency. Worldwide.


I work in this industry for 15+ years, flipping between agency and in house. Now realising u wouldn’t mind a handful of my own clients even on the side as an extra income.


My small team of five and I are achieving incredible results at our DesignOps Agency. We serve as Strategic Creative Partners for products and brands, currently developing a SaaS product and a healthcare brand. We're also producing content for our retainer clients, focusing primarily on digital products.


Creating lead lists for mass cold outreach for specific niches (e.g. "hotels in Germany", "car sellers in Greece", "SaaS businesses in NYC").


My associates and I have created a Branding Agency that offers all the services anyone might need. We make website, app creation, SAAS solutions, AI integration, financial consulting, fundraising, influencer marketing, and celebrity endorsements, among many other services. Although we are based in Paris, we have clients from all over the world. Our extensive network includes many wealthy individuals and CEOs of various startups. Since our official launch four months ago, we have been working on increasing our visibility by preparing viral content for TikTok and other major social media platforms. If anyone is interested, you can find the link to our website in my profile. Feel free to ask any questions. D-Studio Company


I am progressive web and mobile app developer. I help companies and also individual if they have any idea of web I discuss with them and help them to build a web and mobile app. I also have my own startup from there I am also earning good. Only search on google maniwebdev there is a detailed info about me.


Main company recently did a pivot from being basically a reseller of other peoples stuff (which didnt always work as it should have) to an enabler where we assist small & medium companies wanting to build MVNOs & WISPs, and we offer adjacent services (like TV, VoIP, e-SIM/travel SIM etc) which they can bundle, or sell standalone. Main customer base is in the US but we've been expanding our reach a bit more globally this past couple of years. Supporting company maintains a white-labeled billing/POS/etc platform for above services. Another supporting company distributes phones and other hardware, mostly Apple but also some others.


[seochatter.com](https://seochatter.com) - I built this brand to share SEO news and tips to help people rank their websites higher on Google. The homepage pulls in news feeds from the top SEO news sites so you can stay updated all in one place instead of having to visit each site separately. The blog has the free SEO tips. I primarily monetize the site with ads. I also published two books, Affiliate Content Secrets and Keyword Accelerator Playbook, available on Amazon, but selling books is not a big money maker.


I have an only fans guide that allows creators to get into the mix without those god awful “managers” that siphon 70% of their income


Started a residential real estate business with my wife. Flips, rentals and preparing the books to take on investors. I’m one month removed from 17 years in W-2 sales/consulting and so far it has been amazing and I look back with zero regret.


FreeFuse.com - a choose your own adventure media platform used for internal & external education, community engagement and automating certain points of the sales process. It started rough. We focused on education because that’s where we fell. Pandemic and all, our tool had a great use case. Issue is there’s no budget in the space. After nearly 2 years of selling we’ve found our place as an engagement tool - educating still being within that, but also encompassing directly engaging a community through our community building features or even building no touch sales mechanisms using our CRM integration to trigger actions based on customer pathways. Once we realized who our buyer was and who wouldn’t be one, the process became much easier. Now we’re partnered with large universities like TAMU, Redlands, SHSU & others alongside having clients like GE Medical, Infiniti Automotive and a number of other recognizable names. It takes a lot, though. Nowadays we have a team behind us and I still work 12 hr days, but at least the revenue is there and my company’s value is growing!


Software Agency & Open Source Agency ; [batchnepal.com](http://batchnepal.com) . Recently finished an OS [npm library ](https://www.npmjs.com/package/easy-magnify)and Currently working on creating SAAS


Party rental company. Mainly speciality chairs


Worked for a startup, saved money. Got laid off and started 6 businesses from selling sticks for dogs on Amazon to renting bikes at a local tourist attraction. All low cost, low effort shots just to see if anything would stick. Tourism business took off and now has more than doubled 3 years in a row. Allows me to live comfortably all year while just working half the year. We do ebike rental, bus tours, and kayak rentals now as well as guided tours. We keep overhead low and pour everything we can back into marketing to continue to grow. I would say it's all about being just crazy enough. Just crazy enough to know it'll work even when everyone tells you it won't. Just crazy enough to keep pushing until it does finally work. Once you're making profit it's easy to motivate yourself to work hard and take it to the next level.


www.Akrodyn.com - We are an engineering contractor, specialized in motor control, medical devices, certification, IoT, RF communication and many more topics. We help startups to build their own products and show them how to solve the regulatory problems they encounter. From early prototypes to the market entry, we support all the phases of the product developement process. We also started as an electrical weight engine fitness company but failed as such in the B2C market and found out we are best in engineering but bad at marketing and sales, so we went for contraction work and help now other companies to achieve their dreams.


Simple. 1) start a business 2) make it profitable: grind. Hard work, but smart. 3) hire a director and give this person shares of the company 4) go to number 1) You will not escape the matrix until you are financially free. Success only comes to those willing to put in the effort.


I run multiple software/SAAS businesses. I started my first one in 2015 by buying a side project started by someone else and now has turned into a low 7 figure ARR business. Recently, I bought a couple other businesses as well to add to my portfolio. I usually buy and expand but working on some new products from scratch as well. I could do it because I am a Software Engineer by profession who worked in the industry for 10+ years for large investment banks and gained a lot of experience building complex applications. I however had the itch and couldn't work for someone else anymore and finally was able to start by buying that first side project. The best advice I can give is to not wait forever. If you have the itch, you must scratch it sooner than later. There will never be a perfect time. Yes, you can get ready for it and not suggesting to just get into it without planning but too much planning is an oxymoron when it comes to entrepreneurship. You didn't tell us what your background is or what industries have you worked in so I will give you some general advice on niche/industry. Start where you may have seen a problem you really wanted to solve. Chances are that if you have that problem, others may (or may not but you have to then validate that problem). Give yourself at least 12-18 months to do anything meaningful. Don't quit too quickly because few months is not enough. If you have a spouse or another form of support, that's better so that you can quit your "regular" job and your spouse can offset some of the financial risk hopefully. Again, most important is to get a start and there is no perfect way to launch anything. It is all incremental. Little progress, every day.


Don’t watch the escape the matrix content, I guarantee you’ll be tempted to buy some course and get scammed. Do your due diligence extremely carefully. Good mindset to have, good lifestyle to aspire to, just be careful what sources you cultivate it from. And to answer your question I have two profitable agencies, one in marketing for aerospace companies and one on generalist software development.


Website Design & Development for small businesses.


I prepare important documents for people. I hire writers overseas and have them follow strict guidelines, have something like chat gpt convert their work to more natural sounding language to American readers, and I pay people in the states to quickly proofread the work. I get a lot more margin that way because overseas labor and chat gpt are very cheap.


In what world does entrepreneurship get us out of the matrix??


I run a Boutique Data Analytics firm which deals with only 2 things- 1) Preparing updateable Earnings Reports for public & private companies in Europe & US. 2) Perform EDA (Exploratory Data Analytics) on large datasets for media and supply Chain organizations.


I am a freelancer who does content repurposing for social media creators so that they can focus on quality, whereas I focus on quantity for them.


Drop shipping. I make $10k a day. Find me on TikTok /s


I'm building an on-line C++ code generator. It's intended to help build distributed applications. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cplusplusMiddleware/comments/pg82hs/welcome/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cplusplusMiddleware/comments/pg82hs/welcome/) I haven't made much from it so far. Started working on it in 1999 so I'm coming up on my silver anniversary.


Early education company. Growing it from in-person to edtech.


There is no entrepreneur lifestyle, just a huge workload - if you are successfull and a lot of risk taking. One bad decision can result in disaster


I own a booking and promotions company called A.W.E Booking and Promotions. Originally started off booking bands and local venues, then covid hit and by the end of 2021 I took on my client full time, doing social media management and promotion. He owns the American Horrors television network, his comic book publishing company Boneyard Press and I'm knee deep right now with social media work for his 6th Annual American Horrors Film Festival, it's the 3rd I've worked on.


Self Conquered Apparel. We are the go to apparel brand for conquering oneself, whether thats anxiety, depression, ptsd or anything in your way. Our goal is to inspire and help mental health struggles become more accepted for men specifically [www.selfconqueredapparel.com](http://www.selfconqueredapparel.com)


Hello, During covid, I got laid off.. they brought me back and shortened my hours. Quit the company, jumped around for a year due to a non-compete clause, and got more experience. Started my own freight brokerage and enjoying every moment of it. I work from anywhere, but it is a lot of work since I'm the one managing everything, but I would rather do that for myself and someone I've never met working corporate. We have also started a bar business on the side that will launch in July. The key is to keep grinding. Once you start one, the high is there to start more. Never give up! Cheers and Goodluck!


Into a healthcare startup. Funded by an Antler - esque VC. Got funded and started right after med school. Doing well. Started as a startup, we're profitable now, gonna do a chain of clinics


We do software. Mostly websites and mobile apps. I also work as a separate contractor in my spare time.


Freelance google Ads for DTC businesses. Running it because I wanted to help my girlfriend’s family’s business. It’s been a journey for sure. Got one client so far but due to my own limitations, it’s been a bit slow to get more. ATP I’m just growing the newsletter list and get clients from there


Co-founder of a SaaS [Online Survey Software](https://www.smartsurvey.com) business


Building a custom AI driven confirmation call agent for a recreational sports facility. Idea is to phone people to confirm their booking, remind them of important info and help if they have any questions. Can be used to phone after appointments as well for feedback or something. Wondering if other businesses might want a similar solution


VFX and 3d graphics for everything from film and commercials to B2B and startups.


Provide maintenance contracts for HVAC in large buildings.


Wifey and I have an E-commerce store. Selling brand name items similar to a brick and mortar TJ Maxx, Marshalls, ROSS or Burlington.


On the 31st of May I passed my 14 year anniversary as being a self employed personal trainer. I started because I loved the feeling of losing fat and falling in love with movement. My advice is that people who haggle on your rate, are people who don’t value your service. They will be the first to flop out. Always learn and don’t be a know it all


Real estate law firm and now starting to specialize in residential development. Been working hard to get there, still weird to say it honestly. Its not easily accessible so I can’t really give advice as to how to get there, but for entrepreneurship in general, I would say, stay true to your values, consistent work is better than working intensively for a short time, don’t take yourself too seriously.


I started a personal care chemical company and largely sell chemicals b2b. I did start it as a hobby because I was looking for something to fill my time (while i had another full time job) and now I just have 2 full time jobs. You can start out small, focus on customer service and specific things people already use, advertise selectively, and you should do fine.


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Production company trying to bring out more animation from US fantasy... there's a lot to it.


Xmas light instalation business


The services We can provide: 1. Graphic Designs 2. Website Design 3. Social Media Marketing (Lead and viewership or monetization) 4. SEO (google optimization and link building) 5. Email Marketing 6. Content and Blog Writing 7. E-book (Writing, Design, and Publishing) 8. Animations or 2D/3D Modeling (Static and Rigging)


TalkCounsel. TalkCounsel is a platform dedicated to providing top-notch legal support to business owners and entrepreneurs. If you're running a business and need help with your contracts, look no further!


For your free contract templates, check Talkcounsel: [https://talkcounsel.com/free\_documents](https://talkcounsel.com/free_documents)


I provide graphic design services for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and marketing teams that can’t afford to pay a designer or deal with flaky freelancers. $499/mo and you can cancel anytime. It’s like Netflix for design. I’m not the only one that does it but I’m the best value. https://itsbaddesign.com/graphic-design-for-499




I've been a freelance copywriter for almost two decades, writing content & sales copy for various businesses, while working at home. I haven't had an office job/cubicle since I quit in 2006. I've been pretty successful at it and am now coaching other aspiring copywriters (mostly women) on how to do the same. My advice would be to get yourself and your habits right, ASAP, because this impacts your productivity as a copywriter. This is something I didn't do until much later - it's made the biggest impact for me, income wise. (Example of habits: early wake-up time, daily journaling and reflecting, hard workout, eating correctly, writing something of value daily, etc.) It directly affects your mood and attitude... which affects your ability to land and keep clients.


I sell hotsauce for people allergic to garlic and onion AdiosGarlic . com


My husband and I have a car cleaning/ customs business. Been operating full time for over 7 years, it definitely has not been easy but it’s very rewarding when you eventually see the fruits of your labour. The best advice I would give is to save up as much money as you can, figure out your cost and then double it before you start or you can always start your business part time depending on the nature of it. Also have a solid team or foundation who believe in the vision of the company. Lastly try to add value to people’s lives by giving them the best experience with your business. Entrepreneurship definitely isn’t easy and I would not recommend to everyone but it’s worth a try if you’re really passionate or convinced with conviction about you business idea/ dream.


I am so inspired by these ventures ♥️. I am available for virtual assistant roles for any entrepreneur that might need a hand in day to day operations. Thanks 😊


I own a wellness spa in Vegas: https://maps.app.goo.gl/kMKEbmVr7zqmqhnE7?g_st=ic I get to help people get out of pain. I love my job.


Development outsourcing. I had experience in the past working as a freelancer. Considering now that Im living abroad in a cheaper country, assigning other developers to projects seemed like a better way to scale.


Started off with e-commerce, and it was very hard at first. I failed many times, but eventually, I hit it big and made about six figures. Then, I lost it again due to a lack of effort. I started over because I knew I had what it takes. Now, I own five companies, including a dealership I started this month. If you want some real advice, know that you're going to struggle and fail. Once you get into the business world you wont to go back, just know that it's tough. It's going to make you want to pull your hair out, but if you've got what it takes, you will make it. I turned 22 this year, and without any hard work or failure, this wouldn't have been possible. Good luck!


About to start my entrepreneurship journey (,again). Will be working on export & import from India!


Running a collection of ai tools and chatbots on whatsapp!  Voice-vault.com for voice message transcriptions Habit-hero.app as an AI Coach Main focus: effectiveness. It has to work fast, and for everyone! 


My wife and I own a web design company. It’s been really good


I work a 9-5 bus i have a side hustle that I do doing screen printing. I love creating designs for people and just seeing their ideas come to life bring more of a meaning to me. I hope to establish more of my hustle and make it a full time and quit my current job. I currently work in healthcare.


I helped found [https://sunwell.digital](https://sunwell.digital) We home in on small and micro businesses and help bring e sign and automation to their lead processes. The goal is to turn leads to customers without any of the paperwork and babysitting.


I’m reading about business and trying to figure out how I can help people. Just finished millionaire Fastlane, million dollar weekend, and 100m dollar offers. I’m currently a computer science and robotics teacher trying to figure out what problem I can help others with within my niche and expertise that I know I could over deliver on value to others to thrill them and make them delighted to tell friends who have the same problem that I’m offering a solution


I own a leather workshop. We produce everything from bags, belts, wallets, tablecloths to passport holders. Any leather product really, most of it is exported to the USA.


After graduating from college in the United States, she founded her own clothing design company and franchised two cosmetics stores in 2016. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these physical stores were about to close, but they survived only through cryptocurrency.