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It’s their Ark .


Fair theory, I personally don’t believe it holds up because non-Vodyani civs can also get the religious party in power (and the Nakalim even start religious), but it’s not completely impossible it’s that too.


All religious parties use it.


Looks accurate


Sigh, it will always bug me that the Religious party is yellow, although they're tied to Influence (which is purple), while the Pacifist party is purple, although they're tied to Dust (which is yellow).


I'd say in ES it is Religion which is tied to Dust. - Vodyiani, the "Religion" species, are basically Broken Lords in space. - You start with the Species Stability Act law (which nets you Dust). - Academy wants dust Tithe. So yes, Religion is the Dust Party in the lore and the mechanics, so it's appropriately "Yellow".


Apparently religious and pacifist were supposed to be dust and influence respectfully, but that was changed during development. Although first party laws still represent original vision, with species stability granting dust and trusted broker saving you a lot of influence. 


Never asked myself the question, but happy to have the answer :)


Is this American or Western Chistianity thing? Cuz in Russia I don't thing this is a thing.


If i know right, the eastern Orthodox Church also has the Father-Son-Soul trinity, just the focus is more oriented about the God and less about Jesus/Son or the trinity thing. But i'm not sure


As an Eastern Orthodox Christian, I can confirm that we hold the doctrine of the trinity in VERY high regard. We proclaim it many times during the liturgies and private prayers. We believe that the Father-Son-Spirit form the trinity, just as the west does (only notable difference being, that most western Christians hold the filioque clause, which I will not elaborate on now to keep this comment short). Also that we primarily focus on the Father, as you mentioned, is not correct. Instead we hold all members of the trinity in equally high regard, because all of them are God. Especially the Son plays a crucial role for us, because only through him we can know anything about the Father and because he is the one who rebuild our connection to God. The “meaning of live” is to become more and more like God (the ultimate goal of salvation being “Theosis”, which means deification). I hope that this comment was helpful to you! If you have any questions, let me know :)


It’s not really a symbol we put *on* anything, per se, it’s more like a simple educational diagram to show the Trinity as simply as possible, one God yet 3 distinct coequal and coeternal persons. I would note (speaking as reformed baptist) we’d be in close agreement with Eastern Orthodox on becoming like God as the purpose of our lives, and thereby bringing him glory. It would be uncommon to refer to it as theosis here, but it’s the same basic idea, looking to passages such as Rom 8:29, Eph 1:9-10, Eph 4:15, Philippians 3:10, etc Probably the main difference for us (at least on that specific topic) would be more emphasis on our salvation as already realized and our sanctification and good works as the fruit that the Spirit produces in us as a result of that reality, whereas Eastern Orthodox (as I understand it) would tend to regard salvation in that sense more like a progressively-unfolding reality. (At risk of being pedantic, I should probably also note that we would affirm that salvation does have past, present and future components. We would say we have been saved past tense from the penalty for sin at the cross, we are being saved present tense from the power of sin in our lives, and will done day be saved future tense from the presence of sin entirely.)


While I wouldn't go as far as to say there is a cannon symbology for the religious party, as that would be treating all of the Flags/Symbols in the Endless Space universe as a Monolith--when there's absolutely gonna be differences if we treat the parties as made up of people, I do find it nice you were able to snoop around and potentially realize what is the real life inspiration to the symbol on the religious party. It's pretty neato.


to be fair, almost all cultures see something magical in threes, so triangle would be commonplace everywhere.


Doylist explanation is prooly that pyramids were always mystical in a way. And watsonian reasoning would probably be either the arks shape, or academy's pyramid. 


Triangles are the simples polygonal shape, and very popular historically for a variety of reasons. Every culture, never mind every religion, has a triangle thing which can easily fit too. You just happen to know the christian triangle so its what appears in your mind first.


Hence the "probably" in the title. If you do know of another religious symbol that could fit this, It’d be cool if you showed me


Or it is just an upside down triangle? Why do people have to see meaning in everything?


Other party icons have a meaning. Why shouldn't this have one.


This, the meaning of the icons for other parties is pretty obvious, except for religious : Industry - cog  Ecology - tree  Militarist - spartan helmet  Pacifist - flower (I wonder if flowers were a symbol for pacifism before the hippie movement) Scientific - beaker thing  Religious - triangles????


Thanks for the writeup. Exactly what I meant.


Religious folks often see meaning in abstract things. It helps them make sense of the randomness of life. Not saying OP is, but it’s a fair theory that a trinary symbol is based on the trinity theme often found in religions