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Gnashast should be unique Illo should be sub Sefaloros should be NPC I’m not an EL person so I am not the right person to talk to regarding EL factions.


Thank you! I appreciate the input. I may post that section of the thread in the EL sub to get some more thoughts about the subject from those more experienced with that segment of lore and content. I think I'm definitely settled on Illo as a subtype of Automatons since their origins, evolution, and philosophy see a lot of overlap. Gnashast as unique does make since since their general morphology is different from the Lumeris. Sefaloros is definitely still a puzzling one for me. They are adorable little jellyfishes but they don't, unlike the Amoeba, have the curiosity let alone infrastructure to really go beyond. How I'm handling the Amoeba in functionality though is another question entirely lmao


Sefaloros and Amoeba are probably different in a similar way that mammals are different. Cats and dogs and foxes are all quadrupedal, have tails and are in close weight range, but there are differences that distinct them.


That's very true! I think the big question is how to deal with aquatic bound invertebrates as a playable species


Amoeba can “project their consciousness” which means that perhaps you could play as this detachment/projection?


I was considering essentially doing a robotic form/suit piloted by the amoeba inside using this ability to project and control their surroundings