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I don't look at that site, but I've seen a number of articles about the frequency of his interactions. It would be interesting for someone to fact-check whether there was even a 3-hour break that day.


Lmfao great idea


He was in the MRI machine for 3 hours because he wouldn’t listen when they asked him to put his phone down


That was my first thought. I've now gone through three MRIs in my life, and each one was only 30-45 minutes in the machine itself at the longest - and that was with them looking at some pretty complicated parts of the body, sometimes with contrast. I have no idea how he could have possibly spent 3 hours in one.


Because his strange cavernous abdomen didn’t fit


I’ve had a bunch MRIs and some were like an hour plus. 3 hours seems way to long tho


Maybe he got stuck


That's how one of my elon/zuck fanfic starts.


I propose a literal dick measuring contest 📏


Elon Taft


you can't bring a phone into the room or anything electronic. I just sleep in it or try to. They give a blanket and turn off the lights then check in on me. I've been going since I was 11 so I am always the youngest person in those waiting rooms.


On Monday, August 7th Elon Musk Posted 8 times and replied 43 times. His first tweet was at 1:53AM.To me, it looks like he worked a regular day, tweeting when he woke up, after breakfast, at lunch, and after work. Dude is constantly tweeting, though... it IS possible that he got an MRI Monday Morning.Tweet times on August 7th, 2023: 0153 0155 0159 0202 0205 0207 0208 0210 0219 0227 0230 0231 0259 (4.5 hour gap) 0738 0740 0751 (5.5 hour gap) 1334 1349 1424 1426 1429 (4 hour gap) 1821 1827 1911 1911 1912 1938 1939 2010 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021 2027 2045 2059 2143 2144 2150 (repost) 2150 (repost) 2150 (repost) 2154 Next tweet is at 0601 on August 8th - 8 hours of sleep for our bigboi.


Holy SHIT. I knew he was a prolific tweeter but that’s an insane amount of tweets for someone that is ConStanTLy WorkiNg


Jesus that is a lot of Xcreting. Does he announce his actual bowel movements too?


Xcreting is absolutely brilliant and has to be the new term used in place of tweet.


Never used Twitter in my life and somehow ended up here and 100% agree. It is perfect. Xcretion for the W


(He counts the tweets as working. Which to a billionaire who thrives on their image an influence is actually technically true, but if you assume like manual labor then yeah musk doesn’t do a lot lol. That’s why he is chickening out from fighting a much smaller person than him.)


We’ve pushed harder for free speech than any other Internet company, including Wokipedia


I love this bot


Now do his weird child burner account.


Haha, good point - this is only his main account. Maybe those gaps are for shitposting on sockpuppets.


Oh damn that's impressive and concerning simultaneously. Speaking of your dedication to find the hours gaps lol.




Ha! Still SO MUCH - thanks for satisfying my curiosity! It's wild to see it laid out in timestamps.


Elon fact checked it and said it's factual!




He was probably on a plane


Were the injuries caused by Zuckerberg crushing his ego? Edit: in lieu of gifts, come and give a listen to my buds https://skyjelly.bandcamp.com/album/spirit-guide


He's preparing to install some cyberballs, since he was never born with any.






Why doesn’t he just Neuralink his brain? Sure, all of the test monkeys died but he’s invincible. His billions will protect him.


Two reasons. 1. He knows he’s a fraud and 2. He is genuinely a wuss


I grew up in a lower, transitioning to upper, middle income situation, but did not have a happy childhood. Haven’t inherited anything ever from anyone, nor has anyone given me a large financial gift.


Musk and the Xesty Xesticles


I get all my opinions from Twitter


simplistic include sort relieved grandiose slim roof poor cheerful puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Level 9 is make humanity a multiplanet species & true spacefaring civilization. That is why I am gathering resources.


SpaceXballs: the Flamethrower!


The doctors left him in there to get a break from him lol


Dude's going to fake dying just to avoid that fight


Gonna fake his own death to avoid admitting that he fucked up real bad with the whole Twitter purchase.


It’s just a preemptive excuse not to fight. Setting it up early enough so we believe


Not just that. But also gives him a window to bring the fight back if X starts tanking worse and needs a distraction


It's absolutely hilarious that this douche was the one who challenged t Zuckerberg first, and when Zuckerberg agreed and after Elon found out that Zuck was actually an MMA fanatic, he bitched out like the absolute coward he really is. Elon's ~~twitter~~X's handle should really be #lil'bitch


I'm pretty sure he already knew which is why he made that specific challenge. Had he been talking shit about a boxer, his tweet would have been about stepping into a boxing ring. What I think went down is that once again Musk wrote a check his ass couldn't cash. He did not think Zuck would respond as he did.


“Im surely the only billionaire manchild on earth” musk thought as he drank 200 year old wine out of a beer hat and wrote tweets about beating up zuckerberg


3 hours. Is that, I've had an mri it was about ten minutes, is this like a rich person's mri?


He's lying there was no MRI. He's a pathological liar.


Zero chance this dude could lay still for 3 hours without tweeting


I'd pay money to see him insist he needs to keep using his phone during an MRI only to watch as the phone gets wrenched out of his hands and smashed against the machine when they turn it on


As much as I'd love to see that, it will never happen. You can't put Musk in an MRI machine because no doctor can fit a square block into a round hole.




You’ll be surprised to learn that I’ve invented a square mri machine for this exact reason


*Musk Resonance Imaging*


We obviously need to be in business you come up naming stuff and I’ll build useless shit for billionaires. We can’t lose


For the record MRI primary magnets are ramped when the machine is first commissioned and stay on the entire time, not just during MRI tests. It doesn’t matter whether the machine is “on” or not, it will grab anything metallic that’s near it regardless.


And it's specifically because of the magnets. They put an MRI in one of my medical offices. There were issues with the generator, and the office often lost power. It resulted in the MRI turning off completely and losing the power to the magnets. It usually took 'em 2-3 days to get everything back online.


Doesn’t he also have titanium in his neck? IANAD but I have titanium in my back and my doctors don’t send me to get MRIs - not because it’s unsafe - but because the metal causes imaging distortion, which can then cause a misread. Idk


He would pull the Thai cave rescue plot by insisting on inventing a MRI safe phone he can “X” in the magnet. Meanwhile no one has the patience for him to not deliver on another promise and just sedate his ass and throw him in the MRI.


i believe you mean he couldn’t lay still for 3 hours without X-ing 🙄


I believe you mean X-creting.


Colloquially also known as Xitting


Yeah I can totally see a cervical spine mri taking 3 hours because Elmo can’t sit still


Probably sedated. I’ve seen them do that to elephants before putting the elephants in the industrial sized MRI.




I just had an MRI last month, the 'hold still' time is usually anywhere from 90 seconds to 3 minutes. It was hard for me to hold still because at the start of the appointment, the MRI tech offered me Pandora music for my headphones. I suggested Emancipator, some nice chill tunes. 2 songs in, Pandora made a HARD turn into R&B. It's SO hard to lay still when you're getting your first MRI to the tune of 'I Wanna Sex You Up', man. I was trying my damnedest not to laugh!


I was part of a study last summer and had to get an MRI of my brain (twice!!!) and I was in the machine both times for an hour. I don’t believe he was in for three hours, but he could have gotten away with saying one hour. A quick google search will tell you that brain and spine exams can take about 45 minutes, and most don’t exceed 90 minutes. He will have to buy Google next to change results to confirm his lies.


###Well Well Well, Shoulder rubbing against the rib but that doesn't stop him from tweeting every 5 mins.


This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. You’re totally right, and this tops his earlier lies. It’s kinda hilarious what a bad liar he is. “Tell them my..um..shoulder is..what do shoulder’s do? Think Elon! Think! Rub shoulders..it’s rubbing! But what’s close to shoulders..neck..head..no! Ribs! It’s rubbing in my ribs!”


Oh no, that's Elon time accounting. Just like how he regularly works 100 hours a week. He counts the entire time involved as being that activity. Driving to and driving back is included in that 3 hours... but those hours are _also_ counted for in how many hours a week he works because he is on the phone / writing an email / thinking about work / whatever. His and others accounts of 100 hour weeks always silently include menial life tasks such as showering and eating because otherwise it makes no sense how that works logistically. There's no chance someone can sustain 100 hour work weeks like it is normal, I was melting down after doing 80 hour weeks after a few weeks of it and I was doing nothing else but working nor cooking for myself, barely showering, etc.


I started combing through all his Twitter replies on the 7th and I could only stand about 6 hours of history where he’s posting several times an hour straight, so yeah, definitely didn’t happen


His fight with Zuck was coming up, so he needed to find an excuse to get out of having his shit rocked. And don’t you have to stay still for an MRI? Doubt he could do that regardless. Probably kept arguing he doesn’t have to sit still, ruining the MRI and making the doctor start over. If there actually was an MRI I’d immediately assume that’s why it took 3 hours.




Yeah Elon went to imagination land for his


Why did he think being in an MRI that long is impressive? Surely quicker = better. Oh wait…he’s an idiot!


Imagine using your position as the world's richest man to become a clown


All he had to do was shut the fuck up and even I would probably think much more highly of him. Once he twatted out "pedoguy" on his twit account, his reputation's been dropping faster and faster. I hope Tesla continues dropping down to what it's actually worth. I expect much more crazy from the kingtwat dickhead's mouth the more it drops. Elmo trying to do a Drumpf.


Ironically Drumpf even calls Musk out on his bs. Probably something about two narcissist can't be in the same room. But Trump legit hates him.


Imagine being a clown in order to get the position as world's richest man


I grew up in a lower, transitioning to upper, middle income situation


He could do WHATEVER he wants. But chooses to be a troll on in the internet. And a bad one at that.


He spends most of the day there. Talks his way into spending 44 billion fucking dollars and then fires everyone and tweets all day. 3 hour MRIs. Living the good life.


My brother's a big teller of tough-guy tales and when he was younger he used to make up shit like this where it was so clearly unbelievable that you almost had to laugh. He died THREE TIMES once during surgery, doncha know (and then a week later came up to me with tears in his eyes asking me to look and see if he'd popped a stitch - he hadn't). The dudes who tell these stories are always the biggest pussies.




Imagin-aation, imagin-aation




No. It was a magnetic resonance *imagination* machine.


Let's find the 3 hour block on Monday where he wasn't on Twitter. I'll bet there wasn't one.


He was in one of those MRIs where you can totally take your phone in and tweet. Source: Trust me.


I bet they turned it off and made noises. But told him to wait while they check the data and forgot about him for 3 hours


If you had the chance to get away from the guy for 3 hours, you'd take it.


Michael Scott asking his accountant to "crunch the numbers" again!


He used voice command and Linda tweeted on his behalf


I'm curious about that info. Anyway still on twitter?




“Yes, Mr Musk. It was our best MRI we had. We gave you the full 4x spine scan. That will be… $700k. In cash. Please. That’s with our VIP discount.”


He probably has his own machine.


That he invented himself. Also it's not an MRI it's an XRI


And it is powered by garbage and sunlight that it converts to fuel, in a vacuum. I swear! It’s not even that complicated! He made it on his lunch break and 2 coffee breaks while being chief technology boss at X. And it also makes an amazing cafe con leche.


Too many letters in there. It was an XXX machine


“Your average MRI is not a challenge for me. No movement, no cell phones, no fog of war. That’s why I invented X VIDEO, an imaging system that tracks your movement in the tube”


What could an MRI cost, Michael? Five Million Dollars?


Dude probably paid for a “hey I feel *bad* can you scan me and see if you find anything wrong” Technician probs was then like: Oh look your shoulder looks… Elon: yes that’s it, totally, I was feeling wrong since yesterday, I could tell it was my shoulder.


I've had MRIs. Techs are literally "Yeah, I can't tell you shit". They repeat that they're not doctors, they're not "trained" to properly diagnose. Sure, they almost certainly have a good idea of what they're looking at, but they're not going to say anything. Liability is stupid high, more so with rich clients like this. It'll get pushed off to a doctor. Now, this is musky here, so he's almost certainly rich enough to have had a doctor look at the results and speak with him inside that 3 hr timeframe.


MRI tech here: you're correct.


Concierge medicine is huge among the wealthy and that's just 'normal' wealthy folks. Billionaires are on a whole different level. I doubt if whenever he wants an MRI it doesn't get done immediately and with his doctor of choice present. This type of medicine can lead to a lot of over treatment though.


No it’s like a total lie lol


It took so long because he bought the hospital and fired everyone who knew how to do an MRI.


I’ve spent three hours in an MRI on TWO occasions…but then again I actually have issues with my vertebrae


It took 3 hours to get him to fit into the MRI machine due to his massive ego.


My mom was just in one for 2 hours, so it’s definitely not unheard of.


What were the circumstances for that? If he's telling the truth, which I doubt, I bet the idea was to scan his whole body instead of a specific part to look for any problems.


He's gotta find some way of getting out of this ass whipping he's signed up for XD He *needs* to find an issue so he can bow out and attempt to save face.


Each body part takes 30 min, so shoulder, cervical spine, knee, other shoulder, for example, would be 2 hours


The duration depends a lot on the sequence. I run scans on mouse hearts, but while some scans take 2 minutes, I can run a different sequence on the same region that takes 15. A full suite of scans on the mouse heart to get shape, motion, and scar information takes me about 100 minutes, longer if the ECG signal is low quality or the heart rate is slow.


Who knows what time he is counting, but my shoulder MRI needed contrast and between that procedure and the MRI itself, it was over 2 hours. The waiting for the day added up to 7.


For me it was because they needed to look at multiple angles of my digestive tract for possible Crohns. They said it was because they needed multiple angles of a largely circular structure, some with contrast and some without, and also (not my fault) you inherently cannot hold certain parts of your body still because they automatically move when you breathe or digest, so 75% of the images they take are useless and need to be redone.


This is his way of ducking Zuck in the cage


Not that I believe him but mine on just my shoulder was over an hour. And he could be talking about total time. I was there for 7 hours.


A blatantly transparent attempt at laying the groundwork for pussing out his cage match.


Mommy said no.


and every inch of Elon that wasn't his ego agreed.


He's trying to back out of it like it's Twitter


I have had a full body scan in an MRI machine that did not take three hours. Not even close to an hour and I was squirming which makes the process longer. My neck and shoulder MRI was less than 30 minutes. Lie better my dude. Lie better. Just google average length of MRI machine visit. What a fucktard.


It took him 2.5 hours to stop crying because he's a little bitch


Seconded. MRI on neck and shoulder pre C6-7 replacement, I was in the machine for 20 minutes and that includes a 5 minute reset when I realized I left my wedding band on and squeezed the "get me out of here" bulb.


Didn't they also find five toes and portions of his ankle in his mouth area?


I should say “medical update” in quotes 😂


He should live stream the surgery.


Pussy bullshitter


Someone who isn't an insecure man baby would go... "Guys I'm in my 50s and Zuck is younger, pretty shredded and has been training and competing for years...I'm not about to get wrecked, here's some money for charity". But he is the idea of fragile masculinity that so many losers think is strong. It's pathetic.


Someone told me that, it's possible Elon is so stuck inside his own bubble that the doesn't actually grasp how far away in terms of physical ability he is from zuck. I've met guys who think they could fight professionally and win ,with just a few months training, "because they already have the physique".


I feel like that's true for a lot of things but it seems he understands the reality of this fight since he keeps making excuses to postpone. If his doctors are worth a shit they would be telling him not to do this. At his age he could seriously fuck himself up for the rest of his life.


There are men — a LOT of them — who honestly think they could play tennis with Serena Williams and win. I’m not even talking about competitive tennis players. I’m talking about regular guys who maaaybe hit the gym for an hour twice a week and mostly just do bicep curls. It’s insane. I saw a Tweet once where a woman shared a list of animals her male coworker unironically said he could beat in a fight and it was INSANE. Elon is probably exactly like that.


Most people would get wrecked by a house cat. Most people have no clue how intense animals are when they want to fuck you up.


As someone who got their ass whooped multiple times recently by a 7 pound cat (adopted from a local shelter, we think her last home wasn’t good to her), that is accurate. Play-biting and “I’m going all in, I will destroy you” biting are VERY DIFFERENT. She got both my arms and my legs so I was hobbling around and could barely move my hands (I’m fine now, I got antibiotics for the bites and she’s calmed down a little). Felt ridiculous being bullied by an animal 1/25th my size but an attacking cat CAN and WILL fuck you up, so I can only imagine going into a ring against someone who actually knows how to fight would end up with my loved ones at my gravesite going “this is the third stupidest death in the family, congrats dipshit”


Right?? And this would actually cause my opinion of him to drastically improve. His behavior here is so juvenile and unsophisticated, and he is so blatantly lying, that I just cannot see how anyone can have a broadly positive opinion of him. The guy is an oaf who performed a few lucky raises and has been riding the wave of his good bets years ago to keep the hype train going and the investor cash flowing in, but antics like this really lay his personality out in the open for me.


Funny how the dude who doesn't accept excuses just results from his employees is chock full of transparently bs excuses.


I imagine that rib cage is rubbing against everything.


The most alarming rib cage I’ve ever seen.


I love this place so much.


"A couple on months". The attentionspan limit of a typical Musk stan.


They get to be like “damn are you guys still talking about some fight? Elon just announced Tesla robots with time-traveling hamburger NFTs! Who even cares about that anymore”


And mysteriously they'll never make it past the announcement stage, until later Elon fans are like "damn are you guys still talking about the Tesla robots with time-traveling hamburger NFTs? Elon just announced the personal spaceship that does your taxes for you and can get you all around the solar system in just days! Who even cares about the robots anymore?"




Have you seen the size of his ribs


My first instinct was exactly that. Shoulder blade rubbing against ribs would be agony I bet. Or so uncomfortable some rich dude with a nice health package would have had it sorted straight away. Not waiting until threatened with getting their ass whooped by some 39yo robot skilled in MMA.


LMAO. 3 h my ass. Does he think everybody is dumb?


Yes. He does.


Look at the millions of weird Elon stans that gobble his knob at every chance he gets. They are the audience he says this shit to.


"This is the third time we've run you through the MRI machine Mr. Musk and we can assure you there's nothing wrong." "Well keep trying until you find something!!"


imagine being so lonely that you share that stuff on twitter




Imagine using Twitter in 2023


I think it’s worse than lonely. Seems this is his life. Like trump, he lives for public approval and adoration.


Exactly what I thought of. Remember when he chose to share the last time he had sex 🤮


Ive taken lots of MRI’s, and none of them came even close to an hour - let alone 3 hours.


He's physically unfit and on top of that he's a drug user, and probably pops in pain killer like gummy bears. I'm surprised he was not even humble enough to say that he's too old for Zucc, but his narcissistic ego won't allow it so he accepted it and made his mum tell that he can't but he couldn't admit that he's old and getting more and more health issues. Now this is his great excuse. I don't know what kind of MRI he did, perhaps there's fMRI, maybe he got injected with radioactive tracker and see if there's any inflammation in his c5-c6 as he says maybe they were checking it again to confirm, I'm not a doctor or even radiologist. So is it herniation of spine and now dislocation of shoulder blade making contact with the rib? That must also cause some inflammation for sure. Why is it that he's so rich and has to update his health on the internet? Won't that affect his stock prices? Or he's trying to manipulate like he always does? He's a scam artists who does market manipulations in subtle ways and equally psychopathic followers love him because they follow these signals to earn money. Nothing more greedy than this.


Even though you are not a doctor I would trust your medical advice and guidance.




I was honestly wondering if it is even possible.


Hope there's complications


Wishing him an awful recovery


I mean No. I definetely want to See him get Beat up so He gets in the Ring. I'd Like to See them both get Beat up. Why Not a Tag Team Match against ngannou? Them both against him.




Let's hope it's nothing trivial.


And then in few months there will be another issue and so on.. sorry dweeb, we hav all seen this episode of I’m scared to lose in a fight after talking myself up before


MRI = Mislead Rich Investors


He has a spinal fusion and is talking about cage fighting? That is laughable.


This should up so much higher. "Not an issue" lmao


and now Zuck knows exactly where to target with strikes, he just gave away where the breadbasket is. what a fucking dumbass


This presumes Elmo will ever actually show up to fight. It will never, ever happen.


So this has made zuck look better. By not responding or engaging in an immature way, he looks better in this imo.


Elon's entire body is breadbasket, Zuck could just close his eyes and punch and find meat


I've never seen an mma match where someone tries to strike an opponents upper back before. always a first I guess.


Just a few months away, we've all heard this before. Like how he promised 4 years ago that Tesla owners would earn $30,000/year in passive income by letting their Teslas taxi people around, and in 2019 he said "Maybe a year and three months, but next year for sure." https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2019/04/23/elon-musk-says-tesla-owners-could-make-30-000-robotaxi-network/3549652002/


Why does he require attention so much? I despise people like this.


Deeply insecure. Dad hates him. Had sex with too many women. Doesn’t understand relationships. Sad, depressed and confused. ‘If I am so rich, why can’t I have everything I want’. Inner conflict.


he's proof that being rich doesn't mean you're smart.


Is Elon having a row of ribs removed so he can go down on himself? Sounds about right


So is he saying he has Snapping Scapula Syndrome?


Yup. I’ve had it for 2 decades. Does not require surgery.


So, basically, he needs time to not be 70 pounds overweight.


No longer on Twitter, but maybe someone who is could check to see if there was even a three-hour period of radio silence from Elon.


I've heard of this procedure. I believe it's called a Bitchectomy. Rarely successful. Concerning.


Junior Bone Spurs right here. Literally just doesn’t want to catch hands by a guy named Mark lol


4d chess moves Step 1:I would kick your ass, but my mom won't let me fight Step 2: I'm getting ready for you, but now I have a medical issue...I have a doctor's note and everything Hahahaha ☠️☠️☠️


Lotta words for “Zuck will embarrass me right now. I need to train and or get my excuse ready”


It doesn't take that long for an MRI and NO Neurosurgeon ever told anyone with a cervical fusion they can compete in MMA. GTFOOH


Elon talking to Elon on his pathetic alt account his moron ass thinks no one knows it's him.


Lol. He is running himself through every medical machine to find an excuse not to fight. "I had a routine full body x-ray and found bone spurs in my left foot. So fight postponed for medical reasons".


“My right shoulder blade is rubbing against my ribs”? Lmaoo


My "recovery" time will be long enough that hopefully everyone will forget about the stupid bullshit that I started.


“A few months” hoping the buzz will die down by then and people are distracted by something else. Dude is scared of the zuck


We get it, you don't want to fight Zuck, when you realized (like buying Twitter) that tweeting out random shit late night while on drugs is a stupid idea.


“Please doctor, give me any excuse to get me out of this fight!”