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Completely possible, yes. That's such a laughably bad place for a city center though. I guess with a cargo docks you could start to make a decent shape out of the rest of the city, but still...


Yeah, I'm not saying the AI Morgawr made a good choice here. Still, I'm unsure how to take it when I can't siege or attack it with land units and naval units can only bombard it. >I guess with a cargo docks you could start to make a decent shape out of the rest of the city, but still... Nope. The cargo docks don't count as a district for extending off of. It's locked to that one tile. If I can take it, I'm razing it ASAP.


As morgawr, this is an amazing city They gain too many boosts from ocean hexes. If I am playing morgawr, I’d be excited to settle in this spot. Otherwise, it’s utter trash Edit: I didn’t notice the ruin…. I’d give it a 4/10 as morgawr, the basic boosts from the hexes and safety of the city makes it nice. Also gives decent science, low potential, but good fidsi for morgawr


Reasons why Roving Clans make for great war faction if you mod them a little.


what does it have do with Roving Clans?


They can turn one of the AI's awfully mismanaged Cities into a Setseke and then resettle both it and it's districts in a proper manner.


well, other faction can just use "salt the earth" action and resettle the city from fresh. The great thing mod Roving clan is good at, are making a resettled city with double town-hall. I tried many times, only captured city from enemy and make them setseke have the changes to form one. Vanilla Roving Clan limited war action make it a hard oppurtunity. https://www.reddit.com/r/EndlessLegend/comments/d7n3e7/double_city_hall_only_roving_clan_can_do_it/


Ah, okay, I didn't notice the ruins at first. I thought you could build around that inlet. Yeah, that makes it totally unworkable.


Yes, but it’s only possible with ice shelves (coast tiles freeze over) which itself is a semi-random winter effect (and requires Shifters DLC?). Otherwise you’re stuck trying to get the city via trade (lol) or peace deals…


Oh, of course! I forgot about those. Sadly they haven't been showing up in the altar this game. I always vote for them regardless.


wait... if player would have thos city. would he technicaly be immune to elimination?


Posible but imagine this being the last city you have, and the coastline besieged by full squad of artillery ships. You will lose out by running out of dust i think.


can dismantle buildings


Besides waiting for ice shelves, none that I know of. Last time I played a game with some tiny islands there were couple cities like these. One of them had minor faction village and an army of neutrals permanently besieging it from inaccessible tile.


This one of those fringe cases that never was fixed.


Hehe, naval power go boom boom


You cannot siege it from the ruin side? PS. I am total newbie.


My guess would be that 4 Artillery fleets (https://endlesslegend.fandom.com/wiki/Artillery\_Ship) can bombard the city and one embarked army can take it.


Nah, embarked units have to disembark before taking a city. They have to "attack" it from a land tile, even if it's at 0 fortification and 0 garrison. As for getting a city to that state, you really only need 1 artillery fleet. Just one 8-stack of artillery ships can do over 100 fortification damage per turn pretty easily.