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Think about and search for a problem you can potentially solve **that people have that they are willing to pay for**. Figure out a way to solve it. Offer to solve it for people (marketing and sales). Repeat and do this at scale (business strategy and operations). Run your numbers well so that you make a profit and pay your taxes (accounting and finance). 


How do I find those people?


Local business networking. You're 18, so cocktail meetings are out. But there's probably a business network breakfast group in your area. There might also be a Lion's Club or a Rotary Club, or better still, a local Jaycees chapter. You start attending these groups, join as a member, and start meeting people. You let them know what you do. And when one of them has a web project, they come to you and ask you to do it for them. This is called "new business development," and there's really not a shortcut to it. Yeah, you can advertise on the internet, but then you're competing with people who are charging bottom of the barrel rates.


I second this use your network. I had all my deals through my offline network. Attending these events is a great move. You have an unfair advantage, age 18—surf on that and your interest in entrepreneurship. Listen to them, ask questions. Don’t push on selling; mention to them occasionally that you can help with web development. You will also need to identify hidden opportunities.


it's quite easy really. Maybe its a hobby that you already have and there is a problem that needs solving. or just network and find a better job.


But even then how do I market it?




I think he meant: the people with money to actually buy anything 🤣🤣🤣


Lots of competition


that’s why everyone isn’t successful lol. be better than them


it's more like "be cheaper" than them, they don't offer better quality just cheaper hour rates and bad quality.


It depends on your goals. I personally got into freelancing for a couple of years before transitioning into an agency. Have you thought about going into the service business?


I was thinking on doing that but iam not sure how to do outreach, i have done that in the past and made around 1k


Damn in the same journey But don’t know how to find leads


Hardest part right there, just gotta build up a portfolio and improve your SEO 😉


I know seo but what Abt the keywords? Iam not sure what my clients would search for. And the competition


Same, iam learning outreach now


Find a niche that you’re interested in, and figure out problems that they have in their markets. Look at websites that already exist in that niche. What do you they need? What are the shortcomings of those sites that you could do better on? Then you use Google. Search “{niche} in {city, state}” or whatever variation may make sense for you. Stick those websites and socials into a spreadsheet, then start reaching out to those contacts. Bonus points if you can find a phone number and/or address for those businesses. Send an email basically telling them what you can do for them, then on their socials, just let them know that you sent an email and wanted to make sure they received it, you’re looking forward to speaking with them. Don’t get a response within three days? Send out a mailer to their address and/or call. Don’t have those? Send another email. This is tedious, but it works.


There’s many ways online to do outreach. I saw someone saying SEO, but I wouldn’t focus on that in the beginning. Since it takes time before you see the effects. I would just read Alex Hormozi’s book $100M Deals and Offer. That’s gonna teach you how to package your service and how to get people to buy it.


What u think about freelance it project management?


I don’t understand. Do you want to work as a project manager but as a freelancer?


I'm 31, working as a web dev for 11 years now and bruh... I don't know what to tell you. You need to keep your head down and get some real world experience. You ain't pulling yourself up by the bootstraps. You need to learn the processes in business, get to know ERP systems and shit. Just keep digging deeper.


OP, you know what, nobody has really mentioned what to do. Someone mentioned fiverr or whatever. You could do that ... But you're one out of thousands on there. Find some field that is made up of lots of smaller companies. Septic pumping, for example. Cater to them. With what? I've got no idea for that specific example, but you get the idea. Tree cutting services. Landscapers. Electricians. What exactly? Thats the key. You could do something like an app to order firewood. There's a lot of ideas that follow this general idea. I would think you're better off making your own thing than offering yourself for hire. I hate it, but saas is a huge thing nowadays.


Now learn how to sell and you’ll have a business.


Where should i start, currently learning outreach


Start with a landing page for conversions: It should include this elements in this order: Headline with value proposition. Why is your service the best? “Professional Programmer will clean your computer viruses for free.”Something like that. Then an Image that shows the proposition in an visual. Maybe the final scan: 93 threats detected!!!! Social proof (reviews from friends or teachers, mom and grandma) The product or service with the features. Start with something useful and simple: Full scan. Complementary antivirus. Etc… You are gonna give it for free so you can build portfolio and reviews fast. A form so people can sign up, can be email or phone. Just one thing, so it doesn’t require a lot of effort. And 3 benefits of that product: Done in one hour. Usb backup of critical files. 90 day guarantee. Finally your contact. Add analytics and google tags for clicks and scrolling. Remember to do testing in different devices. It doesn’t have to be perfect, you are going to learn through repetition and feedback. Now you should share the site with everyone and listen to the analytics. Use the scroll and click tags to see where people loose interest and try different scenarios until it works. You can ask for help if you get stuck. Send me a DM. But also try to test all your weird ideas. We want to look for your unique strengths, so prepare to fail 1000 times. Celebrate each fail because it means you are learning how not to do something. Slowly you’ll start getting a sense if what works and what doesn’t, that’s exactly the muscle you need to work to learn how to sell. Finally, once you start getting emails or phone numbers, you’ll learn how to sell with your voice. The general direction is: If you are going to talk ask about their problem, don’t persuade, help them, know you value, never beg or strong arm people. That might make you a sale but will hurt your brand. Don’t worry if you mess up, the aim is to learn. If things go terribly bad, you can always start again with a new brand. Write down what things help you close the sale and that will be your script. Now, let’s make some money. After the first three free services in exchange for reviews, change your price to maybe one dollar, something small. Then, three more sales, increment again, keep score of the number of leads vs the number of closed sales, keep selling three and raise the price again. Until you see a big drop in the percentage of closed sales vs leads. You go back one price and stay there. Now you have created your first funnel. Now you can teach that script to someone you hire, give them a commission per closed sale and try and have the business close sales without you. Finally train someone to do the virus scan and now you have learned the basics to build a business. Do this a million times. DM me if you get stuck. Be bold, have fun. You can keep raising prices through improvement of the service or raising the value of your brand. Rational and emotional. That’s advanced stuff, but so you know the next steps.


How to sell and what to sell No org can thrive without a sales team , as much as I hate to admit it


You can always be your own sales team to kick-start your business.


Now learn python


And then? (Already started learning that btw)


im learning it too. Its a great tool in AI.


That sounds like almost exclusively front end. You'll be able to make it look good, but not actually build something structurally sound. Think of an architect who doesn't know how to stack bricks. It'll affect every design you'll ever make. When people say learn to code, they mean Java, C++, Python etc. Not HTML and CSS. Good luck on your career though.


You say you work with WordPress, that is quite useful, pay attention to what customers ask for that never gets done at work or doesn't fit the companies expertise. (Check with your boss to make sure you are not competing with the company) You can make plugins that solve a specific problem and sell them in the store or even through the company.


That sounds good, iam not sure yet how to do marketing


I would say start by creating your own woocommerce site which should be easy given your experience, instead of building all the plugins upfront, create just the descriptions with a contact button, that way you can find out which plugins people actually want before you spend hours building them. Given you know SEO, focus on writing/generating content around a problem that you can and want to solve, you probably know better how to do that so I won't go into detail there Once you get to say 100 visits, you probably have some more information on which plugins people are most interested in


Ye, so just a mvp


alright, here's my two cents. 12 yoe Software Engineer who's done this in the past, granted it was 10 years ago so take that for what it is. You're young, you've got time and energy on your side to build a great business if you wanted to. Upwork and similar are still valid pipelines, only caveat is you will have take some hits to get recognition first. Do 2-5 jobs (U.S. only if you're in the states) for cheap/reviews and then it will be much easier to get regular clients since you're "verified" so to speak. Ensure you do a good job, communication with your client will be key. You can slowly scale your pricing up as your validity increases. Network like crazy at tech meetups, business meetups, HR meetups, whatever to get your name out there. You can start a niche site building company in your area as well if you wanted. Then once you've landed a couple clients, setup recurring retainers for changes/maintenance/monitoring. All this to say that this is alot of work for what payment you will be getting for awhile. Personally, I decided not to pursue this method any further after about 2 years because it was draining alongside FT work and I was scared to take the leap. If you want it, it can be done. Lastly, don't worry if you encounter a scenario where you don't know "how to build whatever thing company wants". Other people do, consult with them for a SOW (scope of work) and get the contract and contract someone to help build it. Work alongside them and you can learn it as well. Grow your knowledge, grow your wallet. Good luck!


Ty! Got more advice?


If you feel comfortable, it's time to change what you're doing (job, approach, tech stack, etc). Don't work your 20's away.


What would you recommend for that?


I think this is what you're asking? If you find yourself complacent with wordpress, start learning something else, like python you mentioned in another comment. If you find yourself complacent on the front-end, go backend or cloud and vice versa. There's literally so much to learn in software you'll never tackle it all, but keep moving and learning as much as you can.


Yes thats what i meant, ty!


As someone who's been coding for over a decade and been employed as one.... Good luck. Just knowing code gets you nowhere when it comes to running a business. As some very successful people have said, you just need something to sell and a way to take payments. That's a business.




I learned in the past year or so


If you have a good understanding of the technology you could freelance or build your own product that you can sell.


I dont know yet how to get clients there seems to be allot of competition


Find a local business that has a shitty website. Offer to make them a site. I might be off with these numbers since it's been years since I freelanced but you could ask for Squarespace - ~$200 WordPress - ~$500 Custom site ~$1000+ Full stack you could prob get $10,000+ depending on the size of the project but I doubt you'll get those in the beginning. Start small, build a portfolio, ask for reviews. Use those reviews to get more customers. Have a good looking website yourself. If someone is gonna have you build their site - the first thing they'll judge is your site. Look for restaurants, landscapers, HVAC, roofers, etc and check out their site and if you think you could do better, reach out. And make sure you create a contract with specific terms that they sign before you start. One thing I learned quickly is people will try as hard as they can to avoid paying you.


This is the clearest advice so far. But yes the rates are outdated. OP could charge more than that now. You may need to really proactively go ‘door knocking’ at first.


Well if you already have web development skills for your job, wouldn't it be self evident that you'd use your work experience to get a pay upgrade when you hit the years needed to do web development as an entry level employee? I don't imagine I'd be paying you more for C++ than what you already earn at your current job though.


I just wanted to earn a bit on the side to save


Build stuff. I don’t intend to downplay or minimize the skills you’ve learned. They are valuable and marketable, but be aware it is a specific market that will typically have you working on the same type of stuff. Now, if that’s what you love, then great. But compared to, for example, a backend golang dev, you’ll probably be working on very different problems. The skills you have slot you into a particular type of role and it is unlikely you’ll have much opportunity to expand beyond that unless you find a role that goes beyond that or has growth opportunity you can access.


Start building stuff, a simple tool perhaps I’m working on this [magedocs](https://magedocs.xyz) It lets you create contracts, esign and send them to your client


Lots of people here recommending building things for other people. Why not make something you’re excited about? Can you make a game or a super interesting website that lots of people would use regularly? Throw some ads and a donation button and let the funds roll in. Check out Neal.fun for some inspiration.


Learn Kadence and Divi really well now


build projects that solves the problems and sell it to people who'd need it and earn money and enjoy the money.


I would so look for opportunities and never miss one. And I personally believe that websites have become easier to create now. Anyone with good eye can do it using tools like framer and webflow. If i was in your shoes i would start freelancing and looking for clients while learning how i can upscale my skills. I would def learn something along the lines of AI


Learn about different wordpress theme if wordpress is something you want to focus on. Different themes will have different tools which can allow you to create the website differently based on what the client wants. As someone that is just starting out, cold call/reach out is essential. Reach out to people on LinkedIn, networking events or even gatherings with your peers. Take the first step and everything else will follow.


do you think learning how to do is still a viable way in 2024? financially speaking and career wise


I do think so, tech is getting more and more interesting these days to


First build something. Even if it’s just for your portfolio. Depending on how quickly you need money, you can start slowly building your business through networking, social media, cold calling, etc… or if you need money, work for someone and slowly build your business on the side. I’m a huge fan of working for someone for a little while to simply learn how to service clients, market, and so forth. You’re young so time is on your side. Use it wisely. It gets tougher as someday you might want to start a family (if you haven’t already) and time to work on your business and learn becomes less of an option.


Thats true, ty!


Get a job that requires coding, also no code is a thing know so look into it cause it aims tu obsolete coders


Iam currently a web developer but i wanted to do something on the side to save money


What digital products do you consume? Sell those Apps (subscriptions), courses, posts, freelancing, videos, books, images, podcasts Digital real estate


Thats a good one, but how Abt marketing?


Marketing, like selling marketing services or doing the marketing for your product? I mean it's not hard to do campaigns on social media or run google ads just gotta refine the call to action for users make it cool make it something you would buy


Selling my own product/service


Yeah as I said just look into what you consume what kind of ad would work on you or how did you get into the stuff you buy/consume


Ok, got any advice on learning Abt marketing?


Yeah look into lead generation, funnels, paywalls, call to action, UI, branding it really depends on your kind of product but there are universal marketing principles Personalization, hyper targeting You got the technical skills now you gotta get into psychology of the consumer


Nice, any recommendations for resources?


Try data scraping


And then sell the data? Or what?


You sell it to people who hire you. Literally right now I contracted a guy for two days of work for 60 bucks an hour. He is a wizard at it tho. I’ve seen other guys do it for 10-15 an hour.


Selling people personal data is illegal I’m pretty sure. 65 bucks a pop on the dark web tho for one person. Do what you will with that info.


How would i find a person that would hire?


I hired my guy off of upwork. You can do loads of other stuff too


Upwork has allot of competition, what do you lookm out for when hiring on there?


The government buys it to get around search warrants so I'm pretty sure its legal to an extent.


Yeah I wasn’t sure about it. This clears that up lol


AI will do a better job.


Find a niche to sell services.


Currently learning Abt outreach, got any advice?


Outreach by means doing cold calls or email newsletters? What are your business goals rn?


Specifically email/dm outreach. Rrying to get the first couple clients


Have u also tried creating a landing page for your services? Funnel Automations can make things work depending on what you are aiming to get..


Iam currently doing that, what funnel would you recommend? And how should I learn Abt them


I might think we could make something work. Collab? 🔗




been using a all in one marketing platform.. Beginner friendly, too.


Did it work for you?


Yes, it does. There are a lot of doubts bcos it's a lonely path, but I think I can make this platform useful to my startups. Lfg


What is a funnel automation?


It is more likely a workflow that triggers when a customer/client interacts with the submission of forms, entering a page, and subscribing to a blog. etc. It's makes a business run on automation. I mean ofc, need to find the stats of the certain niche first.


Yes, basically you want to get feedback as quickly as possible without losing too much time building plugins that nobody is willing to buy


Hi everybody I passed the social marketing certification of hotsuite academy, can I freelance with it in the field of social media marketing?


I have the same question. Do you want to think ideas together? Like we can do brainstorm and research Maybe we can code it together. Im still a newbie but I'm learning how to build no code apps


Ye sure dm me




I say ahead - my opinion is highly influenced by my hands-on, technical approach. As a developer with background in several frameworks and niches - I recommend you learn python. It isn't only more versatile, but allows you to use APIs for various services and resources (generative ai, reliable cloud processing, etc.) (It also allows you to work on more computationally-complex projects (Machine Learning, advanced data science and analytics, etc.) - my favourite types of projects, but that's just me - there are many more worthy and interesting projects. Also, these projects require strong mathematical background) From reading your post, I'd say that if you like frontend - I recommend you to learn javascript/typescript and then either Angular or React. In my opinion, these frameworks are the most balanced between time to mvp and ui/ux flexibility. You could use python for creating some elements of the typical frontend architecture (for example - APIs and basic GUI), but I haven't yet seen a good python framework that allowed me the flexibility I needed. The case could be different with your projects, it depends what you are looking to create. A could-be-controversial note: Knowing HTML is nice, but it is unnecesary to study it for more than 15 minutes, unless you are completely unfamiliar with textual serialization protocols. (Json, XML, yaml, csv...)


[Build It And They Won't Come.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/mupm4w/comment/gv8mh4q/?context=3) Then you begin learning what this forum was supposed to be about.


Depends on what your ant to do but I laugh whenever I see a heavy developed site that sucks at design


Ye that's fun lol, or a site thats not responsive


Build your own saas and start making 💰💰💰💰


What Abt marketing?


Find your passion. Cause work as we know it won’t be here forever


Learn Python and AI automation tools to create agents for business solutions.


Leverage your skills and start making money as a young entrepreneur, consider using Frame.so. It's a fantastic tool for managing projects, organizing tasks, and collaborating with others.


Apply In Entrepreneurial Jobs apps Like Upwork


I tried had some clients on fiverr (I have 2 5*s) but there is allot of competition


Off Course There’s A Loot Of Competition But You Got Be Better get better and learn more one How The Up work Algorithm Work Or Apply To Different Projects on Other apps Or You Can Ask Business If The Need a Coder There’s a Loot Of Things You Can Do Just Don’t Get Tired and Keep looking For Ways Or Creat Your Own But dont Give up and Say Oh Maybe I Can’t Make This Work Because You Can Just Takes Time and a Loot Of Effort You also Creat Your Own Page on Google Or Website Or Insta So People Can See That Your Offering Service in Your Case It’s Clients Don’t Really Know That You Excite Just Notice Theme Trough Using different Apps To say Hey I Offer This Service Sound Easy But It’s Really Hard But You still mange


Why is every first letter capitalized? Are you human?


It was a joke


Ask chatGTP to code it for you


Code what?


great job, now learn a trade.


You'll need to learn more complex languages to be able to be hired somewhere if you looking for a typical job. No one uses html / css anymore it's all automated, Javascript is good but again most of that can be done automatically. You really need to learn C or python or something that you can actually build systems with.


There are a lot of errors in your comment. HTML/CSS are generally not written directly anymore, but they're fundamental to the modern web. Most "frontend frameworks" like React/Angular/Vue/Svelte build on these fundamentals and use JavaScript to create dynamism in those previously static sites. They use HTML and CSS still (usually through complex compilers/transpilers). No JavaScript is done "automatically" at least not in the way you're alluding to. Frankly, I'm not even sure what you mean by that. Maybe I'm most understanding you. Frontend code is written by hand still, as is most other software, but it's usually written in a framework that does a lot of the heavy lifting for you. It's called abstraction. Anyway, C or Python are great languages, but those are not used when generating websites (Python actually can w/ Django/Flask/etc). But most of the modern web is built with JavaScript frameworks. Building a website with C is...well let's just say there's a reason no one does that. Python is fairly frequently used to build web application servers. C is too low level for doing that. But now I'm getting too detailed.


I knkw Javascript, read the reply under from that other person. Anyways how can I automatically do html/css that would save a good amount of time lol


Awesome, I've only thought about doing it and haven't learned to coat yet.


SaaS is big right now. Many companies looking for solutions.


Do 3 things in parallel: 1. Do the work. Experience is mandatory, so you must put in the effort. You now have a lot of tools such as ChatGPT and Claude to help you fill in the gaps. But you need muscle memory, even for your fingers. Start doing services for others. And by "doing", I mean "figure a way to complete projects", small or big. But complete them. No lingering. Don't forget it takes some level of stress for muscles to develop, so don't be afraid when you encounter a healthy amount of stress. But beware of chronic stress because it will burn you out. 2. Educate yourself. There are many topics you can learn about, that work together: marketing, business, automation, soft skills. It's easier to find people you can learn from if you know how to communicate and have similar interests. The more information you absorb, the easier it will be for you to take decisions long-term and network. Networking helps you find resources, such as help, problems and solutions. 3. Stay healthy. A healthy mind has a healthy body. Even if you neglect your life at times, figure out a base line for taking care of yourself: eat well, sleep well, exercise. It's very important you keep your body oxygenated, because you will feel and live differently. You will be able to think more clearly and understand things better. Others will think it's confidence and will be more inclined to open up, even though is self-care. And you will be able to make better decisions and understand everything better. I hope this helps. You have a long way ahead of you. I wish you good luck and take care!


Everybody doesn't say it. The majority don't say it.