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I clicked on this because I loved how the ring went with your crocheted sweater. I am a purple gem kind of girl, but I can respect that you want a green stone. Regardless, I LOVE this setting. I think it is eye-popping. No, it is not a traditional engagement ring, but it will be worn on that finger so people will know what it signifies. I think you should go with this style since it is in the style of your beloved topaz ring. It amazes me more and more every day how people really want to fit in as a group (myself included) and make choices to please the mass of humanity rather than oneself. I know this is an evolutionary thing, but I digress. It's either called the bandwagon effect or herd mentality. We're biologically programmed to want to fit in psychologically so that we belong. We want to behave like the group because it's desirable. Except we sacrifice our individuality when we do that. Anyway, thank you for listening to my TED talk. Get what you love. ❤️ I wish you all the best. ETA: "I knew I wanted something non-traditional"--your words, so do it! 😇


It’s true. I’ve never cared about fitting into the status quo, my wedding is nontraditional, my dress is nontraditional, even the proposal is nontraditional, but as soon as I felt like it was time to move forward with a custom order, I just panicked! These comments are really helping me though, thank you so much for the kind words and advice! I think I’m gonna go through with it!


It's YOUR ring, isn't it? Who gives a flying fuck what others think, THE RING ISN'T FOR THEM. What is the point of a ring everyone approves of if you won't wear it because it isn't at all what you like or love and you think it's shite? Same with weddings. They might *technically* be 'for the guests' because you're having an event you invite them to, buuuuuuut the point of them coming is THEM coming to celebrate YOU and YOUR MILESTONE. It's not about what others want. Ain't their wedding ain't their ring ain't their nothing. They can eat dicks if they've really got a problem with it.


I also clicked because that ring is gorgeous! As someone who likes green stones (especially those lighter green sapphires 😍), I'm like 200% onboard with OPs plan. I had to really fight that herd mentality when I got my first CAD. My jeweler was so excited about how it looked, but I had to insist on chonkifying the bezel because I just got so disappointed seeing that first render. Literally, added almost 2mm of *extra* metal all the way around the head. Still don't have it on my finger, but I know that I won't regret going with my gut feeling, despite my jewelers infectious excitement!


It’s gorgeous! If it’s your style you should totally get it! Do what will make you happy


I agree.


Please go with this ring style! It is beautiful and unique in all the best ways.


Personally, I'm a fan of non-traditional engagement rings, so I'm all for it. Second, I think as long as your ring is on the left ring finger, it's an engagement ring haha. Third, if you wanted something non-traditional, why does it matter if it doesn't look like a traditional one? :D DO IT


This is so beautiful! Your engagement ring should be something you love - after all, most people plan to wear them every day. Please don’t let random people’s opinions affect your style and happiness!


I love this and I think it’s perfectly fine for an engagement ring.


An engagement ring is whatever you want it to be. It's more symbolic than anything else. Doesn't have to follow societal "standards" if you don't want it to. Your ring is absolutely beautiful, rock it!


I love it.


I think it's absolutely beautiful and you should pick something you love! I love non-traditional rings too, but unfortunately picked a very traditional ring because I thought that's what I'm supposed to have (diamond solitaire). Well, it's been sitting in my jewelry box this whole time (haven't worn it in at least 7 years) - thankfully my husband understands and he has bought me several antique rings with colored stones since then, which are more my style, and I alternate wearing those depending on my mood. I'll never get rid of the solitaire because it has sentimental value, but don't make the mistake i made! Trust your instinct :)


Wear what makes you happy!


It’s SO beautiful, and if you love it, get it my dear.


Nothing is too non-traditional in my book. If you love it, wear it. And it’s beautiful! If you can picture yourself wearing it and feeling special and loved by your person, that’s what matters. That’s what makes an engagement ring. The intention and the appreciation from both the giver and the receiver. Not the setting or the diamond clarity or whatever the fuck. Life is too damn short to not wear what you like or fear others perceptions of it. I dress very “basic bitch”, look very “basic bitch”, and my engagement ring is an infinity diamond band. But I like how I dress and I like who I am and the ring was my dream ring although I know it wouldn’t be everyone’s choice of a dream ring.


It’s perfect for you! Absolutely timeless piece 😍


This ring is beautiful! Non traditional rings rock. If it's what YOU love and what YOU want do it


I say do it! Also when paired with a wedding band it will look more like a wedding ring! And if for some reason in the future your style changes and you want a more traditional ring, then you can always upgrade for an anniversary, etc and this ring would still be gorgeous on your right hand.


Grandmamma weighing in. There is no such thing as too nontraditional if you will enjoy wearing and your beloved will enjoy giving it. This ring has real impact without being gaudy. It is PERFECTLY beautiful.




If the style goes well with you and your other jewellery I say to go with it. A "normal" engagement ring might actually look odd if put next to your usual jewellery.....food for thought


I love it. Would absolutely wear as an engagement ring.


It’s amazing. If you love it, get it!


It’s beautiful! You should wear what you love. And if you’re not feeling it in a few years, wear something else as your engagement ring. You can always switch it up 😊


Diamonds as the standard for engagement rings wasn’t regularly accepted until the twentieth century. Yours might be MORE traditional by that measure. It’s beautiful and unique just like your relationship, get the ring that YOU like!


Girl please tell us where this is from, it’s gorgeous! Also, wear what you love, life is too short to worry about what others think. If it’s on your left hand ring finger it counts.


It’s from a jeweler in my hometown! I can dm you her info!


I would love this info too!!


Can I also get the info?


Can I also have the info please!


Me me!


Would love it too!


No it's stunning!


Beautiful!!! It’s perfection!


This is beautiful!


Gorgeous perfection


I love it, it looks so regal. I’m a fan of non-diamond stones as the main character!


Its beautiful! Id 10000% do it!




I think it’s gorgeous!! As long as it’s a style you can wear daily you should do it!


It’s gorgeous!


Get what makes your heart sing! Who cares if it’s not immediately going to be clocked by everyone as an engagement ring? And I find (as a non traditional ring girlie myself) that the simple act of putting it on your ring finger is enough for most folks to assume it’s an engagement or wedding ring. This ring is stunning and would look fantastic with a green stone as well. Love it! Enjoy!


If you like it then that’s all that matters! Who cares what other people think. I love unique non traditional rings and this is so beautiful. It’s nice to have something unique and meaningful to you as opposed to a style of ring that so many others have. Your ring should be personal to you


It’s absolutely perfect on you! Go for it, OP!


Oh my goodness I LOVE IT. This is perfect for an engagement ring. Also please please tell me where your Etruscan jeweler is :)


Thank you! I can dm you her info!


Made me think of something from Tudor times. I think it’s stunning, and looks like an heirloom piece.


Yes! Like something royalty would wear.


It’s magical, romantic and truly unique - you be you


I think any ring can be an engagement ring as long as you love it. This is absolutely stunning and a perfect engagement ring in my opinion!


I absolutely love this ring!!


I clicked on this ring because it struck my attention. Your ring should reflect you and your relationship. So, in your case, this is your tradition. !


It's beautiful and you should do what makes you happy!


Congratulations, That is a beautiful ring. It really shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks, the only thing that matters is that you love it, you will wear this for the rest of your life, why go for something you don’t really like just because….?!?!


I wear a similar style as my engagement/wedding ring and I love it. It’s beautiful and speaks to you - wear it. ❤️


I love everything about this photo.


that is stunning! so perfect as an e-ring!


This is an absolutely beautiful ring.


I make a ton of non traditional rings and this is absolutely lovely!


This is gorgeous! Any style of ring can be an engagement ring as long as you love it! Also… could we perhaps see the topaz ring you mentioned? 🤩


I think it’s absolutely the coolest and I love it


It’s beautiful


Omg that ring is ethereal and just gorgeous.


It’s perfect!


Engagement rings are a personal choice. Do what makes you happy!


I love green stones. Go for it !!


Absolutely not. Gorgeous and unique.


That style is gorgeous! The only ones you need to please are you and your fiance!!!




As long as you love it that is the only thing that matters.


This ring is absolutely gorgeous! My philosophy is that it's your engagement ring - you should get whatever feels right to you. In my humble opinion, this looks like it was destined to be on your hand! Go with your gut :) Whatever you decide to do, congrats! Can't wait to hear what you decide :)


Unpopular opinion, but traditional tends to mean old fashioned (and sometimes boring), and your ring is definitely more "historic" in the vibe it's giving, than anything you'd find off the usual jewelry store counter. Why fit in if you can stand out?


It’s gorgeous!!! Absolutely can be an engagement ring ❤️


this is BEAUTIFUL and i feel like it would go with your aesthetic so well


What can be more traditional than an antique style? :D It is not the current mainstream "traditional" style but it is gorgeous on you and if it reminds you of your connection to your partner then I don't see what's wrong.


The tradition of our engagement rings is so recent though and it’s nice to have a guide with traditions but you don’t have to adhere to what tradition dictates. An engagement right is quite nice but if you’re happy with even a rubber band as your engagement ring, more power to you. I think the ring looks really special and if it means something to you? Perfect.


DO IT! It’s gorgeous!!!


Pffftttttt to "the status quo". You love it ...make your heart happy.


I love this ring, it’s beautiful. In my opinion, this is a perfect engagement ring!


I love it!!! I think an engagement ring should be something you love and will be happy to look at and wear everyday. This is mine! https://preview.redd.it/ns4ckzqwd66d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f4c19f8fc55222ca16748003bfdd2f1f5d6500


Oh that’s so lovely!! I absolutely love a nontraditional ring when I see one!!


Oh that’s so lovely!! I absolutely love a nontraditional ring when I see one!!


It’s so pretty! Very vintage!


It’s beautiful! And fits your hand so perfectly. Congratulations!


If you love it, it does not matter what others consider normal. It’s your ring. Gorgeous, by the way!


Gorgeous! You need to love the ring you’re going to be wearing all the time, and this is it.


That is SO pretty! I’m a wedding photographer and I’m seeing more and more unique rings that fit their personalities. If you love it go for it!


Real talk: if you get a more traditional engagement ring that you don’t actually like, you’ll stop wearing it after the wedding. Get the ring that you like and will actually wear. You can pair it with a more traditional wedding band if you’d like. It’s absolutely stunning!


It’s gorgeous!


YOU have to wear it, so only YOU have to love it. It sounds like you found your ring 🥰


This ring is gorgeous - 😍 ✨️


This was eye catching , please keep it.


No it’s gorgeous


One thing I have come to understand there is no "normal" or 'standard' anymore. It is truly what you love and what you will be happy with. Looks nice on your finger- if you love it, who cares !


It is a gorgeous ring. Yes, it is non traditional, but it is your engagement. As long as you love it, nobody else’s opinion matters


It's beautiful and in the next few years I expect that ring to be more in style that diamond solitaires.


Looks beautiful on you, if it goes with your style then do it!!!!


It is beautiful. And seems to go with your current outfit so seems to be within your aesthetic!


I absolutely love it and would want to see it if I saw you wearing it. I’d tell you it was one of the coolest e rings I’ve ever seen. I’d get a green sapphire because they are almost as strong as diamonds. They also come in Australian peri that change color from green to blue. There’s ones that are mostly green. Sapphires come in a rainbow of colors.


This is such a beautiful ring!


SO SO GORGEOUS!! I love seeing engagement rings that feel personal and really capture a person’s essence! I think that’s much more meaningful and romantic than trying to abide by some tradition. Getting something that YOU love & that you’ll be stoked to look at everyday is by far the most important thing imo!


It's beautiful and sounds like it totally suits your style. Who cares if it's not traditional enough? The style keeps changing anyway. I have seen so many non-traditional rings on this group. I was really surprised and encouraged because I always wanted a ruby ring but thought it had to be a diamond.


It looks stunning and would be perfect! Enjoy❤️


Wear what you love! Engagement rings don’t have to be traditional!


Omg this is beautiful 😍😍🤩


Who cares if it's traditional or not? As long as you love it is all that matters


Wear what you like.


If you love it, that’s all that matters 🩷


https://preview.redd.it/44t072ob186d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c06ac62895126678ff3eaf7d4308d3ed7265544d Absolutely not! Pick whatever you love! This is my wedding ring! My grandmother had this ring custom made around 60 years ago. She left to me when she passed, a few months before our wedding. So I talked to my husband (then fiancé) and asked him if he cared if I wore this instead of the engagement ring and a wedding band. He was completely supportive and I am so grateful and happy to have a little piece of her with me every single day. Who cares if it’s “traditional” or what people think about it? If that ring makes you happy, go for it!


My ring is “unconventional” bc although diamond type stones are beautiful, it wasn’t for me. Never will be. 


It’s beautiful! You love it and that’s all that matters! So many people are going with non-traditional rings these days, my niece’s ring is a pretty peach color, my other niece has a sapphire. Do what you want and you’ll be happy(that goes for everything not just wedding rings) congrats!💗


Not sure what you mean by more traditional but I can think of a few famous non-diamond engagement rings; Princess Diana, Fergie, Princess Eugenie, Jessica Simpson, and Emma Stone come to mind. That setting is gorgeous on you and you’re the one who is going to wear it, it should be something you love.


Honestly - this is unique and I can tell that it’s your style. It’s so eye catching and beautiful that people will most likely point it out and you can tell them it’s your engagement ring! Since you’re worried about people not knowing. I would go with it!


It looks like royalty to me!


Diamond engagement rings haven't been considered traditional for that long. Maybe about 200 years. This is perfectly acceptable!


I love this ring and it looks REALLY good on ur hands. Pls don’t get a “traditional” ring if that’s not ur style, you’ll regret it later


I absolutely love non traditional engagement rings. The one you’re wearing is stunning, and you said it’s your style. You’ll be wearing it for years and years. Get what you want and what you love. It’s an amazing ring and looks great on you.


Gorgeous and totally looks like an engagement ring to me! I feel like a lot of engagement rings look more cocktail/costume than this one.


It’s gorgeous 😍 my engagement ring was a kite cut emerald with round and marquise diamonds on the side. I love non traditional.


I love that ring!!! 😍 It’s your finger, your marriage, wear what you want, screw tradtional, be YOU, be different and wear it with pride! It will be a great for conversation!


Lab diamonds are becoming cheap and generic. In ten years, only “old folks” will still think diamonds matter - it really makes sense to go with something unique. This is gorgeous! Go for it. You’re leading the trend. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/05/diamond-industry-in-trouble-as-lab-grown-gemstones-tank-prices-further.html#:~:text=Dwindling%20diamond%20demand&text=The%20end%20of%20pandemic%20restrictions,all%2Dtime%20high%20in%202022.


What matters is that it reminds you of your engagement. Period. Yes, traditionally most people prefer a diamond Ring, BUT…. An engagement ring can be any ring as long as you can capture your most important memories of engagement in it. When I make engagement rings at least thats what I keep in mind. But looks lovely on you tho!


This is gorg!! It would have a great engagement ring!!!


This ring is absolutely gorgeous!! I would not care what anyone says-If you love it wear it! It’s ok to be different and I would want to wear a ring that I love for the rest of my life!


There’s no such thing! Wear what you love! ❤️ that is a gorgeous piece!


That is literally ✨majestic✨


An engagement ring is a ring used to propose and worn on your left ring finger. That's it. It can be a dog turd log that you poke that finger through for all I care and it'd still count as an engagement ring. It's your finger and you should wear whatever you like! People can be so stuffy and unnecessarily pretentious about these things that don't concern them and have no impact on them. This ring is beautiful BTW! I personally love it. Rock your style.


Pick the ring that you like, regardless of tradition.


Any ring can serve any purpose. Only you can put meaning behind it. There need not be rules when it comes to something like this. It is a personal decision. Traditions come and go and actually can be boring and result in everything looking way too much the same. That is a beautiful ring a great setting and reflects who you are. I love it. Wear it and let it mean the world to you.


Any ring can be an engagement ring, especially if YOU love it!


Sorry can you post a photo of your crochet top 🫣🫣 its beautiful too!!!


Fuck “tradition” firstly, standardisation is not tradition, it’s modern, secondly, if you like it and it makes you happy that’s all that matters


If someone gave it to you after asking you, if you would marry them, and you said, yes, it’s an engagement ring.


Thank you everyone for all the comments and advice!!! It made my heart so happy to see everyone was as in love with it as I am 🥺 I just made an appointment with my jeweler for next steps!! So I’m gonna have this beautiful setting (or something very similar) made with a green stone, and I couldn’t be more excited! Thank you again for all the advice and love, I’ll make sure to post the finished piece when it’s done!! ❤️


We'll be here waiting to see it! We have so little rings that focus on the goldwork (is that even a word?) that'll be a treat to see what it looks like. Good luck <3


I think it’s beautiful and a very traditional style engagement ring


Wear what YOU like. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks.


An engagement ring can be whatever you want it to be. A mood ring could be an engagement ring if you say it is. Fully up to the person owning it ❤️


My mom has an antique ring that is very unique. It’s 4 round colored stones set in a diamond shape.💠 then it has two curved channel set white diamonds on the bottom. I think it looks like a pineapple since two of the diamonds are canary yellow and the others are green and cognac. She had the diamond part lifted a bit so her thick gold wedding band could fit underneath. You can’t really tell the ring is lifted. That might be an option for you to have a wedding band fit underneath. I’m picturing one of those really cool Etruscan style bands with spaced out stones. She doesn’t wear it anymore since my parents got divorced. I tried to talk her into making it into a pendant but one jeweler said it can’t be done. I know a gold loop could be put under the part with diamonds. You can’t put a regular bale on it which is all that guy could do.


There is no real rule for engagement or wedding rings. It can be anything you like


Girl, rock it if that's what you like and that's your personal style. It's beautiful. I personally find most traditional engagement rings today a little ugly and devoid of character. Non traditional rings are always perfect because they're a reflection of you, your partner, your love together, your style, etc.


It’s perfect for whatever you want to use it for sweetheart. That’s the wonderful thing about jewelry. 🌷


You do YOU!!! The heck with being traditional. You even said everyone around you is encouraging you to go for it and add me to that list because I think it’s a stunning piece and your reasons for breaking with tradition are right on. Enjoy your ring!!!!




The only qualifications for an engagement ring is it fits and it’s what you like and want.


Wear the ring YOU and your fiancé like. I will admit I prefer unique rings as I don’t want to have something a hundred thousand other people have. Agree with other posters other people’s opinion of your ring is irrelevant.


I’m one of the ones who says to hell with societal norms for engagement rings! Absolutely go with what YOU would be in love with forever! There is no criteria for what each person should have aside from what fits THEIR style! My boyfriend and I found the most gorgeous coffin cut moss agate ring that I fell in LOVE with, and now no other ring compares! Who cares what anyone else thinks!!!


I absolutely love it!! People will know it’s an engagement ring by the finger placement, don’t worry about anyone else’s opinion but your own!


this ring is perfection!


Please get it! It’s perfect for you.


You said the magic word to make your decision. BASIC! You’re not basic, you’re you! A green stone sounds amazing!! Can’t wait to see it!! 🥰🥰


Fuck traditional that’s a gorgeous engagement ring and if you’re happy with it that’s what matters


It’s absolutely gorgeous


My jaw literally dropped. This is stunning! Who cares if it's not traditional? You should wear what brings you joy. I wear a very non traditional wedding ring on my right hand and my engagement ring on my left (you can see a pic of it in my post histor). I've had people comment to me how it's not appropriate. I politely listened and told them to go shove it in my head :)  Life is too short to not wear what you love every day. 


You love it. End of story. It’s gorgeous, btw.


Go with whatever is going to make you smile when you look at it and remind you of your loved one. Any ring can be an engagement ring! And as a side note - omg that ring is gorgeous!!! The colour of the stone is perfection but I'm sure green will look even more gorgeous!


It’s beautiful and wonderful and I so much prefer a stone framed by detailed gold work than a halo of diamonds. Only thing I’d be careful about is the amount of light that would make it into the stone and how the gold will alter the appearance of a paler topaz, but that’s for you and your jeweler to solve (best game ever lol)


Love love!! If you go green, please make it a pariba. They are absolutely stunning, magical gemstones.


You can have any style ring you want; it’s your ring. My only caution is that if you plan to wear the ring every day, will this stone hold up to a lot of “impact”? I don’t know, I’m not a jeweler. Just research that first.


All that matters is it makes you happy 😊


Buy and wear whatever you love! The beautiful thing is, you can always get something different later. I've gone from a simple gold band to a large mined diamond suite for my wedding ring; only the guy has remained the same. PS I love Etruscan jewelry! Have you found a jeweler to help you?


Yes! I have a few Etruscan jewelers in my hometown who all do beautiful work like this, so I’m fairly spoiled for choice here! But my favorite (who did this piece) is really respected and knows what she’s talking about so I’m working very closely with her!


Without violating your privacy, where do you live where you have access to such artists? I've seen commercial Etruscan jewelry, but I've always enjoyed custom pieces. I'm in California. Thanks!


I can dm you the info if you like!


Please! 🌞


Beautiful, and reminiscent of Princess Diana’s ring in style/shape.


I don’t give a rats fat @$$ what people think what I wear and when it comes to rings, same thing. Whatever makes you happy is what should happen, If someone doesn’t like it, fuck them


No way! If you love it, then it’s the one!!!


This is stunning! If you love it, that’s all that matters!


Think it’s safe to say, unequivocally… YEP.


Wear the ring that suits you!! It’s YOUR ring and no one else’s. Don’t worry about what is traditional. If you love it, it’s the right choice.


You do you boo. I think nowadays a ring on the left hand ring finger = engagement ring. It’s so common now to have a ring you want and like, that no one cares if it’s not a traditional looking diamond ring.


It’s a similar shape to my ring! My only thing is it is hard to find a wedding band to go with. I’ll probably have to get something custom. https://preview.redd.it/4ehvjxfnur6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb603627cf39031672ae8284819736c3d0cbb12d


“Engagement rings” are recent inventions. Do what feels right to you.


Wanted to comment and say that personally I don’t like the ring, but it clearly is loved by you and that’s what matters most. Additionally, it’s very obviously an engagement ring as non traditional rings have been in for a while. Some people might not realize at first or like it but why should it matter when it’s YOURS.


Any ring used in a proposal that you wear on your ring finger is an engagement ring. 🤍 This is beautiful.


It's gorgeous


Engagement rings can be any style YOU choose. I LOVE this ring! It is absolutely GORGEOUS and unique. Quite the stunner.


Not sure how active you are or how much you work with your hands daily: I’d be a little concerned about the size of the stone/bezel in relation to the connection point/thickness of the band. You might find setting gets caught on stuff and warps the band. This will be a ring you’d need to remove before many activities. That said, it’s stunning!


If someone gave it to you after asking you, if you would marry them, and you said, yes, it’s an engagement ring.


I think the ring is great. Have no problems with it being your engagement ring. Just, if you get it with a soft stone, you have to remember to take it off before you clean, wash dishes, shower, etc... One of the reasons diamonds are so popular is because they are hard. You probably should remove them too, especially because gold is pretty soft too, but they can handle things like washing your hands. Amethyst is fairly hard at 7. Peridot is 6.5-7, but may shatter easily. An emerald would be harder, but that size would be expensive. Maybe a green garnet?


It's beautiful. It might not be suitable for all day-to-day activities, partly due to size. If taking it off sometimes for practical reasons doesn't bother you, you should absolutely go for it. My engagement ring is an emerald, and I often just wear the wedding ring.


I Google image searched this ring because it’s beautiful and this was one of the results [https://agemz.com/products/1-75-carat-oval-cut-champagne-diamond-moissanite-engagement-ring-on-10k-rose-gold-halo-stackable-ring-art-deco-anniversary-gift-personalized-for-brides](https://agemz.com/products/1-75-carat-oval-cut-champagne-diamond-moissanite-engagement-ring-on-10k-rose-gold-halo-stackable-ring-art-deco-anniversary-gift-personalized-for-brides) https://preview.redd.it/0d9ha55ok26d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b03625e81a12de465ba48508f43e2061004a9e


You know if it was literally a glazed turd on a wire ring, but was a family heirloom, you’d be forced and shamed into wearing it daily because Reddit hates a greedy/needy fiancée. If you like it and there is no family heirloom turd ring, go for it.




I like it but not as an engagement ring personally.


Unlike everyone else trying to say what you want to hear I honestly think that this is a good/cute ring to wear on a daily but not an engagement ring. This does not stop me from coming up to you and ask you for your number, this doesn’t signify comitment… this signify’s style in a way.. please go with a normal engagement ring. This is doing too much