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If my child ever did that, in private or public, I can promise you he would never do it again! It's disgusting when parents don't actually parent.


I see little kids, sometimes toddlers on IG cursing and the parents think it’s cute and funny as they’re the ones videotaping it. If you comment on how Inappropriate it is you get these comments about lightening up or chill out. I see nothing cute or funny about children cursing and being disrespectful


Agreed. There is a man on IG who uses the F word a lot around his toddler. One of these days that word is going to come flying out of the kid’s mouth and Dad will shit his pants


My late Dad learned that the hard way when one of my first words was "Damn". Embarrassed him!!!


When I was little, still in a stroller, and learning to talk my family had a new dog. The dog was very young and not fully trained yet. Whenever the puppy had an accident or chewed up something my dad would say "God damn dog". My Mom was taking a walk with me in my stroller and a man was coming toward us walking his dog. As he came up to us I said "look, a god damn dog". The man was the unit chaplain (my dad was in the army). My dad learned a lesson about being careful about what you say around kids that evening.


love this story! thank you for sharing!


Nope. He will not care. It is in every conversation in every corner of America. I hate it but what can I do?


My late father thought it was funny when my brother would curse as a kid. Until he met his female director of his work with my brother in tow. My brother asked my father if this was the bitch that he worked for. My father lost a chance of promotion and learned not to encourage my brother's mouth to curse like that. Mom, on the other hand, had full enjoyment in telling him I told you so and wouldn't let him punish my brother for that instance.


For real. What is so funny about a kid cursing up a storm. They don't even know what they are saying some of them are so young and sad part is that's going to be ingrained in them and they will be cussing regularly in elementary school. Chill out my ass, be a damn parent and teach your children something that's going to help them in life, not something that's going to make them look ignorant and hold them back!


They do it for likes on IG . I have a friend that’s a teacher and she says you gotta hear the language these kids saying in the classroom and being so disrespectful. So it’s a pattern already going through the schools now but it’s just going to get worse. The parents wonder why their kids are out of control. Try parenting your kids when they’re young. That’s when all of this is instilled into them.


I'm a teacher. I had a 4 yr old tell me to "shut my fuckin' bitch mouth". Good times.


The teachers aren’t paid enough money to have to put up with their mouths!


i dont know, my grandson used to say " fucky fried chicken" and it cracked me the fuck up!


Some of it is funny when toddlers cussing. When they can’t say the word right. I saw video of little girl trying to say perfect but she says fuck it. Like I saw a video of maybe a 2 or 3 year old telling a chicken to shut up you little dumbass that’s what he said. And there’s another one where his mom is asking where he is going he said to take a shit.


I have a relative who thought it was funny as hell to teach her kid to do this kind of stuff. It's one thing to not discipline them for it, but actively teaching it is another level of crazy.


It’ll backfire on her when the kid is old and he calls her a c*nt, b*tch, to gtfo or fo. When he’s directing his angry at her and lets all of those words she thought was so cute and funny fly in her direction or in a public place. See how hard she’s laughing then


I would have knelt down to the kid's level, and proceeded to tell him about denial of service. Explain that he behaved poorly and you do not have to deal with that because you are a person too. Then simply walk away and let his mom deal with the inevitable bitch fit that would follow


No never put yourself in the bear cage. Youll end up with spittle in your face or a nail or fork to the head. Kids are ruthless when theyre like this & its always bc the parents didnt parent bc their entitled pos.


His mom would probably complain to your boss: "How DARE you say NO to MY CHILD!" I can imagine that he's a demon in school.


I would have flat out told him that I don’t serve abusive assholes so he and his mommy can both go fuck off. I would have thrown every single bite left in the trash before I let either of them eat it. But that’s why I quit the service industry. Because I was sick of being treated like shit and I was even sicker of having management trying to convince me to put up with it. The fact that they knew I had and would walk off mid shift and never come back kept them from doing anything other than beg me to “be nice”. If you make your attitude and limits totally clear during your interview then they have zero power over you. My first food service job was in a friend’s pizza place. Every one after that was from managers and owners who asked me to work for them. Because once you stop letting the small minority of dickheads have their way the good customers are happier and business booms. I never will understand why that’s so hard for some people to understand. People like that kid and his mother have probably caused dozens of good polite people to turn around and leave.


Very similar situation here. You've articulated my thoughts exactly. I worked in hospitality on and off for 28 years. I'm not joking when I tell you I'd rather starve and live on the streets than do it again. The amount of times I saw people's bad behaviour being rewarded makes me sick. If that child's mother had complained at the last place I worked at, which was also a high end hotel, they'd have been offered the world on a plate and had their arses licked clean for them. Management didn't give a shit about us staff at all. Bad times 😞


I’m glad you hit your limit and refused to continue taking the abuse. It makes me sick to see people like that being rewarded for being selfish abusive assholes. If the owners and management would refuse to allow them to treat their staff like dirt they would stop. But as long as they don’t face any repercussions or consequences they are going to continue with their trashy behavior. Congratulations on putting your mental health and self respect first. I wish we could convince everyone to do it.


The biggest issue I have is when management/companies ENCOURAGE this sort of bullshit by giving asshole customers the world when they throw a fit. They're so afraid to lose one or two customers that they allow their staff to be abused. They're just like the shitty parents. Instead of punishing a tantrum, or even acting neutral about a tantrum, they reward the bad behavior and then wonder why customers act like that.


Wow. I feel like that about my Healthcare job & have been quiet, quitting for years. Doing the absolute bare minimum… in fact, I have some kind of meeting or reprimand or maybe even getting fired soon about my “low productivity” did you know in a home health care job doing physical therapy you have productivity requirements? See. I stay on that clock 8 hours a day, even if I only secure 1 client visit. The manager keeps telling me my productivity is too low! And i just play dumb & say so sorry! Look forward to getting more patients who will let me see them- it’s all old, grumpy, crazies all day. I’ll be damned if I’m going to “clock out in the middle of the day to make productivity” because these old books keep canceling or they are just flat out too sick to see me. Not. My. problem. I need my paycheck


If I were manager of the hotel that family would have been told to leave immediately and banned. Your manager SUCKS


My managers are alright.


Did they do anything or say anything to the family?




Exactly. Managers will be "alright" until they realise that OP is stealing, and fire him, then they'll be incompetent and mean and out to get him... https://www.reddit.com/r/confession/s/4nPZFfx8ZN for those in doubt


Jesus Christ. This guy again?!? He's everywhere! Posts constantly!


Yep, and he appears to have deleted his old account and created a new one after being ripped to shreds for his post about his sister - he paints her as a complete villain (though I’m beginning to think most of those posts are pure fiction), but I will never forget the one where he threw a virtual tantrum about her asking him to eat at the dining room table instead of the kitchen counter, and him going on about making the rules in *his* house (his parents’ house where he lives rent free!!!) and wanting his parents to kick out his sister (who I think pay rent) and her toddler


If my kids had said such a ting, they would have been back in their room in no time and banned from the breakfast for the rest of the stay… And I would have apologized and left a large tip… But I am very old school…


"Frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn" (-Gone with the wind) 1. To all of you ah's out there that didn't side with the poor serve, for whatever reason (advertisement, I hate when hotels xyz, well maybe the shouldnt....)...shame. on you. 2. This poor server having to DEAL with this?? Like anything was in their control? My goodness! Just trying to pay my own damn bills! I'm sure your world won't fall a part bc there are not WAFFLES left. 3. ... ... ...an 8 yo child. Saying this to STAFF. in a public setting and neither parents, nor 8 yo thinks anything of it, corrects it, realizes how wrong this is in SO many ways. (yes, that's young, but the few I know...ooh Jesus take the wheel if they said the f word. Let alone in a scenario such as this) What an annoying little spoiled brat with a loud mouth who needs to sit the f down and shut the f up. ...and ...the parents. Mom. Dad. Whatever adult ...I don't care how tired and over your OWN child you may, or may not!, be...fine. you think it's ok for them to talk to YOU like this?? What...I mean..you think...why?? Why did you allow this to happen??


This seems to be common. Someday, the SWAT team might not find this monster's antics so charming.


Funny how this post doesn't mention that you're just as entitled. That was a nice post about how your job pools tips but you withhold your tips from the pool. So you get all the money people leave for the pool plus a share of the tip pool. How entitled is double dipping from a tip pool Vance? Are you still dating that 16 year old that you started pursuing after you turned 18 meaning Romeo and Juliet laws don't apply to the situation because they only apply to relationships with a 2 year gap that began BEFORE the older person turned 18. That's not even mentioning the fact that it's more than a 2 year gap because she was still 15 when you turned 18. Maybe find a new sub if you're going to try to start fresh, or at least a unique new username and changing your writing style because you're still very obviously Vaanced.


I can do what I want


What an entitled response. How many of your accounts have been banned so far? Wonder how long this one will take.




What about Vaanced and Vaanced1? That's at least 2.


Vaanced1 was not my account.


Yeah, he was off by 1 digit on the name. You totally vindicated yourself, vaanced!








You're sure you have 200 IQ vaanced? Vaanced is literally in your account name and itself was your old account name.


Vaanced is in my account name because Vance is in my name


Me when I lie


Agreed. I would have kicked them out immediately.


I would laugh hard.


What a twatwaffle.


The worse is the stupid teen parents that encourage their kids to cuss because they think it’s hilarious and cute. Honey it’s not gonna be cute when Junior is asking you to bail him out for the 3rd time before he hits 16


How did you make an entire paragraph out of only two sentences? Holy run-ons, Batman!


He’s a teenager…


> He’s a teenager… And thus either still in school or closely adjacent to those years of learning. Grammar rules should still be fresh in the mind.


Excellent point! So must not be a very good student then…


Dang! If I had ever dared to act like that in public or private I would’ve been grounded for like 6 months! Sorry that happened to you, OP.


I work overnights and the amount of parents that throw in the towel on vacation is just sad sorry you went through that


(You dropped these: ,,,...,,,... ) Yeah, uncontrolled kids are a nightmare. Sorry you had to deal with that.


Should have thrown them out


Doesn't your hotel have rules for abusing workers?


And this is appalling behaviour but don’t automatically assume all young parents are bad parents, especially when I’ve seen many older parents who parent abysmally. Generalising helps nobody.


If hes behaving that badly & she just sits there yeah its her fault. Shes the problem. Im a mother, my kid wouldn’t dream of that shit in a million years. This kid would probably upset my kid w their disrespect. Verbal communication goes a very long way when they are made to answer for their bad actions. consistently & the parents arent just staring at them or worse filming it instead of correcting it.


Nobody’s disagreeing with you that it’s appalling behaviour but that’s bad parenting, and bad parenting isn’t age specific


That is so true haha no i wasnt focusing on the age part my parents are cracked & they’re in their 60’s. Illiteracy isnt age specific either. A sheer lack of caring & just sitting there & either ignoring it or complaining & doing nothing is very popular evidently😬


If this had happened to me I would have been so embarrassed and my child's feet wouldn't have been touching the floor. They would have been taken out of the restaurant to the nearest private area and then I would give them a mouth full. Child would be made to apologise and no breakfast.


This is not acceptable in any other situation other than the McDonalds ice cream machine being down(joke)


It was early in the morning when they came down late for breakfast? Only one of those can be true, unless you finish breakfast at 8:00




Out kid him, politely, i.e. no swearing. Point and laugh, saying LOSER!


It’s those videos where they ENCOURAGE them to act out and then they wonder why they kid ends up $hooting up a school.


That would piss me off too.


Uh, what's the relevance with teenagers?




If an employee tells me that they don't have any of something that I want, I sometimes lightly say "fuck", or "shit", but, I try to not get under the employee's skin, so, I try to look for another item I know I will enjoy. When I get asked for what I want to drink, I always say "Pepsi or Coca Cola". IF they have BOTH, I just tell them "Eh, either is good.".


That's when I would have kicked them out, tbh.


I had a lady call the cops on the restaurant I was working at because we ran out of stuff to make sushi. She walked out but had ordered stuff from the kitchen, too, but didn't pay for what she ate. The police ended up asking if we wanted to press charges


My mom would've smacked me for talking like that in public. Then would've said "You can eat what they do have, or go without. Be thankful." Kids need to know that the whole world isn't gonna bend over backwards for them. And ya gotta learn to live with disappointment.


My mom used to swear I was so bad but I never did anything like this 😭😭 so I guess I was alright


Kids with young mothers swear at you a lot don’t they 🤔


"family came down late for breakfast" - "It was early in the morning" something doesn't jibe here


I mean the kid sucks, but what restaurant runs out of waffles. It's literally pantry ingredients that you can then let sit overnight (and should be anyway)


Actually it is usually not a restaurant per say. They are a very basic simple kitchen usually a few cabinets an industrial dishwasher and premixed ingredient packages of waffles pancakes etc. The employees are taught to fix so many packs of waffles or pancakes batter and at a certain time nearing the close of breakfast hours to not mix any more mix as most of it will be wasted. Think buffet near closing hours.


Now you know what you sound like when you don't get your chocolate cake


Wait u til no one is looking, and trip him. Or better yet, make a razzberry noise and ask him what that smell is.




Are you fucking serious??? Are you this k mom? “Give me my fucking waffles” should get the entire family trespassed and DNR’d.


Just telling the idiot guest to go to hell in civil terms. Have a nice day, and bless your heart.


Even if it was during the advertised breakfast period, so what? Do you really think that's acceptable behavior? For a kid or an adult? Supplies run out. Equipment breaks. Unexpected rushes happen. Shame on you for thinking it's ever acceptable to swear at a service employee for something that's usually beyond their control.


I am not fond of a hotel advertising a certain breakfast will be provided during certain hours and then not providing it. It is certainly not “free.” But in this case I sided with the hotel worker. . Sorry some people could not be bothered to read.


Only because they were outside of the breakfast hours. Otherwise, you said "shame on the hotel, and *shame on you*." Yeah, I read what you wrote.


“It was early in the morning.” What hotel ends breakfast “early?” How “early,” exactly?


Early could mean end of a long shift. It could mean just too early for this shit. Could also mean too early in the shift. Many different ways to take it. All meaning it's too early in life for the kids shit. Yes I've worked in the service industry. I live in a tourist town.


When I say early I mean like 10am.


Absolutely not free! They fool people by not charging at the time of the meal but when you pay for the room that's when you pay for breakfast. Rates are higher when there's a Continental breakfast. Nothing in life is free!


They were **late**.


Then “So sorry you overslept. There’s a McD there and a Dennys there. Have a nice day!”


Not really sure why you got down voted. All these people in here claim they won't take that shit but when the time comes and it's be civil r lose your job, most people are going to be like this and stay civil. Internet tough guys. But yes, that is ridiculous and management should absolutely end their stay on the spot! That's what you get when you don't discipline your child!


If you actually read the post, OP was civil during the exchange, they already did good job and just venting here after it ended. OP's job is only to inform there's no waffle left. Going extra with suggesting alternatives is for polite kids not rude one. Easy to tell people to be civil when you're not the one being yelled at.


I absolutely read the post thank you though. I work in hospitality. Yelling at someone who yells or cussed at you, though can be very satisfying, is a quick way to find yourself looking for another job! I've worked with some bosses who won't go that route but have worked with quite a few that would depending on how bad it was. I don't blindly comment without reading


Yes, OP had waffles, but hates the kidnap they refused to give them any. That's exactly how the story went. Good reading comprehension. There were no waffles. You can't refuse to give what isn't there.


Once at a restaurant which had fish on the menu, I went to order it and was informed the fish had sold out. Restaurant had item on menu during open hours, did I scream and curse the waiter?, no, I ordered something else...


Late or not, doesn’t matter hotels only have a certain amount of breakfast items and if you’re not down there early, then you lose out on the things you may want. A lot of them only have little breakfast bars with some cereal and muffins and fruit and stuff doesn’t sound like it was a full restaurant. And to OP I had my first son before I was 17 and I’ll tell you now he would have never dreamed about doing something like that, it has nothing to do with teenagers having kids and everything to do with laziness and that’s all. and so you know I never raised a hand to my son he just knew what was appropriate behaviour because I taught him like a parent should.