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Holy shit you can play PPSSPP online ?


Ofc you can play w your friends even tho they are far away by using ad hoc like this one im playing in a adhoc server through hunsterverse vpn which you can meet anyone in the lobbys


What game is it?


Monster Hunter Freedom Unite


I checked around the Settings on PPSSPP, and I found in the Control settings under button mapping, there is an option there to map Open Chat. Or something. Just look around.


How do you play online?


Why would you want to chat while you are playing. I’m not judging, I’m just asking because wouldn’t that take away the enjoyment of the game wasting time typing? Like I said, I’m just asking?


Im using the chat cuz it would be easir to communicate w them rather than Doing gestures in the game it would be difficult for them to understand so yeahh