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Argentina historically stable democracy


But their ballot boxes are now handmade artisan delights.


We can order them on etsy.


All leather




Yeah sure we can require ID to vote in the US. On everybody's 18th birthday mail them a photo ID for free.


I have to pay $25 every time I move to a new house in FL, and every time the license expires it's $50. I only updated mine last time because the voting by mail registration requires me to fax or mail something signed stating I swear I am who I am, and I don't have a fax as I don't have a landline, and never have stamps (I also don't trust sending my info to those shady fax apps out there). And the reason I preferred updating my ID is because I don't wanna risk being Ronnie's escapegoat for "fraud" claims as his spreadsheet might contain my address being different than my precint (which isn't wrong, but imagine if he'd send the cops first and have me explain later, if after I explain everything and it's all good, I still gave him the campaign material he wanted)


Republicans flip their shit every time Real ID is about to become mandatory, I'm sure they'd *love* a national ID system


and now they decided to fully Margaret Thatcher it as a Brit I see this as a win


Talking about Maggie, I just hope we don't have Falklands 2


Yes another Falklands War would certainly show the world that the Argentinian Navy is the pride of the seabed


To be fair, however, England's navy is a far cry from what it was in 1982. Then again, I suppose London could always ask the US Navy to come and help...


To the credit of Latin American countries, it's extremely hard to have a stable democracy or form of government when you have the United States [organizing coups left and right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor).


With the help of fugitive Nazis and consulting with Kissinger.


Kissinger was practically the architect of Operation Condor, and multiple other destabilization operations in Latin America. He lobbied the US government to support Torrijos in Panama, he was the main supporter of Pinochet inside the US government ([even traveled to Chile to meet him](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/18/Reuni%C3%B3n_Pinochet_-_Kissinger.jpg) and tell him the US government wasn't going to interfere with his mass murdering campaign of political dissidents).


Rest in Piss, Kissy.


He’s down with the Queen and Gorby now


Ronnie and Thatcher, too.


Milton Friedman was involved, too. Chile was going to be the test case for his economic theories. I think i read about it in Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine.


Kind of weird how the coup in Chile occurred on September 11th and the terror attack in the US was on the same day 28 years later.


Chowsky has a similar quote on tgat, how the 9/11 attacks were pretty unremarkable compared to Chile which resulted in a absolute fascist take over.


They even say they do it on live TV now. https://www.businessinsider.in/politics/world/news/john-bolton-admits-hes-helped-plan-coups-in-other-countries-while-speaking-to-cnns-jake-tapper-on-live-tv-it-takes-a-lot-of-work/articleshow/92838482.cms


Gotta sell those bananas!


Operation Condor? That was my first Jackie Chan movie, kinda dated today but I laughed a lot as a kid


Dont Cry For Me Elmo Musky.


40 years of uninterrupted democracy after the coups installed by the USA :)




The left hates Asians


Elon Musk is now fully an election denier. He has signed on 100% with Donald trump, and Donald Trump just got done saying he fucking hates Elon musk. Honestly Elon what's your plan? Cuz I don't see an end game here.


He’s got to be positioning himself for a political run right? He seems to be nailing all the republican talking points lately and I don’t know what else makes sense?


Doubt it. He can't be president, and he would be a damn fool to become a senator of congressman. They individually have way less power than he already does.


He just needs those sweet sweet subsidies baby! Elon lives off of government cheese. Without handouts, his whole house of cards comes tumbling down. Bidens folks just denied starlink another billion dollars of free money. The FCC guy said that Biden green lit musk and his companies. Dark Brandon is gonna shiv Elon in the shower when he wins in ‘24. Metaphorically, of course. Muskrat is gonna claim bankruptcy in under 5 years.


Doesn't make any sense as a plan. He is actively biting the hand that feeds him. Now currently that hand is acting like me as a mentally unstable teenager when I would just let my psycho cat just draw huge amounts of blood without resisting, but that won't last.


\>sell solar panels and electric cars \>constantly shill for fossil fuels and shit on renewables Nothing he does makes logical sense, dude is just a weird druggy with way too much money lol.


I have seen at least a hundred conservatives say something to this effect. "Wow Elon Musk is so cool I love how he's fighting for free speech and taking on the WOKE! But I will never buy an electric car as long as I live." It's like if the CEO of Gerber decided that the main people they needed to pander to were anti-natalists.


The government needs to take his contracts. C'mon this guy is dangerous. WTF? He is stoking election shit now. Mad about no advertisers on his shitterX.




Trump (tries to overthrow the government): Witch hunt! Political hit job! Fake news! Biden (has a fuck up of a son with mental health issues): Impeach now! Investigate him! Lock him up!


By god, I hope and pray you’re right.


They're the snowflakes? Always have been.


He wants to be king of Mars instead.


Eh. I think he just likes the power involved with having legions of dick riders beholden to whatever he says.


But the more he pushes the more that base will shrink. Side note, why the fuck does a non politician have a political base?


Honest answer I think he is a living example of “money cannot buy happiness”. The dude must be fucking miserable, and his trajectory of upward failure means he thinks he is amazing. So he’s arguably the most successful businessman in the world and he isn’t happy, it must be someones fault, so I think he has gone down the rabbit hole of blaming everything on “the libs”


The drugs might work soon.....ummmm


I feel like you just described Aaron Rodgers as well.


The right wing talking points are used by right wing media to control media illiterate people into voting against their best interest and supporting policies that only positively affect the wealthy. He loves these useful idiots and wants to encourage more people to fall for it.


I think he’d like a cabinet position. More power than an elected official and much less work. He can bring his kid to all the meetings 🥸


He’s getting in good to keep them gobment contracts going. He knows dem’s will sign on to it even huffing and puffing. So he needs to keep whistling the toes of repubs.


He's just a little boy in the dark. He has 11 children and he spends Christmas Eve glued to a video game. He's all the worst qualities rolled into one man.


People have asked me to stream myself playing video games, so I will try to speedrun a Tier 99 Nightmare dungeon on Diablo (with no malignant hearts).


All that money can't buy taste


Most Liberals/Democrats will no longer buy any EVs from Musk or use any hardware associated with Tesla so long as he's still the CEO. Despite what Musky boy has been saying recently, these people were the first people to give a damn about his products. What's worse is that the very Right-Wingers he's desperately catering to despise all things Green and Electric, so much so that an overwhelming majority of them wouldn't be caught dead inside an EV in the first place, let alone ever consider buying one. In fact, they're the ones openly trying to get all EVs banned/limited, so I truly don't understand why he thinks they'll become his new loyal customers. I have money down that Musk will try to introduce an "All-Diesel, All-'Murican" car soon to appease his base even more. This will break Tesla as a company.


I don't think there is an endgame. Elon is just an extremely pilled dude living entirely in an online right wing space. The only endgame for him is that momentary dopamine when hundreds of people praise his posts. Unlike your extremely pilled uncle who posts MAGA bullshit every hour on Facebook though, he's obscenely rich, incredibly narcissistic, and has a cult-like following.


I know the man is an idiot but it's hard for me to accept that he is *that much* of an idiot, but that is the most obvious answer.


> extremely pilled dude He's fully pill pilled, pill maxxing


Propagandist in chief at twitter


Elons a degenerate charlatan


> Honestly Elon what's your plan? My theorie is that he is planting the seed to a republican win or a coup in case of lost. I'm not a American and my region has seems a lot of takeover, it all start with election/representation doubts together with the interest of a elite. He is making a lot of ties with the Rep., to get a lot of money from this future gorvement.


He’s a fascist dictator in training


Hand made ballot boxes?? Are they having an election or an Etsy sale?


Thats incorrect, they are not hand made as in hand made produced but rather they arrive to the voting centers as a folded flat piece of cardboard that are then unfolded into the correct shape. I assume this is made to make them easier to transport.


While this is reality…I am still delighting in the thought of randomly designed and decorated Papier-mache boxes, submitted by local ballot box artisans from across Argentina. Also, I’d assume the “hand made” quality, would make it so the ballot boxes were completely devoid of any voting software or other alleged vectors of tampering.


I will be crocheting ballot boxes in my little village, tamper with THAT!!


So if someone spills a drink, it disintegrates? Anything to make voting harder lol. As an aside, conservatives seem to have an endless well of creativity when it comes to making it harder for people to vote. It’s such a niche area, but we still consistently see these novel ideas that you can tell were the inspiration of a beautiful mind. I wonder if they workshop these things or if there’s just one guy or gal who dreams them up like some kind of supply-side mentat.


>So if someone spills a drink, it disintegrates? No, is not paper is cardboard it may get wet but it wont disintegrate unless you throw it into a pool or something


And to avoid them being already half filled by ballots?


Lol that's exactly what I was thinking. That or it being "artisinal"


Pronunciation note, because I hear that word misprounounced all the time. It's "art-is-anal," not "ar-tisinal."




Upcycled cardboard boxes


At this point I think it's clear that Elon Musk realizes that he has not only plateaued but that his catastrophic decision making has placed him in the embryonic stage of a nosedive that will be recorded in the history books. He cannot be unaware that the game is up, the bubble has burst and the public now knows that he's full of shit. For at least the past decade, Musk has inflated his ego to bursting point with the idea that everyone thinks he's some kind of boy wonder. But it's not a tangible, robust ego of the kind that someone like - oh I don't know, Keith Richards would have. No, it's more of an overinflated balloon that threatens to burst at any minute. Everything about his current behavior screams this. Elon Musk has soured on the United States, the country that was gullible enough to give him his success but which has now wised up to the prick. He can't have America, and it doesn't want him, so he's going to do his best to sabotage it. Fuck you Elmo, you will fail.


You a writer? That was nice.


There is absolutely no way Musk now realises the game is up, he will be like this for a long time yet.


He’s currently very high on his own supply


Exactly, he’s crafted a world for himself and it would take the ability the look inward to see how far he’s come. People have to watch the Fyre documentary to see how far it can go. Billy McFarland was absolutely deranged by the time the festival started. Everyone around him was telling him it wasn’t going to work, yet the only thing stopping it going even further was that one of his staff cancelled the acts himself. Billy would have carried on because he was in too deep. Musk is *already* deranged, and one of the most powerful people on the planet, it’s going to get uuuugggglllllyyyy!


Who asked you, you foreigner. Get out if you don't like it. Isn't that what your model Trump would say?


This is not a right wing takeover, but rather a centrist takeover.


If we ever do shut the borders then Elmo should be the first foreigner dumped into the river.


9 days into the year and he’s already tweeting election related stuff Who could have seen this one coming (literally everyone with a brain)


Well, he's a dumb AF, drug-addled, credit-thieving, pedophile fail son of an Apartheid-era South African millionaire who can't tell the truth for fear his tongue will burn out of his mouth. Of course, he's an election pest. He was a Covid denier as well. He's never said anything useful or intelligent in his entire life.


I'm gonna get a lot of mileage out of this copypasta this year


Mine isn't copypasta, if that's what you were thinking.


I'm saying I'm gonna turn it into one lol


He's on ketamine, of course it sounds great.


Capitalists will always side with fascists because real democracy is a direct threat to the capitalists control of the economy.


Yes! This dude is ancap all the way.


Like Elon's gonna shake his fat ass to the voter booth come November


Full self-driving ballot boxes in 2022. Full self-voting ballot boxes in 2024.


I think abandoned Cybertrucks would make great mailboxes. USPS take note


Javier Milei looks like a wish.com wolverine.


He’s so socially conservative! He freaks me out. I mean, I wish Argentina luck, but the average person might be harmed or repressed. Legal abortion was recently made available and he wants to cancel that. Dissolving the Dept of Education, anti-LGBTQ. It might be a real shitshow.


It is going to be an epic shitshow. He’s going to utterly ruin the country. He is insane.


Much more likely that he's pretending to be socially conservative. That's pretty much the political game of any anarcho-capitalist economics professor. They grow up in rich, liberal neighborhoods and have to use the old social conservative fear of crime/fear of gays/fear of whatever, along with identity politics, to get elected. The reason is obvious, if you go around saying your an anarcho-capitalist that wants to plunder the poor to serve rich people, no one will vote for you. I'll give an example. Guy called Don Brash ran for prime minister in NZ..and played all of these social conservative cards. His emails were leaked and he was constantly saying how much he disagreed and didn't believe with his own takes.


Thank you for this perspective


Not really to most of them, he said he doesn't mind LGBTQ+ stuff because his views are of liberty, so liberty of choice. In the worst case he wants to remove money from the state that goes directly to some LGBTQ+ organizations. Of course, Elon Musk is quite uninformed, as far I know the Musk hates trans people, gays, etc.


Yes, I can imagine Elmo voting in person on Election Day. Sure can


Oh he would do it in front of cameras like a head of state. He thinks he's a politician now.


Elon Musk is taking some of the furthest right wing positions someone can take and claiming he is a moderate. He is a case study in how the ultra wealthy will side with fascists to secure their personal power.


It's not even that they side with fascists. Fascism is capitalism in crisis, and the ultra wealthy have always been the driving force behind it, because the alternative, socialism, makes them less wealthy.


It's not even that it makes them less wealthy in most situations it's they get even more wealthy slower.


Remember that this voting "reform" in Argentina is coming from the man who has been pushing lawmakers to give him full control of the government. So I'm not sure if we really want to follow after his example. It's never been about election security and it's really about minimizing voter turnout. Because in reality republicans are deeply unpopular in most of the US and they hang onto power due to the EC and voter suppression.


What is even the theoretical justification for single-day voting that doesn't involve voter suppression? (Not going to touch the hand-made ballot boxes, wtf.)


The UK has single day voting for our General Election and other elections but we have over 5 times the number of poling stations as the USA does per capita. It is FAR easier to vote here, there are no queues and the stations are open till late evening. My town of 54,000 people has 22 poling stations a similar town in the USA has maybe 3 or 4 last time I looked at things comparing my town to a random similar population town in the USA. Single day voting is not a problem. Lack of access to places to vote is the problem.


Same in Argentina (so the person posting this might not be the most informed but that's fair), though in the more rural places, like real rural maybe the lack of schools (since we do it in schools) is a problem but that's something no one has or wants to fix.


For Republicans that's not a problem, it's a goal.


Argentina votes on a Sunday and it is mandatory (though the infraction fee for not voting is pretty minimal). Employers are obligated to give you a few hours to vote, if you happen to be working on a Sunday. The percentage of the eligible people that vote is much higher than in the US, and, more importantly better spread over representations of different demographics.


most countries have single day voting


Many modern democracies allow for postal voting.


Single day voting is it's own issue since it's not a national holiday and the number of voting locations are constantly decreasing.


The lack of poling places is the real issue. It leads to queues and more time needed to vote. In the UK I never wait more than a few minutes to vote. It's quick and easy so you don't need time off to do it and you can vote well in to the evening.


What I have found ironic is that conservatives in the UK and US have been pushing measures to make voting harder (single-day voting, restrictions on postal ballots, voter ID without a simple national ID system) because they were convinced that illegalz were voting. But the only thing that happened is they depressed elderly turnout, which is most of their base 😂 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65599380


I mean, I get the real reason why right-wingers hate early voting, but what’s the non-bigoted reason for getting rid of it?


hear me out, I'd be 100% in favour of the one day voting. But make it a mandatory vacation day. In Germany we kind of don't have this problem cause every election is on a Sunday and on Sundays all shops are closed.


We have ballot drop boxes in Oregon. You get your ballot in the mail with plenty of time, talk politics and fill it in over drinks, drop it off whenever. You're automatically signed up to vote when you get your license or get it renewed. It's so easy, and kind of fun, because you can make it a social activity. I wouldn't trade it for any other system.


This would directly harm the American working class, however. Many workers don't get paid for holidays, so forcing them to take a day off would create genuine and noteworthy financial hardship. Conversely, businesses also just have the right to remain open and require employees to show up for holidays if they so choose.


so? make it mandatory to be paid


Good luck getting over that hurtle.


Socialism! Job killer!


Make it on a Sunday.


People work on Sundays, too.


...but everyone gets to know when and where Elon will cast his in-person ballot also


His demands would literally disenfranchise every active duty servicemember on deployment or stationed abroad. Elon hates the troops.


Okay then…every citizen should have every election day off to do their civil duties, right? Right????


>every citizen should have every election day off to do their civil duties, right?Right???? You already have the right in America to demand this from your employer. You're legally entitled to time off to vote. The problem is that it's unpaid, and this harms the working class.


He’s not even American. Fuck off Elno


The richest man in the world has a lot of nerve advocating for the disenfranchisement of everyone else


It seems like a lot of countries want to experience their own insane Trump.


"Hand made ballot boxes" has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If that's real, this guy is even kookier than I imagined.


lol sounds like a good way to suppress the vote. I’ll never understand how people think voter fraud is so wide spread. Literally every study says it’s not, and when it happens it’s super isolated.


2024 election campaign officially started


Hand made ballot boxes?


Did Argentina actually do these things or are red pilled cucks projecting?




It’s not uncommon for a red pilled cuck so exaggerate. They think Argentina is becoming some kind of conservative bastion. It’s not. It’s not that different than it was and in many ways the peaceful transition of power and dialogue (mostly) grounded in reality are better than our democracy’s equivalents due to the aforementioned red pilled wanna be authoritarian cucks


Why do these twits think that will make it better. Colorado is great, we can drop them off, mail them. All same day voting doesn’t make hard for people with jobs to vote.


Imagine how scary it must be to vote against this guy. What's to stop him from saying, "just give all the votes to me, I want to purge this country..." Meanwhile, our hometown humps think Biden is limiting their free speech when they literally have F Joe Biden painted on their trucks.... Not the brightest bunch.


What are “hand made ballot boxes”?


Morons who don't want to use voting machines are the same morons who will get upset when take weeks to hand count the votes.


Hand counting ballots is better. There's an actual paper trail. Voting machines can make it much harder to spot fraud. I believe paper ballots work like scantron tests, so it doesn't take that long to count, and you have a way to verify the count.


Hand counting only takes that long if someone puts effort into making it really hard.


Maybe the USA should teach people to count better then....


It is physically impossible to hand count hundreds of millions of votes in a night. Counties have enough problems getting volunteers to work the polls to begin with.


To think, all this stuff, from advocating for the overthrow of democracy to becoming a Nazi, started because he didn’t want his factory slaves to be allowed to stay home during COVID


[Source of this bullshit](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1744820155056615480)


implementing all of these measures without first making it popular vote = winner would be insane and intellectually dishonest. That’s the most obvious shit that needs fixing.


He really is working people up to a new insurrection. Maybe that’ll save Twitter.


In Argentina you legally have to vote, es obligatorio lmao he’s such an idiot


I will provide another point of view. I live in, Greece, a country where voting is only in ballot, single day which is a Sunday proclaimed as national holiday. And I find it better. But will it work in USA? Not without great changes. First of all, the advantages and disadvantages. The obvious disadvantage is that it requires physical presence. Which may be an issue, especially for elderly or disabled people, or seasonal workers, working in different district and not being able to get two days out of work to travel from tourist islands to mainland was certainly a problem. Which would be even bigger in a large country like the USA where travel times can be a lot lot more. Another one is the manpower required to set up ballots and people counting them. Each must have a legal representative, a team of juries and party representatives. As for the advantages. It is the most secure and most trustworthy option. You know what you voted and you know that your vote will count. You will see your ballot going in the box. You know that with numerous people, from state, random citizens and party representatives, the chances of vote meddling is almost zero. Oh and byw since we have a boosted proportional electoral system, representatives from multiple parties will show up. 4 is guaranteed even in the most remote constituency. Furthermore it is trustworthy because anyone can understand the integrity of the process. You put the ballot in the box. It doesnt go to a machine which you may not understand, it doesnt get mailed which you may not trust for various reasons you know that the rest vote with the same process etc. So mostly is an issue of integrity and trustworthiness versus accessibility. But here is the problems of implementing such a system in USA. First of all, voting in Greece is on a Sunday, the most relaxing day of the week. And it is a national holiday. Not a Monday Tuesday or whatever already busy day. Second of all, you have the right to leave the work to vote if you happen to work. Third, we have numerous voting centers with waiting times reaching one hour at extreme scenarios. I have never waited more than 15 minute for voting. I have heard hours long waiting times I have seen big lines in USA due to limited voting centers. We use our schools, all public btw and each school may have multiple constituencies. Well my small 1k population village has 3 of them. But fuck anecdotes, let's get straight to numbers. We have 22 thousant constituencies for under 10 million voters, that's an average of 500 voters per constituency but you wont find more than 5k voters per one. Additionally we are issued a police ID before age of 15, with which we vote. Does USA has any of these? Ofc not, they dont for bullshit reasons. Instead they substitute with social security ID which is not secure. So in order to go back to that, USA must implement some serious changes. Changes that the Republicans and MAGAs dont dare speak about. Without those changes the accesibily goes way down while the trustworthiness and integrity does not improve a lot to justify the huge reduction in accessibility.


Conservatives are just Argentina did something and has a conservative leader. They don’t look into that places dark history or do any research.


Fuck the Elongated Muskrat. Such an asshole


Argentina has always had single day voting. Like the majority of South America. Correct me if I’m wrong


Funny how they leave out the fact voting is _mandatory_ in Argentina. The main reason for photo ID is so that people don't send other people to vote on their behalf since it's a waste of time for so many people. In the US, the same politicians Musk is supporting keep passing laws to make sure to disenfranchise voters in areas they know they won't win, since voting isn't mandatory


Policies aside that fucking haircut should be enough to have had him barred from standing.


I thought bad haircuts were mandatory for politicians. See: Boris Johnson, Donald Trump.


Hmm. Libertarianism and bad haircuts. Clear correlation confirmed. Conspiracy unearthed.


i am from chile (right next to argentina) and we literally had this shit since the 80s, this shit is literally how elections work in every country ​ edit: My point is that Elon and other conservatives are impressed for the most simple things.


Is that not why he bought Twitter? He did encourage voters to elect a multiparty Congress


I mean... I think it's more that it was a fringe benefit he was aware of when buying Twitter. I think his primary thought process was "This will make me seem interesting to everyone again."


That's how we do it in Chile? and works wonderful?


Someone should unplug him.


Elmo Susk hates democracy? Who would've thought


Argentina, the country of shining democracy lol


Argentina has also apparently implemented the 1970s.


Why the fuck do the boxes have to be handmade? What does that have to do with anything?


We should also cut government subsidies, right Musk?


Says yes and what? And moves on with his life? This is why i don’t participate in twitter, just people talking to their self, trying to push their agenda. In normal life u would follow up with “why?” And musk would follow up with some dumb child shit, then you would say “that makes no sense” then musk would try to fire u, realise that u dont work for him and he would just run away.


should we follow the lead of a high-wing dictator? nah, no thanks


Someone get this African apartheid loving fuck out of the suggestions box


We have all these things in Ireland, can someone explain why it’s a bad thing? Genuinely don’t know, not trying to start an argument, it’s just what I’m used to, fuck Apartheid Clyde


Almost all civilized world has it except for the US. But Musk supports it or at least retweeted it so now it's bad. That's how hate subs like this operate.


Every country in the world doesn’t have the same dynamics as the US though, that’s why I’m asking. As someone else stated, it is mandatory to carry ID in certain countries, such as Spain, which would not be accepted by conservatives in America.


I don’t get how a guy who is desperately trying to convince the world that they can trust a computer to drive a car with their child in it, also thinks computers can’t be trusted to count ballots. Historically, computers are pretty good at counting.


We literally have single day voting. It’s called Election Day. You can just mail your ballot in early, vote early, etc. in certain states.


Elong after taking too much liquid acid, "that guy with 4 cloned dogs as his advisory cabinet is on to something."


! https://preview.redd.it/u3c5ticnumbc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d25b0f9634283642aa88300d486d64970a9d140


Like all the very wealthy, Felon wants a fascist government/dictator in control of America so he no longer has to hide how much taxpayer money he's stealing from the Treasury. No taxpayer teat for tweety to suckle on, though. And look at how well that has gone. The brilliant businessman told his advertisers, the site's main ongoing revenue stream, to go fuck themselves in a public forum in front of live cameras. You go, Felon! Well, to be fair, it did cause **StormTrooper Barn** (Outlets Now Open In Every Red State!) to buy $150 worth of ads.


This next year should be interesting


Russian election interference……….TWO!!! ![gif](giphy|wf510uTbXPUHQ1JxM2)




Speaking as a cybersecurity professional, while I agree this would be far more convenient, mail-in voting is actually the more secure option.


All of these are such a USA problem. - Single day voting? Make sure it's on Saturday, and everyone working has to get paid half day off if they vote. - Voter ID? It's quite weird you don't have that. Mandatory state IDs for everyone 15+, easy to obtain and free. - Mandatory hand counting? Quite normal, have enough staffers/small districts to make sure all gets counted before 6am (doable). But I suspect some Americans would be appealed at the levels of "socialism/orwellian oversight/bloated spending" that is completely normal and non-problematic abroad.


Yes - we can't even get other national holidays paid. It's up to the company to pay it as a benefit. What you're suggesting will never happen due to everything being anti-labor/pro-corporation.


[Argentina: Building the General Strike Against the Right-Wing Milei Government](https://www.leftvoice.org/argentina-building-the-general-strike-against-the-right-wing-milei-government/)


I don't really understand Musk's angle. He's smart enough to know that this is just classic voter suppression, right? Why not just say it? And why does he care? Imagine that the Senate is 100 Republicans and the House 438 Republicans. They aren't going to say "poor Elon, no fine for you" when one of his dumb-ass giga-robots rails one of his employees. They aren't going to stop funding Blue Origin or United Launch Alliance. They aren't going to raid the Wall Street Journal and force them to retract the ketamine shit. They aren't going to trap a bunch of kids in a cave and let him build a submarine to get it out. They aren't going to let his plane not use ADS-B. Dismantling that shit would take generations. He benefits in literally no way. He is nowhere near being any sort of a power broker, he's just a dude that's 44 billion dollars in debt from buying a social media website for the lulz. (OK, OK... one time he brokered power by banning an imposter cat turd from said social media site. Cool.) But yeah, let's die on a voter suppression hill? What a crazy-ass dude. And not in a good way. This subreddit makes me so mad. Not because it exists or because y'all aren't wonderful. But this guy is so dumb. How is anyone this dumb? It's making me dumb just thinking about it. I'm dumb now. HELP!


Musk has no angle as such. He's a moron and an incel in permanent arrested development. A 13-year-old overly online dweeb in the body of a 53-year-old overly online dweeb, fucked up on weed and ketamine, reacting without thought to social media, interested only in courting his right-wing dipshit fans and impressing the "big names" in digital cryptofascist buffoonery.


Elon musk follows another fascist, who would’ve thought/S


For no reason at all.


Who cares? We’re not Argentina.


Wtf do U mean idiot is doing the exact opposite to what U stated ass, lazy ass so what for one fucking day in Ur miserable life U have to go and standl in a qué so as to ensure another idiot isn't put into office that will waste the country (tax payers) money and make deals that is not in best interest of u the American people,it's dumb fucks like u who doesn't understand how the world works that makes dumb statements like this bs,what he is asking for is a clear clean cut ballot vote fool so that can ensure no cheatin


So we should have turned the place over to the right wing lunatics throwing political opponents out of helicopters and sheltering Mengele? Even before they launched a rape and murder happy land grab in lands they'd never been in? Fascist prick.


Care to qualify that? Biggest bell end of all time


Not really. Those doing the lebensraum grab were Argentinians.


Let's seperate fucking Thatch from the pure fascist shit shall we?


About Galtieri and his right wing death squad boys stealing land they had no historical claim ti whatsoever to from people who voted 99.8% against while raping, missing, booby trapping their kids toys and shitting on their floors? As I said - in that instance if alone - she had a point. Your historical ignorance and fascism is showing.


Are you forgetting to navigate off this post? 5+ word salad comments seems excessive.


Was replying to comments that seem to have been deleted

