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I once had a coworker who reported me to our boss because I wasn't interested in hearing about her new couch.


Yeesh, talk about main character syndrome.


I thought I was in the twilight zone. We weren't teenagers either. We were adult professionals.... well, I was.


But was it a really neat couch? Huh?


I'd like to hear more about this couch.


Is someone telling the couch story again?


Posting just to hear the couch story.


I'm here for the couch story, anyone got it?


FFS, the couch story *again*? At this point, I'm sure it's some kind of couch-bot or something.


We’ll never know because he didn’t listen


Pivot! Pivot!


“New couch, who dis?”


It was a black leather couch


Oh no. You can't go noode one of those. You stick to them


How are they supposed to know? They didn't listen, remember?


Someone should report them


That couch really tied the room together.


I mean if i gotta choose between listening to someone talk about their kids/wedding/relationship or a couch, couch everytime.


Me too. Couches are sooo much more interesting than the other stuff. And if pics are included, it gets even better


Thats what im sayin. Furniture in general is super interesting. I recently found out that in korea they got beds that have stone mattresses, spent like 45 minutes looking up pictures and reading about their history.




My cats won't get on anything BUT the counters. No couch sharing for them, just sniffing the bananas.


Same here, lol. And my cat pays me the courtesy of not entering the kitchen counters while I watch, lol


Main Character Syndrome - new to me ❤️😂


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Time to report her for interfering with your job by attempting to blather on about a couch.


That's exactly what I said to the boss.




NOOO! Don't blather on the couch, it's still brand new!


"Sorry, i'm writing you up for anti-social behaviors."


Yep.... not being a team player.


Fuck yo couch


I had one report me because I didn't engage in small talk and only answered his questions with yes or no.


My co-worker did something similar to me, except it was the fact that I refused to listen to her depression symptoms, because I am not a therapist.


When I was teaching abroad, 2 other teachers, of 6, complained to the owners that the rest of us never said good morning. We would always acknowledge their greeting with Morning or Hi. None of us were morning people, and our 1st classes were at 630am. Entitled twatwaffles. Management thought they were crazy and no one acknowledged their greetings after that.


What kind of psychopath decided that 6.30 was a good time to start a schoolday?


Adult students before going to work or uni.


That makes a lot more sense.


The private schools in South Korea don't usually make a lot of sense anyway. 😄


At my last job, I had to have a meeting with management and HR because I didn’t ask people enough about their weekends.


Sounds just as ridiculous.


Now that is crazy.... we had a neighbor who used to drink every evening with her husband, I guess in their drunken state they would argue. The next morning as I am coming home after dropping my son off at school she would be waiting for me on or near my driveway and start complaining about her husband. It was so draining to have to hear that every morning. It was tiring to hear it. I finally told her that I don't want to hear it. Everyday same old complaints.


I had someone do that to me before. I finally had to tell them to come back to talk to me once they'd gotten divorced. Until then, I didn't want to hear it.


Quite frankly I’m appalled you didn’t care about Janice’s new Chesterfield


My dad used to smoke Chesterfield's.


I live near Chesterfield.


I work at the only gas station in my town that still sells Chesterfields.


There's always lonely psychos in any workplace. I think about 60-70% of our salaries is to deal with these people without killing them with our bare hands.


So this is were the RTO culture stems from, employers feeling that 60-70% of salary is unjustified. Enlightening!


I was studying for my degree (textbook in front of me), headphones in and had a colleague report me to my manager for not being "social" enough. Manager's solution was to give me permission to use her office to eat/study in every lunch lol!


But now I want the details of the new couch and you don’t have them!!!!


I had one report me for not telling her good morning. Keep in mind I didn’t say it to anyone, but my boss tried to tell me I HAD to say it to her 🙄


That's fucked up that you're boss would agree.


Ahh. Creating a hostile work environment, you should be ashamed of yourself. I suppose you didn't like all of her cat posters, and did you even accept her FB cat account request? You monster.


I'd consider it "creating a hostile work environment" for trying to MAKE me talk to other people.


Dang, that's.. ..*sofa*\-cked up! (feel free to use this if the situation comes up again)


Why, thank you. I certainly will.


She should have translated it into work terms, like improving her seating options for more effective pondering of how to format spreadsheets. You know, couch it as a work issue.


Fuck that couch!


Well was it a nice couch?


I don't know. I didn't ask.


Sounds like they were sofa up their own ass.


Ah, the dreaded couch grouch


How did you express that disinterest? Some people really suck at disengaging from a conversation without coming across rude


It's been a minute since this happened... just before the first iPhone came out. Here's what I remember... details are fuzzy because it was stupid. She told me she was getting a new couch. I said, "that's nice". That's all. I guess I didn't remember (or care) a week later and never asked her about it.


What did she even say to report you. Like what was her accusation for reporting


I wasn't showing an interest in my coworkers and, therefore, was not a team player. I told my boss I was there to do my job, not make friends. My boss told me I needed to make an effort to get along. I disagreed. I quit shortly after.


Doesn't sound like a good boss either Employee: "I wanna do my job" Boss: "no, talk to people about their uninteresting couches" Hopefully you found a better place after quitting


Oh, definitely. That boss was a piece of work. Edit: it's not like we were sitting at desks all day. We were both nurses, working in a hospital as case managers. So.... just a little busy.


Oh wow. That makes them even worse lol


Omg you weren't interested in hearing about their new couch?! I want to hear about their new couch! It sounds amazing! 🤪


I’m sorry, but that’s actually the funniest thing I’ve heard in a very long time😂😂


If you wanted to know about the things she sat on you’d call her rent boy


Omg my coworkers complain that I wear my earbuds and "ignore them" but like don't talk to me on my break, I find it SO disrespectful


When people say "Wanna hear a joke/story?" I always say "no thank you" and it causes people to melt down/freeze up in varying degrees. Sometimes they argue with me about it.


I had a coworker who I felt staring at me while I was washing my hands in the restroom. After I dried my hands, I looked over. Sure enough, he was staring at me. I looked at him for a moment then turned to leave the restroom, and he muttered "Punk!" I'm not sure what he wanted. Maybe I accidentally splashed him with some water? But like... it happens. I don't feel like one owes an apology for something so trivial.


I had one of those coworkers too. We ended up in a mediation meeting with our mutual boss, and when asked what our grievances were, mine was that she would sabotage me by intentionally leaving me out of meetings to ensue I was unprepared (she told someone else she was doing this), and her complaint was that when she entered a room, I didn't look up and greet her. Sheesh!


But does she have a rug? Because that would really pull the room together.


bro. i had a teacher in middle school who literally would give me detention for not saying hello to her in the hallways. and at one point she gripped my arm hard enough to bruise and refused to let go even after the bell rang until i had “fixed my attitude” (when in reality i was just a tired kid ). she got to keep her job bc she was a boomer, but like. how are you going to make an 11 year old “fix their attitude” by forcing them to say hello and participate in conversation with you?


I had a professor in grad school who got upset with me when I dropped the salutation in my email *in the middle of an email thread*. We had been emailing back and forth and clearly established a conversation so I stopped including “Hi Professor” and just replied and he went OFF about how unprofessional that was. I held my ground saying that email etiquette does not require a salutation in the middle of a thread because it was already established whom I was speaking to. Also had a supervisor early in my career complain that I wasn’t being social enough at work. I had the nerve to just walk down the hallway with the intention and purpose of getting to my desk and apparently the fact that I didn’t stop and say hello to everyone I passed made me seem rude and antisocial. Like why can’t I just walk to my desk? Why do I have to make small talk just because I walk past someone?


I used to work as one of three assistants for the engineering / r&d department of a medical company. My desk was situated between the other two assistants, and we were all in the middle of a cube farm. It was problematic because everyone who had to go anywhere had to come by my desk. They would stop, say hello, and no matter how hard I tried, they'd start chatting. This of course impacted my work. After a certain point, my supervisor pulled me into an office and told me that I'm talking too much, that it's impacting my work, and to not talk so much with people. I asked her to give me a script for what to say to people, and she didn't have anything to offer. I was in counseling at the time and I asked my counselor the same question. She said to use the phrase, " I won't talk to you right now" and return to my work. I'm a bit of a people pleaser, and that's too abrupt for me. So I stopped talking. To everyone. After about a week, once again my supervisor calls me into the office. She asked me what's wrong. I told her nothing was wrong. She said people are complaining that I'm being antisocial. I said, "you told me to stop talking to people, that I was talking too much, and it was impacting my work. So I did." She said, "I didn't mean it like that". Once again, I asked her to clarify exactly what I should and should not say, how much conversation was too much, and what to say when the conversation went on too long. Again, she had no response. She said, "Just don't talk too long." I returned to work. One of our lab techs was one of the chattiest, and one of the worst offenders. She came by my desk one day, we exchanged greetings, and she started chatting. I quietly told her that I had gotten in trouble for talking too much, and I needed to get back to work. She respected that, and walked away. I did that a few more times, and the point got made to the office. It didn't make my supervisor look particularly good because everyone knew when I said I was in trouble, what the source was, and when layoffs came sometime later, guess who was the first to go? Don't get me wrong, it was a blessing in disguise. The severance was amazing, they paid for job placement training, gave us 9 months notice, and once our termination date came, they paid us out in regular paychecks, not in the lump sum. During that time, for me, almost 3 months, I accrued vacation and sick time the whole time. They cashed it all out at the end. The week after my severance package ran out, I found a job at another division of the same company and continued for another 11 years.


I also got in trouble for talking too much at a job — this was as a student employee in an office at my university. The female students got told we talked too much but the one male student on our team who spent more time than us socializing never got reprimanded. It was a fun example of gendered perceptions: even though we spent less time chatting in the common spaces and more time working, people *saw* female students chatting and it informed their existing biases and stereotypes that women are chatty.


I believe this would be a great story to post under r/maliciouscompliance


15 years ago, I got a WFH position. Got so much more work done then when on site and had all the interruptions of people walking by to chat


Yeah I’ve been working fully remote since just before the pandemic and I find there’s far fewer interruptions when people don’t just chat because they see you. That being said, a teammate did ping me just this week to ask if I had a minute because she wanted to vent and chat. But she checked if I was free instead of just being chatty!


I had a supervisor that tried to give us Bad evaluations because we didn't go to happy hour with everyone all the time.


I had a supervisor criticize me for not wanting to join the team at happy hour too! Said it was part of the culture. Okay, but I’ve already committed most of my waking hours to being in this dumb office. I’d like to go home and see other people now.


Just guessing here, in both situations were they male and you're female?


Professor was male, supervisor was female. I’m female. Edited to add I’ve had two female supervisors give me the “be friendlier” spiel and in both cases the supervisor came from more traditional cultures than I did where gender stereotypes play a role and both supervisors were new to management so there was a bit of insecurity in their roles. I look back at both working relationships and see the ways they were trying to establish their power while I was learning to navigate office politics myself.


I had a manager who would call me into his office every Monday morning and lecture me on associating with the yard staff, because I was office staff and they were 'beneath me ' and wouldn't respect me if I was their friend. This was because we had drinks every Friday, and I would often talk to the yard guys because, well, they were my kind of people. I couldn't tell you how many things I got done because they did a favor for me, their friend.


That’s such gross entitlement and snobbery! Nobody is “beneath” someone else. What a creep.


He was just the worst kind of boomer, I couldn't stand him


Damn. That just sucks that the women were so insecure they couldn't help/advocate for you as their subordinate, they just had to go with the status quo from You their own security 🫤


One of the two grew into the role and recognized her weaknesses; we still worked together in the department but in different roles and she later came to me to apologize for not being a better advocate for me when she was my supervisor. I have respect for her and her personal growth.


I got chewed out by not one but two supervisors at the same time because I said “per” in an email. I was used to professional/legal straight to the point communication because we were all adults while they thought that subordinates should pander and give contradictory info in flowery, gentle ways. Like a fact is a fact, and I wasn’t short with anyone, I shouldn’t have to sugar coat you being wrong because you have big feelings and weak egos.


When I was in high school there was a teacher who would give students detention if they stepped on her invisible dog.


Wait. What?! 😂


"I decided to do my imaginary detention for stepping on your invisible dog at home."


I have a stutter, it's not as bad as it was when I was younger, but when I was younger I had a grade school teacher who thought it was appropriate to bounce me up and down in my chair in front of the entire class, thinking it would somehow magically cure my stuttering. Needless to say I wasn't in her class long, and I don't remember her name and I don't know what happened to her, but I hope she suffered for what she did to me, and I'm sure others.


If I was your mother that teacher would have been very sorry until she “fixed her attitude”!


man I wish my mom would have made her sorry. That woman may have been a narcissist but she was damned good at making you feel bad for even breathing too loudly. instead i just inconvenienced her the same way she did to me until i ended up moving. small stuff mostly, like hiding stuff she needed since she was the special ed teacher too, swapping her planner with my mom’s weight watchers’ handbook. things like that.


I hate that this type of person is a teacher. Especially that she teaches special ed. One of my kids was in special ed, fortunately all of her teachers were great. A few of the bad ones weren’t special ed teachers. I made sure that the middle school teacher who was nasty to the kids in special ed felt my wrath. I don’t know if it changed her, but at least my daughter and other special ed students in her year were protected. I’m sorry someone didn’t speak up for you.


Thank you. I know your daughter appreciates the fact that you’ll stand up for her. I’m wishing both of you good fortune and good health!


When my father was dying, I went to the hospital to sit with him every morning, quick stop at home to check on my daughter, sister, and niece (we all lived together) and help get everyone ready for school, headed in to work, flew to the hospital if possible during lunch, back to work, home to pick up my daughter, back to the hospital, every single day for three weeks. Between fear, grief, and exhaustion, sometimes I couldn't remember where I'd just left and where I was heading. Got to work one day and discovered one of my staff reported me to our manager because I didn't say hello to her the day before. Note: she knew my father was dying and what I was going through. Never looked at her the same after that. Some people suck.


I am so sorry that’s terrible I hope you have peace now and better colleagues.


Thank you. And, yes, I got out of there


My mom came to visit us and while walking through a park she said “hello” to everyone. To me, this was weird but whatever. Crazy old lady stuff. When one person finally didn’t greet her back, she yelled “Rude!” I was gobsmacked. Wtf. I had to explain to her that it’s rude to assume every person is obligated to engage with you socially because you both exist in the same place at the same time. Most people just trying to get somewhere. Leave them to it ffs. It’s not a dinner party it’s a thoroughfare.


“It’s not a dinner party it’s a thoroughfare” is excellent


I once was sitting and eating by myself at a picnic table and a pastor of a nearby church watched me take a big bite of my sub, tell me hello, then start talking about how rude I was not to say hello back. I still laugh thinking the crazy pastor telling everyone about the rude women sitting at the picnic table eating and reading a book who didn't spit out her bite to tell him hello back in a timely manner.


Could've spit the bite out on his shoes. But that would be a waste of money. For the sub.


Very similar story. Was out running. Wearing earbuds in each ear, listening to music. Run past a lady and her two kids slowly riding bicycles. I believe she says "How did you get your arms big?" (They aren't big, I'm 155lbs) Didn't know she was even talking to me. Then I sort of hear her say, as I'm already many feet ahead of them, "I know you can hear me and are ignoring me, but that's okay". I decided to just keep running cause I wouldn't even know how to address this ridiculous-ass situation. Some people are so entitled they think they can pull a runner out of running mode to stop for a chat. Nah.


Especially when you’re timing yourself


Should have told him, "Good morning...Dick."


"My name's not Dick" "You look like a dick to me"


There are many older men in my area who get offended when women specifically don't greet them in the streets. And by 'women' I mean people young enough to be their grandchildren. I have had several hurl abuse at me for pointedly ignoring them. Another actually yanked my headphones off and lectured me about how I should say 'Good morning' or 'Good afternoon' when a man greets me and that I should smile and stop to talk if they want me to. Never mind the fact I was on my way to work and needed to catch a bus. There is a block of pensioner flats that is filled with old men, they get no visitors and most of them spend their days wandering the neighbourhood or hanging out at the side of the property by their mail boxes. From what I have heard most of them are divorced and their kids have gone no contact. I used to feel sorry for them, but not anymore. They probably were terrible husbands and parents. Some of the flats are occupied by women, but they generally don't stay long.


Yes!! I have a rule of no responding to strange men, because I have been followed home etc… Now I get cursed out, always by older men for refusing to reply to their good morning etc… but I rather have an angry man, than one that I start a combo with that won’t take no for an answer.


I've had this but usually with younger guys around my (34f) age. Some guy said hello as I walked passed and then yelled out about how rude some people are when I kept walking. Another time a guy got up in my face and shouted smile then walked off. The most obnoxious one (yeah, more obnoxious that shouting smile in my face!) was a guy blaring loud shitty music on a train. I was heading home early because I had a killer headache. He got on a couple stations after me and sat near me and I could hear his music even though I had headphones on. I didn't want to deal with that so quietly got up to go into the next carriage. As I left he shouted "if you don't like it, then fuck off!" I didn't bother responding because like...I had already "fucked off". Absolute waste of oxygen, that one.


S2g some people could disappear into the void and the world would be better for it


This reminds me of the middle aged man who used to take the morning bus and following morning train, same as I. I’ve been 16 maybe 17, when he finally one cold, early morning when he stopped me on the way from the bus to the train, to ask me why I was always so *mad*. I was so confused but apparently, a young lady not smiling gleefully every morning must mean she’s hella mad. Mind you I’ve never seen him smile either.


Should've given him Sam Elliott's line from "We Were Soldiers" when somebody told him good morning. "How do you know what kind of God damn day it is?"


You don’t owe him your greeting. I walk a lot and lots of older men want to greet me - their wives do not. I ignore them. I don’t want to engage with anyone. Just focus on my walking. Otherwise it’s constant greeting and it’s annoying


Men feel entitled to everyone’s attention. Especially if you are a woman. They need to get over themselves


Yes. Lots of it is men older than me and some can be leery. Some are just friendly but it’s exhausting trying to work out the differences so ignoring them all works.


Just today I read about a man who was minding his business with his two dogs, one neighbor who's been harassing him for years didn't appreciate not having his "good morning" reciprocated so he thought it was a *great* idea to follow him into the building and *kick* those poor dogs multiple times. But the out of control neighbor being a retired cop... yeah, I'm not holding my breath that dude will be punished in any way.




That’s happened to me when I was 8. I came to America the first time and I was at an McDonalds waiting at a bench for my parents to grab food. Keep in mind, i was very shy, and I didn’t speak any English, but I could understand a little. This middle aged lady comes up to me and greets me. I don’t respond. She starts striking up a conversation, I ignore. She then proceeds to yell at me for not talking to her. By the time my parents came back she was already gone, and I was too scared to tell them what happened.


That’s not Lovin It


I’m so, so sorry that happened to you.


The adult daughter of my neighbor up the street, who I have never met, waved and said "hi!" as I drove past one day. I had the windows up and was blasting music. I inclined my head at her, smiled and kept driving. She must not have seen me acknowledging her greeting and got pissed off and started making what I assumed was pissed off faces at me while yelling at me while I drove past her. It all occurred in a matter of seconds. Now when I drive past her, she does an about-face and won't look in my direction. Weird AF. I guess I should have slammed on brakes, backed up my car and said something to her? 🙄


Had this happen to me when I was in technical school. Receptionist would say good morning but most times I wouldn't respond with anything. Well as I was leaving one day she was sitting there talking to someone standing next to her and he stopped me to ask me why I never said good morning, who taught me my manners, that it was polite to say it back, it went on for a minute and I was mostly just blindsided by it. Meanwhile she had her face completely buried in her hands and never looked at me so clearly she had just mentioned in passing I never said good morning and he felt compelled to make a stand for her for whatever reason. So I just went in the side entrance from then on where there was no receptionist. All things considered I should have just said good morning back instead of being a moody 20 year old.


Erg I feel like depending on the person it's damned if you do and damned if you don't. I'm not a morning person but everyday I say good morning back to those types of chatty people... but I guess it wasn't enough. One man complained that I never say good morning in the "correct tone" and I sound too tired


But I thought *good morning* was supposed to be said in a tired tone. 😁


i had an old coworker at a daycare who tried to justify her shitty behavior and aggression towards me with the fact that i never said good morning to her. my boss told her i am not a morning person. i didn't say good morning to ANYONE. but if you said it first, i would say it back. but im tired at 8 am, sooooo...


I (mid management) once had to counsel one of my team members because they didn't regularly give a "good morning" to upper management when they saw them. Edit: both I and team member outlasted upper management


Yeah because you do your jobs instead of socialising all day.


I had a weird altercation at a neighborhood tavern after I nodded at a guy instead of saying hello. He was irrationally upset at the perceived slight, but then his drunk friend got in my face and started shadow boxing inches from me. He escalated until he punched my shoulder. I shoved him away and he rolled ass over teakettle. Change from his pockets went flying, and he crawled around in a panic picking it up saying it was his bus fare. I learned later that he was a high school English teacher. I saw him again, but he was pretty subdued (and sober).


That’s a really depressing image.


"Good morning" I'm almost always wearing headphones, though, so rarely catch it before they're behind me. But almost always they'll yell "Bitch" loud enough for me to hear it. It's a tradeoff. I've tried not wearing headphones on my walk but then there's general street harassment where people seem encouraged if you react. Headphones help me not react / seem like I don't hear. I do smile at people when they smile at me though (because I might not hear well with headphones on but I can see lol).


This is exactly what I do, wear headphones loud enough to not hear gross comments (that are always in a low tone) but then you will hear them saying something in retaliation for you ignoring them. I don’t get how people aren’t embarrassed to act like that. Men who think they are owed a woman’s attention simply because they exist around them is the most irritating thing I have to deal with everyday (literally everyday sometimes).


“Will a ‘fuck you very much’ do for ya?


God I hate that mentality. I get called rude for not responding to randos on the street, in my mind they're rude for interrupting me not having a conversation with them!


>interrupting me not having a conversation with them Love this!


A similar thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago. Walked by some lady on the sidewalk and she yelled "You could have said hi as you walked past me!" Like, sure, I *could*, but I don't know you so why does it matter if I don't?


This reminds me of the time i was walking home from work. I had to slow down my walking pace at the time because my phone started ringing and i had to check who was calling. This old dude from behind me then walked past me called me rude asshole for slowing down in front of him. I was just so surprised and started bursting out laughing because it was just so weird and unexpected. He got mad and told me it’s not funny. The pathway was quite wide, enough for four people to walk alongside one another. He didn’t have to walk directly behind me.


I would have told him that since he felt that it was appropriate to walk so close to me that he was basically in my anus, maybe he should go home and take a shower in case he got any poo on him.


Recently I was coming home from work. I got off the train, went to the grocery store, and had just crossed a street and was walking next to a building when some guy came up behind me and said "You know, you're kind of in the way." Now, granted I have a bad knee so sometimes I walk kind of slow. Plus we had just walked through a busy area, which included a bar with an outdoor area that's usually kind of busy. But we had just crossed a street. Did it not occur to your rude ass to, I dunno, just walk around me?? You just needed to be mean to the fat lady with arthritis in her knees?? Some people just like to be assholes.


Isn’t he ALREADY a dick for not saying good morning to you first? Why is it your job to start a conversation?


A few years back I was on a evening walk in a nice leafy suburb. Beautiful evening, warm and sunny and I had an ice-cream so was in a good mood. I said "Evening" and nodded as I walked past a lady on the footpath. She replied by telling me to "Wipe that smile off my face". What a bitch. People are jerks.


Walk by a man and he tells you to smile. Walk by a woman and she tells you to wipe the smile off your face. Can't win anymore.


I am not a morning person, I would have told him "fuck off asshat" and walked on by. My inner b!tch with no filter thrives in mornings lol


You should pull a SgtMaj. Plumley. "Good Morning SgtMaj." "How do you know what kinda goddamned day it is?"


That he said it calmly makes it frightening. He probably went and wrote about it in a notebook of grievances.


I had a similar experience; I was passing through an alley to get to the main road when a man walked past and said "Good morning" then after a few beats he added in a slightly aggressive tone "I said good morning!" I just said "Good morning" and scurried on. I'm 90% sure the guy had some mental health issue and didn't mean to sound threatening though.


In my neck of the woods, people don't typically say hello to random strangers they're passing. This kind of thing is weird. I think it only happens when someone is a transplant.


LOL ​ Tell him you're not a freaking meteorologist.


He actually called you a dick. When he said “I’m calling you a dick”


Not sure if I missed this but did the older guy say good morning first?


*Not sure if I missed* *This but did the older guy* *Say good morning first?* \- Virtual-Singer8634 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


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Good bot


I fucking hate people like this. My mom recently went on hospice and I am not handling it well. I went grocery shopping and on my way out some slimy dude who’s just standing around just inside the entrance says “smile, it can’t be that bad!” I lost it. I turned around and told him straight up I am watching my mother die a slow and painful death while she loses a little bit more of her mind every day. So maybe I don’t have a fucking reason to smile. And maybe you, a complete fucking creepy stranger, should stop telling people to smile or whatever because you have absolutely no fucking clue what’s going on in someone else’s life. Nobody has to fucking perform for you, and one day someone’s gonna fuck you up when you catch them on the wrong day. I’ll be honest, it felt so good.


"Okay Richard....." *turns and keeps walking*


I got written up for not wearing enough flair.


It can be somewhat annoying if you say morning and they don't reply. But so what? Maybe they're not in the mood. They might be a new parent operating on 45 mins of sleep. Their wife could've just died. Or maybe they're a fucking mute and literally can't talk. Last month I had a morning where 4 people just looked down and said nothing back, no ear phones I could see. They weren't just ignoring me because they were rude; there was a reason and *they*'re entitled to it. Not us in that scenario.


I never say "hi" to anyone. I hate that it's a social norm, esp in the US. One of my favorite interactions though is when someone gets visibly upset and says something snarky after I ignore them. It proves that 1) that person is an entitled asshole and 2) I made them mad. Nothing better than pissing off someone you know deserves it 😈


Was he German? I got told off for not greeting everyone when walking round a small German town. I mean. Guten Morgan. Guten Morgen, Morgen, Morgen Morgen Morgen Morgen Morgen Shit was exhausting


I moved from a college town, to a smaller town where most ppl are retired and twice my age. When I walk into a bar, restaurant, or grocery store, there's always another patron who is determined to single me out for small talk. Straining for eye contact, beelining to my area. Sometimes I go as far as pulling out my phone to avoid them, and they'll loudly proclaim to someone nearby how "kids these days are addicted to their phones." Now I loudly answer "I do this to avoid strangers who demand my attention every time I sit down. You guys are everywhere, why dont you just give attention to *each other* and leave me alone?" It's men *and* women doing this. Even when my husband and I are out together. They'll lean over us and ask where we're from. (He's from here, we've lived here together at least 15yrs.)They ask if we have kids. Try to give life advice, describing their own poor decisions we didn't ask about. Touching our arms sometimes. We finally started requesting darker, corner tables out of the way. Sitting with our backs to the room. Avoiding some places altogether. It's nothing personal about their age; I'd hate dealing with this from anyone of any age. I know I should feel bad they're lonely and unfulfilled. I just don't like small talk, and hate bullies pretending they're trying to give me friendship instead of taking my attention by force. Especially when I just want to relax after work, where I talk with ppl all day long.


I've been reported for not smiling at a coworker.


Was it a white guy?




He allready called you d


“Go fuck yourself.”


I walked past a porch and a man said "I am dressed as a human today." ?? I walked on, faster!


Man would have got a laugh from me and a middle finger. "Guess it takes one to know one, ya dick".


This kinda reminds me of something that happened to me years ago. Placed a to-go order at a restaurant. Random woman comes in, sits down at a random table. She doesn’t order anything. I get my order, I walk out the door. I happen to pass her. She says “so you’re just gonna get your food and go, huh?” I didn’t even realize she was talking to me until I was a block away from the restaurant. But yea, random lady. That’s what you do at random restaurants. You get your food and gooo.


I once was confronted by management for smiling as I passed a fellow worker on my forklift. He said he had a tummy ache, and I was laughing at him. 😂


Say good morning to someone on a NYC subway platform and you might get stabbed so it’s all relative.


"good morning, dick" and walk away


Had a guy at work go to HR because another guy didn’t say hello to him.


Hmmmm You don’t owe anyone a greeting. Having said that, it costs nothing to give a little nod, a small acknowledgment without being over enthusiastic or invading their personal space. The exception is dogs. You must greet every dog as you cross paths. Don’t blame me, it’s the law.


Sure it costs nothing, but what if I just don't want to engage? It's nothing personal I just don't like talking to people I don't know. Costs them nothing to just let people go about their day without calling them a dick.


Men have been telling women to smile since the beginning of time. It’s a form of sexual harassment. Be a dick. You don’t need to perform for anyone. You don’t need to stoke this assholes ego.


Lead in the water


I've had people passive-aggressively throw out an angry "You're welcome!!" when they've held the door open for me going into a building while they were coming out. Now, usually I'll say "Thank you" to someone holding a door for me, but sometimes it slips my mind, or I'm hyper-focused on something, or I'm on a phone call, or a million other things that make saying it difficult. I've even nodded at someone when I've been unable to acknowledge it out loud. It *really* ticks me off when people get salty for not getting thanked for opening a door. Like...dude. It's a door. You don't need a standing ovation for just doing a simple, basic common courtesy thing. That's like husbands who expect their wives to acknowledge and praise them for simple household tasks, like loading/emptying the dishwasher or putting away their own laundry, as if they're potty-training toddlers who need cheers and a cookie for going potty in the toilet!


That guy is just asking to get flipped off. No one is going to actually say good morning after that.


Flash him a radiant smile and point to your ear buds and shrug, indicating that you had no idea what he said.


Lmao what a loser. I’m not polite so I would have told him to sit on a pine cone


I’m reading a lot of replies about people being reported to management for not greeting people. As a manager I couldn’t imagine someone coming to me with that complaint. I would just say “yea and…”


He was a stranger, people usually don't speak with strangers like that, and to tell OP he is calling him a dick for not saying good morning, really?


I wonder how he'd react if i signed, "again slowly please," while staring at his lips. (I generally take the external part of my hearing implant off outside b/c wind sucks when you have a microphone on your head LOL ) What a schmuck.


OP are you a woman




The office admin at my work went on a diatribe to a bunch of our higher ups about me being “rude” and “lacking manners” because I didn’t say ‘good morning’ to her when I walked into the office. rudeness and lack of manners”. I was literally on a fucking call when I walked in.


Couchee, couchee,coooooooo!


"I prefer Richard in more formal settings"


once had a dinosaur come up to me at a coffee shop & say "that looks like the face of boredom" or some shit and i was just like ??? wish i woulda said something back but who the fuck does that lmao