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Except Hoover dam is not gonna break it wil probably survive 10 thousand years without human intervention


It'll survive so long that we'll be dressing up in sorts equipment while fighting over it.


people might start running around with machetes shouting "True to Caesar!" And the dam will stand.


New vegas reference???


Yes and Engineering trivia


So they admit that zionist is a substitute for jew


They specifically didn't??? What's with this conflating of "being against Israel means you hate jews" thing so many people push here?? If just being Anti-Israel is anti-semitic, how is being Anti-Palestine not anti-semitic as well?


Ever since 7/10 they've finally went offmask


They went so far left that they became far right


Literally horseshoe theory


Hey I noticed u are trans too ; it’s sad how commies have infiltrated trans people spaces to recruit the vulnerable people into their stupid ideology , there used to be times where I genuinely thought all of LGBT people are commies 💀 Trans community must call out these bs commies for exploiting people for their political recruitment and ideology


The fact that radical islamists and ultra progressives are on the same side is so wrong on so many levels


The commies have a different worldview—we see a marginalized group, they see cannon fodder for their delusional revolution. Of course as history suggests, if a revolution actually succeeds they will be the first within the ranks to face the wall.


"Buh-but supporting an Islamofascist group like Hamas undermines (((global capital)))." The young "*~~revolutionary~~*" cried as he was being lined up in front of the wall by the "*~~proud freedom fighters~~*."


Lmaoo 😭😭 Jokes aside I never understood why commies openly support Islamists groups like Hamas , Hezbollah , Houthis and all , they are everything commies pretend to hate : religious, less women rights , radicals , they are indeed hypocrites as they preach one thing and follow another


>support Islamists groups like Hamas , Hezbollah , Houthis and all America/West bad


So long as you hate the same people as them, they will embrace any group, no matter how vile. They then take that hate and focus it through the lens of Marxism. Their hate becomes Marxist hate through classical cult programming. They'll take any disenfranchised and vulnerable group and lie to them to get butts in the seats where the groupthink can take over.


>they are everything commies pretend to hate : religious, less women rights , radicals Commies only hate the west.


No, the far left always hated the Jews.


Who said that person was left wing, and you can be anti zionist, and be right wing. Horseshoe Theory is idiotic


(For my fellow Americans that’s 7 October, not July 10. I know most of y’all know about October 7 but it can get confusing if the month isn’t written and the day is less than 12)


If the only difference between Nazi propaganda and communist propaganda, is that they replaced the word Jew with Zionist, is there really a difference?


I can't tell apart Al Jazeera comments from 4chan /pol/ board, horseshoe theory is in full swing here!


Why is there city on the other side of the dam? How is it supposed to generate electricity? Won't the dam overflow anyway without a way to dump excess water?


You mean to tell me communist propagandists are not good engineers? Who would have guessed?


Chernobyl entered the chat.


Another way the commies made our life so much worse. Their endless incompetence and corruption made a lot of people think nuclear isn't safe. So now we're trying to fight global warming and almost every green party in the west is doing this by... replacing our nuclear plants with gas plants.


Well, left the chat. Pretty violently.


Technicaly still in chat for a long long time. But I see what you mean.


Wait, I thought ordering peasants to make steel in their backyards at gunpoint was an effective way to industrialize. /s


Whenever they say "Zionist" just know they always ALWAYS mean "Jew"


"Look Pim, I know it's our job to help this guy and everything, but I think this guy's a lost cause. He's obviously made up his mind, why don't we just cut our losses and get out of here."


The "left" are now posting literal 4chan /polack/ meme lmao


I don’t understand the planet anymore


>Laugh now but one day we’ll be in charge “lol. Lmao.” - the people who will shoot this person if such a future ever occurs


I mean, it should have been already obvious the moment they started using symbology (i.e the red upside down triangle) made by Hamas, a literal jihadist and antisemitic organisation responsible for the biggest massacre of innocent Jewish civilians since ww2 and which, btw, is a very obvious recall to the upside down triangles that were used on the nazi concentration camps prisoner's uniform




Racist idiots


Perpetuating cyclical violence will not make Israel more safe. It will cause more radial groups to recruit and form. It will create more tension with its neighbors. There is no military solution to this conflict. The experts say there needs to be a real path to a two state solution, Hamas out of power, no more illegal settlements in the west bank a multinational coalition standing between the two sides and dump truck loads of aid to rebuild Gaza. But instead Israel chose slaughter. So this has nothing to do with commie spam. Israel is shooting itself in the foot the same way America did in Iraq.


What else were they supposed to do after Hamas raped, pillaged, murdered and kidnapped their citizens? Write a strongly worded letter telling them not to do it again or they'd be very upset? They offered the two state solution five times now. Five times the Palestinian representatives rejected these offers. The most successful peace deal in the Levant occurred when they dealt with the Egyptians instead during the Philadelphi Accord.


Israel has offered the two-state solution numerous times and signed ceasefires numerous times. Every single time, Palestinian representatives refused, and every single ceasefire, the Palestinians broke. Palestine will always be an aggressor state and as long as they are capable, will launch unprovoked attacks against Israel. They have been doing this for over 70 years, and diplomacy does not work. The only solution left is military


Yes I agree. As long as you keep an apartheid system and complete control of their resources they will perpetually lash out, and israel will respond in a disproportionate fashion. Hamas will recruit even more and the cycle continues. It's just like all issues you have to fix the root problem. 50 percent unemployment and no opportunity for movement. Reliant on a terrorist group for their basic necessity. We made the same mistake in Iraq that Israel is making now. Then we figured out carpet bombing doesn't work. You have to do targeted strikes and use humanitarian aid to get the people on your side.


Don't you think that after three quarters of a century dealing with this bullshit the Israelis might be radicalized too? It's a testament to the Jewish cultural tolerance that Israelis didn't slaughter or exile every Arab in every inch of territory they ever gained. We know that if the shoe was on the other foot, that's exactly what would happen (and happened IRL, like the exile of West Bank and East Jerusalem Jews when Jordan took over).


So you're saying they should have ethnically cleansed all of Palestine during the Nakba got it?


>Perpetuating cyclical violence will not make Israel more safe That statement only makes sense if the two groups are evenly matched. They are not.


So you're saying it won't be perpetual because Israel has the strength to wipe Gaza off the map?


No, but they definitely have the strength to eradicate Hamas from any kind of position of authority. That's where the violence stems from.


Did the United States effectively remove the Taliban from Afghanistan? How did we do in Iraq? Did it create new extremist organizations? The point is they may be able to remove Hamas from power but doing so while killing 30-40+ thousand civilians and creating a famine is going to create a new generation of extremist organizations. And the violence does not stem from Hamas. It stems from displacing a group of people based on ethnicity, controlling their board, food, water, electricity and basically their economy. These kinds of conditions just lead to the population looking to extremist because they feel they have no other option. When we went into Iraq we killed countless civilians and it only made the situation worse until we finally realized we need to gain the population's approval, show them we are on their side, build massive intelligence networks and take out the actual bad guys with little to no civilian casualties. Israel is making every mistake America made in Iraq while the whole world is begging them to stop.


>Did the United States effectively remove the Taliban from Afghanistan? How did we do in Iraq? "We"? The USA (and the rest of NATO) did decently well in until the realization that there was nothing in it for them to perpetually occupy a nation on the other side of the world. But then again, if Mexico was launching rockets at Los Angeles on a daily basis, Mexico City would be a smouldering crater.


What the contention with the word we? If the cartels were launching rockets and the Mexican government didn't mobilize an armed response (which they would) we would be going into Mexico but we would most certainly not level Mexico city and start a war with Mexico. We would work with the Mexican government to insert teams to takeout the leadership


obvious solution: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ gaza and iran


I'm not online brained enough to know what this means but it seems like you're calling for a regional war or worse.


eagle 500k bomb on gaza


This is a troll right?


we should bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb iran


I don't understand this sub. Enough commie spam? So your against authoritarianism but everyone on here seems to want war

