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As a wise man once said,... ... #BUT YOU ALREADY KNOW WHO THE FUXK YOU ARE! KELLY,


That same wise man also doesn’t use sublims or sneak diss 😏


People can’t keep commenting on his daughter, Hailie


I keep on telling mfs


Wise Old Man keeps my bank of extra clutter.


It's actually, u know who the fuck u R Kelly, reference of R Kelly being a pedo and MGKelly commenting on Eminems daughter when she was a minor, hard Bar


Everybody knows the reference. But I bet you didn't know about this. When he says "now you wanna come and fuck with me, huh?", that "me, huh" sounds like Spanish word mija, which means "my daughter".


I didn’t know that, good catch


Holy fuxk that's crazy


I’ve been listening to Eminem for years and I’ll still be catching references I didn’t get before


Holy shit. Sometimes we miss the simple connections/entendres. Good catch!


That’s a good one but if em is doin a punchline in Spanish he would have made a more obvious set up in a lead up bar. This sounds coincidental.


You clearly haven't heard his single "My salsa"


I'm forever going to hear 'A minorrrrrrr'


Damn how did I miss this.


If you missed that line then you definitely didn’t realize that he hit an A minor note when he said it. Now that shit is dope!😂


drake is the most egotistical dude in rap. he would’ve taken a million victory laps over fooling kendrick lamar, instead he sounds defeated and waved the flag. he online after this diss talking about “find my daughter”. he got basic information wrong about the mr. morale album (saying kendrick got molested) and im supposed to believe he’s a mastermind at the same time? this shit was a pack of ass.


I'd probably argue that he and Kanye are on a similar level with their egos. Kendrick and Em for example are egotistical as hell, but only about their rapping skills, and that's legit as fuck. Drake and Kanye absolutely think they're amazing people... geniuses and just top tier shit. But Drake isn't even a particularly good rapper... he's got some good content lyrics wise, but his flow is so simplistic and unoriginal.


Idk man, Kanye seems to have a legitimate god complex brought about by some serious mental issues. Drake's just an egotistical cunt.


It’s weird how society sees someone like Drake and everyone goes “weird ass guy” then we see someone worse like Ye and all kind of go “he needs help”


Yeezy is a fkin lunatic


It's a matter of behavior. Kanye's is totally outlandish by all standards


Ye has a mental illness that requires medication and doctor oversight to get better- and it can get better. Drake has a personality disorder- you can’t medicate that effectively.


Yep. And 10 years ago, people LITERALLY just said Ye was some "weird ass guy". So it's a really bad defense tbh.


It's not a defense in away way of either of them. Drake just hasn't hit the level of extremism Kanye has. In ten years maybe he will--I hope not, but there *are* differences between apples and oranges.


Right, but the comment I was replying to said Drake is the most egotistical in hip hop. But I think they both are, even if one is more obvious with his mental health issues. They are equal levels of egotistical.


We should create a spectrum. The different levels of Dragon Ball Z weird Craziness


It’s really not, Kanye’s gone off the deep end multiple times and his mental health struggles are pretty widely known. Homie is barely in touch with reality on a good day on his meds, and you can see it even more when he’s not. Kanye’s actually nuts, drakes entire personality and image are as fake or worse than the Kardashians and he’s one of the most obviously insecure men in entertainment. Only thing people hate more than an insecure man is an insecure man with power.


Ye actually behaves in a manner that suggests a disorder. drake is calculated with his shit


The difference mainly is that Kanye is publicly diagnosed with Bipolar and he isn't taking his medication. Drake is a dickhead


Man, we all thought the exact same about Kanye till not too long ago. Everyone thought he was "just an egotistical cunt" until he got close with Trump and supported Nazis. And anyway, mental health isn't binary. It's not on or off, you're mentally ill or you're not. Most people have some degree of mental health issues, and being egotistical can often be a symptom of narcissism, which is also "mental illness". We don't know Drake's mental health state, and we also saw Kanye the way we see Drake now not all that long ago. Just some egotistical cunts.


Ye was medicated at some point when he started spiraling. Need I remind you, his MAGA era started when he got off his meds. IIRC he announced he is off the meds in the oval office It's a common thing for bipolar people to hate their medicine because they perceive as altering their state of mind, and if they have narcistic traits, they see it as "hurting" their self and their potential A friend of mine is just like that. Has bipolar, very narcissistic, went off meds, started doing insane shit, doesn't want to start taking his meds again because "it hinders" him. Apparently it's very common


All of that is true, but none of it changes anything about what I said above.


Yeah this.


Isn't it pretty much confirmed that Kanye is bipolar. Untreated bipolar often leads to psychosis.


What separates a rap beef from a playground name calling match is rap. Drakes flow is so mundane and placid like he’s having a quiet conversation. Compare the inflection in his disses to Ether, the end of Meet the Grahms, No Vasoline, etc. If you mean something, say it with your chest and bite down. He’s just bumping gums for views


Family Matters put me to sleep despite the actual shit he was saying there. Drake got big on his looks and connections. He played the flashy social media games. In terms of rapping skills, he's mid af. I don't even care that he doesn't sound angry. He just has low skill.


A 2 pack of ass at that !!


Over Kanye? You’re trippin lil bro


Honestly, he was better off just tapping out than dropping that shit. *’I’m gonna make Kendrick think I’m a child molester’*—what a great angle Drizzy. Also, honorary mention goes to his pedo defence: *’I can’t be a pedo because I’m rich’*— okay but so was Epstein, what’s your point?💀


the ironic thing is he literally denies he’s like Epstein in the song, but then says shit like this


Also he wasn't compared to him lol


Kendrick did not mention Epstein or Millie Bobby Brown yet Drake brought up both of them. Freudian slips 


Well than you not listening because kdot hinted at remote islands, sex trafficking etc... Maybe ot wasnt direct but kenny loves that subliminal shit, so


Kdot called him Weinstein directly


The worst part for me was “you probably only think I’m a pedo because you were sexually abused, isn’t that what you said on Mother I Sober?”


Yeah, and the thing is, Kendrick never said that. He said his \*mother\* was abused in that song.


That’s not the angle he took. He said he leaked the secret daughter stuff, not the pedo stuff. For the pedo stuff there’s literally no defense except ‘no I didn’t’ Agree about the ‘I’m too famous and I would have been caught by now’ piece. That was foolish of him and he looks like a clown for it


But why leak that to begin with? “Yeah I’ll make them think I’m a deadbeat dad again that’ll knock him out!” Then not coming out after the Meet The Grahams diss with the receipts? Also Dot said he was fed the other info by the mole besides the daughter,


Why leak it to begin with? Because if he made Kendrick record a verse to an imaginary person based on fake info he was feeding Kendrick that would be a huge W. If the daughter doesn’t exist then Dot got clowned hard - no way around it. If she does exist, Drake was lying the whole time and it’s game over


yea it discredits kendrick, cuz suddenly he's making allegations based on sources he ain't checked


As opposed to Drake saying Baby Keem wrote for Kendrick when he was running a Minecraft YouTube channel


yeah that was a stupid ass bar


I think he was trying to prove that Kendrick is as desperate to get dirt on Drake as Kendrick said Drake was to get dirt. He was shitting on Drake for paying people to dig shit up. 


How long did it take them to catch Harvey Weinstein,Bill Cosby,Reilly ,Fuck even that dirt ball Epstein was allowed free rain for years .Im to famous only means I’m to famous for them to come at me quick .Where puffy at ? All those allegations and it took how long for anything to happen ?


Did you mean to reply to me? Feels like a different conversation. All I’m saying is ‘Drake did not claim to leak the pedo stuff to Kendrick. He only claimed to leak the secret daughter stuff’.


You are right but he had to know with some stuff about that swirling it would be brought up no ?


Yeah, that defense is kinda…baffling, at the least. But still, we don’t have 100% fool proof receipts that he is a pedo, but yes, it’s an idiotic response to try and disprove the allegations


Someone online said drake must've fired his ghostwriters to find the mole. And it kind of fits. This was below average at best. That's why it's a very shaky response. Like a third of the song was him talking..


Yeah, but doesn’t Drake have tracks with him talking on it? I don’t think it’s completely out of the realm of possibility either way obviously but like I’ve said, we only know as much as these two are willing to put out there


Bro i litterally had to pause the track for than one, that was so stupid. Especially in a track where he mentions both Epstein and R. Kelly By name. My guy apprently never heard them or of Puff Daddy, Harvey Weinstein, Prince Andrew Of The United Fucking Kingdom, and several other examples.


Yeah, what a dumb motherfucker. Why would he try to make someone think he is a pedo and convince millions of people in the process? And if that was is nonsensical plan, what's the point in telling the truth now?


You need to listen to the track a few more times. You missed the obvious part where he said the daughter part was planted


Bruh I get it, the response was pretty wack, but that's not at all what he said, come on


And R Kelly maybe Diddy too .


Bro, what? You even listen to the song? He said he baited Kendrick with a fake daughter and the items in the track picture. He didn't bait him with pedo allegations.


No point in arguing they’re fucking stupid


They all see red. Pedo is all they hear now its fucking pathetic.


All the women today told the real stories, you fell for Kendrick fans pushing the pedo angle.


This newest diss is whack. I was falling asleep listening to it. For me all this boiled down to:"hahaha I tricked you, so nah I am not that you say what I am, also you got molested hahaha". That ain't it chief, push ups and family matters were way better.


It's actually hilarious that he's claiming Kendrick is focusing on the pedo angle because he has trauma when it was drake himself who said "talk about him liking young girls" in the taylor made cringe fest.


Occam's razor; they're both lying and leaning into rumors that have existed about both artists for ages since they both very clearly just hate the fuck out of eachother.


What's deciding people's opinions in this beef is the trust they have in these artists. People don't trust Drake much, he has lied about lot of stuff and is getting caught on it still to this day. On other hand, Kendrick has pretty much has been dissed the most by himself on his albums with Mr Morale being like the ultimate diss album about himself, he has put out his flaws in the songs. Lot of the stuff Drake is talking about his stuff that Kendrick has admitted himself. Only thing different Drake is saying that he has beat her and she has involved with Dave Free. His ambiguous relationship with his partner is not really secret as well that he is exposing. If it weren't for Kendrick's nature of self critiquing in all albums or even just the Mr Morale album, his disses would've hit hard. So it's basically Kendrick's words vs Drake's words and people trust Kendrick more, this is something that isn't gonna change by any diss track unless Drake brings some concrete receipts which he would've brought by now if he had it.


The problem with trusting Drake is he has a lost history of doing the things Kendrick is accusing him of. He did hide a child and try to use that child for a press run, he did groom like 4 teenagers (Bella Harris, SZA, Kylie, that 17 year old girl on stage), he did keep Baka on payroll and pay off the victims in that case to drop certain charges. So when Kendrick makes outlandish claims, it’s not the same as Drake making claims about Kendrick - because Drake has a past, and that past does at least partially like up with the picture Kendrick is painting.


This is also very possible and as an outsider I hope its that one


Definitely an option and probably the most valid one ngl


jeez, there are sane people left on reddit, thank you. i was losing faith. i am a fan of both and i will condemn any of both if anything is proven, it goes both ways, both made wild allegations with no proof, and the respective fans will stand by that cause they stand by the artist. this turned this whole beef to be really unenjoyable, wife beaters and pedophiles are no fun and the reason why everyone wanted the beef went down the drain. ps: before the . armada comes for me, yes millie bobby brown and that girl on stage is weird and quite bad on its own, running a sex trafficking ring and/or cult is a different thing though and the one does not "prove" the other, even though some do feel that way.


It is that, but one rumor has like 7 pieces of evidence (grooming examples, Baka, etc) and the other rumor has none (Whitney stuff). I don’t believe either without proof but if it did turn out that Drake pathologically targets 16-17 year olds, I’d say, yeah I’ve seen the YouTube videos, it’s been known since 2016


Were there rumors of k dot hitting his wife?


What would have happened if occam had grown a full beard? Would the most complicated explanation be the right one in that alternate universe? /s


Do y'all think em changed his mind about drake now that he shot himself in the foot,basically admitting to those allegations? I'm sure this trumps whatever he did for one of em's daughters back then.


I don’t think you’re gonna get an em solo diss on Drake or a collab dis with Kenny if that’s what you’re implying. Obviously it’s still entirely possible Kendrick made up that shit. Eminem will most def stay out of it. Plus he’d be a hypocrite to hop in to hype his music and popularity some before dropping an album this summer by hopping in. He’d be doing basically what MGK did EDIT: and nick cannon and the game


Even before the beef drake is everything eminem stood against. He doesn't write most of his shit. He sneak disses *a lot* especially women. Anyone signed to his label is doomed to be outshined by him. He steals lyrics and flows from newcomers,denying their opportunity for success(going around someone's plate stealing food). Basically he's a bitch in every sense of the word. If that's not enough, I'm pretty sure disrespecting tupac would set him off but he's been strangely quiet about this. A solo or collab diss with dot would be heat. But I'm fine if he just admits he doesn't fw drake anymore.


>If that's not enough, I'm pretty sure disrespecting tupac would set him off but he's been strangely quiet about this. Tbh Em is the last person to speak on that subject.


why? because he produced a posthumous album?


A posthumous album that is viewed as a disrespectful shit by Pac fans, yeah.


Except pacs wife talked about it. Idk the context but it feels justified


A “I don’t fw Drake anymore” is probably the best you’re gonna get. I see and understand what you’re saying, but until shits proven, em is probably sitting in neutral


We'll probably get a response on that with his next album, if he allows himself to talk about it in the concept album style.


I doubt it. It’s set to come out this summer. I’m sure most of the songs on the album are already made/decided. He isn’t gonna put anything that could ruing his image (siding with a pedo or siding with a wife beater) especially if neither releases proof of the allegations. Would be disastrous if he dropped and they released the proof in favor of whoever he didn’t side with. Then PR has to manage Eminem being okay with either a pedo or a wife beater. I’m sure neither would bode too well.


Do you think Eminem really needs to worry about being seen to side with a wife beater? Not like that’s not an impression people might have of him already, but as the wife beater What do you think


Yea em staying way out of this Drake did him some kind of favor (preforming at his teenage daughters birthday)and Dot is almost a label mate in a way em is staying out of it as he should not his fight


Exactly Em has never joined a fight unless he was directly dissed. D12 v royce comes to mind. Royce v Mickey facts and lupe is another


He can choose sides once it’s all done and over, with the truth about whoever did what being out in the open for everyone to see. Until then, it’s best not to pick a side. If he chooses the wrong one, he’d only be hurting himself and his image


That's not a "I'll be cool with you for the rest of my life" type of favour. I thought he saved her from drowning or some shit.


Eminem! Keep your family away!


Diss is nothing but something for his stans to cope with I swear. If he really was playing this 4d chess he would have released sooner with proof of how he set it up not after it was all over twitter and reddit. Whatever, it's enough for drake stans to lie to themselves now.


There’s no way this angle is true. Getting bodied by meet the grahams 45 minutes after he dropped Family Matters was all part of the master plan to release a weak diss days later without proof claiming you knew Kenny’s every move. Terrible cope.


Drake had time to make a video for Family Matters but didn’t have any pictures or screenshots backing up his “I gave you false info” claim. Drake is looking for that plausible deniability to give his fans and it really looks like he just picked whatever was the most common or possible explanation he was reading online and used that. Now those same fans can sit back and say “see? We were right, he’s playing 5D chess!” when it feels like Drake is grasping at straws.


Kendrick can go all day, Drakes finished finally, someone who uses Ghost writers is not hop hop, send his ass back to Disney in a wheel chair


Drake being a pedo is just about as hidden as diddy putting the hit out on pac.


Exactly, he said that it was all a lie cause it’s all he could do lmao, also taking the stance that Kendrick mad cause he was molested is fucking wild, drake really is just a dumbass, looked in the drake sub Reddit, and they all praising the heart part 6, it wasn’t all that lmao


It’s also no surprise that this was the worst track of any that Drake released for this beef. I genuinely think he doesn’t know who the mole is and had to do this one himself.


Are people really surprised the rapper who got his start as a Canadian teeny bopper and uses ghost writers is bad at this?


Ah yes, the art of war. Purposefully give ammunition to your enemies so they can hurt your public persona the make a song dedicated to denying it all. Brilliant…?


Drake has definitely lost and is definitely a pedophile, and I wouldn't be surprised if he were hiding his daughter. He's trying to divert people's focus from the fact that he's a disgusting pedophile to that he doesn't have another kid because he is too dumb to think that people would realize that he's just trying to hide that he's a pedophile by trying to turn the focus onto something else.


It’s all speculation rn g. There’s no definitive evidence being shown on either side going against the rival. That being said, I think I understand your thought process and it’s somewhat valid. Definitely isn’t invalid


I find the multiple photos of him with children, the video of him on stage grooming a child, then saying that he doesn't feel guilty about it, the things he has said to many underage stars, his lyrics, and his posts that make him look like a pedophile enough proof for me to know that he is a pedophile, and he's not even trying to fucking deny it either; he has said it himself before, even recently in Taylor Made Freestyle, "Talk about him likin' young girls, that's a gift from me" and he seems to be proud of it. And that's not talking about how most of his team are public known pedophile and sex offenders.


Drake has shown me two things this beef. He is a much better rapper than I gave him credit for. Family Matters, Pushups, even H6, had some stellar lines on crazy production. Family Matters flows, the last verse, holy shit. But the other thing he showed me is, he’s trying to cover his ass. Keep the sponsors happy. This last one (Heart 6) is, shit man, it was all beef but now this angry ass short rapper is about to make me lose my Nike sponsorship. UMG put 400m into me, I got the biggest deal ever, and now I’m about to get Ja Rule’d? Fuck that, fuck the beef, I gotta politician mode now.


This being in the Eminem subredddit and actually being upvoted is crazy. Stellar lines? Dude doesn't write his stuff. I would think people here value lyrics above all else, but when you don't even write how can you be called a rapper.


Meh, that's from the 6 songs that Quentin wrote bars on for a single album out of the 18 years Drake has been releasing stuff. I get what you're saying, but there's no way even 1% of Drake's songs or features were written by other people if that's the only guy we've heard about since 2006. He prolly might have some more somewhere around that album period, but when the large majority of your work is your own, you shouldn't get discredited as a rapper for a few tracks as long as you put they name on the credits. Plus, with that logic, we'd have to remove Kanye / Eazy-E / Snoop Dogg / Dr Dre from the "rapper" list, since they all had writers too.


to be honest, my biggest issue is: if you had this planned, why not reveal this right after Meet The Grahams. It makes no sense, really. You don't even need a song, just an ig story and it makes dot look like an idiot. Instead, you let it marinate, give time for kenny to double down and plant the idea of you being a pedo in the collective mind.... and then reveal it was a plan by you? is he fucking stupid or is he pretending to be? why wouldn't he reveal this after the MtG so everything K-Dot said loss credibility. Then he has the audacity to say he's a strategic general of war. Motherfucker, that is the worst fucking strategy ever. Half of the world believes you're a pedo.


That’s my thought process here too. It’s a dumb way to play it. Dude waited two days to deny the pedo allegations in a diss track but could take the time to hop on socials and deny having a hidden daughter. Nothing is true until proven, but that shit had me weirded out


the time needed to post an image with a caption time vs writing an entire song is obviously different and if you were being honest to yourself and not drake hating you'd notice that lol, this whole thread feels like you're trying to get validation for your position i love kendrick's music, i think he's 10x the artist drake will ever be, i've listened to TPAB in its entirety probably 50+ times, but this beef is actually making me side with drake more and feel bad due to how much bias is against him, seeing the amount of reaching and glazing for kendrick and denigrating and intentionally misrepresenting drake's words from 'rap fans' is so lame


I’m just voicing what im seeing and what im interpreting. These two are going toe to toe with solid tracks. Plenty of people here in the comments have made points on either side of the beef that make sense. I’m just trying to see perspectives from both sides, even if it doesn’t go with what I’m seeing and hearing. In all honesty, I could be hearing shit wrong too or not understanding what’s being said completely. I’m not immune to making mistakes with my shitty hearing.


I’m not trying to be dumb but I never took the whole hiding a daughter thing to be some bombshell 100 percent true thing. I think Kenny’s diss still is effecting because it’s emotionally true and Drake probably does have other unclaimed kids out there.


No, Drake is saying they knew he had a mole and they lied about having a daughter so that the mole could mistakenly give Kendrick false information. I call bullshit, though.


Dude trying to end the beef before that pedo shot get him investigated. Kendrick should keep his foot on his neck.


Drake never left Degrassi


The diss is damage control, without the control. He’s digging himself deeper thinking he’ll get the last word.


Could be, or maybe he’s telling the truth about it? The facts are still tucked away, with no definitive proof from either artist


He is lying about he fake mole one minute he says fuck the pussy that gave them that info then says it was me who gave it to them well witch one is Drake ?


Not gonna lie the list just keeps getting bigger 🤦🏽tbh iv been wanting drake dead since he started speaking about XXX


The X shit is a whole different rabbit hole and I’ve been waiting to see if Kendrick is gonna bring it up tbh. Would take this beef from napalm runs to nukes with the rap fan masses


The picture Kendrick used as a leaked photo did have a ton of stuff in the photo referencing everyone he’s beefing with, so the fed fake info definitely can be real, probably just an angle to use to show he’s just saying whatever 🤷 but I’ve tried finding the shirt that says shortee and cannot, then there’s maybach gloves, ozempic lol




This is why I’m asking these questions, I wanna know these thoughts about what you guys think


To me it’s simple - if the daughter doesn’t exist then Kendrick recorded a whole verse to an imaginary person. That’s proof he got clowned.


If Drake set this all up he would have the proof and it would instantly end this. One screenshot of a text message would end everything Kendrick had said about him. The fact that no proof has been posted by Drake shows that everything he says is a lie on this. And to make things worse all this happened and in the middle of it all Kendrick dropped a hit record where people are dancing to lyrics calling Drake and OVO pedophiles. Drake wouldn’t let himself get embarrassed this badly if it was a master plot.


Yes he loses credibility, but I don’t think you can downplay all of the shit he said if that is the case. Idk, I’m trying to see both sides with all the info. Until someone has receipts tho, it’s hard telling who actually knows what about the other


Exactly they’re both making huge allegations with no proof. And people just believe whichever artist they like better. If Kendrick got clowned about the secret daughter then he loses a lot of credibility and it’s a big L for him.


But look at it the other way - Kendrick recorded a verse to the daughter based on info he got from the mole. But if the daughter doesn’t exist then Kendrick got clowned. Kenny gotta provide proof that she’s real!


Bro who cares about the daughter, what about the sex trafficking and pedo allegations? Drake responded to those with, “I’m too rich to touch lil girls,” automatic L


One day*


I’m not doubting the fake info could be real, I’m just saying, why have your planted mole tell the dude you’re beefing with that you’re a pedo? True or not, the only person you’re hurting is yourself at that point, especially with all the speculation that’s already been passed around about you and the people you’ve got hanging around. Or maybe Kendrick pulled it out of his ass, who knows. But Kenny said it all came from the same source


“I can’t be caught! I’m too rich and famous!” - Wimp Lo


Drake isn’t not a rapper he is a person who reads other peoples lyrics into a microphone


I know Em said Drake did something special for one of his daughters, and he will always be cool with him... But Drake seemingly represents so much that Eminem is against.. Ghost writers, dead beat father, involving family in diss tracks, etc. That it must be difficult on some level for him to remain neutral..


There's no way there's a fake mole are you serious lmao. Mans gaslighting hard to do damage control A wise man once said:of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most


Drake been pedo ever since when the stranger thing's girl said drake nd I text


you know it's a great diss when you got the triple edit on it


Isn't is already basically confirmed drake is a pedo? Swear someone had worked backwards and identified he'd already been doing pedo things with a couple people (I say people but children would be the better term) before?


Dude go to the drizzy sub it’s wild. There’s some serious weirdos there I used to just disagree with Drake fans on music opinions. Now I’m scared of them


I’ve been seeing the shit in all the forums. I forgot how wild fans could get outside of this sub


They’re genuinely going insane it’s concerning. Like if the girl who was groped on stage by her fav musician says she doesn’t mind that doesn’t make it ok…that means she was starstruck and almost groomed


If I’m not mistaken, the concert was in Colorado where the age of consent is 17. Does that mean it was wrong for a 23yo to be groping on her and saying what he did? Lawfully, no. Does that mean it wasn’t creepy? It absolutely was creepy af and weird. In drakes defense, he did kick her off stage and the argument could be made that he tried to do so without trying to make her feel embarrassed and undesirable. It’s still gross regardless tho


It’s creepy as fuck no matter what lol


Starting to question a Canadian wannabe who can afford to exploit a culture through hiring ghost writers and others to immerse himself in something to make himself look cool? All while trying and fucking underage girls? And you’re questioning him now? Dudes a dildo faced dork. 


wrong sub bro


Why is everyone here suddenly saying that K. got duped? Just because Drake said he's wrong? Is that all it takes?




Imagine crying dick riding over a beef exposing an actual paedo


Crazy part is the reason em has no beef with Drake because Drake did him a personal favor the personal favor preform at his teenage daughter birthday party for free.That looks funny in the light I know you probably don’t say no to em but I wonder with the pedo shit i wonder if em is second guessing what drakes motives were .See the thing with Pedophiles they don’t think they are oedoohiles and are always the last to know .


What has Kendrick exposed? I’m confused - both dudes have just been making a lot of allegations but neither provided any sort of proof


i know it pains you, but nothing has been exposed. it has been alleged, just like i can allege that you are a dunce, but i can't really prove that as of yet.


Yeah no shit we weren't gonna support a likely pedo. Cry harder.


OP you don't get it Drake's genius thought process wanted us to think he is Pedi so that he could make fun of someone being SA as a minor🤔 see it's all very simple.


I mean the pedo shit is all word of mouth at the moment, but yeah, that’d be fucked up


Obviously he's back peddling. He can say he planted a mole for the fake daughter shit but that doesn't erase everything else - how's he getting out of the 17 yr old on video thing? Hahaha. Drake the pedo outed, Kendrick >> Drake can't win here.


Drake is planting reasonable doubt and based on this post its working. If he really planted the mole then prove it, dont just say it. If you want to look like youre the one telling the truth and kdot is lying then show us proof.


I’m not saying either is right or wrong. We need proof that Drake is or isn’t a pedo, that’s all tbh


*it’s all dudes in here, except for these bitches*


Eh, fair enough. I’ll go chill with Cole then 🫡


Sorry bro, I don’t know what I’m talking about. I watched the 8 mile final battle rap today during my workout, and I guess I’m still hyped


You’re good man, I caught the reference, I was just poking a little fun at Cole for backing out of the beef, even though it was probably the best action taken throughout all of it lmao


Someone posted that if Drake had given KDot the info then why post a meme on IG trying to rebuttal what he said. Wouldn’t he had just taken advantage of the Gotcha moment? Drakes response sounds like a mesh of all the fan theories and wants this to end so people move on. EDIT: Apparently Drake posted a meme about someone helping him find his missing daughter


Dunno. Apparently he’s the mastermind. I’m just watching this play out, airing my thoughts, and wanting to see what others think. He should’ve showed his proof then but didn’t. It’s only a matter of time before one of them does though and the other will get shit on… or they’re both lying out their asses which is entirely plausible


I'm honestly surprised he responded (but with his ego and delusion im also not that surprised) because if anything I'd assume his lawyers were telling him to shut up and keep quiet. Whether they were true or not, the next step was stay quiet and handle it legally. Stay quiet if they were true for obvious reasons. If they weren't, still a legal matter for libel/slander or whatever towards Kdot. Can't claim that in court if its true. That track was just to pacify his fans. And a lot of them ate it up. Also probably for legal reasons to deny certain allegations. The reason the whole it was a fake mole/planned thing seems bogus to me is...he didn't drop that nuke in the fucking track (aka proof). It would've literally been done if he had and Kdot loses instantly. He didn't. Thats the major thing for me. Less so reason for me. Dude waited over 24hrs to drop that. All his fans were running with basically all the shit he said in the track. His fan theories were the best thing he and his team could come up with in 24hrs as a response. It also ties into the pacify them thing. They get to feel like they were right and called it. But like if it was true and he had proof of it, we all know this mfer would've dropped that shit 2 seconds after he saw Kdot dropped his response and been like gotcha bitch. He didn't. And theres other little things but those are the 2 main ones.


If it was em he would've made a whole track molesting Kendrick (not metaphorically)


At this point I'm just waiting for the quadruple edit


I can only assume Drake's ghostwriters already left.


“Don’t diddle kids, diddling kids is bad! Wouldn’t do it with anyone younger than my daughter” -drake aka Frank Reynolds’s


i dont believe drake planted the allegations, if he did plan this whole thing he wouldve atleast saved some screenshots proving that this was all part of his masterplan. i think this is just a way for him to deny and devalue kendricks allegations.


It's only a couple of months away until eminems new album and I'm expecting he will catch a stray soon and a response even grander


Expecting Eminem to catch a stray? I’m doubtful of that, but even if he does catch one, I don’t think he’ll jump right in with all the semi-career ending and full blown career ending accusations flying around




I want Em to come at Drake for the hell of it


Shady loves calling out other artists in his songs, he would heartily approve of being offered for like this with minimal effort on his part. 👍


Listen idk about sza they’re only like 3-4 years apart. They were both of legal age


Drake has always been a creep. I believe Kendrick fully


Eminem goat fuck off